Set Cookie for UIWebView requests - uiwebview

I want to embed an UIWebView into my MonoTouch application for an area that is not yet implemented natively.
In order to authenticate with the website I want to set a cookie containing a key for the current session.
I tried creating a NSDictionary with the properties for the Cookie and then create a new NSHttpCookie and add it to the NSHttpCookieStorage.SharedStorage.
Sadly the cookie seems to be empty and not used for the request.
An example of how to build be cookie with properties and a comment on whether or not this is the simplest way to do this would be greatly appreciated.

Following Anuj's bug report I felt bad about how many lines of code were required to create the cookies. So the next MonoTouch versions will have new constructors for NSHttpCookie, similar to System.Net.Cookie that will allow you do to something like:
// this ctor requires all mandatory parameters
// so you don't have to guess them while coding
var cookie = new NSHttpCookie ("iherd", "ulikecookies", "/", "");
You'll even be able to create a NSHttpCookie from a .NET System.Net.Cookie.
Note: Never hesitate to fill a bug report when an API proves to be way more complicated than it should be :-)

Whenever I need to send cookies and params up to the server I use something like RestSharp or Hammock and then pass the response.Content value into UIWebView's loadHtmlString method:
//setup cookies and params here
var response = client.Execute(req);
_webView = new UIWebView();
_webView.LoadHtmlString(response.Content, new NSUrl(baseUrl));
The NSDictionary API is fairly trivial too:
var props = new NSMutableDictionary ();
props.Add (NSHttpCookie.KeyOriginURL, new
props.Add (NSHttpCookie.KeyName, new NSString("iherd"));
props.Add (NSHttpCookie.KeyValue, new NSString("ulikecookies"));
props.Add (NSHttpCookie.KeyPath, new NSString("/"));

AFAIK every application has its own cookie storage so try to use this code before rendering the page in the UIWebView
NSHttpCookie cookie = new NSHttpCookie()
Domain = "",
Name = "YourName",
Value = "YourValue" //and any other info you need to set
NSHttpCookieStorage cookiejar = NSHttpCookieStorage.SharedStorage;
I'm not in a MAC right now so im not able to test it hope this helps
okay sorry, i wasn't able to test it before posting, anyways I won't get home until tonight so give this a spin
var objects = new object[] { "", "CookieName", "CookieValue", "/" };
var keys = new object[] { "NSHTTPCookieOriginURL", "NSHTTPCookieName", "NSHTTPCookieValue", "NSHTTPCookiePath" };
NSDictionary properties = (NSDictionary) NSDictionary.FromObjectsAndKeys(objects, keys);
NSHttpCookie cookie = NSHttpCookie.CookieFromProperties(properties);
As you stated above, in the case that doesn't work might be a bug on monotouch binding so you can bind it manually by doing this
var objects = new object[] { "", "CookieName", "CookieValue", "/" };
var keys = new object[] { "NSHTTPCookieOriginURL", "NSHTTPCookieName", "NSHTTPCookieValue", "NSHTTPCookiePath" };
NSDictionary properties = (NSDictionary) NSDictionary.FromObjectsAndKeys(objects, keys);
NSHttpCookie cookie = (NSHttpCookie) Runtime.GetNSObject(Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_IntPtr(new Class("NSHTTPCookie").Handle, new Selector("cookieWithProperties:").Handle, properties.Handle))
also don't forget to include using MonoTouch.ObjCRuntime; if manually binding it
if manually binding works please don't forget to post a bug report on

I’ve wrote the NSMutableURLRequest+XSURLRequest catagory and XSCookie class to do this;-)

This might give you a lead. Previously I used a similar strategy to make a
WebRequest to a site and collect cookies which were stored in the .Net/Mono CookieStore. Then when loading a url in the UIWebView I copied those cookies over to the NSHttpCookieStorage.
public NSHttpCookieStorage _cookieStorage;
/// <summary>
/// Convert the .NET cookie storage to the iOS NSHttpCookieStorage with Login Cookies
/// </summary>
void DotNetCookieStoreToNSHttpCookieStore()
foreach (Cookie c in _cookies.GetCookies(new Uri(UrlCollection["Login"], UriKind.Absolute))) {
Console.WriteLine (c);
_cookieStorage.SetCookie(new NSHttpCookie(c));


Servicestack.Client Namespace Secured could not be found

When I try to make a new request to generate a new access-token I cannot find the type "new Secured".
var authClient = new JsonServiceClient("http://localhost/authentication/")
RefreshToken = Request.GetCookieValue("ss-refreshtok"),
RefreshTokenUri = "http://localhost/authentication/access-token"
var jwt = authClient.Send(new Secured());
Even thought I have Servicestack.client installed it cannot be found. But using new Authenticate() its ok.
The Secure Request DTO is an example of a Request DTO for a Service that’s protected with the [Authenticate] attribute, it’s not a built in DTO, you should substitute it to use your Request DTO instead.

OkHttp CookieJar saveFromResponse method

I created a simple project which using CookieJar. Now I am trying to understand when saveFromResponse method works. But I see in my logs that loadForRequest works fine, but I doesn't see saveFromResponse logs. Why? At what time of process this method works? Can we use only intercept method if we works with cookies or may be we have a special situation for using CookieJar?
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient.Builder()
.addInterceptor(new ReceivedCookiesInterceptor())
.cookieJar(new CookieJar() {
private final HashMap<HttpUrl, List<Cookie>> cookieStore = new HashMap<>();
public void saveFromResponse(HttpUrl url, List<Cookie> cookies) {
cookieStore.put(url, cookies);
public List<Cookie> loadForRequest(HttpUrl url) {
List<Cookie> cookies = cookieStore.get(url);
return cookies != null ? cookies : new ArrayList<Cookie>();
Request request = new Request.Builder()
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
I know it's a bit late, but I was struggling with the exact same issue and then I realised that saveFromResponse is only called on new cookies. This means that all the cookies you set on loadForRequest are not received in saveFromResponse.
That's the behaviour I could infer, but I'm not sure if it is the one that it should be, as this way you can't get cookie value updates from remote server.
Did you experienced the behaviour that only on the first request after OkHttpClient creation the cookies are received and not on the rest of the requests?
Please, someone with more knowledge that can shed some light?

Swagger generated API for the Microsoft Cognative Services Recommendations

I can't seem to figure out how to include the CSV file content when calling the Swagger API generated methods for the Microsoft Cognitive Services Recommendations API method Uploadacatalogfiletoamodel(modelID, catalogDisplayName, accountKey);. I've tried setting the catalogDisplayName to the full path to the catalog file, however I'm getting "(EXT-0108) Passed argument is invalid."
When calling any of the Cog Svcs APIs that require HTTP body content, how do I include the body content when the exposed API doesn't have a parameter for the body?
I guess, Swagger can't help you testing functions that need to pass data thru a form. And I guess sending the CSV content in the form data shall do the trick, if you know the proper headers.
I work with nuGet called "Microsoft.Net.Http" and code looks like
HttpContent stringContent = new StringContent(someStringYouWannaSend);
HttpContent bytesContent = new ByteArrayContent(someBytesYouWannaSend);
using (var client = new HttpClient())
using (var formData = new MultipartFormDataContent())
formData.Add(stringContent, "metadata", "metadata");
formData.Add(bytesContent, "bytes", "bytes");
HttpResponseMessage response = client.PostAsync(someWebApiEndPoint.ToString(), formData).Result;
if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
return false; //LOG
string responseContent = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
jsonResult= JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<someCoolClass>(responseContent);
return true;
Sorry about that someVariables that can't compile. Hope you'll figure this out.
When you are basing your code on the Swagger definition you depend on the good will of the person that created that Swagger definition. Maybe it is not complete yet.
If you are working on C#, try looking at the Samples repo.
Particularly for the Uploading of the catalog there are several functions on the ApiWrapper class that might be helpful, one has this signature: public CatalogImportStats UploadCatalog(string modelId, string catalogFilePath, string catalogDisplayName), another has this other signature public UsageImportStats UploadUsage(string modelId, string usageFilePath, string usageDisplayName) (where it seems like you can point to a public url).
In your case I'd probably try the second one.
Download the sample and use the Wrapper code defined there in your project.

owin oauth webapi with a dynamic TokenEndpointPath

I've successfully implemented oAuth using OWIN in my WebApi 2 Server with:
app.UseOAuthAuthorizationServer(new OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions {
TokenEndpointPath = new PathString("/api/TokenByPassword"),
// ...
However, I would like the TokenEndpointPath to be dynamic as I will have multiple databases each with their own account records.
I believe I want something like:
TokenEndpointPath = new PathString("/api/{databaseid}/TokenByPassword");
I don't believe OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions supports this and even if it did - how would I get the databaseid ?
I could implement this in my own WebAPI with AttributeRouting, but then what would be the correct OWIN calls to make in that WebAPI to generate the correct BearerToken?
I found the answer..
Even though the TokenEndpointPath is specified in the OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions, the OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider has a delegate called OnMatchEndpoint. Inside this delegate, you can access the Request.Uri.AbsolutePath of the call and if it matches your criteria, you can then call MatchesTokenEndpoint() in which case OnGrantResourceOwnerCredentials will get called where you again can gain access the the Request.Uri and pick out the {databaseid} and use the correct database to Grant access.
OWIN is very flexible, but not immediately obvious which calls to make when to do what you want when it is something not quite straightforward.
Just to make it clearer, here is the implementation of the function MatchEndpoint of the class that extend OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider, as suggested by David Snipp :
private const string MatchTokenUrlPattern = #"^\/([\d\w]{5})\/token\/?$";
public override async Task MatchEndpoint(OAuthMatchEndpointContext context)
var url = context.Request.Uri.AbsolutePath;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(url) && url.Contains("token"))
var regexMatch = new Regex(MatchTokenUrlPattern).Match(url);
if (regexMatch.Success)
await base.MatchEndpoint(context);
Be careful on what you do in there because it is called at every request.

Xamarin: Issues with transitioning between controllers and storyboard views

I realize this might come across as a very basic question, but I just downloaded Xamarin three days ago, and I've been stuck on the same issue for two days without finding a solution.
Here is what I am trying to do:
Get user input, call API, parse JSON and pass data to another controller, and change views.
Here is what I have been able to do so far: I get the user input, I call the API, I parse the response back, write the token to a file, and I want to pass the remaining data to the second controller.
This is the code I am trying:
var verifyCode = Storyboard.InstantiateViewController("verify") as VerifyCodeController;
if (verifyCode != null)
this.NavigationController.PushViewController(verifyCode, true);
My storyboard setup:
Navigation controller -> routesTo -> FirstController
I have another UI Controller View set up with the following properties set:
storyboardid: verify
restorationid: verify
and I am trying to push that controller view onto the navigation controller.
Right now this line is erroring out:
var verifyCode = Storyboard.InstantiateViewController("verify") as VerifyCodeController;
giving me this error, which I don't know what it means: Could not find an existing managed instance for this object, nor was it possible to create a new managed instance.
Am I way off in my approach?
p.s: I cannot use the ctrl drag thing like the tutorial suggests because I have an asynchronous call. And I cannot under no circumstances make it synchronous. So all the page transition has to be manual.
to anyone requesting more code or more info:
partial void registerButton_TouchUpInside (UIButton sender)
phone = registrationNumber.Text;
string url = url;
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create (url);
request.Method = "GET";
Console.WriteLine("Getting response...");
using (HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse)
if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
Console.Out.WriteLine("Error fetching data. Server returned status code: {0}", response.StatusCode);
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
string content = reader.ReadToEnd();
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(content))
Console.Out.WriteLine("Response contained empty body...");
var json = JObject.Parse (content);
var token = json["token"];
var regCode = json["regCode"];
var aURL = Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments);
var filename = Path.Combine (aURL, "app.json");
File.WriteAllText(filename, "{token: '"+token+"'}");
// transition to main view. THIS IS WHERE EVERYTHING GETS MESSED UP
var verifyCode = Storyboard.InstantiateViewController("verify") as VerifyCodeController;
if (verifyCode != null)
this.NavigationController.PushViewController(verifyCode, true);
Here is all the info for every view in my storyboard:
1- Navigation controller:
- App starts there
- The root is the register pager, which is the page we are currently working on.
2- The register view.
- The root page
- class RegisterController
- No storyboard id
- No restoration id
3- The validate view
- Not connected to the navigation controller initially, but I want it to be connected eventually. Do I have to connect it either way? Through a segue?
- class VerifyCodeController
- storyboard id : verify
- restoration id : verify
If you guys need more information I'm willing to post more. I just think I posted everything relevant.
