Cannot deserialize some tweets using NewtonSoft.Json - c#-4.0

Hi All,
I am running a C# console app that is using the Twitter Stream API. My code is below
JToken json = JObject.Parse(ResponseStream.ReadLine());
For every +- 20 tweets, I get the following error "Error reading JObject from JsonReader".
I copied the json into JSONLint and it is valid, so I am perplexed to why this keeps happening. Has anyone else had this error?

Yes, and it just started happening recently. I believe it is either a bug with NewtonSoft.Json or a change in the twitter api causing it to send bad jsons. I did a packet capture and found the offending character by counting them, but I didn't see anything wrong. I think we will just have to wait for this bug to be fixed.
I downgraded Newtonsoft.Json.dll to 4.3.* and it works fine.

I found the issue. Sometimes the stream returns an empty string. Therefore parsing an empty string will throw an error. An example below on how I protected against it:
public static void ProccessTweet(object objMessage)
if(objMessage.ToString() != "")
var json = JObject.Parse(objMessage.ToString());
if (json["retweeted_status"] == null)
var message = ProcessNewTweet(json);
Db.Votes.Add(new FNBVote
Message = message,
Entry = Db.Entries.Find(message.Entry.EntryId)


Getting message in ibmmq Node.js

I'm using ibmmq module
I need to get an xml message from a queue and than make an xsl-transformation.
I put messages to the queue with JMeter and if I browse messages in rfhutil I can see them as is on the Data tab.
But when I get it in the code
function getCB(err, hObj, gmo,md,buf, hConn ) {
// If there is an error, prepare to exit by setting the ok flag to false.
if (err) {...
} else {
if (md.Format=="MQSTR") {
console.log("message <%s>", decoder.write(buf));
} else {
console.log("binary message: " + buf);
I get my message with some service information:
buf=RFH �"�MQSTR � <mcd><Msd>jms_text</Msd></mcd> X<jms><Dst>queue://MY_QM/MY_QUEUE</Dst><Tms>1657791724648</Tms><Dlv>2</Dlv></jms> ...My_message...
How can I get only My message like I do in rfhutil?
I can get it with string methods, but it looks like crutches.
That message has the headers created by a JMS application. There are various ways of dealing with it. You can
Have the sending app disable sending that structure (setting the targClient property)
Use GMO options to ignore the properties (MQGMO_NO_PROPERTIES)
Have your application deal with the RFH2 stucture. See for example the amqsget.js sample in the Node.js repo which includes this fragment:
switch (format) {
hdr = mq.MQRFH2.getHeader(buf);

Unable to resolve sync conflict when using Azure Mobile Client - error keeps coming back

I'm using a Node.JS backend on Azure with Easy Tables. The table contains the required columns to support offline syncing.
While testing the sync process I noticed that conflicts keep coming back even though I'm resolving them.
My test:
Pull table content from Azure to iOS and Android device
Change a record on iOS but don't sync back to Azure
Change the same record on Android and sync
Now sync iOS
As expected, the conflict is detected correctly and I catch a MobileServicePushFailedException. I am then resolving the error by replacing the local item with the server item:
localItem.AzureVersion = serverItem.AzureVersion;
await result.UpdateOperationAsync(JObject.FromObject (localItem));
However, the next time I sync, the same item fails again with the same error.
The AzureVersion property is declared like this:
public string AzureVersion { get; set; }
What exactly is result.UpdateOperationAsync() doing? Does it update my local database? Do I have to do it manually?
And also: am I supposed to trigger an explicit PushAsync() afterwards?
I changed the property from AzureVersion to Version and it works. I noticed that the serverItem's AzureVersion property was NULL even though the JSON contained it. Bug in Json.Net or in the Azure Mobile Client?
You should be using something like the following:
public async Task SyncAsync()
ReadOnlyCollection<MobileServiceTableOperationError> syncErrors = null;
await this.client.SyncContext.PushAsync();
await this.todoTable.PullAsync(
//The first parameter is a query name that is used internally by the client SDK to implement incremental sync.
//Use a different query name for each unique query in your program
catch (MobileServicePushFailedException exc)
if (exc.PushResult != null)
syncErrors = exc.PushResult.Errors;
// Simple error/conflict handling. A real application would handle the various errors like network conditions,
// server conflicts and others via the IMobileServiceSyncHandler.
if (syncErrors != null)
foreach (var error in syncErrors)
if (error.OperationKind == MobileServiceTableOperationKind.Update && error.Result != null)
//Update failed, reverting to server's copy.
await error.CancelAndUpdateItemAsync(error.Result);
// Discard local change.
await error.CancelAndDiscardItemAsync();
Debug.WriteLine(#"Error executing sync operation. Item: {0} ({1}). Operation discarded.", error.TableName, error.Item["id"]);
Note the CancelAndUpdateItemAsync(), which updates the item to the server copy or CancelAndDiscardItemAsync(), which accepts the local item. These are the important things for you.
This code came from the official HOWTO docs here:

How to do response payload logging and conversion in spring integration.?

I have set expectedResponseType(MyClass.class). So OutboundGateway is converting the message into my response class type and returning to me. I want to log the payload as well for debugging purpose along with the conversion.
How to do this response payload logging and conversion.?
I could do it by expecting the response as String and later convert into my class using marshallers. Is there any simpler way that can be used for all my outbound gateways?
The expectedResponseType(MyClass.class) is translated to the
httpResponse =, httpMethod, httpRequest, (Class<?>) expectedResponseType);
where the last one does this:
public ResponseEntityResponseExtractor(Type responseType) {
if (responseType != null && Void.class != responseType) {
this.delegate = new HttpMessageConverterExtractor<T>(responseType,
getMessageConverters(), logger);
else {
this.delegate = null;
As you see it is copying its own logger to the HttpMessageConverterExtractor.
So, I think you can achieve some good result for your logging requirements switching on DEBUG (or even TRACE) for the org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate category.
From other side you always can extend the RestTemplate a bit to make some hooks into it.
From the Spring Integration perspective we can do nothing. Because the whole hard conversion work is done in the RestTemplate.

File uploading from web application to Sharepoint server

This is my first time ever with Sharepoint. Here is the scenario
I have a stand alone web application
I also have a stand alone sharepoint server.
Both are on different servers.
I need to upload a file from web application to sharepoint
I found 2 methods online,
Using the webservice provided by Sharepoint (CopyIntoItems)
Using jQuery library of Sharepoint webservice
After searching the web, I think the jQuery part will not work (you can correct me).
I am looking for a method that takes username/password and uploads a pdf file to Sharepoint server. The following is my C# code that tries to upload but ends up in error
public bool UploadFile(string file, string destination)
bool success = false;
CopySoapClient client = new CopySoapClient();
if (client.ClientCredentials != null)
client.ClientCredentials.Windows.AllowedImpersonationLevel = System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel.Impersonation;
string filename = Path.GetFileName(file);
string destinationUrl = destination + filename;
string[] destinationUrls = { destinationUrl };
FieldInformation i1 = new FieldInformation { DisplayName = "Title", InternalName = "Title", Type = FieldType.Text, Value = filename };
FieldInformation[] info = { i1 };
CopyResult[] result;
byte[] data = File.ReadAllBytes(file);
//uint ret = client.CopyIntoItems(filename, destinationUrls, info, data, out result);
uint ret = client.CopyIntoItems(file, destinationUrls, info, data, out result);
if (result != null && result.Length > 0 && result[0].ErrorCode == 0)
success = true;
if (client.State == System.ServiceModel.CommunicationState.Faulted)
if (client.State != System.ServiceModel.CommunicationState.Closed)
return success;
I am calling the above function like this
UploadFile(#"C:\temp\uploadFile.txt", "http://spf-03:300/demo/Dokumente").ToString();
Error that i get:
Error Code: Destination Invalid
Error Message: The service method 'Copy' must be called on the same domain that contains the target URL.
There is the 3rd option with SharePoint 2010 and that is to use the Client Side object model. The client side object model a a sub set of the larger Sharepoint API, but it does cover uploading documents. Below is blog post with an example of uploading.
Upload document through client object model
As with most things in SharePoint you will need to authenticate against it the site, so find out if your site collection is forms based or claims based and then you should be able to find sample code for your situation.
Solution to the problem:
The problem was that the "security token webservice" was not working and it was giving some error when we manually ran the webservice.
The server was unable to process the request due to an internal error.
For more information about the error, either turn on
IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults (either from ServiceBehaviorAttribute
or from the configuration behavior) on the server in order to send the
exception information back to the client, or turn on tracing as per
the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SDK documentation and inspect the
server trace logs.
The above exception is a generic one. To view the exact exception we enabled remote error viewing from the web.config file of the webservice(link) and saw the exact exception.
We found the solution for the exception and the service started. After that everything was working fine.

How can I get GWT RequestFactory to with in a Gadget?

How can I get GWT RequestFactory to with in a Gadget?
Getting GWT-RPC to work with Gadgets is explained here.
I'm looking for a analogous solution for RequestFactory.
I tried using the GadgetsRequestBuilder, so far I've managed to get the request to the server using:
requestFactory.initialize(eventBus, new DefaultRequestTransport() {
protected RequestBuilder createRequestBuilder() {
return new GadgetsRequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.POST,
public String getRequestUrl() {
return "";
But I end up with the following error:
java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: 0
at java.lang.String.charAt(
The general approach for sending a RequestFactory payload should be the same as RPC. You can see the payload that's being received by the server by running it with the JVM flag -Dgwt.rpc.dumpPayload=true. My guess here is that the server is receiving a request with a zero-length payload. What happens if you set up a simple test involving a GadgetsRequestBuilder sending a POST request to your server? Do you still get the same zero-length payload behavior?
