Vimrc conflict causes junk on load - vim

I'm getting some junk in my command bar when I load vim. Specifically, :95;c appears, and I have to escape out. This happens in Vim 7.2 (the one that comes with OS X), but not in MacVim, which uses 7.3. I've narrowed it down to these two lines in my vimrc:
nnoremap ; :
nnoremap <esc> :noh<cr>
If both lines are present, the junk shows up (with all plugins, colorschemes, and other vimrc lines, etc removed). If either is disabled, it goes away. I'm hella confused, since despite being a bit of a vimrc newb, I think I understand these lines. I have no idea why they would conflict.

Avoid mapping <Esc>, especially in console Vim. This special key is used in the ANSI escape sequences used for terminal control and coloring.

I had this issue and it was caused by a comment in the .vimrc, like this:
set background=light"can be light or dark
changed to add a space:
set background=light "can be light or dark
hope this helps someone.


Vim key mapping with < and > symbols

I am trying to define a vim key map for putting the selected line inside an HTML p tag:
vnoremap <leader>bp c<p><cr></p><esc>P
It doesn't work, I think vim is interpreting <p> in a special way. How can I solve this?
It looks like you are using Vim in "compatible mode" which is something only hopelessly masochistic people do. In "nocompatible mode", your mapping works as expected so you should probably make sure nocompatible is set (creating a blank ~/.vimrc should be enough).
Anyway, your <p>s are not where the problem is because they are inserted normally, it's your <cr> and your <esc> that are causing a mess: since you are running Vim in "compatible mode", the cpoptions option includes < which causes Vim to not recognize <CR> and friends as special keys.
Running Vim in "nocompatible mode" is the best way to go but you can also use the following notation if you really insist on going "compatible":
vnoremap <leader>bp c<p>^M</p>^]P
where ^M is inserted with <C-v><CR> and ^] is inserted with <C-v><Esc>.
You may want to look into Tim Pope's Surround plugin. Then you can do S<p> and surround the visually selected text with <p> tags.
However the answer please see #romainl answer. I would also suggest you read up on key-notation via :h key-notation

Syntax highlighting causes terrible lag in Vim

I love Vim. But its giving me hard times right now.
I use a lot of plugins and during the last 6 months, I've found a lot of awesome ones. But my Vim got really sluggish too. I do constant cleanups, but it doesn't help much.
I'm at the point, where Vim is completely unusable. It feels like it renders at 2-5 frames per second, switching tabs/buffers takes about a second, scrolling with hjkl is awfully terrible, the lag is so bad, even typing a sentence in insert mode is confusing (due to lag).
Edit: Actually, when I open fresh instance of Vim its OK-ish, but than within 15 minutes it becomes unusable.
I've just spent 4 hours trying to figure out which plugin or config is causing the pain. I was unsuccessful.
However, I did find out, that removal of this setting causes all the lag to go away:
syntax on
These 3 lines in conjunction with syntax make everything even worse.
set t_Co=256
set background=dark
colorscheme candyman
Interesting. So, syntax highlighting is turning Vim from super snappy to incredibly sluggish?
I tried enabling syntax in "clean" mode:
vim -u NONE
And its not an issue there.
So what seems to be the issue is Syntax Highlighting in combination with one or more of my plugins. I tried disabling bunch, no luck.
Is there any way to do profiling? I'm fairly exhausted from manual testing.
Has anyone had similar experience? Maybe take a quick peek into my .vimrc, see if anything rings a bell.
The plugin causing the mess was:
Bundle "gorodinskiy/vim-coloresque.git"
I recommend reading the answers tho, good insights.
Edit (1 month later): The coloresque plugin has seen some improvements.
EDIT: Blogged about how this all works, with screenshots and awesome-sauce.
Original answer below...
:syntime on
move around in your ruby file and then
:syntime report
It reported the following slowest matching for me, and you can see that there are not even 1 match.
I disabled rubyPredefinedConstant in ruby.vim file and problem solved. Vim regex engine does not like something in ruby syntax highlight regex. You will have to find the balance between enough syntax highligting and a good performance.
Here is the top 3 slowest syntax highlighting regex for ruby reported on my Mac OS 10.8.5, homebrew Vim 7.4 (console vim)
3.498505 12494 0 0.008359 0.000280 rubyPredefinedConstant \%(\%(\.\#<!\.\)\#<!\|::\)\_s*\zs\%(STDERR\|STDIN\|STDOUT\|TOPLEVEL_BINDING\|TRUE\)\>\%(\s*(\)\#!
2.948513 12494 0 0.006798 0.000236 rubyPredefinedConstant \%(\%(\.\#<!\.\)\#<!\|::\)\_s*\zs\%(MatchingData\|ARGF\|ARGV\|ENV\)\>\%(\s*(\)\#!
2.438253 12494 0 0.005346 0.000195 rubyPredefinedConstant \%(\%(\.\#<!\.\)\#<!\|::\)\_s*\zs\%(DATA\|FALSE\|NIL\)\>\%(\s*(\)\#!
Or you can try vim-ruby as pointed out by Dojosto
You have autocmd spam. You should wrap all of your autocmd statements in groups which clear the group before re-adding the autocmds. It looks like your .vimrc has most autocmds commented-out, so maybe there is a plugin that is causing the issue. Check the output of this command:
:au CursorMoved
If there's a bunch of duplicate handlers there, that's your problem.
Here's an example of autocmd discipline from my .vimrc:
augroup vimrc_autocmd
"toggle quickfix window
autocmd BufReadPost quickfix map <buffer> <leader>qq :cclose<cr>|map <buffer> <c-p> <up>|map <buffer> <c-n> <down>
autocmd FileType unite call s:unite_settings()
" obliterate unite buffers (marks especially).
autocmd BufLeave \[unite\]* if "nofile" ==# &buftype | setlocal bufhidden=wipe | endif
" Jump to the last position when reopening a file
autocmd BufReadPost * if line("'\"") > 1 && line("'\"") <= line("$") | exe "normal! g`\"" | endif
" ...etc...
augroup END
The autocmd! at the beginning of the augroup block clears out the current group (vimrc_autocmd, in this case) before re-adding the autocmds.
From another stack overflow question, I get vim fast by adding the following line in .vimrc file:
set re=1
This will force vim to use a older version of regex engine and it is actually FASTER for ruby.
I found that "set foldmethod=syntax" makes 7.4 almost unusable slow e.g. for js&ruby files (ubuntu 13.10) whereas "set foldmethod=indent" works fine.
I've noticed that vim can slow down to a halt if you're using anything that dynamically changes the background color. Try turning off :set cursorline or :set cursorcolumn (if you have them set).
I'd like to thank everyone helping me out on this issue. Good news is, my Vim is snappy again.
I've started with fresh Vim re-install. I've than added plugin by plugin, until I found the root of all evil.
Bundle "gorodinskiy/vim-coloresque.git"
Its a plugin that was causing me all this pain. Since I had it for a while, it wasn't a suspect, thats why I discovered it so late.
What this plugin does, is whenever it finds a word for color (eg red, green), or hex value (eg. #FFFFFF), it sets background color of the text to match the color that its describing. Brilliant idea, but seems like poor implementation.
Removing this plugin removed the lags.
But I didn't stop here. I've done a major cleanup of my .vimrc as well. Removed some more plugins I hadn't used. Grouped my autocmds and removed unnecessary ones.
My Vim is very snappy now. I'm happy again.
Syntax highlighting can be slow, but that should be limited to some (somewhat pathological) files, and particular syntax(es). The latest Vim 7.4 has a new command :syntime to troubleshoot syntax highlighting slowness.
Apart from that, often, a binary search where you disable half of your plugins, then only one half of that (when the problem is still there), or the other half (when the problem vanished) lets you get to the problematic script quickly.
I'm pretty sure that
set t_Co=256
set background=dark
colorscheme candyman
have nothing to do with that lag. The two first lines are useless (the number of usable colors is defined according to your $TERM and your colorscheme already does set background=dark) but not really harmful.
Common "Vim is slowing to a crawl" causes include poorly written autocmds, too many autocmds, reloading one's ~/.vimrc too often, poorly written plugins…
Please post your setup so that we can help you find out why you experience that lag.
I have had this problem for a long time, and it was driving me crazy. I tried installing vim-ruby. Not sure if that helped but at least now I have the most up-to-date version of ruby syntax highlighting (with any performance improvements since the last version of Vim was released).
But then I looked further, and discovered that vim-ruby has a mode that skips all the expensive highlighting. Try adding this line to your vimrc and see if it helps (it did for me, finally!):
let ruby_no_expensive=1
For me that was set relativenumber feature which was slowing it down. Try to disable it with set norelativenumber and test.
Just in case it helps anyone out there:
I had accidentally created an extremely large tag file for my project; so my syntax highlighter was searching the large file to highlight function names.
So check your tag file! (In my setup I was using easy-tags so mine was placed at ~/.vimtags
Very late, but I figured this may help someone in a similar boat as me.
The plugin vim-nerdtree-syntax-highlight turned out to be lagging my entire editor. They do mention on their Github that people have reported lag issues, and offer some solutions.
So if anyone happens to be using that plugin, try using some of the fixes listed; this one works, but you need to be selective about which languages you want to keep:
let g:NERDTreeSyntaxDisableDefaultExtensions = 1
let g:NERDTreeDisableExactMatchHighlight = 1
let g:NERDTreeDisablePatternMatchHighlight = 1
let g:NERDTreeSyntaxEnabledExtensions = ['c', 'h', 'c++', 'php', 'rb', 'js', 'css']

Using folds with synmaxcol in vim

Sometimes when I'm working on a project I want to play around with some data. Often times the data is on one line and is huge (>25k characters). I understand I could set nowrap and have this line just run off the screen, but I tend to like set wrap for other reasons. So, as a workaround I want to hide these long lines in a marker fold (e.g. {{{ long line }}}). This works fine but I run into a problem with synmaxcol for some reason. If the folded line exceeds synmaxcol then when I open the file, the syntax highlighting runs over. For example:
However, as soon as I open the fold the syntax corrects itself:
Having to open the fold every time is annoying though. As you can see in this example the line is not actually all that long -- it just exceeds synmaxcol. Since synmaxcol is exceeded at a "string" element, the rest of the file is highlighted as a string (so nothing but a singular double quote will stop it).
Why is this happening and how can I fix it? I've tried this with different syntax files and filetypes and it still occurs. I've also tried it with no plugins, a minimal vimrc (containing only syn on) and a modeline to set fdm=marker:synmaxcol=60 and it still happens.
You can manually enter :syntax sync fromstart to force Vim to rescan the syntax from the beginning of the opened file.
I would suggest defining a hotkey for convenience:
noremap <F5> <Esc>:syntax sync fromstart<CR>
inoremap <F5> <C-o>:syntax sync fromstart<CR>
Now you can press F5 to clean up most syntax highlighting problems.
Also, have a look at Vim's fixing syntax highlighting - wiki page
Moreover reading :help :syn-sync-first might shed some more light on the issue.
I was able to reproduce this behavior on my machine (I'm running Vim 7.3.429).
However, when I wrapped the fold markers {{{ and }}} in block comments, vim correctly rendered the syntax. You can create appropriately wrapped fold-markers using the zf command. See Vim tips: Folding fun.
Normally Vim picks the correct blockcomment string based on the currently active syntax. However, my Vim is pretty vanilla and didn't recognize Ruby syntax. I could specify autocmd FileType ruby set commentstring==begin%s=end in my .vimrc file to set the proper block comment. See :fold-create-marker for more details.
Another solution is to set synmaxcol=0, which will effectively set it to infinity. This causes Vim to check the syntax of the entire line, no matter how long it is. However, I'm not sure what kind of performance penalty you'll have to pay for that.

While moving the cursor across a vim process open in a tmux session, every now and then, why does it leave a trail of ghost characters - ^[OB, ^[OA?

These disappear if I do a page-up and page-down. Why does this happen and how do I rectify it?
I recently fiddled around with my vimrc. Could that be the cause?
I figured out the cause. I had added to functions that automatically updated the cwd name and the current git branch in my vim statusline. This caused vim to be laggy and everytime it lagged on a up/down/left/right key hit, it printed out the ghost characters ^[OA, etc.
It's possible that stuff got complicated because I was using vim in tmux, but I saw the ghost characters outside tmux also. So, probably not.
I've turned off those two functions in my .vimrc and my vim statusline is presently less awesome than it used to be :(
Wish there's a way out.
^[OB and ^[OA are how your terminal represent <down> and <up>.
I've seen these (and their friends ^[OC and ^[OD) appear in the "command line" or omni-completion menus and during usage of a couple of plugins in vim in tmux.
My solution was to map them to the directional keys:
map ^[OA <up>
map ^[OB <down>
map ^[OC <right>
map ^[OD <left>
In case you don't know, you must not type ^[ as two characters, you must do <C-v><Esc>.
That is, while in --INSERT-- mode press the Control key and the V key together then hit the Escape key. Doing so will input the correct single character that looks like ^[.
This issue is discussed at length on the Vim Wiki article. There seem to be multiple causes, I personally encountered this issue when running vim under tmux.
A solution from there that worked for me and seems less hacky than mapping the keys was the following config:
set term=cons25
Hard to say without knowing what's in your vimrc, but you can confirm whether it's something in there by starting it up without running it and seeing if it still happens using the following...
vim -u NONE
Do you happen to be using zsh? I had this issue with vim + zsh/oh-my-zsh. Moving back to vanilla bash solved this issue (amongst others) that I was having with vim.

Delete Key is changing letter case in Vim

I'm trying to get into Vim. I'm running it in the terminal on OS X.
Anytime I hit the delete key, it simply changes case of that letter instead of deleting it. When I SSH into my server and use Vim there, it deletes normally.
Any ideas what may be going wrong?
The problem
The Del key generates the code ^[[3~ in my urxvt terminal on GNU/Linux, and might generate a similar code in your OS X terminal.
My theory is that Vim for some reason doesn't recognize any keybinding for the delete key, and simply tries to interpret the string ^[[3~ as input instead. ^[ is the keycode for the Esc key (which puts you in normal mode), and ~ is the Vim command for changing the case of a letter (from normal mode).
You can confirm the keycodes I mentioned by pressing Ctrl+V Esc and Ctrl+V Del from insert mode in Vim. Ctrl+V means that the next character should be inserted as text instead of being interpreted by the editor.
The solution
As for the solution, try editing your Vim configuration file (presumably ~/.vimrc):
vim ~/.vimrc
And append the following code to it:
nmap <Ctrl-V><Del> x
imap <Ctrl-V><Del> <Ctrl-V><Esc>lxi
I hope this helps :)
The problem was that in my .vimrc I had
set term = ansi
Took that out and all was well - sorry about the troubles, thanks!
Well, this took forever for me to resolve. When using vim I was in Iterm2 on macOSx to access a Centos5 system via gnu screen. Not only was the delete key changing the letter case, and causing delays in vim, but also the arrow keys didnt work. I think the problem was simply in the old configuration on the Centos5 machine, but may have had something to also do with either iterm or gnu screen, but i hadnt had this issue at all on any Centos6 systems.
What did Not work:
I compile vim 7.4, that did not resolve it, so don't go down that path.
I also tried these configurations that did not work
"set term=ansi
"set backspace=indent,eol,start
"set nocompatible
":if &term == "xterm"
":if &term == "xterm-256"
": set t_kD=^V<Delete>
"nmap <Ctrl-V><Del> x
"imap <Ctrl-V><Del> <Ctrl-V><Esc>xi
I finally found the solution.
Solution: Set the following in .vimrc
set term-builtin_xterm
Additionally, you may also notice that 256 colors have an issue on this same system. So if it helps, you can check your TERM environment variable echo $TERM. If it is xterm you can switch it to 256 colors, e.g. export TERM='xterm-256color to get the color schemes back on track for this same system. reference
I had the same issue where vim suddenly interpreted keys differently.
The answer for me was that the environment variable $TERM had somehow been to to 'dumb' in my terminal.
I added
export TERM=xterm-color
to ~/.bashrc (in my case) and that fixed all the issues with keys; DEL worked as expected etc.
I didn't need to add or change anything in ~/.vimrc
I should mention this affected more than just vim for me - if you also see 'less' behave differently for example, you may have the same cause as I did.
I use vim regularly on my OSX machine (vim version 7.2.108), and I do not have this issue. Try renaming your vimrc file and then reload vim, and see if the issue persists. If there is no issue after renaming you vimrc file, then your issue is in that file.
On my machine, my vimrc file is pretty much empty:
set ruler
set tabstop=2
set cindent
set number
syntax on
None of these solutions worked for me, until I found a solution on the vim fandom website.
Those solutions are for a similar problems with arrow keys, which I was experiencing in addition to the delete key problem.
Solution 8 fixed it for me, the problem was that I had remapped <Esc> to <Esc>l in order to move the cursor right every time I entered normal mode, evidently this caused any other key code with included ^[ (which is the escape code) including the arrow keys ( ^[OA ^[OB etc ) and the delete key ( ^[[3~ ) to be misunderstood.
Removing the offending line from my .vimrc fixed the problem.
