Compiling mex files with C++ through matlab: header files are not accessible - visual-c++

I need to compile a mex file which is written in C++ (VS 2008) with Matlab 2009. If I compile with VS 2008 directly, it seems Matlab is not compatible and the error is:
//Invalid MEX-file
So I tried to comile with Matlab directly using MEX function. In "mex -setup" I chose
//Lcc-win32 C 2.4.1 in C:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2009a\sys\lcc
to compile with Matlab, but it only compile C and not C++ and my codes are in C++.
Then I chose
//Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 in C:\Programme\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0
to compile with VS 2008 from Matlab. For a simple test C++ file it worked. The mex file was perfect. Then I added some header files and a function to call a class in one of the header files. I added "Aria" header files to my project and the above error comes.
//Aria website where you can find header files: (
Header files are in the same directory as main program, all the lib files are defined in VC++ project. In "Additional library directories" I added their path again. When I build my project through VC++, there is no error. But when I try to use MEX from Matlab, this error happens. (the name of C++ file is "test")
Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 9.00.21022.08
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
test.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: static void _cdecl Aria::init(enum Aria::SigHandleMethod,bool,bool)" (_imp_?init#Aria##SAXW4SigHandleMethod#1#_N1#Z) referenced in function _main
test.mexw32 : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
C:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2009A\BIN\MEX.PL: Error: Link of 'test.mexw32' failed.
??? Error using ==> mex at 218
Unable to complete successfully.
To test the project, I wrote a small class in one of that header files and used that class in C++ file, and it worked! I do not know why other classes do not work. They are linked to each other and they are about 140 .h files.
Has anyone any idea why this happens?
Why there is no error when I build, release and debug project in the VC++, but when I try to compile MEX file with Matlab, this error?

All the header files and necessary libs needs to be compiled.
//mex name.cpp name.h name.lib
Here, WinMM.Lib, WSock32.Lib and AdvAPI32.Lib.


Problem compiling exiv2 code in VS 2022: Undefined Reference/symbol error

I have some code in Linux that uses exiv2 to read the metadata of a folder full of photos, depending on requirements it can reconstruct missing metadata, and stamp a logo as well as lat/long onto the photos. I'm trying to port it into windows visual studio so that I can make a GUI and let other people use it.
I downloaded the MSVS source code for exiv2, I've added the include folder and lib folders both in the include line and the linker line in the project properties dialogue. When I try to compile I get an undefined reference error whenever an EXIV2 object is called.
I'm guessing I have some sort of linking or library building issue. I built it on linux using g++ and had no problems. If I weren't trying to make a GUI I'd probably just get a windows version of g++ to compile with.
This is one of the error messages I'm getting.
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: class std::_List_iterator<class std::_List_val<struct std::_List_simple_types > > __thiscall Exiv2::ExifData::begin(void)" (_imp?begin#ExifData#Exiv2##QAE?AV?$_List_iterator#V?$_List_val#U?$_List_simple_types#VExifdatum#Exiv2###std###std###std##XZ) referenced in function "int __cdecl uptake(class std::vector<struct EANphoto,class std::allocator > &,char *,char *)" (?uptake##YAHAAV?$vector#UEANphoto##V?$allocator#UEANphoto###std###std##PAD1#Z) CAPconsole C:\Users\ [redacted] \source\repos\CAPconsole\CAPconsole.obj 1
I've tried adding include files for both the "include" and the "lib" folders to both the include line and to the linker. I also tried to compile the sample program that came with Exiv2, and I get the same error,so I'm guessing it's a VS setting issue.
So, the way to do this is as follow:
In "Properties" … "C/C++" … "General" … "Additional Include Directories", add the include and lib folders, and do the same in
"Linker" … "Additional Library Directories".
Finally, in "Linker" … "Command Line" … "Additional Options", write in "exiv2.lib".

linking against library using VS and CMake on windows

I'm new to the world of cmake and linking to libaries. Now for a project I need to include a third party library in the current application. However I'm having problems linking to the library.
Here is what I have:
The library is build in the location D:/qwt-6.1.2, which contains:
the folder /src with the header and source files
the folder /lib which contains (qwt.dll, qwt.ext, qwt.lib, qwtd.dll, qwtd.ext, qwtd.ilk, qwtd.lib and qwtd.pdb.
I have tried to add the following to the cmake file:
add_executable(Demo main.cpp mainwindow.cpp mainwindow.h )
target_link_libraries(Demo qwt)
The including goes fine since the intellisense of visual studio can the includes that I do, however when I build I get the error:
Error 1 error LNK1104: cannot open file 'qwt.lib'
Does anybody have an idea what I'm doing wrong? I don't care at the moment if it is statically or dynamically linked.

SFML linker problems on eclipse VC++

I am trying to use the SFML library for audio in my project.
I am developing in eclipse juno for c++ and am using SFML v1.6.
I added sfml-audio-d.lib, sfml-main-d.lib, and sfml-system-d.lib into
C/C++ General > paths and symbols>libraries
I also defined a macro named SFML_DYNAMIC into
C/C++ Build>Settings>C++ Compiler>Preprocessor 'Defines /D' section
I added the directory that contains all the dlls into the PATH environment variable.
In my code I make use of sf::SoundBuffer, but when I try to build the project I get the following linker error:
Chunk.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "private: static class sf::SoundBuffer * Chunk::breakBlockSound" (?breakBlockSound#Chunk##0PAVSoundBuffer#sf##A)
MyProject.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
Had to rebuild the project in VS2010 before using it. Works now.

Linker Error: Precombiled Library VC++ 6.0 with VC++ 8.0 Program

I am trying to recompile some code I have for a new system. It involves a precompiled static library that I do not have the source code for (just the header), and this library was built with VC++ 6.0 or older with the older runtime libraries. On my old system, which had VC++ 6.0, my program was built and ran fine, but I have recently upgraded things and I no longer have access to VC++ 6.0, only Express 2008 (9.0 w/ SP).
When I build the solution, it compiles but has the following linker error:
1>libcpmtd.lib(xlock.obj) : error LNK2005: "public: __thiscall
std::_Lockit::~_Lockit(void)" (??1_Lockit#std##QAE#XZ) already defined
in NOREC.lib(track.obj) 1>LIBCMT.lib(stdexcpt.obj) : error LNK2005:
"public: __thiscall std::bad_cast::bad_cast(char const *)"
(??0bad_cast#std##QAE#PBD#Z) already defined in NOREC.lib(track.obj)
1>LIBCMT.lib(stdexcpt.obj) : error LNK2005: "public: __thiscall
std::bad_cast::bad_cast(class std::bad_cast const &)"
(??0bad_cast#std##QAE#ABV01##Z) already defined in
NOREC.lib(track.obj) 1>LIBCMT.lib(stdexcpt.obj) : error LNK2005:
"public: virtual __thiscall std::bad_cast::~bad_cast(void)"
(??1bad_cast#std##UAE#XZ) already defined in NOREC.lib(track.obj)
1>LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libcp.lib'
Any ideas how to overcome this issue would be very welcome.
From the last link error, libcp.lib cannot be found. This library has been removed as of VS 2005. Use /MT for the multithreaded version.
The multithreaded version is libcpmt.lib which you will get automatically with the /MT flag. I see in the first error you are using libcpmtd.lib which is the debug version of the same. I'm not sure how you are getting that if you are not using /MTd. (or if you are, how libcp.lib is referenced since you should be using one or the other, not both)
The linker is telling you that some symbols are defined more than once. The brute force to convice the linker to produce your target image is to use the /FORCE:MULTIPLE as explained here. I used to use this switch a few times.
LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libcp.lib'
This is a bug in the linker. Just create an empty file named libcp.lib in the LIBPATH.
libcp.lib you can find in installed MS Visual Studio 6.0 in
c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Lib\
Just copy it to your MSVS 2005/2008/2010 lib directory
(i.e. c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\lib\)
And everything will compiled just fine.

VC++ Project: unresolved external symbol HidD_GetHidGuid

I'm trying to build a project (for ARM) to facilitate the communication over an HID device. Here are the details of what I have:
PC with Windows 7
Visual Studio 2011 Developer Preview
A microsoft library function FindKnownHidDevices() makes a call to HidD_GetHidGuid() in my project. However, Linker doesn't like this and complains:
*error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol HidD_GetHidGuid referenced in function "unsigned char __cdecl FindKnownHidDevices*
I already have all of following workarounds in my project with no success so far:
Include hid.lib & SetupAPI.lib in Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencings under configuration manager of VS 2011
Include hidsdi.h under "VC++ Directories -> Include Directories" in Configuration Manager of VS 2011
Include hidsdi.h in the .h version of .c file which makes a call to the function HidD_GetHidGuid() using extern "C"
What might I be missing?
If the code compiles OK, then the compiler is finding the correct header files. As the linker is failing, this suggests that it cannot find the specified .lib files.
Have you downloaded and installed the WoA SDK? The required lib files may not actually be in the linker folder for ARM targets (they're not in the default installation for Studio 11 Developer Preview).
