State Monad ExampleProblem - haskell

I am working on this problem and had previously asked related question. Implementation of State Monad To further refine my code i tried to implement it using only one increment function.
module StateExample where
import Control.Monad.State
data GlobState = GlobState { c1 :: Int, c2:: Int, c3:: Int} deriving (Show)
newGlobState:: GlobState
newGlobState = GlobState { c1=0,c2=0,c3=0 }
incr :: String-> State GlobState ()
incr x = do
modify(\g -> g {x =x g + 1})
main:: IO()
main = do
let a1= flip execState newGlobState $ do
incr c1
incr c2
incr c1
print a
But here i am getting an error
`x' is not a (visible) constructor field name
How can i remove this error?

You have hit a weakness in Haskell: records are not first class values!
Indeed, it would be very nice to write as you have done, but it is not possible.
However, you can use different libraries to achieve the desired effect.
This is how it looks if you use
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, TypeOperators #-}
module StateExample where
import Control.Monad.State hiding (modify)
import Data.Label (mkLabels)
import Data.Label.Pure ((:->))
import Data.Label.PureM
data GlobState = GlobState { _c1 :: Int , _c2 :: Int , _c3 :: Int } deriving Show
$(mkLabels [''GlobState])
newGlobState:: GlobState
newGlobState = GlobState { _c1 = 0, _c2 = 0, _c3 = 0 }
incr :: (GlobState :-> Int) -> State GlobState ()
incr x = modify x (+1)
main :: IO ()
main = do
let a = flip execState newGlobState $ do
incr c1
incr c2
incr c1
print a
There are some magic parts here. We define the GlobState with the same
record names but prependend with an underscore. Then the function
mkLabels uses TemplateHaskell to define "lenses" for every field
in the record. These lenses will have the same name but without the underscore. The argument (GlobState :-> Int) to incr is such a
lens, and we can use the modify function from Data.Label.PureM
which updates records defined this way inside the state monad. We hide
modify from Control.Monad.State, to avoid collision.
You can look at the other
functions in the
documentation for
for other functions usable with state monads, as
gets and puts.
If you do not have fclabels installed, but you have the cabal executable from the cabal-install package (which you get if you install the Haskell Platform), you can install fclabels by simply running:
cabal install fclabels
If this is the first time you run cabal, you first need to update the database:
cabal update


How can I define output range of foreign-function in agda?

open import Agda.Builtin.Int
open import Prelude
postulate randomRIO : Int → Int → IO Int
{-# FOREIGN GHC import qualified System.Random as Random #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC randomRIO = \a -> \b -> Random.randomRIO (a, b) #-}
main : IO Unit
main = do
num ← randomRIO 1 10
putStrLn $ show num
I imported haskell function randomRIO into Agda. I think output range of randomRIO is determined by first two arguments a and b, like a <= (return value) <= b. But I can't make these types from nothing. To make these types, it have to get some type information of return type. But randomIO is foreign function, I can't get any information of return type.
Is there way to define range of return value of foreign function?

Haskell ReaderT Design Pattern vs mtl StateT pattern

I'm designing a small game which basically uses StateT and just updating the state. Below is the simplified version:
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.State.Class
import System.Random
data PlayerState = PlayerState {
_psName :: String,
_psScore :: Int
} deriving (Show)
makeClassy ''PlayerState
data Game = Game {
_turns :: Int,
_players :: [PlayerState]
} deriving (Show)
makeClassy ''Game
randomGameInit :: IO Game
randomGameInit = do
players <- replicateM 5 $ PlayerState <$> (replicateM 4 $ randomRIO ('a', 'z')) <*> randomRIO (1,10)
return $ Game 0 players
update :: (MonadState s m, HasGame s) => m ()
update = do
players . ix 0 . psName %= (\_ -> "mordor")
turns %= (+1)
exitCondition <- fmap (>10) (turns <%= id)
unless exitCondition update
main :: IO ()
main = do
init <- randomGameInit
runStateT update init >> print "Game Over"
I've recently learned about the ReaderT Design Pattern vs mtl StateT, which encourages replacing StateT with a mutable reference inside a ReaderT over IO.
I wonder how I should adapt the code using ReaderT. Most specifically, many Lens functions have types: (MonadState s m) which apparently need to be inside a State. Does this mean that Lens library functions are designed for StateT and not ReaderT? How to use Lens with ReaderT design pattern?
From what I've seen, ReaderT pattern users typically don't use the MonadState lens operators. Instead, use view to access the desired MVar (or whatever kind of mutable var you're dealing with) and update that as usual (e.g. with modifyMVar).
The RIO monad offers an appropriate MonadState instance, though. A better answer than mine could probably adapt your code to the RIO monad fairly easily.

Lifting a value in the State monad in Haskell

I am writing a Sudoku generator/solver in Haskell as a learning exercise.
My solve function takes in a UArray but returns a State Int (UArray ...) so that it can also return the maximum difficulty level that it found while solving.
This is my function so far (still in the very experimental early stage):
import Control.Monad.State (State, put)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Data.Array.MArray (thaw)
import Data.Array.ST (runSTUArray)
import Data.Array.Unboxed (UArray)
-- ...
type Cell = Word16
solve :: UArray (Int, Int) Cell -> State Int (UArray (Int, Int) Cell)
solve grid = do
return $ runSTUArray $ do
arr <- thaw grid
lift $ put 42
return arr
It does not really do anything with the mutable array yet. I am simply trying to get it to type check with the put 42, but currently get the following error:
• Couldn't match kind ‘*’ with ‘* -> *’
When matching the kind of ‘ST’
• In a stmt of a 'do' block: lift $ put 42
In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely
‘do arr <- thaw grid
lift $ put 42
return arr’
In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely
$ do arr <- thaw grid
lift $ put 42
return arr’
128 | lift $ put 42
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
runSTUArray ... is a pure value, it does not know anything about "outer monad". And State cares about how you use it, you cannot pass it opaquely into ST.
What you could do:
Option1: change the whole program to move more logic to ST side. Instead of State you'd use STRef then:
solve :: ST s (STRef Int) -> ST s (UArray (Int, Int) Cell) -> ST s ()
Option2: manually extract it and pass it to ST, then get back and put explicitly. But there is complication. runSTUArray does not allow getting another value together with the array. I don't know how it can be done safely with current array functions. Unsafely you could re-implement better runSTUArray which can pass another value. You could also add fake cells and encode the new state there.
The way to export another value exists in the vector package, there is (in new versions) createT function which can take not bare vector but a structure containing it (or even several vectors). So, overall, your example would be like:
import Control.Monad.State (State, put, get)
import Data.Word (Word16)
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as DVU
type Cell = Word16
solve :: DVU.Vector Cell -> State Int (DVU.Vector Cell)
solve grid = do
oldState <- get
let (newState, newGrid) = DVU.createT (do
arr <- DVU.thaw grid
pure (oldState + 42, arr))
put newState
pure newGrid
vectors are one-dimensional only, unfortunately
solve grid has form return $ .... This means that State Int (UArray (Int, Int) Cell) is just specialized Monad m => m (UArray (Int, Int) Cell) - the ... does not have access to the features of this specific monad, it's just a UArray (Int, Int) Cell value that you return.
I was able to get a slight variation to compile and run after changing the State monad to a tuple (Int, Grid):
import Control.Monad.ST (ST, runST)
import Data.Array.MArray (freeze, thaw, writeArray)
import Data.Array.ST (STUArray)
import Data.Array.Unboxed (UArray)
import Data.Word (Word16)
type Cell = Word16
type Grid = UArray (Int, Int) Cell
solve :: Grid -> (Int, Grid)
solve grid =
runST $ do
mut <- thaw grid :: ST s (STUArray s (Int, Int) Cell)
writeArray mut (0, 0) 0 -- test that I can actually write
frozen <- freeze mut
return (42, frozen)
This works fine for my application.

Haskell Type Polymorphism -- Mapping to String

I am new to Haskell, so maybe I am missing some fundamental concepts here (or maybe failed to find the appropriate extension). I was wondering if there was a way to optimize or further abstract the following scenario. This code seems very redundant.
Let's say I have the following data classes:
data Person = Person
{ personName :: !String
, personAge :: !Int
} deriving Show
data Dog = Dog
{ dogName :: !String
, dogAge :: !Int
} deriving Show
Let's say I have a service and I'm only concerned with outputing records as strings. In reality, the strings will probably be JSON and the records fetched from the DB, but let's take a simpler case. I basically need a URL token to fetch an appropriate object (say, the string "dog" will get me a Dog, or even just the Haskell "show" string, without expressly declaring it as (value)::Dog).
I have attempted to implement this in several ways...the only thing that seems to work is the following:
data Creature = DogC Dog
| PersonC Person
deriving Show
fromString :: String -> Maybe Creature
fromString "dog" = Just $ DogC $ Dog "muffin" 8
fromString "person" = Just $ PersonC $ Person "John" 22
fromString _ = Nothing
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn $ show $ fromString "dog"
I'm not entirely fond of the new type, nor the list of fromString declarations. And to benefit from the original data declarations, I would probably need to write a similarly tedious expression (eg, "fromCreature") to revert Creature back into my original types. This information might change, so I would probably need TH for a few of the declarations...
Is there a way around some of this? I fiddled with GADTs and classes, but both seemed to be dependent on type- rather than value- based polymorphism (A string identifier tends to cause issues with ambiguous instances). It would be nice to map the constructor to a string (Say, with Data.Map), but constructors often have different kinds.
So, I went with an approach that isn't exactly relevant to the question I had asked, but it may be useful to someone. I did want to maintain some record types, but most didn't add much value and were getting in my way. The steps I had followed went something like:
Use a different/lower-level DB driver, that returns workable types (eg, [ColumnDef] and [[SQLValue]] instead of tuples and records...).
Create ToJSON instances for SQLValue -- most of the types were covered, except a few ByteString types, and I had to handle the conversion of SQLNull to Null. To maintain compatibility with some record types, my default handler looked like: toJSON = genericToJSON defaultOptions { sumEncoding = UnTaggedValue} The untagged value should allow one to read the JSON into defined data types (eg, Dog / Person ) if desired....
Given that column name is accessible from ColumnDef, I wrote an expression that zips [ColumnDef] and [SqlValue] to a list of Aeson-compatible key-value pairs, eg: toJsPairs :: [ColumnDef] -> [SqlValue] -> [(Text,Value)]
Then, I wrote an expression to fetch the JSON from a table name, which more or less serves as my "universal dispatcher." It references a list of authorized tables, so it's less crazy than it might sound.
The code looked a bit like this (using mysql-haskell).
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import qualified Control.Applicative as App
import Database.MySQL.Base
import qualified System.IO.Streams as Streams
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON)
import Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty (encodePretty)
import Data.Aeson.Types
import Data.Text.Encoding
import Data.String (fromString)
import Data.ByteString.Internal
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal as BLI
import Data.HashMap.Strict (fromList)
appConnectInfo = defaultConnectInfo {
ciUser = "some_user"
, ciPassword = "some_password"
, ciDatabase = "some_db"
instance FromJSON ByteString where
parseJSON (String s) = pure $ encodeUtf8 s
parseJSON _ = App.empty
instance ToJSON ByteString where
toJSON = String . decodeUtf8
instance ToJSON MySQLValue where
toJSON (MySQLNull) = Null
toJSON x = genericToJSON defaultOptions
{ sumEncoding = UntaggedValue } x
-- This expression should fail on dimensional mismatch.
-- It's stupidly lenient, but really dimensional mismatch should
-- never occur...
toJsPairs :: [ColumnDef] -> [MySQLValue] -> [(Text,Value)]
toJsPairs [] _ = []
toJsPairs _ [] = []
toJsPairs (x:xs) (y:ys) = (txt x, toJSON y):toJsPairs xs ys
-- Implement any modifications to the key names here
txt = decodeUtf8.columnName
listRecords :: String -> IO BLI.ByteString
listRecords tbl = do
conn <- connect appConnectInfo
-- This is clearly an injection vulnerability.
-- Implemented, however, the values for 'tbl' are intensely
-- vetted. This is just an example.
(defs, is) <- query_ conn $ fromString ( "SELECT * FROM `" ++ tbl ++ "` LIMIT 100")
rcrds <- Streams.toList is
return $ encodePretty $ map (jsnobj defs) rcrds
jsnobj :: [ColumnDef] -> [MySQLValue] -> Value
jsnobj defs x = Object $ fromList $ toJsPairs defs x
If what you want to consume at the end is json value - it might make sense to
represent result as json value using aeson library:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
import Data.Aeson
import GHC.Generics
data Dog = Dog Int String deriving (Show, Generic)
data Cat = Cat Int String deriving (Show, Generic)
-- here I'm using instance derived with generics, but you can write one by
-- hands
instance ToJSON Dog
instance ToJSON Cat
-- actions to get stuff from db
getDog :: Monad m => Int -> m Dog
getDog i = return (Dog i (show i))
getCat :: Monad m => Int -> m Cat
getCat i = return (Cat i (show i))
-- dispatcher - picks which action to use
getAnimal :: Monad m => String -> Int -> m (Maybe Value)
getAnimal "dog" i = Just . toJSON <$> getDog i
getAnimal "cat" i = Just . toJSON <$> getCat i
getAnimal _ _ = return Nothing
main :: IO ()
main = do
getAnimal "dog" 2 >>= print
getAnimal "cat" 3 >>= print
getAnimal "chupakabra" 12 >>= print
High energy magic version
class Monad m => MonadAnimal m where
-- basically you want something that fetches extra argumets from HTTP or
-- whatevere, perform DB query and so on.
class Animal a where
animalName :: Proxy a -> String
animalGetter :: MonadAnimal m => m a
locateAnimals :: MonadAnimal m => Q [(String, m Value)]
locateAnimals -- implement using TH (reify function is your friend). It should look for
-- all the animal instances in scope and make a list from them with serialized
-- fetcher.
-- with that in place dispatcher should be easy to implement

Custom MonadState instance

When I do:
cabal sandbox init
cabal update
cabal install hakaru
cabal repl
λ> :l simple.hs
λ> sample test []
with simple.hs containing:
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
import Language.Hakaru.ImportanceSampler
import Control.Monad.State
instance MonadState Int Measure
test :: Measure Int
test = put 1 >> get >>= \i -> return i
my computer runs out of memory.
How can I successfully make the Measure monad an instance of MonadState (i.e. have test above return 1)? The Measure type is already an instance of Monad with bind and return defined. Is there some default way I can define MonadState's put and get in terms of lift, bind, and return to make it work? I tried:
get = lift get
put = lift . put
but I couldn't get the (transformer?) types to work out:
Couldn't match type ‘t0 m0’ with ‘Measure’
Expected type: Measure Int
Actual type: t0 m0 Int
In the expression: lift get
In an equation for ‘get’: get = lift get
Couldn't match type ‘t1 m1’ with ‘Measure’
Expected type: m1 () -> Measure ()
Actual type: m1 () -> t1 m1 ()
In the first argument of ‘(.)’, namely ‘lift’
In the expression: lift . put
Measure is already defined in a following way:
newtype Measure a = Measure { unMeasure :: [Cond] -> Sampler (a, [Cond]) }
You can see that there is no place to store your Int, so you cannot make it a proper instance of MonadState.
If you want to extend Measure to MonadState, you can use StateT monad transformer:
test :: StateT Int Measure Int
test = put 1 >> get >>= \i -> return i
What happened here? StateT s is a monad transformer, which lets you to combine State s monad with any other monad (in this example Measure)
The exact code which ended up working for me is:
import Language.Hakaru.ImportanceSampler
import Language.Hakaru.Distribution
import Control.Monad.State
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
test1 :: StateT Int Measure Int
test1 = do
i <- lift $ unconditioned $ categorical [(0,0.25), (1,0.25), (2,0.5)]
j <- lift $ unconditioned $ categorical [(i,0.25), (1,0.25), (2,0.5)]
put (i + j)
k <- get
return k
run_test1 = unsafePerformIO $ empiricalMeasure 10 (evalStateT test1 0) []
