The best choice for random number generator - haskell

There are so many randomizers out there. Some standard ones are questionably slow. Some claim to be of high quality and speed. Some claim to be of higher quality. Some claim to be even more fast and of better quality. Some claim the speed but quality.
One fact I know is that mwc-random is being used by the Criterion benchmarking library which speaks for itself and the claims are very promising.
Since there are at least two qualities to every generator: the robustness and the quality of the generated number - I'll split the question of choosing the best generator into three categories:
The fastest
The one generating the most random number
The one having the optimal combination of both of these qualities at adequate rate
So which is which and why?

I only can speak about mwc-random.
It is fast ~15ns per Word32 on Phenom II. If you want to measure how fast is it on your computer it comes with benchmark set. Still it possible to trade period for speed. Xorshift RNG should be faster but have shorter periods 2^32 or 2^64 instead of 2^8222.
Randomness. mwc-random uses algorithm MWC256 (another name: MWC8222) which is not cryptographicaly secure but fares well in randomness tests. In particular mwc-random passes dieharder randomness test.


How to determine sample size given few parameters

How to determine sample size given there is 20% point reduction [ before change – after change =20% ] with 95% confidence level and 90% power ? Any pointer on how to solve this
A good first step is always to think about, what kind of test you plan to use. From the very little information you give a paired t-test (or a single measurement t-test comparing the difference to zero) is a likely candidate.
You can now google for "statistical power of t test" to which you can add the name of any computer language or statistics software you plan to use. Except maybe for educational purposes I'd advise to compute statics not by hand but via software.
Kind of an obvious option for statistic software on stackoverflow might be R. In Ryou'll find solutions to many sample size or power calculations in the package pwr. Here is the link to a getting started text:
The pwr.t.test function is good for your problem. Google will readily help you to alternatives for Python and Julia and SPSS I assume for C++, Java and Javascript as well.
However you will have to make assumptions about the variance or the effect size. Will each value be reduced by almost exactly 20% or will some be reduced a lot and some increase? That is of utmost importance to the question. You will need only one observation if there is no variance, a small amount of observations if there is little variance and a large amount of observations if there is lots of variance.

OpenCL GPU Audio

There's not much on this subject, perhaps because it isn't a good idea in the first place.
I want to create a realtime audio synthesis/processing engine that runs on the GPU. The reason for this is because I will also be using a physics library that runs on the GPU, and the audio output will be determined by the physics state. Is it true that GPU only carries audio output and can't generate it? Would this mean a large increase in latency, if I were to read the data back on the CPU and output it to the soundcard? I'm looking for a latency between 10 and 20ms in terms of the time between synthesis and playback.
Would the GPU accelerate synthesis by any worthwhile amount? I'm going to have a large number of synthesizers running at once, each of which I imagine could take up their own parallel process. AMD is coming out with GPU audio, so there must be something to this.
For what it's worth, I'm not sure that this idea lacks merit. If DarkZero's observation about transfer times is correct, it doesn't sound like there would be much overhead in getting audio onto the GPU for processing, even from many different input channels, and while there are probably audio operations that are not very amenable to parallelization, many are very VERY parallelizable.
It's obvious for example, that computing sine values for 128 samples of output from a sine source could be done completely in parallel. Working in blocks of that size would permit a latency of only about 3ms, which is acceptable in most digital audio applications. Similarly, the many other fundamental oscillators could be effectively parallelized. Amplitude modulation of such oscillators would be trivial. Efficient frequency modulation would be more challenging, but I would guess it is still possible.
In addition to oscillators, FIR filters are simple to parallelize, and a google search turned up some promising looking research papers (which I didn't take the trouble to read) that suggest that there are reasonable parallel approaches to IIR filter implementation. These two types of filters are fundamental to audio processing and many useful audio operations can be understood as such filters.
Wave-shaping is another task in digital audio that is embarrassingly parallel.
Even if you couldn't take an arbitrary software synth and map it effectively to the GPU, it is easy to imagine a software synthesizer constructed specifically to take advantage of the GPU's strengths, and avoid its weaknesses. A synthesizer relying exclusively on the components I have mentioned could still produce a fantastic range of sounds.
While marko is correct to point out that existing SIMD instructions can do some parallelization on the CPU, the number of inputs they can operate on at the same time pales in comparison to a good GPU.
In short, I hope you work on this and let us know what kind of results you see!
DSP operations on modern CPUs with vector processing units (SSE on x86/x64 or NEON on ARM) are already pretty cheap if exploited properly. This is particularly the case with filters, convolution, FFT and so on - which are fundamentally stream-based operations. There are the type of operations where a GPU might also excel.
As it turns out, soft synthesisers have quite a few operations in them that are not stream-like, and furthermore, the tendency is to process increasingly small chunks of audio at once to target low latency. These are a really bad fit for the capabilities of GPU.
The effort involved in using a GPU - particularly getting data in and out - is likely to far exceed any benefit you get. Furthermore, the capabilities of inexpensive personal computers - and also tablets and mobile devices - are more than enough for many digital audio applications AMD seem to have a solution looking for a problem. For sure, the existing music and digital audio software industry is not about to start producing software that only targets a limited sub-set of hardware.
Typical transfer times for some MB to/from GPU take 50us.
Delay is not your problem, however parallelizing a audio synthesizer in the GPU may be quite difficult. If you don't do it properly it may take more time the processing rather than the copy of data.
If you are going to run multiple synthetizers at once, I would recommend you to perform each synthesizer in a work-group, and parallelize the synthesis process with the work-items available. It will not be worth to have each synthesizer in one work-item, since it is unlikely you will have thousand.
You might be better off using OpenMP for it's lower initialization times.
You could check out the NESS project which is all about physical modelling synthesis. They are using GPUs for audio rendering because it the process involves simulating an acoustic 3D space for whichever given sound, and calculating what happens to that sound within the virtual 3D space (and apparently GPUs are good at working with this sort of data). Note that this is not realtime synthesis because it is so demanding of processing.

Is there a chance of reading 16-bytes /dev/urandom data twice, and getting same result?

Working with Linux 3.2, I would like to implement a UID algorithm using /dev/urandom.
There may be a chance of reading 16 random bytes twice, and getting the same result. But is the chance small enough to be negligible?
/dev/urandom is supposed to be a random device that should look uniformly random, and in a uniformly random sequence you would expect to find repeated patterns. However, since there are 2128 possible 16-byte sequences, this should happen with probability 2-128, which is vanishingly small.
That said, /dev/urandom is not known to be cryptographically safe and there may be attacks that aren't in the open literature to force the behavior to degenerate (perhaps some government agency knows how to do this, for example). From the man pages:
A read from the /dev/urandom device will not block waiting for more
entropy. As a result, if there is not sufficient entropy in the
entropy pool, the returned values are theoretically vulnerable to a
cryptographic attack on the algorithms used by the driver. Knowledge
of how to do this is not available in the current unclassified
literature, but it is theoretically possible that such an attack may
exist. If this is a concern in your application, use /dev/random
(My emphasis) Therefore, I wouldn't rely on this if you are trying to go for cryptographic security.
In short, if you just need random values, this is probably fine. If you want to go for cryptographic security, I would not recommend doing this.
Hope this helps!
you have a 1/2^128 chance of reading the same data, so yes - the probability is very negligible. Roughly the same probability of breaking the AES128 encryption scheme.
Assuming the values are perfectly random, due to the Birthday Paradox the probability is approximately 2-64 (the square root of getting any particular value). That is, at about 264 UIDs, the probability to find a pair becomes greater than 50%.
For most applications that should be fine.

Quickest and easiest algorithm for comparing the frequency content of two sounds

I want to take two sounds that contain a dominant frequency and say 'this one is higher than this one'. I could do FFT, find the frequency with the greatest amplitude of each and compare them. I'm wondering if, as I have a specific task, there may be a simpler algorithm.
The sounds are quite dirty with many frequencies, but contain a clear dominant pitch. They aren't perfectly produced sine waves.
Given that the sounds are quite dirty, I would suggest starting to develop the algorithm with the output of an FFT as it'll be much simpler to diagnose any problems. Then when you're happy that it's working you can think about optimising/simplifying.
As a rule of thumb when developing this kind of numeric algorithm, I always try to operate first in the most relevant domain (in this case you're interested in frequencies, so analyse in frequency space) at the start, and once everything is behaving itself consider shortcuts/optimisations. That way you can test the latter solution against the best-performing former.
In the general case, decent pitch detection/estimation generally requires a more sophisticated algorithm than looking at FFT peaks, not a simpler algorithm.
There are a variety of pitch detection methods ranging in sophistication from counting zero-crossing (which obviously won't work in your case) to extremely complex algorithms.
While the frequency domain methods seems most appropriate, it's not as simple as "taking the FFT". If your data is very noisy, you may have spurious peaks that are higher than what you would consider to be the dominant frequency. One solution is use window overlapping segments of your signal, and do STFTs, and average the results. But this raises more questions: how big should the windows be? In this case, it depends on how far apart you expect those dominant peaks to be, how long your recordings are, etc. (Note: FFT methods can resolve to better than one-bin size by taking into account phase information. In this case, you would have to do something more complex than averaging all your FFT windows together).
Another approach would be a time-domain method, such as YIN:
Wikipedia discusses some more methods:
You can also explore some more methods in chapter 9 of this book:
You can get matlab sourcecode for yin from chapter 9 of that book here:

What (else) is wrong with using time as a seed for random number generation?

I understand that time is an insecure seed for random number generation because it effectively reduces the size of the seed space.
But say I don't care about security. For example, say I'm doing a Monte Carlo simulation for a card game. I DO however, care about getting as close to true randomness as possible. Will time as a seed affect the randomness of my output? I would think the choice of PRNG matters more than the seed in this case.
For security purposes you obviously need a high entropy seed. And time alone cannot provide that.
For simulation purposes the quality of the seed doesn't matter much, as long as it's unique. As you noted the quality of the PRNG is more important here.
Even a PRNG in a game may need to be secure. For example in multiplayer games a player might find out the internal state of the PRNG and use that to predict future random events, guess the opponent cards, get better loot,...
One common pitfall using time to seed a PRNG is that the time doesn't change very often. For example on windows most time related functions only change their return value every few milliseconds. So all PRNGs created withing that interval will return the same sequence.
Just for the sake of completeness, this paper by Matsumoto et al. nicely illustrates how important the initialization scheme (ie. the way of choosing your seed(s)) is for simulation. Turns out a bad initialization scheme may strongly bias the results, even though the RNG algorithm as such is rather good in principle.
If you are just running a single instance of your program, then there should not be too many problems.
However I have seen people who starts multiple programs at the same time and then each program seed with time. In that case all the program gets the same sequence of random numbers -- In particular I have seen people seeding an apache process at each call to use a random numer as session-id, only to find that different people hitting the webserver at the same time get exactly the same IDs.
Hence if you are expecting to run multiple simultanous version of the program, then using time is a very bad idea.
Think that your program runs very fast and asks for the system's time to use as a seed in a great sequence, with a very few interval. You could get the same time as the answer, so it would end up generating the same random number. So, even in a simulation, a low-entropy can be a problem.
Considering that it's not that hard to have some other sources of entropy in your system, ot that even your operating system can provide you some almost-random numbers, you could use them to increase the entropy of your time-based-seed.
