How to install Cloud9 with Node.js 0.6? - node.js

I'm looking for an offline free ide for node.js.
I was going to use cloud9, but it seems that doesn't work..
I followed this guide
What could I use? Is there any way to use cloud9 with node.js 0.6?
The error of the last version of cloud9 of github:

FYI: Looks like Cloud9 will have support for node.js v0.6+ any day now:
Here's what I did to get Cloud9 running on node.js v0.6.9 on Ubuntu
git clone git://
(cd cloud9; npm install libxml; npm install formidable)
Looks like there's a couple of missing modules (libxml & formidable) -- it started right up after installing them with npm

Offline/ Open Source VERSION
You can install the open source version of Cloud9 locally using Sourcemint. The new version will require NodeJS >= 0.6.15.
Please have a look on how to do so, here:
Select Node Version (0.6.x)
In Cloud9 IDE you can select a preferred version of node from within the RUN panel on the left of the editor:
Or you can select a runtime in the preferences panel also on the left of the editor

cloud9 ide should have 0.6 support
Good alternatives to cloud9 ide include
WebStorm 3.0
UPDATE: if you use bin/ will lead the built-in node which is version 0.4. so if you do that even you install node v.6.x you still using node 0.4


How do you get past the Windows Script Host error when trying to call `nvm use 16.19.0`

I need to set the node version to an older version for a new project I am working on. I am on Windows 11 Pro. This is a new computer that I setup yesterday and is pretty clean from a node perspective.
I have just removed nodejs and installed nvm (v 1.1.10).
After calling nvm install 16.19.0, I tried to call nvm use 16.19.0 and recieved the following error popup:
Here is the CLI history:
I was expecting this to set my current node version to 16.19.0.
I was trying to do this while running git-bash from Visual Studio Code so when I loaded up git-bash as Administrator I was able to get the nvm use call to work correctly.
Sorry for the stupid question, but I didn't see it answered on here anywhere else, so hopefully it will be useful to someone else.

In the linked question, what does the op talk about regarding installing node.js in the working directory?

I am a complete newbie to all this.
I tried to install node.js 4 times and then again uninstalled it every time trying different things, thinking one of them would work.
The link to the question is-Cannot find runtime 'node' on PATH - Visual Studio Code and Node.js
After I typed $node --version in powershell terminal in VSCode (after installing node.js in C drive, defaulting to all recommended options in the setup) I get an error. I have uploaded the image of the error.
the error
Please tell me how to get node.js working with VSCode.
To get the version of Node, just type node --version in the terminal without the "$".

How to change terminal to node in VS Code?(LInux mint)

I'm trying to use Vue in Linux, I installed NODEJS via a guide and when i check which version i have using node -v i get the current version which is 15.11.0
I can't change the terminal in VSCode from sh 5.1 to node to be able to run node commands and commands related to Vue,React native and etc...
I tried almost everything i found in the web including here
What can i do? attaching a image of the terminal:

VS Code, change NodeJS version for debugger

I want to change NodeJS version from 4.5.0 to 7.7.2 for VS Code specifically for different projects.
I am using nvm on Mac, and I have two versions stated above. They are for different projects.
Even though I can change from terminal with nvm, VS Code uses default version. I need to change the default version every time and completely restart the VSCode.
Is there a way to alter configuration so it picks up the version I wanted
both for in-app terminal and for running project?
After VS Code 1.21, there is a better solution than the original answer.
You can set "runtimeVersion": "7.7.2" and if you have nvm/nvs installed, it will be able to find that version of Node. Details:
--- Original answer ---
In your launch config, you can set a path to a Node executable from nvm like this: "runtimeExecutable": "/Users/me/.nvm/versions/node/v7.7.1/bin/node"

How to use the Intellij Node.js plugin with PyCharm?

I'm running PyCharm 3.0 commercial and I'm trying to install the Node.js plugin (which is supposed to work with PyCharm). I've followed the several different directions to install the plugin but after I successfully install the plugin and restart PyCharm nothing appears next to the help button (as the install instructions say they should happen) and nothing referencing Node appears in Settings -> Javascript.
I am using the commercial version so that isn't the problem.
I'm using the newest version so that shouldn't be a problem.
I'm on MacOSX 10.8
NodeJS icon was removed from the toolbar in PyCharm 3.0 as NodeJS isn't a primary instrument for Python developers. It only about visual presentation. Node.js settings can be found in Settings | JavaScript | Node.js.
