Azure Table Storage Database Diagramming - azure

I'm wondering what the professional way is to create a database schema for a Azure Storage Tables database (not SQL Azure).
For a datawarehouse you usually make a starscheme or snowflake (OLAP cube) and for a database with a lot of transactions you'd probably make a normalized relational database (SQL Azure/SQL Server). But with Azure Storage Tables there aren't any relations to make so what's the best practice for creating a professional Azure Storage Tables database?

So, Azure Storage tables do not have schema. When you save an object to an azure table, that object is just there. You do not create schema for a table. Visualization tools, like Cerebrata's Storage Studio or Visual Studio's table viewer attempt to visualize the data in the azure table as columns, but in reality, all they're doing is showing you properties of objects as columns for convenience.


Could any one help me how to perform Azure table storage deployment through VSTS?

I am a new to azure.Could any one help me what is table storage in Azure and how can I do table storage deployment through VSTS?Please share your thoughts and what steps involved in this and which plugin/task I can use in VSTS to perform this?
About Azure Table storage, you can refer to this article: Azure Table storage overview.
Regarding Azure table storage with VSTS, you can manage azure tables and table entities through Azure PowerShell task.
Azure Table storage stores large amounts of structured data. The service is a NoSQL datastore which accepts authenticated calls from inside and outside the Azure cloud. Azure tables are ideal for storing structured, non-relational data. Common uses of Table storage include:
Storing TBs of structured data capable of serving web scale
Storing datasets that don't require complex joins, foreign keys, or
stored procedures and can be denormalized for fast access
Quickly querying data using a clustered index
Accessing data using the OData protocol and LINQ queries with WCF
Data Service .NET Libraries
You can use Table storage to store and query huge sets of structured, non-relational data, and your tables will scale as demand increases.
You’ll have to install Azure Storage Client Library for .NET to work with Azure Storage.
For more details, refer to the documentations Get started with Azure Table storage using .NET and Get started with Azure table storage and Visual Studio Connected Services (ASP.NET) incase if you haven't checked earlier.

Difference between azure table storage and azure easy tables

What is the difference (if any) between azure table storage and azure easy tables?
As far as I know, there are totally different things.
Azure easy table which is used by the azure mobile app Node.js backend.
It is an easy way to CRUD the data to the sql database/azure storage account like EF.
We couldn't directly use it without binding the azure sql database and azure storage account.
Azure table storage is a service that stores structured NoSQL data in the cloud.
In my opinion, azure easy table is a tool to CRUD the data to the database.
Azure table storage is a database to store the structured NoSQL data.

Cross Database Queries are possible

Can I do cross database queries from a Azure SQL Database to Azure SQL Data warehouse, I read somewhere that its possible around sql databases but can it be possible in azure datawarehouse and sql database.
It is a "thing" with MS SQL databases, achieved via links using special credentials and external tables (which essentially map a foreign DB's tables to the local DB). It didn't used to be possible in Azure, but it is nowadays.
For more info, see here

tutorials on migrating SQL 2008 BI-stack to Azure SQL Data Warehouse?

Are there any tutorials available on the subject of migrating from an existing BI-stack based on SQL Server 2008 to Azure SQL Data Warehouse? I'm specifically interested in best practices with regards to how to handle cross database joins on non-premium tiers (our existing procedures and UDFs are full of joins on multiple database objects) and how to migrate existing SSAS cubes and its related programmability and ETL.
What BI-stack are you using? This will determine your next steps for the actual BI tools.
Specifically for cross-database queries when moving to the cloud, the guidance is to move the databases into schemas and then update your scripts to use schema based (2 part names) vs. database (3 part names) when referencing objects. For example, if you have staging and production databases you can simply move your staging objects into a [staging] schema within a single database.
Azure SQL Data Warehouse is commonly used as a backing store for SSAS cubes (MOLAP/ROLAP/Tabular mode). In the Azure cloud, customers have created IaaS SQL Server VMs to host ETL process (SSIS) and cubes (SSAS) with direct connections to SQL Data Warehouse.

Azure Table Storage and ADO.NET for CRUD operations

If there is any guidance available on how to use ADO.NET for CRUD Operations on Windows Azure Table Storage?
Table Storage is sometimes a confusing name as it has nothing to do with a relational tables based database like for example SQL Server.
If you want to get your hands dirty with Table Storage then follow How to Use the Table Storage Service. Another way is to make use of for example Simple.Data.Azure which you can install as a Nuget package.
However if you want to keep on making use of ADO.NET to a relational database like you're used to now then take a look at SQL Databases: How to Use SQL Database in .NET applications.
