How to improve perfomance using multithreading? - multithreading

I've got a program which receives string messages from other applications and parses them using VCL.
Messages are sent as follows:
AtomId := GlobalAddAtom(PChar(s));
SendMessage(MyProgramHandle, WM_MSG, 0, AtomID);
My program receives this message, parses it for some time, and then returns control to an application.
It takes time to parse one message so perfomance of other applications worsens.
One possible solution is to create form with the same caption and the same class in other thread, and rename class of main form.
But as far as I know it isn't recommended to create forms in threads.
So, what are possible ways to improve perfomance?

The typical approach would be to create a worker thread (or a pool of worker threads). The main thread will continue to receive the messages, but instead of parsing them it will just add them to a queue (a linked list, for example).
The worker thread takes the first element in the queue and processes it. When done it goes back to the queue to get the next element.
Since the queue is a shared resource between multiple threads you have to control access to it. A mutex will ensure that only one thread gets access to the queue at any given time.
Good luck.

So the problem is that both the receiving of the messages and the VCL operations are done in the same thread (the main VCL thread)? And so the receiving and processing are serialized and as result the senders are blocked while your app is busy filling the grid? Then I can understand that you ask for a way to move the receiving to a different window message loop.
So I would create a window (not a VCL form) only for the purpose to receive messages and use its message loop to add message to a queue. So you only need to find this (non-VCL) window and SendMessage to its handle. In the VCL thread, a Timer could fetch the next "n" messages and add them to the grid.


ActiveMQ CMS: Is there a way to use it without threading?

I took the sample code from Apache here:
(The producer section specfically) and tried to rewrite it so it doesn't create any threads for producing. And instead, in my program's main thread, creates a producer object and sets up the connection, session, destination, and so on. Then it sends messages using a message producer. This is all done in a singleton so that my program just has one Producer object and just goes to it whenever it needs to dump any message to one of my queues. This example code seems to create a producer for every thread, set it up everytime, just to send a message, then deletes everything. And it does this for every time you want to want to produce something from your program.
I am crashing right when I try to call send on a message producer with any given message. I found out after some digging that after the send call it tries to lock a mutex and enter a critical section. I guess this is for threading? I don't use threads at all in my code so I guess it crashes because of that... Does anyone know a way to bypass this? I don't want to use multiple threads, I won't need to worry about two threads trying to call send at the same time or whatever the problem is that using mutexes is trying to solve.
You don't need to create a thread to run the producer in but internally the library is going to use a couple of threads as that is necessary for meeting the API requirements and also just because you don't use multiple threads doesn't means others won't so the mutex is an internal requirement.
You are free to modify the example to only create a producer inside the main thread of the application, the example uses two threads because it is acting as both a producer and consumer.
One likely cause of the error you are receiving is because you did not initialize the ActiveMQ-CPP library:

MultiThreading: Can we register a method on main thread corresponding to a custom message on windows?

I have an application in which the worker thread needs to call a method on main thread.
I am planning to send a custom message via win32api.PostThreadMessage(with message WM_USER+X), and when this message is received, some function must get executed on main thread. What I am looking is, to register a method to the corresponding WM_USER_X message?
Look at the RegisterWindowMessage function, it does pretty much exactly what you are after (provides a message number that should not collide with any other). The one downside is that the message number is then not a constant but will vary from run to run of your program, this makes the message loop somewhat more complicated but is well worth it for this sort of thing.

Mule Exhausted Action RUN vs WAIT. Which one to choose and when

I have a question on Mule threading profile Exhausted_Action. From the documentation, I understand that when the action is WAIT, any new request beyond the maxActive will wait for a thread to be available. Whereas action of RUN, would cause use the original thread to process the request. From my understanding, I thought WAIT is better way to do it, rather than RUN. However, it appears MULE has all default values set to RUN. Just want to hear for comments on my understanding and differences between these two actions and how to decide which one to use when.
Your undertanding about WAIT and RUN is correct.
Reason why all the default values are RUN is that, The message processing is not stopped because of unavailability of flow thread. Because the original thread(or receiver thread) is anyway waiting for the Flow thread to take the message and process, why not process it. (This is my opinion).
But there is a downside for using RUN.
No of receiver threads are restricted to 2.
<asynchronous=processing-strategy name="customAsynchronous" maxThreads="1" />
<flow name="sample" processingStrategy="customAsynchronous" >
<file:inbound-endpoint ......>
File sizes: 1MB, 50MB, 100MB, 1MB, 5MB.
In the above flow when there are 5 files coming in. 3 files are processed as there is 1 flow thread available and 2 File Receiver threads (Exhausted_Action = RUN). The flow thread will finish the processing fast as the first file is small and keeps waiting for the next message. Unfortunately the receiver thread whose job is to pick the next file and give it to Flow thread to process is busy processing the BIG file. This way there is a chance of receiver threads getting struck in time consuming processing while the flow threads are waiting.
So it is always depending on the usecase you are dealing with.
Hope this helps.

Synchronize Threads with WINAPI

I would like to synchronize threads with WINAPI calls only but I have no success.
The situation is to LOG activities with time and date as soon as my WNDPROC gets a message.
The problem is that my WNDPROC needs to write to the log and it will get out of hand since writing to a file takes time. I tried to enter a critical section as soon as WNDPROC starts and leave a critical section as soon as writing to a log is finished, but no luck. How can make them wait for each other?
Don't wait - queue.
A Windows message is so small, (within itself:), that copying the entire message into a producer-consumer queue is a reasonable approach. You could raise your own queue class, or you could maybe use the PostThreadMessage() API to copy and queue the received messages to a logger thread:
The snag with PTM() is that only the message data gets copied and queued up - no time/date. Thge time/date would have to be added in the logger thread when it gets the message copy. Check your requirements to see if this is acceptable. If not, you will have to use a different 'message' struct that has members for both the Windows message and date/time.
Queueing insulates the UI thread from the, possibly lengthy, disk logging write operation and allows extra flexibility to incorporate lazy-writes and other such optimizations, if required.

Which is the correct way to wait for a Thread.finalization and keep my application responsive

Actually i am using this code and works ok, but i 'am wondering if is the correct way.
while WaitForSingleObject(MyThread.Handle, 0) = WAIT_TIMEOUT do
ShowMessage('i am done');
The VCL TThread class has its own WaitFor() method that pumps the main message queue internally when called within the main thread context:
ShowMessage('i am done');
Calling Application.ProcessMessages is generally considered a code smell. Let your main thread idle if it's got nothing to do.
If you ran a company and needed one of your workers to run to the store and grab some much-needed supplies, would you then pace by the door until he got back, or would you prefer to sit in your office and rest and wait for him, and find out that the supplies are here because you hear him walk through the door? Either way, he'll take the same amount of time, but the first way's gonna wear your legs out.
Similarly, instead of having your UI watch the thread, have the thread report back to the UI. One way to do this is to have the thread use PostMessage to send a custom message to the form that launched it once it's finished, and put a message handler on the form to respond to it.
It looks correct (if correct means it do the work). What I would change is to wait for a bit more time (50ms looks good to maintain the application responsive) while not eating CPU.
while WaitForSingleObject(MyThread.Handle, 50) = WAIT_TIMEOUT do
ShowMessage('i am done');
Sure there are other ways to do it... <joke>but I usually apply one of the main engineering principles:
if it works, don't touch it!</joke>
I agree with Mason Wheeler's remark, the main thread is best left to do its job, but I would suggest using the OnTerminate event on the thread. It is more 'Delphi natural' and the internal logic does the PostMessage bit for you. Since TThread is not a component, you can't view it in the object inspector and have to write and attach an event handler yourself. It gets called (in the main thread!) after the thread has completed/terminated.
While it looks okay, like jachguate I would use a bigger time-out value than 0 too. If you use WaitForSingleObject(MyThread.Handle, 100) then the main thread will wait a bit longer, thus eating up less CPU cycles.
A better solution would be the use of messages, though. Your application starts the thread and then puts all controls in disabled mode. The thread then executes and when it's finished, use SendMessage or PostMessage to the main window to notify it that the thread is done again. Then your application will just enable every control (and whatever else) again. This has as advantage that you keep the "natural" messageloop for the application alive, instead of running your own messageloop with this solution.Unfortunately, the message-method has one drawback: if the thread crashes then no message will be sent back, so a backup plan would be practical. For example, by adding a timer control to your mainform which checks every second if the thread is still alive. If not, it too would just activate the form again, disabling itself again.
