Set a variable with information inside a file - linux

I'm new programming in shell and I need some help with this code...
Buildname= test
echo $Buildname > lbuild
cbuild < lbuild
echo $cbuild
So echo $cbuild must display the first line in the text file created.
can someone help me with that?

Use read
read -r cbuild < filename

I think you either want double quotes around the test in Buildname = test or there is more to the script. :-)
I took the liberty of assuming I know what you need, here's my swag at it:
#! /bin/bash
echo $Buildname > lbuild
cbuild=$(cat lbuild)
echo $cbuild


bin/bash nested loop does not work

I currently working as a intern at a hosting firm. They asked me to write a bin/bash script to help automate a process to check the user's domain's and .pointers for them. And validate with a "whois" command if the domains/pointers are on our server's.
I'm new with bin/bash scripting but i was told i should check nested loops out. So to test my script out i made similar paths as they would look like on the server. /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/#USER#/domains.list and users/#USER#/domains/#DOMAIN NAME OF USER#.pointers
#part 1
for i in $(cat /home/MrC/Desktop/Users) #<the list of users i need to check)
if [ -f "/usr/local/directadmin/data/users/$i/domainlist.txt" ]
echo "/usr/local/directadmin/data/users/$i" >> /home/MrC/Desktop/output.tx$
cat "/usr/local/directadmin/data/users/$i/domainlist.txt" >> /home/carlos/Des$
#part 2
for s in $(cat /home/mrC/Desktop/output.txt)
if [ -f "/usr/local/directadmin/data/users/$i/domains/$s.pointers" ]
echo "/usr/local/directadmin/data/users/$i" >> /home/MrC/Desktop/pointers.$
cat "usr/local/directadmin/data/users/$i/domains/$s.pointers" >> /home/MrC$
So part 1 works this is the output.txt below
But i cant seem part two to work (no pointer file). my goal with part two of the script is to read the output (domainname) and put it #/$i/domains/$s.pointers.
I'm new on the forum i hope i asked my question in a proper fashion. if some one could give me hints/tips to which direction i should look that would be highly appreciated.
while read -r i; do #stuff; done < /home/MrC/Desktop/Users (adjust IFS or specify the delimiter with the -d option to read).
– David C. Rankin

bash: How can I assemble the string: `"filename=output_0.csv"`

I am using a bash script to execute a program. The program must take the following argument. (The program is gnuplot.)
gnuplot -e "filename='output_0.csv'" 'plot.p'
I need to be able to assemble the following string: "filename='output_0.csv'"
My plan is to assemble the string STRING=filename='output_0.csv' and then do the following: gnuplot -r "$STRING" 'plot.p'. Note I left the words STRING without stackoverflow syntax style highlighting to emphasise the string I want to produce.
I'm not particularly proficient at bash, and so I have no idea how to do this.
I think that strings can be concatenated by using STRING="$STRING"stuff to append to string? I think that may be required?
As an extra layer of complication the value 0 is actually an integer which should increment by 1 each time the program is run. (Done by a for loop.) If I have n=1 in my program, how can I replace the 0 in the string by the "string value" or text version of the integer n?
A safest way to append something to an existing string would be to include squiggly brackets and quotes:
You can create the "dynamic" portion of your command line with something like this:
There are other tools like printf which can handle more complex formatting.
STRING="$(printf "$fmt" "$somevalue")"
Regarding your "extra layer of complication", I gather that this increment has to happen in such a way as to store the value somewhere outside the program, or you'd be able to use a for loop to handle things. You can use temporary files for this:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Specify our counter file
# If it doesn't exist, "prime" it with zero
if [ ! -f "$counter" ]; then
echo "0" > $counter
# And if it STILL doesn't exist, fail.
if [ ! -f "$counter" ]; then
echo "ERROR: can't create counter." >&2
# Read the last value...
read value < "$counter"
# and set up our string, per your question.
STRING="$(printf "filename='output_%d.csv'" "${value}")"
# Last, run your command, and if it succeeds, update the stored counter.
gnuplot -e "$STRING" 'plot.p' && echo "$((value + 1))" > $counter
As always, there's more than one way to solve this problem. With luck, this will give you a head start on your reading of the bash man page and other StackOverflow questions which will help you learn what you need!
An answer was posted, which I thought I had accepted already, but for some reason it has been deleted, possibly because it didn't quite answer the question.
I posted another similar question, and the answer to that helped me also answer this question. You can find said question and answer here: bash: Execute a string as a command

Linux bash script - For loops issues

I'm working on a bash script that will add users in a batch process. This code goes as follows:
# A script that creates users.
echo "This is a script to create new users on this system."
echo "How many users do you want to add?"
read am
echo " "
for i in {0..$am..1}
echo "Enter a username below:"
read usern
sudo useradd $usern
sudo passwd $usern
echo " "
echo "User $am '$usern' added."
In this case, I wanted to make 4 users. I went through and entered the username "callum3" and set the password as "1234" for ease of login. Once I input everything (correctly, may I add) the terminal window displays the following.
User 4 'callum3' added.
This shows that my for loop isn't actually working, when I can see nothing wrong with it. I have tried using a while loop with no luck there either.
Am I making a rookie mistake here or is there something deeper going on?
Although I suspected it, for a better understanding on what could be wrong with your script I pasted it in That the problem is in the line:
for i in {0..$am..1}
Bash doesn't support variables in brace range expansions. That is, you cannot use a variable in an expression like {..}.
Instead, use seq. With seq $var you get a sequence from 1 (default) to $var:
for i in $(seq "$am")
I feel like I'm missing something in that nobody has suggested an arithmetic for loop:
for ((i=0; i<am; i++)); do
This has the particular benefit in bash of being both readable and not requiring a subshell.
You can use:
for i in `seq 0 $((am-1))`
Sequence will start from 0 and end at $am-1

Create bash script that takes input

I want to create a bash script that is simular to a programming interpreter like mongo, node, redis-cli, mysql, etc.
I want to be able to use a command like test and it behave like the examples above.
thomas#workstation:~$ test
How do I make a command that behaves like this? What is this called?
I want to be able to take the content and turn it into a variable.
thomas#workstation:~$ test
> hello world
hello world
I only want to take one "entry" after enter is pressed once I want to be able to process the string "hello world" in the code, like echo it.
What is this called? How do I make one using BASH?
I think "read" is what you are looking for, isn't it?
here is a link with some examples:
so you can do stuff like this:
read -p "Enter your name : " name
echo "Hi, $name. Let us be friends!"
I'm sorry this doesn't answer you directly, but it might be worth it to look into using a more fully capable programming language such as Python, Ruby, or Perl for a task like this. In Python you can use the raw_input() function.
user_command = raw_input('> ')
would yield your prompt.
First, do not name your script test. That generates too much confusion. Whatever you call it, you can do many things:
printf '> '
read line
echo "$line"
If your shell supports it:
read -p '> ' line
echo "$line"
printf '> '
sed 1q # This will print the input. To store in in a variable: a=$( sed 1q )
[spatel#tux ~]$ read a
Hello World!!!!!
[spatel#tux ~]$ echo $a
Hello World!!!!!
Key word that might be useful here is REPL (Read–eval–print loop) used primarily for programming languages or coding environments. Your browsers console is a great example of a REPL.
Node allows you use their REPL to build interactive apps.

How to make separate strings of a variant in shell script

#! /bin/sh
VAR=(fdf fef fef)
for i in ${VAR}; do
echo i;
Code above has errors. I want to make shell take VAR as a separate string array, and get the output like this:
how to make it happen ? Thanks !
Try this:
VAR=(aa bb cc)
for i in "${VAR[#]}"
echo $i;
More info in this article.
The proposed solution only works when using bash. He must also have changed or removed the shebang, otherwise you'll get: syntax error: unexpected "(".
See also his follow up question: How come using ./ get error but . works
