How can I (is it possible to) install mysql workbench locally? - linux

I want to install a mysql workbench binary locally on my linux machine because I don't have sudo rights. I did this when I installed python using --prefix. Can this also be done with mysql workbench?

Yes, you can, provided that you are willing to compile Workbench from sources. You are advised however that you'll need sudo rights to install its compilation dependencies. Here are the steps:
Download Workbench's sources from the official download site. You should download the version tagged "Generic Linux (Architecture Independent), Compressed TAR Archive".
Uncompress the downloaded source file. From the linux terminal:
$ tar -zxvf mysql-workbench-whatever.tar.gz
Move to the directory with Workbench's source code:
cd mysql-workbench-whatever
Read the INSTALL file located in this directory to find out the required packages that you would need to install in order to compile Workbench. For Ubuntu here's the command to install them:
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf automake libtool libzip-dev libxml2-dev libsigc++-2.0-dev libglade2-dev libgtkmm-2.4-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libgl1-mesa-glx mesa-common-dev libmysqlclient15-dev uuid-dev liblua5.1-dev libpixman-1-dev libpcre3-dev libgnome2-dev libgtk2.0-dev libpango1.0-dev libcairo2-dev python-dev libboost-dev
Run with the path to where you want Workbench installed:
$ ./ --prefix=~/bin/wb52
(The above command will get your Workbench's binaries in the directory bin/wb52 within your home directory once compiled). Just change the destination dir to whatever you like.
Compile and install MySQL Workbench:
$ make install
This will take some time (maybe half an hour depending on your system). If you have more than one CPU core available you should use, for instance:
$ make -j3 install
and this will use three cores for compilation (adjust the number of cores to whatever you find reasonable for your system).
Once compiled you can run Workbench's executable that will be located inside a bin directory within the path you set in step 5.
Have a lot of fun!


What are the dependencies for installing vscode 1.32 on ubuntu14.04

I want to install the latest vscode on ubuntu 14.04,
what are the dependencies for that?
I don't have sudo so I have to handle all the dependencies manually.
So I thought maybe someone can share all them so I wont have to find out 1 by 1.
You can simply download the zip archive version and extract it to destination folder and then run the startup script usually named code from its bin folder.
I assume that you want to install Visual Studio Code.
So for the latest stable version, just visit the official download page and choose the architecture (64bit or 32bit) you need. By default Ubuntu 14.04LTS uses apt as package manager, so you'll need the .deb file.
Once the download finished, open your download folder (or wherever your downloads are stored). There right click and choose Open in Terminal.
Now you can install VSCode by executing the following command (the file name could differ):
$ sudo dpkg --install code_1.32.2-1552488294_amd64.deb
If there are some unsatisfied dependencies, you will get an error. In this case type in the following:
$ sudo apt -f install
Then apt will automatically install the missing packages and finish the installation of VSCode. It will also add a .list file to your /etc/apt/source.list.d folder, so that VSCode will always be updated from the official repository when you execute sudo apt update and sudo apt upgrade.
The dependencies are:
libnss3 (>= 2:3.26)
libgtk-3-0 (>= 3.10.0)

./configure error while installing conky

I've downloaded conky from GitHub and when I try to use the ./configure command, I get this following error :
bash: ./configure: No such file or directory
I opened my terminal in the Src folder and tried this command. What am I missing?
This is the screenshot of the terminal and the downloaded conky folder
I see CMakeLists.txt and doubled checked, per the documentation use cmake
1.10 and later versions
Conky 2 will use cmake instead of autotools which means you won't need autoconf and automake anymore but you'll need cmake.
autoconf and automake (and autogen) are what generally drive "configure".
You will need the tolua library (Ref.), which can be installed for Linux with apt-get install libtolua-dev libtolua++5.1-dev. You also need the following development packages if you keep the default cmake configuration: apt-get install libx11-dev libxft-dev libxdamage-dev libncurses5-dev libxinerama-dev.
Then, building conky will work like this:
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ ccmake ..
# this will launch a curses-based UI where you can configure
# everything, when you are ready you can build as usual:
$ make # This will compile conky in the `src` subdirectory
$ make install

osm2pgsql Protobuf not Found: Centos

The Problem:
I have a program I am installing from source. When I run ./configure, it stops saying "no protobuf development libraries found", however, protobuf is installed on my system.
How do I specify the path to those libraries when I run ./configure?
The program I am trying to install is osm2pgsql on CentOS 6.6.
I fixed the problem fortunately.
What Happened?:
osm2pgsql uses pkg-config to point to dependent libraries. On CentOS 7 pkg-config uses this directory /usr/share/pkgconfig/. Within this directory there are .pc files for different programs. These files are used by pkg-config to show where libraries of certain programs are located. When you install protobuf from package manager or source the installation doesn't automatically let pkg-config know where the libraries are at via a .pc file.
The Fix:
Install protobuf from source from their git page. After you've ran make install there will be several .pc files within the cloned directory. You need to place these in /usr/share/pkgconfig. To do this run the following in the cloned directory:
sudo cp protobuf.pc* /usr/share/pkgconfig/
sudo cp protobuf-lite.pc* /usr/share/pkgconfig/
Ta Da! Now go back to your osm2pgsql install folder and rerun ./configure.

Can't override libpng15 with newer install

I've downloaded and installed libpng from, which is version 1.6.16, following their simple instructions:
./make check
sudo ./make install
It runs with everything successful, and says it's been installed. However, after doing this I still read:
$ libpng-config --cflags --ldflags
-L~/anaconda/lib -lpng15
This is breaking other builds and installs, which sometimes detect 15 while requiring 16. How can I fix this?
Fedora Linux 20 x 64
If you want libpng16 to go in your $HOME/ then, in your libpng directory, run
./configure --prefix=$HOME
./make install
This will install png*.h in $HOME/include/, libpng-config in $HOME/bin/,
and the library itself in $HOME/lib/.
If you want to put it in some other directory where you don't have write permission, the final command is
sudo ./make install

Need a 64 bit binary for JZMQ, or bulding instructions for a non MSVC environment (cygwin/mingw)?

I'm looking for a binary source for jzmq. Although I've been able to use mingw to build the zmq basic libraries and dlls, I can't use the same technique to compile jzmq myself.
I found this page:
But it starts with the words: Run ./ on linux (to avoid autotools on mingw32)
All I really need is a 64 bit binary for now, but can follow instructions that don't requirem me to track down a completely different computer/operating system to get started...
This worked for me on 64-bit ubuntu 11.04.
1) Configure the environment
sudo apt-get install git
sudo apt-get install libtool
sudo apt-get install autoconf
sudo apt-get install automake
2) Set JAVA_HOME to location of JDK
Add "JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk" and "export JAVA_HOME" to /etc/bash.bashrc
Add ":/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/bin/jre/bin" at the end of the PATH setting in /etc/environment
3) Build the jar
cd $HOME
git clone
cd jzmq
sudo ./
sudo make install
4) You should now have zmq.jar in $HOME/jzmq/src
Note: that this build process and the use of zmq.jar relies on having the zmq core already installed, so its probably worthwhile checking that have a whole bunch of libzmq files in /usr/local/lib.
