Replicating CouchDB to local couch reduces size - why? - couchdb

I recently started using Couch for a large app I'm working on.
I database with 7907 documents, and wanted to rename the database. I poked around for a bit, but couldn't figure out how to rename it, so I figured I would just replicate it to a local database of the name I wanted.
The first time I tried, the replication failed, I believe the error was a timeout. I tried again, and it worked very quickly, which was a little disconcerting.
After the replication, I'm showing that the new database has the correct amount of records, but the database size is about 1/3 of the original.
Also a little odd is that if I refresh futon, the size of the original fluctuates between 94.6 and 95.5 mb
This leaves me with a few questions:
Is the 2nd database storing references to the first? If so, can I delete the first without causing harm?
Why would the size be so different? Had the original built indexes that the new one eventually will?
Why is the size fluctuating?
A few things that might be helpful:
This is on a cloudant couchdb install
I checked the first and last record of the new db, and they match, so I don't believe futon is underreporting.

Replicating to a new database is similar to compaction. Both involve certain side-effects (incidentally, and intentionally, respectively) which reduce the size of the new .couch file.
The b-tree indexes get balanced
Data from old document revisions is discarded.
Metadata from previous updates to the DB is discarded.
Replications store to/from checkpoints, so if you re-replicate from the same source, to the same location (i.e. re-run a replication that timed out), it will pick up where it left off.
Replication does not create a reference to another database. You can delete the first without causing harm.
Replicating (and compacting) generally reduces disk usage. If you have any views in any design documents, those will re-build when you first query them. View indexes use their own .view file which also consumes space.
I am not sure why the size is fluctuating. Browser and proxy caches are the bane of CouchDB (and web) development. But perhaps it is also a result of internal Cloudant behavior (for example, different nodes in the cluster reporting slightly different sizes).


CouchDB 2 global_changes system table is getting insanely big

We have a system that basically writes 250MB of data into our CouchDB 2 instance, which generates ~50GB/day in the global_changes database.
This makes CouchDB2 consumes all the disk.
Once you get to this state, CouchDB2 goes and never comes back.
We would like to know if there is any way of limiting the size of the global_changes table, or if there is a way of managing this table, like a set of best practices.
tldr: just delete it
Note that the last of these (referring to _global_changes) is not necessary if you do not expect to be using the global changes feed. Feel free to delete this database if you have created it, it has grown in size, and you do not need the function (and do not wish to waste system resources on compacting it regularly.

Potential issue with Couchbase paging

It may be too much turkey over the holidays, but I've been thinking about a potential problem that we could have with Couchbase.
Currently we paginate based on time, but I'm thinking a similar issue could occur with other values used for paging for example the atomic counter. I'll try to explain best I can, this would only occur in a load balanced environment.
For example say we have 4 servers load balanced and storing data to our Couchbase cluster. We sort our records based on timestamps currently. If any of the 4 servers writing the data starts to lag behind the others than our pagination would possibly be missing records when retrieving client side. A SQL DB auto-increment and timestamps for example can be created when the record is stored to the DB which will avoid similar issues. Using a NoSql DB like Couchbase you define the data you need to retrieve on before it is stored to the DB. So what I am getting at is if there is a delay in storing to the DB and you are retrieving in a pagination fashion while this delay has occurred, you run the real possibility of missing data. Since we are paging that data may never be viewed.
Interested in what other thoughts people have on this.
Response to Andrew:
Example a facebook or pintrest type app is storing data to a DB, they have many load balanced servers from the frontend writing to the db. If for some reason writing is delayed its a non issue with a SQL DB because a timestamp or auto increment happens when the data is actually stored to the DB. There will be no missing data when paging. asking for 1-7 will give you data that is only stored in the DB, 7-* will contain anything that is delayed because an auto-increment value has not been created for that record becuase it is not actually stored.
In Couchbase its different, you actually get your auto increment value (atomic counter) and then save it. So for example say a record is going to be stored as atomic counter number 4. For some reasons this is delayed in storing to the DB. Other servers are grabbing 5, 6, 7 and storing that data just fine. The client now asks for all data between 1 and 7, 4 is still not stored. Then the next paging request is 7 to *. 4 will never be viewed.
Is there a way around this? Can it be modelled differently in CB, or is this just a potential weakness in CB when needing to page results. As I mentioned are paging is timestamp sensitive.
Couchbase is an eventually consistent database with respect to views. It is ACID with respect to documents. There are durability interfaces that let you manage this. This means that you can rest assured you won't lose data and that indexes will catch up eventually.
In my experience with Couchbase, you need to expect that the nodes will never be in-sync. There are many things the database is doing, such as compaction and replication. The most important thing you can do to enhance performance is to put your views on a separate spindle from the data. And you need to ensure that your main data spindles across your cluster can sustain between 3-4 times your ingestion bandwidth. Also, make sure your main document key hashes appropriately to distribute the load.
It sounds like you are discussing a situation where the data exists in your system for less time than it takes to be processed through the view system. If you are removing data that fast, you need either a bigger cluster or faster disk arrays. Of the two choices, I would expand the size of your cluster. I like to think of Couchbase as building a RAIS, Redundant Array of Independent Servers. By expanding the cluster, you reduce the coincidence of hotspots and gain disk bandwidth. My ideal node has two local drives, one each for data and views, and enough RAM for my working set.

Split large database using Lotus Domino replica

I've a 34Gb database (on server A), and i want to delete part of its documents to improve performance, after creating a replica of database itself.
Followed these steps:
create a local replica of database
deleted several documents from original database
I want to be sure to recover deleted documents into original database, if needed, using replica database.
So i try to use a pull into database from local replica, or a push from replica to database.
Nothing happened, 0 documents added, i'm not able to "re-import" documents.
What's wrong?
They're not supposed to come back! Replication goes both ways, and the most recent change to a document overwrites an older version, but deletion always wins.
Well... almost always.
When a document is deleted in one replica, a 'deletion stub' is left in its place. As long as that stub exists in the replica, a version of that document in another replica will not replicate back. The stub blocks it. That's why deletion wins.
But stubs are purged after a period of time called the 'purge interval'. The default purge interval is 30 days. After a stub has been purged from a replica, deletion can't win any more because there is nothing left to block an old revision from replicating back from another replica. The thing is, usually this is a Bad Thing. Usually when documents are deleted, you want them to stay deleted. You don't want them to reappear just because somebody kept a replica off-line for 31 days.
Now, there are some ways that you can try and control this process carefully, purging stubs and using something else (e.g., selective replication settings) to prevent deletions from coming back except when you want them to. There are ways to try, but one slip up with one setting in one replica, and boom! Bad things happen. And that includes any replica, including ones that you are not controlling carefully. It's a bad idea. I agree completely with #Karl-Henry on this.
Also, selective replication is evil and should be avoided at all costs. That's just my opinion, anyhow, but I have a lot of scars left over from the days before I came to that conclusion.
Here are two Lotus tech notes about replica stubs and the purge interval: Purging documents in Lotus Notes, How to purge document deletion stubs immediately. Please use what you learn from these technotes wisely. I urge you not to to use this knowledge to try and construct a replication-based backup/restore scheme!
I would be very careful using a replica as an archive like that. I could see someone replicating the wrong way, and that would cause some issues...
I have designed some archive solutions for several of my big databases here at work. I simply have a separate database (same design) designated as archive. I then have a manually triggered or scheduled agent (different in different databases) that identify the document to be archived and moved them from the production database to the archive. I then have functions to move documents back into production of needed.

CouchDB Compaction and Doc Deletion - Compaction indifferent?

Taking a simple CouchDB to a theory that CouchDB compaction is totally indifferent to deleted docs.
Deleting a doc from couch via a DELETE method yields the following when trying to retrieve it:
Now I compact the database:
{'ok': true }
And check compaction has finished
Now I would expect CouchDB to return not_found, reason "missing" on a simple GET
And trying with ?rev=deleted_rev gives me a ful doc, yeah for worthless data.
So am I correct in thinking the couchdb compaction shows no special treatment for deleted docs and simple looks at the rev count again rev limit when deciding what is part of compaction. Is there a special rev_limit we can set for deleted docs?
Surely the only solution can't be a _purge? at the moment we must have thousands of orphaned deleted docs, and whilst we want to maintain some version history for normal docs we dont want to reduce our rev_limit to 1 to assist in this scenario
What are the replication issues we should be aware of with purge?
Deleted documents are preserved forever (because it's essential to providing eventual consistency between replicas). So, the behaviour you described is intentional.
To delete a document as efficiently as possible use the DELETE verb, since this stores only _id, _rev and the deleted flag. You can, of course, achieve the same more manually via POST or PUT.
Finally, _purge exists only for extreme cases where, for example, you've put an important password into a couchdb document and need it be gone from disk. It is not a recommended method for pruning a database, it will typically invalidate any views you have (forcing a full rebuild) and messes with replication too.
Adding a document, deleting it, and then compacting does not return the CouchDB database to a pristine state. A deleted document is retained through compaction, though in the usual case the resulting document is small (just the _id, _rev and _deleted=true). The reason for this is replication. Imagine the following:
Create document.
Replicate DB to remote DB.
Delete document.
Compact DB.
Replicate DB to remote DB again.
If the document is totally removed after deletion+compaction, then the second replication won't know to tell the remote DB that the document has been deleted. This would result in the two DBs being inconsistent.
There was an issue reported that could result in the document in the DB not being small; however it did not pertain to the HTTP DELETE method AFAIK (though I could be wrong). The ticket is here:
The basic idea is that audit information can be included with the DELETE that will be kept through compaction. Make sure you aren't posting the full doc body with the DELETE method (doing so might explain why the document isn't actually removed).
To clarify... from our experience you have to kick of a DELETE with the id and a compact in order to fully remove the document data.
As pointed out above you will still have the "header data" in your database afterwards.

CouchDB .view file growing out of control?

I recently encountered a situation where my CouchDB instance used all available disk space on a 20GB VM instance.
Upon investigation I discovered that a directory in /usr/local/var/lib/couchdb/ contained a bunch of .view files, the largest of which was 16GB. I was able to remove the *.view files to restore normal operation. I'm not sure why the .view files grew so large and how CouchDB manages .view files.
A bit more information. I have a VM running Ubuntu 9.10 (karmic) with 512MB and CouchDB 0.10. The VM has a cron job which invokes a Python script which queries a view. The cron job runs once every five minutes. Every time the view is queried the size of a .view file increases. I've written a job to monitor this on an hourly basis and after a few days I don't see the file rolling over or otherwise decreasing in size.
Does anyone have any insights into this issue? Is there a piece of documentation I've missed? I haven't been able to find anything on the subject but that may be due to looking in the wrong places or my search terms.
CouchDB is very disk hungry, trading disk space for performance. Views will increase in size as items are added to them. You can recover disk space that is no longer needed with cleanup and compaction.
Every time you create update or delete a document then the view indexes will be updated with the relevant changes to the documents. The update to the view will happen when it is queried. So if you are making lots of document changes then you should expect your index to grow and will need to be managed with compaction and cleanup.
If your views are very large for a given set of documents then you may have poorly designed views. Alternatively your design may just require large views and you will need to manage that as you would any other resource.
It would be easier to tell what is happening if you could describe what document updates (inc create and delete) are happening and what your view functions are emitting, especially for the large view.
That your .view files grow, each time you access a view is because CouchDB updates views on access. CouchDB views need compaction like databases too. If you have frequent changes to your documents, resulting in changes in your view, you should run view compaction from time to time. See
To reduce the size of your views, have a look at the data, you are emitting. When you emit(foo, doc) the entire document is copied to the view to it is very instantly available when you query the view. the function(doc) { emit(doc.title, doc); } will result in a view as big as the database itself. You could also emit(doc.title, nil); and use the include_docs option to let CouchDB fetch the document from the database when you access the view (which will result in a slightly performance penalty). See
Use sequential or monotonic id's for documents instead of random
Yes, couchdb is very disk hungry, and it needs regular compactions. But there is another thing that can help reducing this disk usage, specially sometimes when it's unnecessary.
Couchdb uses B+ trees for storing data/documents which is very good data structure for performance of data retrieval. However use of B-tree trades in performance for disk space usage. With completely random Id, B+-tree fans out quickly. As the minimum fill rate is 1/2 for every internal node, the nodes are mostly filled up to the 1/2 (as the data spreads evenly due to its randomness) generating more internal nodes. Also new insertions can cause a rewrite of full tree. That's what randomness can cause ;)
Instead, use of sequential or monotonic ids can avoid all.
I've had this problem too, trying out CouchDB for a browsed-based game.
We had about 100.000 unexpected visitors on the first day of a site launch, and within 2 days the CouchDB database was taking about 40GB in space. This made the server crash because the HD was completely full.
Compaction brought that back to about 50MB. I also set the _revs_limit (which defaults to 1000) to 10 since we didn't care about revision history, and it's running perfectly since. After almost 1M users, the database size is usually about 2-3GB. When i run compaction it's about 500MB.
Setting document revision limit to 10:
curl -X PUT -d "10" http://dbuser:dbpassword#
Or without user:password (not recommended):
curl -X PUT -d "10"
