Deploy a Node app from GitHub - node.js

I develop locally and push to GitHub and my staging environment is on an EC2 instance. I currently have to ssh in to my remote instance, git pull, restart Node server. Is there a way this process can be automated in any way?

Yes, I wrote a blog post just last week about this - although my server-side part uses Ruby/Sinatra rather than Node, but re-writing it in Node would be very simple.


Continous deployement to server

I'm building a personal blog website with express.I hosted it on ec2 and also hosted another version at digital ocean .But when it comes to updating my code (like i am changing a few lines or adding or removing a new feature) i have to remove all the files and re-upload and again run it.When i was using it was easy like git push heroku master.How can i do similar with ec2 or digital ocean server?.(I'm using pem file to login to server)
I recommend looking at Code Pipeline tutorials. You can use this AWS Service to build a CI/CD use case. See:
CodePipeline tutorials
As SMAC mentioned in the comments, you're looking for a CI/CD solution essentially. Heroku does a nice job of automating that for you, as do several other products out in the market. Depending on what Git provider you're using, GitHub and GitLab both provide a native solution (GitHub actions vs GitLab CI).
I'd recommend you combine that with something like AWS's ElasticBeanstalk to get a simple change/push workflow like you're looking for.

AWS: How to reproduce NodeJS project?

I need help with someone familiar with AWS and web servers. Currently I'm walking through this tutorial trying to get started with NodeJS and AWS.
I'm trying to figure out how to essentially do a "git clone" of a traditional project but do whatever equivalent that is for an AWS project (ex: If I wanted to work on my existing AWS project on a different machine)
I read some EB CLI documentation ( I tried the "eb clone env-name". However, this actually created a separate environment on AWS within my application, which isn't what I wanted. It also only added a .gitignore and a .elasticbeanstalk folder to my directory, none of my source code for my AWS application.
I'm confused on what the standard process is for working with AWS projects. Particularly, how can I start working on my existing AWS project from another machine? (Is there anyway to pull my source code from AWS project?) Is there anyway I can view my code on AWS?
Side note: In the past I worked with Google Apps Scripts on the cloud, which used Clasp CLI for pushing and pulling code to the cloud. This was very intuitive because it was literally clasp pull to pull code from cloud and clasp push to push code to it.
Elastic Beanstalk isn't a code repo. It's a way to host applications in a simplified way, without having to configure the compute resources. Compare this to something like EC2 where all the networking and web server configuration is manual.
You can still use git to manage your source code, and there's git CLI integration with Elastic Beanstalk too. Once you've got your source code working, you bundle it up into a .zip file and upload it to EB. You can also use AWS CodeBuild to watch git repos, build source code into bundles, and automatically deploy it to Elastic Beanstalk.
If you are looking for a way to host source code on AWS, AWS CodeCommit is the managed git solution.
You should take a look at the Amplify Framework by AWS: – here's a walkthrough that will get you were you are heading faster – sure, it mentions teams but, the result can be applied to single developers too:
Since you mentioned "view my code on AWS", you should have a look here: – this will walk you through setting up an account, repos and working with your code on the cloud.
Good luck!

Push code to remote Docker

I have a GitLab repository in which I have a node.js app with express, I want "deploy" this code to my Ubuntu Server to use the express server remotely and not only local, but I don't want install node.js instead I want try use Docker.
I have read a lot about Docker, and I had understood the fundamental thing. My question is this, if I install Docker on my Ubuntu Server, how can I "deploy" my code on Docker when I push in my repository?
Basically, you have to divide the process in two steps. One is dockerizing your app, which means creating a Docker image for your repository. The second step is having your server use this image, possibly automating the process on push. So I would do something like this:
Dockerize your app. This means having a Dockerfile where you create an image that contains your app, runs it and possibly exports a port to use it externally.
Run the image in your server. Your server will need to have docker installed, and be able to get the right image (more on this later). If only one image is being used, you can just use a simple docker run command. If there are more parts involved, such as a database or a webserver, I would recommend using docker-compose.
Make the image available on your server. You have more than one option here. You can publish your image to a docker repository (private or public), or you can just download the repository in your server, and build the image there.
Lastly, you need to bind these steps. For that you need a hook that reacts on commits to the server, where you send a command to the server to fetch/build the image, and run the newer version.
You have a lot of flexibility on how to do this, actually. I would start with a simpler process, where you build the image on your server, and build on top of that according to your needs.
Dokku is a Docker based PaaS platform that provides git push deployments. It supports Heroku buildpacks to build an run your application or custom Dockerfile deployments.

Deploy meteor app with git / repository?

I've been searching around the web to see what's the best/simplest way to deploy a meteor app, and have found that Meteor Up has been the easiest way to do this.
However, I've been noticing that this works pretty awesome on small apps, now that one of our apps has grown larger than 250mb, Meteor Up has to build and deploy the whole 250mb app again and again for even the smallest change.
With other node applications we have on digital ocean, a simple git pull does the trick without having to re-upload the entire application.
Is there a way to maintain a meteor application with a github/bitbucket repository?
Well, I have found a solution for this.
Reference: PM2 + Meteor Environment Setup
Using meteor build and following the README that it generates, I was able to run the bundle without using meteor up.
This helps at deploying since it skips the process of uploading the entire bundle to the server, instead, just use git pull in the server to pull your code changes and use meteor build to create the build and run it with pm2.

How to deploy nodejs, express, application

I have worked on a project and its in my local.
I have used express framework with socket and other packages.
I'm new to this and not sure what deployment options we have.
I see some options like AWS, Heroku and etc.
Heroku looks simple.. but at one of the step they are asking to publish to git and clone from there..
I was wondering why do we need to publish to git to deploy it to production.
Currently I have my app in my machine and I run usually by node app.js.
I'm not using any data bases. Can any one guide me how do I go about it?
