How to "escape early" in a web monad - haskell

Something that happens to me a lot while web programming: I want to run an operation that has a chance of failure. On a failure, I want to send the client a 500. Normally though, I just want to continue executing a series of steps.
doSomeWebStuff :: SomeWebMonad ()
doSomeWebStuff = do
res <- databaseCall
case res of
Left err -> status 500
Right val -> do
res2 <- anotherDatabaseCall (someprop val)
case res2 of
Left err -> status 500
Right val2 -> text $ show val2
since the errs are exceptions, I don't like that I need all that case stuff just to catch them. I want to do the same thing whenever anything is a left. Is there a way to express that on one line with something like guard, but control what it returns on an exit?
In another language I could do this:
function doSomeWebStuff() {
var res = databaseCall()
if (res == Error) return status 500
var res2 = anotherDatabaseCall(res.someprop)
if (res2 == Error) return status 500
return text(res2)
So, I'm ok writing some boilerplate, but I don't want the errors to mess with my nesting, when it's far more common to just want to continue forward with the found case.
What's the cleanest way to do this? I know in theory I can use a monad to exit early on a failure, but I've only seen examples with Maybe and it would return Nothing at the end, rather than letting me specify what it returns.

Here's how I would do it with ErrorT. Disclaimer: I have never actually used ErrorT before.
webStuffOr500 :: ErrorT String SomeWebMonad () -> SomeWebMonad ()
webStuffOr500 action = do
res <- runErrorT action
case res of
Left err -> do
logError err -- you probably want to know what went wrong
status 500
Right () -> return ()
doSomeWebStuff :: SomeWebMonad ()
doSomeWebStuff = webStuffOr500 doSomeWebStuff'
doSomeWebStuff' :: ErrorT String SomeWebMonad ()
doSomeWebStuff' = do
val <- ErrorT databaseCall
val2 <- ErrorT $ anotherDatabaseCall (someprop val)
lift $ text $ show val2
Here are the imports and type declarations I used to make sure it all typechecks correctly:
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.Error
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
import Control.Monad
type SomeWebMonad = Identity
data Foo = Foo
data Bar = Bar
data Baz = Baz deriving (Show)
someprop :: Foo -> Bar
someprop = undefined
databaseCall :: SomeWebMonad (Either String Foo)
databaseCall = undefined
anotherDatabaseCall :: Bar -> SomeWebMonad (Either String Baz)
anotherDatabaseCall = undefined
logError :: String -> SomeWebMonad ()
logError = undefined
text :: String -> SomeWebMonad ()
text = undefined
status :: Int -> SomeWebMonad ()
status = undefined
If I'm doing this all wrong then please, somebody shout out. It may be wise, if you take this approach, to modify the type signature of databaseCall and anotherDatabaseCall to also use ErrorT, that way a <- ErrorT b can be reduced to a <- b in doSomeWebStuff'.
Since I'm a complete noob at ErrorT, I can't really do any hand-holding besides "here's some code, go have some fun".

Not a direct answer to your question, but have you considered using Snap? In snap, we have short-circuiting behavior built-in with an idiomatic:
getResponse >>= finishWith
finishWith :: MonadSnap m => Response -> m a
So given a response object, it will terminate early (and match whatever type comes after that). Haskell laziness will ensure computations within Snap monad after finishWith won't be executed.
I sometimes make a little helper:
finishEarly code str = do
modifyResponse $ setResponseStatus code str
modifyResponse $ addHeader "Content-Type" "text/plain"
writeBS str
getResponse >>= finishWith
which I can then use anywhere in my handlers.
myHandler = do
x <- doSomething
when (x == blah) $ finishEarly 400 "That doesn't work!!"


Why does Haskell's main function require IO operations? [duplicate]

I wonder how I/O were done in Haskell in the days when IO monad was still not invented. Anyone knows an example.
Edit: Can I/O be done without the IO Monad in modern Haskell? I'd prefer an example that works with modern GHC.
Before the IO monad was introduced, main was a function of type [Response] -> [Request]. A Request would represent an I/O action like writing to a channel or a file, or reading input, or reading environment variables etc.. A Response would be the result of such an action. For example if you performed a ReadChan or ReadFile request, the corresponding Response would be Str str where str would be a String containing the read input. When performing an AppendChan, AppendFile or WriteFile request, the response would simply be Success. (Assuming, in all cases, that the given action was actually successful, of course).
So a Haskell program would work by building up a list of Request values and reading the corresponding responses from the list given to main. For example a program to read a number from the user might look like this (leaving out any error handling for simplicity's sake):
main :: [Response] -> [Request]
main responses =
AppendChan "stdout" "Please enter a Number\n",
ReadChan "stdin",
AppendChan "stdout" . show $ enteredNumber * 2
where (Str input) = responses !! 1
firstLine = head . lines $ input
enteredNumber = read firstLine
As Stephen Tetley already pointed out in a comment, a detailed specification of this model is given in chapter 7 of the 1.2 Haskell Report.
Can I/O be done without the IO Monad in modern Haskell?
No. Haskell no longer supports the Response/Request way of doing IO directly and the type of main is now IO (), so you can't write a Haskell program that doesn't involve IO and even if you could, you'd still have no alternative way of doing any I/O.
What you can do, however, is to write a function that takes an old-style main function and turns it into an IO action. You could then write everything using the old style and then only use IO in main where you'd simply invoke the conversion function on your real main function. Doing so would almost certainly be more cumbersome than using the IO monad (and would confuse the hell out of any modern Haskeller reading your code), so I definitely would not recommend it. However it is possible. Such a conversion function could look like this:
import System.IO.Unsafe
-- Since the Request and Response types no longer exist, we have to redefine
-- them here ourselves. To support more I/O operations, we'd need to expand
-- these types
data Request =
ReadChan String
| AppendChan String String
data Response =
| Str String
deriving Show
-- Execute a request using the IO monad and return the corresponding Response.
executeRequest :: Request -> IO Response
executeRequest (AppendChan "stdout" message) = do
putStr message
return Success
executeRequest (AppendChan chan _) =
error ("Output channel " ++ chan ++ " not supported")
executeRequest (ReadChan "stdin") = do
input <- getContents
return $ Str input
executeRequest (ReadChan chan) =
error ("Input channel " ++ chan ++ " not supported")
-- Take an old style main function and turn it into an IO action
executeOldStyleMain :: ([Response] -> [Request]) -> IO ()
executeOldStyleMain oldStyleMain = do
-- I'm really sorry for this.
-- I don't think it is possible to write this function without unsafePerformIO
let responses = map (unsafePerformIO . executeRequest) . oldStyleMain $ responses
-- Make sure that all responses are evaluated (so that the I/O actually takes
-- place) and then return ()
foldr seq (return ()) responses
You could then use this function like this:
-- In an old-style Haskell application to double a number, this would be the
-- main function
doubleUserInput :: [Response] -> [Request]
doubleUserInput responses =
AppendChan "stdout" "Please enter a Number\n",
ReadChan "stdin",
AppendChan "stdout" . show $ enteredNumber * 2
where (Str input) = responses !! 1
firstLine = head . lines $ input
enteredNumber = read firstLine
main :: IO ()
main = executeOldStyleMain doubleUserInput
I'd prefer an example that works with modern GHC.
For GHC 8.6.5:
import Control.Concurrent.Chan(newChan, getChanContents, writeChan)
import Control.Monad((<=<))
type Dialogue = [Response] -> [Request]
data Request = Getq | Putq Char
data Response = Getp Char | Putp
runDialogue :: Dialogue -> IO ()
runDialogue d =
do ch <- newChan
l <- getChanContents ch
mapM_ (writeChan ch <=< respond) (d l)
respond :: Request -> IO Response
respond Getq = fmap Getp getChar
respond (Putq c) = putChar c >> return Putp
where the type declarations are from page 14 of How to Declare an Imperative by Philip Wadler. Test programs are left as an exercise for curious readers :-)
If anyone is wondering:
-- from ghc-8.6.5/libraries/base/Control/Concurrent/Chan.hs, lines 132-139
getChanContents :: Chan a -> IO [a]
getChanContents ch
= unsafeInterleaveIO (do
x <- readChan ch
xs <- getChanContents ch
return (x:xs)
yes - unsafeInterleaveIO does make an appearance.
#sepp2k already clarified how this works, but i wanted to add a few words
I'm really sorry for this. I don't think it is possible to write this function without unsafePerformIO
Of course you can, you should almost never use unsafePerformIO
I'm using slightly different Request type constructor, so that it does not take channel version (stdin / stdout like in #sepp2k's code). Here is my solution for this:
(Note: getFirstReq doesn't work on empty list, you would have to add a case for that, bu it should be trivial)
data Request = Readline
| PutStrLn String
data Response = Success
| Str String
type Dialog = [Response] -> [Request]
execRequest :: Request -> IO Response
execRequest Readline = getLine >>= \s -> return (Str s)
execRequest (PutStrLn s) = putStrLn s >> return Success
dialogToIOMonad :: Dialog -> IO ()
dialogToIOMonad dialog =
let getFirstReq :: Dialog -> Request
getFirstReq dialog = let (req:_) = dialog [] in req
getTailReqs :: Dialog -> Response -> Dialog
getTailReqs dialog resp =
\resps -> let (_:reqs) = dialog (resp:resps) in reqs
in do
let req = getFirstReq dialog
resp <- execRequest req
dialogToIOMonad (getTailReqs dialog resp)

How do I combine IOError exceptions with locally relevant exceptions?

I am building a Haskell application and trying to figure out how I am going to build the error handling mechanism. In the real application, I'm doing a bunch of work with Mongo. But, for this, I'm going to simplify by working with basic IO operations on a file.
So, for this test application, I want to read in a file and verify that it contains a proper fibonnacci sequence, with each value separated by a space:
1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21
Now, when reading the file, any number of things could actually be wrong, and I am going to call all of those exceptions in the Haskell usage of the word.
data FibException = FileUnreadable IOError
| FormatError String String
| InvalidValue Integer
| Unknown String
instance Error FibException where
noMsg = Unknown "No error message"
strMsg = Unknown
Writing a pure function that verifies the sequence and throws an error in the case that the sequence is invalid is easy (though I could probably do better):
verifySequence :: String -> (Integer, Integer) -> Either FibException ()
verifySequence "" (prev1, prev2) = return ()
verifySequence s (prev1, prev2) =
let readInt = reads :: ReadS Integer
res = readInt s in
case res of
[] -> throwError $ FormatError s
(val, rest):[] -> case (prev1, prev2, val) of
(0, 0, 1) -> verifySequence rest (0, 1)
(p1, p2, val') -> (if p1 + p2 /= val'
then throwError $ InvalidValue val'
else verifySequence rest (p2, val))
_ -> throwError $ InvalidValue val
After that, I want the function that reads the file and verifies the sequence:
type FibIOMonad = ErrorT FibException IO
verifyFibFile :: FilePath -> FibIOMonad ()
verifyFibFile path = do
sequenceStr <- liftIO $ readFile path
case (verifySequence sequenceStr (0, 0)) of
Right res -> return res
Left err -> throwError err
This function does exactly what I want if the file is in the invalid format (it returns Left (FormatError "something")) or if the file has a number out of sequence (Left (InvalidValue 15)). But it throws an error if the file specified does not exist.
How do I catch the IO errors that readFile may produce so that I can transform them into the FileUnreadable error?
As a side question, is this even the best way to do it? I see the advantage that the caller of verifyFibFile does not have to set up two different exception handling mechanisms and can instead catch just one exception type.
You might consider EitherT and the errors package in general. has a utility tryIO for catching IOError in EitherT and you could use fmapLT to map error values to your custom type.
type FibIOMonad = EitherT FibException IO
verifyFibFile :: FilePath -> FibIOMonad ()
verifyFibFile path = do
sequenceStr <- fmapLT FileUnreadable (tryIO $ readFile path)
hoistEither $ verifySequence sequenceStr (0, 0)
#Savanni D'Gerinel: you are on the right track. Let's extract your error-catching code from verifyFibFile to make it more generic, and modify it slightly so that it works directly in ErrorT:
catchError' :: ErrorT e IO a -> (IOError -> ErrorT e IO a) -> ErrorT e IO a
catchError' m f =
ErrorT $ catchError (runErrorT m) (fmap runErrorT f)
verifyFibFile can now be written as:
verifyFibFile' :: FilePath -> FibIOMonad ()
verifyFibFile' path = do
sequenceStr <- catchError' (liftIO $ readFile path) (throwError . FileUnReadable)
ErrorT . return $ verifySequence sequenceStr' (0, 0)
Notice what we have done in catchError'. We have stripped the ErrorT constructor from the ErrorT e IO a action, and also from the return value of the error-handling function, knowing than we can reconstruct them afterwards by wrapping the result of the control operation in ErrorT again.
Turns out that this is a common pattern, and it can be done with monad transformers other than ErrorT. It can get tricky though (how to do this with ReaderT for example?). Luckily, the monad-control packgage already provides this functionality for many common transformers.
The type signatures in monad-control can seem scary at first. Start by looking at just one function: control. It has the type:
control :: MonadBaseControl b m => (RunInBase m b -> b (StM m a)) -> m a
Let's make it more specific by making b be IO:
control :: MonadBaseControl IO m => (RunInBase m IO -> IO (StM m a)) -> m a
m is a monad stack built on top of IO. In your case, it would be ErrorT IO.
RunInBase m IO is a type alias for a magical function, that takes a value of type m a and returns a value of type IO *something*, something being some complex magic that encodes the state of the whole monad stack inside IO and lets you reconstruct the m a value afterwards, once you have "fooled" the control operation that only accepts IO values. control provides you with that function, and also handles the reconstruction for you.
Applying this to your problem, we rewrite verifyFibFile once more as:
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (control)
import Control.Exception (catch)
verifyFibFile'' :: FilePath -> FibIOMonad ()
verifyFibFile'' path = do
sequenceStr <- control $ \run -> catch (run . liftIO $ readFile path)
(run . throwError . FileUnreadable)
ErrorT . return $ verifySequence sequenceStr' (0, 0)
Keep in mind that this only works when the proper instance of MonadBaseControl b m exists.
Here is a nice introduction to monad-control.
So, here's an answer that I have developed. It centers around getting readFile wrapped into the proper catchError statement, and then lifted.
verifyFibFile :: FilePath -> FibIOMonad ()
verifyFibFile path = do
contents <- liftIO $ catchError (readFile path >>= return . Right) (return . Left . FileUnreadable)
case contents of
Right sequenceStr' -> case (verifySequence sequenceStr' (0, 0)) of
Right res -> return res
Left err -> throwError err
Left err -> throwError err
So, verifyFibFile gets a little more nested in this solution.
readFile path has type IO String, obviously. In this context, the type for catchError will be:
catchError :: IO String -> (IOError -> IO String) -> IO String
So, my strategy was to catch the error and turn it into the left side of an Either, and turn the successful value into the right side, changing my data type to this:
catchError :: IO (Either FibException String) -> (IOError -> IO (Either FibException String)) -> IO (Either FibException String)
I do this by, in the first parameter, simply wrapping the result into Right. I figure that I won't actually execute the return . Right branch of the code unless readFile path was successful. In the other parameter to catch, I start with an IOError, wrap it in Left, and then return it back into the IO context. After that, no matter what the result is, I lift the IO value up into the FibIOMonad context.
I'm bothered by the fact that the code gets even more nested. I have Left values, and all of those Left values get thrown. I'm basically in an Either context, and I had thought that one of the benefits Either's implementation of the Monad class was that Left values would simply be passed along through the binding operations and that no further code in that context would be executed. I would love some elucidation on this, or to see how the nesting can be removed from this function.
Maybe it can't. It does seem that the caller, however, can call verifyFibFile repeatedly and execution basically stops the first time verifyFibFile returns an error. This works:
runTest = do
res <- verifyFibFile "goodfib.txt"
liftIO $ putStrLn "goodfib.txt"
--liftIO $ printResult "goodfib.txt" res
res <- verifyFibFile "invalidValue.txt"
liftIO $ putStrLn "invalidValue.txt"
res <- verifyFibFile "formatError.txt"
liftIO $ putStrLn "formatError.txt"
Main> runErrorT $ runTest
Left (InvalidValue 17)
Given the files that I have created, both invalidValue.txt and formatError.txt cause errors, but this function returns Left (InvalidValue ...) for me.
That's okay, but I still feel like I've missed something with my solution. And I have no idea whether I'll be able to translate this into something that makes MongoDB access more robust.

How cleanly weave an IO operation into a call stack between two functions which use a custom Monad?

I am practicing at getting consistent with my error handling, and I keep hoping to see the code that I've written start shrinking. But I built up a domain-meaningful persistence function, and the amount of code I had to write just to do monad handling and custom error handling is astounding.
For "programming errors", I just call error "assertion blown"
For really mundane things, I return Nothing (the requested object doesn't exist)
For errors that should be handled, I'm returning Either E V or its equivalent by creating a Control.Monad.Error instance to handle it.
I have in my application multiple functions which I would call primitives, but they can catch certain errors and will raise them my throwing a value of the DBError type. So, I've defined them like so:
data DBError = ConversionError ConvertError
| SaveError String
| OtherError String
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Error DBError where
noMsg = OtherError "No message found"
strMsg s = OtherError s
type DBMonad = ErrorT DBError IO
selectWorkoutByID :: IConnection a => UUID -> a -> DBMonad (Maybe SetRepWorkout)
insertWorkout :: IConnection a => SetRepWorkout -> a -> DBMonad ()
At the level of the calling application, a Workout is a unique object persisted to the database, so the application only ever calls saveWorkout, which itself uses selectWorkoutByID, insertWorkout, and updateWorkout in the ways you would expect:
saveWorkout :: IConnection a => SetRepWorkout -> a -> DBMonad ()
saveWorkout workout conn =
r <- liftIO $ withTransaction conn $ \conn -> runErrorT $ do
w_res <- selectWorkoutByID (uuid workout) conn
case w_res of
Just w -> updateWorkout workout conn >> return ()
Nothing -> insertWorkout workout conn >> return ()
case r of
Right _ -> return ()
Left err -> throwError err
This is ugly. I have to run and unwrap a DBMonad, run that in the IO monad, lift the IO back up into the DBMonad, and then check the results and re-wrap the results in the DBMonad.
How can I do this with less, and easier to read, code?
I'm expecting that using my custom application monad to handle recoverable errors would help me to reduce the amount of code I have to write, but this is doing the opposite!
Here are some additional questions:
Is there a better way to build up application-semantic errors?
Should I be using Control.Exception instead?
After reviewing, which is the first document on Monad Transformers that really helped me understand them, I figured out a decent solution.
A new version of the saveWorkout function would look like this:
saveWorkout :: IConnection a => SetRepWorkout -> a -> DBMonad ()
saveWorkout workout conn =
ErrorT $ liftIO $ withTransaction conn $ \conn -> runErrorT $ do
w_res <- selectWorkoutByID (uuid workout) conn
case w_res of
Just w -> updateWorkout workout conn >> return ()
Nothing -> insertWorkout workout conn >> return ()
The deal is this:
withTransaction is returning IO Either DBError (). liftIO has the type MonadIO m => IO a -> m a. ErrorT is the standard constructor for everything of the ErrorT monad, and I defined DBMonad to be of that monad. So, I am working with these types:
withTransaction conn $ <bunch of code> :: IO (Either DBError ())
liftIO :: MonadIO m => IO (Either DBError ()) -> m (Either DBError ())
ErrorT :: IO (Either DBError ()) -> ErrorT IO DBError ()
Ideally, since ErrorT/DBMonad are part of the MonadTrans class, I would use simply lift in order to lift IO (Either DBError ()) back up into the ErrorT monad, but at this time I cannot get it to actually type check correctly. This solution, however, still makes the code better by removing the redundent re-wrapping that I had before.

ErrorT catchError in practice

I have a very typical setup with a set of functions in the IO monad that can throw errors. To date I have just been dealing with errors at the end of the monad chain by pattern matching the Either result from runErrorT:
replLisp :: LispScope -> String -> IO String
replLisp s input = do
result <- runErrorT (evalLisp s input)
return $ either (id) (show) result
I would now like to add some error handling to my Hacked little scheme, but I'm having trouble making the type checker happy.
How does one use catchError? An example or two would be helpful.
This is my latest attempt:
catch :: [LispVal] -> IOThrowsError LispVal
catch [action rescue] = do
eval action >>= catchError $ eval rescue
Here is an example use of catchError to recover from a prior call to throwError:
import Control.Monad.Error
import Control.Monad.Identity
type MyMonad = ErrorT String Identity
runMyMonad = runIdentity . runErrorT
main = do
let x = runMyMonad (func 5 0)
print x
func :: Double -> Double -> MyMonad Double
func w x = do
y <- (divider x) `catchError` (\_ -> return 1)
return (w + y)
divider :: Double -> MyMonad Double
divider x = do
when (x == 0) (throwError "Can not divide by zero!")
return (10 / x)
Despite passing 0 in for division we can complete with the handlers result of 1 to obtain output of Right 6.0.
Does this help? Your question didn't really say what the issue was.
Error monads like Either and Maybe don't allow you to observe the error from within the same monad: you have to run the monad in order to observe it. Exceptions in IO are one notable exception (ahem) because IO is the end of the line... you can't go any further from there.
You have a few possibilities:
Since you're writing a mini-interpreter, it's probably a good idea to explicitly manage all the exceptions, using the ErrorT monad only for true, unrecoverable errors.
For any call that may error that you want to be able to recover from, perform a runErrorT and inspect that result, before passing along the result in the current monad.

Can't seem to implement Either correctly

Alright so here's my current code:
import System.IO
import System.Environment
import System.Directory
main = do
unfiltered <- getArgs ; home <- getHomeDirectory ; let db = home ++ "/.grindstone"
case unfiltered of
(x:xs) -> return ()
_ -> error "No command given. See --help for more info."
command:args <- getArgs
createDirectoryIfMissing True db
let check = case args of
[] -> error "No arguments given. See --help for more info."
_ -> do let (params#(param:_),rest) = span (\(c:_) -> c=='-') args
if length params > 1 then error ("No arguments given for " ++ param)
else do
let (pArgs,_) = span (\(c:_) -> c/='-') rest
return (param, pArgs) :: Either (IO ()) (String, [String])
let add = print "sup"
let cmds = [("add", add)]
let action = lookup command cmds
case action of
Nothing -> error "Unknown command."
(Just action) -> action
The main problem is with check. I tried implementing the Either type since I want it to either error out, or return something for another function to use, but, it's currently erroring out with:
No instance for (Monad (Either (IO ())))
arising from a use of `return' at grindstone.hs:21:23-43
Possible fix:
add an instance declaration for (Monad (Either (IO ())))
In the expression:
return (param, pArgs) :: Either (IO ()) (String, [String])
In the expression:
do { let (pArgs, _) = span (\ (c : _) -> ...) rest;
return (param, pArgs) :: Either (IO ()) (String, [String]) }
In the expression:
if length params > 1 then
error ("No arguments given for " ++ param)
do { let (pArgs, _) = ...;
return (param, pArgs) :: Either (IO ()) (String, [String]) }
I'm only starting out in haskell and haven't dealt too much with monads yet so just thought I'd ask on here. anyone have any ideas?
The error that is causing your compile problems is that you are directly casting an expression to the type Either (IO ()) (String, [String]) when it is not an Either value. (The compiler is not outputting a very helpful error message.)
To create an Either value [1], we use the data constructors Left and Right. Convention (from the library page) is that errors are a Left value, while correct values are a Right value.
I did a quick rewrite of your arg checking function as
checkArgs :: [String] -> Either String (String, [String])
checkArgs args =
case args of
[] -> Left "No arguments given. See --help for more info."
_ -> let (params#(param:_),rest) = span (\(c:_) -> c=='-') args in
if length params > 1 then
Left ("No arguments given for " ++ param)
let (pArgs,_) = span (\(c:_) -> c/='-') rest in
Right (param, pArgs)
Note that the arg checking function does not interact with any external IO () library functions and so has a purely functional type. In general if your code does not have monadic elements (IO ()), it can be clearer to write it in purely functional style. (When starting out in Haskell this is definitely something I would recommend rather than trying to get your head around monads/monad transformers/etc immediately.)
When you are a little more comfortable with monads, you may want to check out Control.Monad.Error [2], which can wraps similar functionality as Either as a monad and would encapsulate some details like Left always being computation errors.
Either (IO ()) (String, [String]) is a type that contains an IO action or a
(String, [String]), so values of this type could be Left IO () or
Right (String, [String]). Left values usually represents an error
occurrence in Haskell. This error can be represented with any type you want,
for example, an error code (Int) or a String that says what happened.
If you use IO () as the type which represents an error, you won't be able
to extract any information about the error. You just will able to perform an IO action later on.
The type that you are looking for isn't Either (IO ()) (String, [String]),
is Either String (String, [String]). With this type can get information about the
error (String). Now, you dont need any IO action into Either type, so you
can remove all do expressions:
let check = case args of
[] -> Left "No arguments given. See --help for more info."
_ -> let (params#(param:_),rest) = span (\(c:_) -> c=='-') args
in if length params > 1
then Left ("No arguments given for " ++ param)
else let (pArgs,_) = span (\(c:_) -> c/='-') rest
in Right (param, pArgs)
