OPOS receipt printer data sniffer / analyzer - visual-c++

I am adding some functionality to an application that prints to a USB connected OPOS receipt printer. The system runs xp.
I want to see the raw data that gets passed to the receipt printer as well as have the printer physically print.
Is there any way I can do that? I looked some port monitors such as Advanced USB Port Monitor but they only detect and monitor devices that are accessible by native Operating System and not OPOS devices.
Any ideas?

Download and install the "debug" version of the OPOS common controls, instead of the "runtime" version. They will emit trace information you're looking for.
Be careful not to deploy the debug version in your production environment, as you might violate some requirements for data security.

How about just setting the print queue to keep printed documents and use a hex editor, such as notepad++ with the hexeditor plug-in? (marked as unstable but it works fine. Other hex editors are available). It takes a while for your eye to adjust to the code but it's just like reading the matrix after a while.


What data can a HID device receive?

I am designing a USB keyboard with special capabilities. What information can such a HID device receive from the host?
Can I via USB:
Read data from a form on the screen?
Find out what OS the user is on?
Find out if there's been an error message?
Even 'know' what's going on visually on the screen, i.e. what program is selected or whether the program is windowed or fullscreen?
Thank you!
The device can't get any of this information from a standard driver that the operating system supplies because that would be a security issue. It can receive any information that your own driver or application sends it. There are many ways to communicate with it - your device could present multiple interfaces (which will appear as separate devices), multiple endpoints, or use the control channel. You will definitely need to study the spec, and I also found this tutorial helpful.
I have done something similar and used the control channel to exchange feature data with a Windows application (over the standard Windows driver). On Windows, the API calls are HidD_SetFeature() and HidD_GetFeature().
On the device side, my hardware ran embedded Linux and I used the GadgetFS library to create a user-mode driver - much easier to debug than a kernel driver.
As others have said, you'll run into issues if you try this with a normal HID. However, there is a project called the USB Rubber Ducky. From their description:
The USB Rubber Ducky isn't your ordinary HID (Human Interface Device).
Coupled with a powerful 60 MHz 32-bit processor and a simple scripting language
The USB Rubber Ducky looks like a usb-device and is recognized as a HID, but is programmable. You can make a small script that will be typed onto the screen which will allow you to performs the queries you seek.
With the USB Rubber Ducky you can:
Read data from a form on the screen? Yes
Find out what OS the user is on? Yes
Find out if there's been an error message? Yes
Even 'know' what's going on visually on the screen, i.e. what program is selected or whether the program is windowed or fullscreen? Yes
If you aren't hoping to buy this device, at least their firmware is on github so it can provide you a starting point

Sniffing IOCTL and serial port communication

I'm trying to reverse the protocol used by an early nineties logic analyzer an its PC software.
The device is connected via RS-232 (propietary wiring) and communicates with a DOS program, successfully running on DOSBOX.
I'm able to control the device with the original software but it would be useful to autimathe the downloading of data from the analyzer using a custom program but to do so I need to know what is going on the serial port.
Ineed to know what mode is the serial port set, while I know for sure the datarate is either 1200 or 9600 bps (configurable on the device) I don't know the flow control (I guess it is RTS/CTS).
I also need to tap into the conversation between the prgram and the device without disturbing their communication.
Reading the serial port with another program (cutecom/minicom) prevents the emulator from receiving the data from the hardware.
So, summing up, what I need to know is:
What configuration is set on /dev/ttyS0 (via IOCTL calls, i think)
What goes on between program and device.
I was thinking in programming a library which acts as a proxy for the standard c library (via LD_PRELOAD) but there must be an easier way to do this.
You can use slsnif (Serial Line SNIFfer).
Here's a link to the sourceforge project so you can download it. I don't believe it comes with any modern distributions but I could be wrong so check your distro's software repository first.
I use ttyrpld for tty sniffing. I ported it to PPC and run it on 2.6.32. It logs all of the tty traffic on the board to files, one per tty. Works well.

Binding to Linux System Event?

for Linux, there is a nifty little library called xbindkeys that (surprise) binds commands of your choice to certain key combinations.
I am looking for something similar, except for a system hardware event. When I plug in my headphones to the output jack on my computer, I would like to be able to call a program. It would also be nice to be able to bind to the event when I un-plug my headphones.
Does anybody know if this is possible? Maybe through some cool Python X11 library?
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: Found the API for the jack abstraction layer: http://www.alsa-project.org/~tiwai/alsa-driver-api/ch06s02.html
Sadly, this only allows for polling of the device, not an event handler.
You probably want to use udev for this. I haven't used libudev, but here's something I found:
libudev - Monitoring Interface
libudev also provides a monitoring interface. The monitoring interface
will report events to the application when the status of a device
changes. This is useful for receiving notification when devices are
connected or disconnected from the system.
The actions are returned as the following strings:
add - Device is connected to the system
remove - Device is disconnected from the system
change - Something about the device changed
move - Device node was moved, renamed, or re-parented
That article goes on to show how it obtains a file descriptor via udev_monitor_get_fd, which it later monitors via select.
Most modern Linux desktops (notably Gnome and KDE) use "DBus".
DBus, in turn, utilizes HAL (older) and/or udev (newer).
Here are a couple of links that explain further:

Bluetooth debugging tools

Linux has hcidump which is a very handy tool for debugging bluetooth problems.
Can anyone recommend similar tools for Windows? I'd also be interested in other tools for Linux if anyone knows anything good.
I'm trying to investigate why my BT device disconnects after a couple of seconds. I expect its a crappy mini-dongle, but would like to find out more about where the disconnection originated from.
You can capture the USB interface with a Windows USB sniffer, e.g. Usbtrace or Usblyzer and convert the captured output to btsnoop file format which can then be loaded and analyzed in Wireshark or FTS4BT viewer (free tool from ww.fte.com).
I don't think that you have something similar for Windows desktop, but for Windows CE there is a tool called BTDC Tool. If you read Wireshark wiki they say that there isn't something for Windows: http://wiki.wireshark.org/CaptureSetup/Bluetooth and http://wiki.wireshark.org/Bluetooth
You could capture the traffic, by going deep into the driver, but for this you should study the Windows DDK. It allows you to add extensions of your own.

Auto Detect Windows Mobile Device programmatically

I am writing a windows application (written entirely in C++) which reads files from a storage card on a mobile phone running Windows Mobile. The tough part is, I don't know how to make my application detect the event that a user has connected the mobile phone to the USB of laptop. I did some reading on MSDN and have written a small code using RegisterDeviceNotification, which detects whenever a USB disk is attached/removed from the laptop. However, I am unable to tweak this to make it work for phone type devices. Please help me out through any links/tutroials which explains this(preferrably C++, as I don't know .NET or C#).
According to this article you can use RegisterDeviceNotification to get notifications when activesync detects a device has been plugged/unplugged. (See option 3 at the end of the article)
It may just be a matter of setting up the correct notification filter.
Windows Mobile devices use RNDIS, a network interface protocol behind the scenes. Hence, the RegisterDeviceNotification method still works, but you're looking for a DEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE, not DEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME. (i.e. dbch_devicetype==DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE)
You can use RAPI or RAPI2 to detect when a Windows Mobile device connects to a PC via Active Sync or Windows Mobile Device Center. RAPI can also be used to read the files on the storage card and much more.
RAPI is simpler to program because it is a C based API. RAPI2 has more functionality than RAPI, but is an object oriented COM API. If your needs are simple and you only care about one device/connection at a time then RAPI is good enough. There are two RAPI functions used to detect connections: CeRapiInit (blocking), and CeRapiInitEx (signals an event upon connection).
