Serving an image to a Spotify app? - spotify

I know everything non-dynamic is suppose to be localized but the images we use are part of our dynamic content and need to be loaded from our server.
How would we go about doing this? Since you can't reference external links?

Same as normal HTML:
<img src="">
Make sure is in the "RequiredPermissions" section of your manifest.json and you're set.


"chrome://favicon/myurl" doesn't load the on the webpage but loads in new tab

I am developing a personal productive app. The bookmark manager is part of it.
I use a lot of two-step verification websites so it is difficult to bypass that to get the webpage favicon.
However, when I use "chrome://favicon/" I can easily get the favicon of any website.
But the issue is that it works when I open in a new tab but they don't work on my webpage however, in the
For example.
<img src="chrome://favicon/" />
Any suggestions on how to fix it. Thanks a mill in advance.
You can Get favicon by Of any website. Just add /favicon.ico at the domain. There is no need of using chrome://favicon
Often you can get icon of site by requesting <website>/favicon.ico. For example, it works perfectly for (and it is 32x32, not 16x16 using chrome://favicon).

How to replace website logo on a Domino Server

I would like to know how easy it is to replace an image on a Domino Server.
The link of the website is in this format :
And I want to change the logo, is it possible to change with a FTP software, or is it difficult to do this. Because the person I request to do this told me that it will take 2 or 3 hours to do this. As I am not used to work with this king of server I prefer to request you advises. Usually, when I use FTP server, I go to the images directory and I replace the image really quickly.
Thanks for your help.
Logo? Are you referring to the favicon image that shows up in the browser address bar? If so, then you can place a 16x16px image in the \domino\html folder if you want the image to be the same for all databases on the server. If you only want it to be changed for that specific database, then you'll need to make a change to the HTML Head content section to refer to the image you want to use. You can either post it in the database or in the folder I referenced before.
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="newicon.ico">
If you're only wanting to update the one database, then it will take more than a few minutes. Hope that helps.

how to load iframe using contentscript and override xframe

First of all, is there another built in way to do this like webview is in phonegap, so I can load an external site into a div or div like element. I know webview exists for chrome apps, but i couldn't find anything for extensions.
Basically i want to show preview of pages on links..
To do that I am trying to load urls of links using by setting src of iframes using content script. However, for most urls, I get an error that xframe not allowed.
what are my options.
xframe is pretty full proof, however, if you aren't referring to specifically an iframe, you could always use a web-proxy such as node-unblocker for node.js, or miniProxy for PHP.

When using Video.js is there any way I can avoid the webpage content alert?

I'm trying to use Video.js to display a small video on our team sharepoint page (Sharepoint 2007). It works great, but the 'Do you want to view only the webpage content that was delivered securely?' alert always displays when you navigate to the page. The security settings on the computers cannot be changed, but is there any way I can avoid this alert being displayed?
Thanks in advance for any help.
This is happening because the page being accessed is served over HTTPS, but some content loaded remotely comes from HTTP. If you're using the Video.js CDN-hosted files, you'd want to change the include tags to look like this:
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="//"></script>
These are called protocol relative urls, meaning it will use whatever protocol the page is to load the files.
Hope that helps!

Links on SharePoint 2010 Master Page not changed based on Alternate Access Mappings

We are creating a custom branded Master Page in SharePoint 2010. To make the page similar to a legacy page we have implemented an html based custom dropdown navigation menu we had in place directly on the Master Page (consisted of basic HTML elements ULs and LIs with A tags styled with a CSS class).
I assumed the links from the basic HTML on the page would be subject to Alternate Access Mappings currently in place, but it seems to not be the case. On a test page opened in 3 different URLs (http://sharepoint2010,, the links from a WIKI page are modified as I expected, but the links from the Custom Navigation Menu (plain HTML on the Master Page) are not modified.
I can see where that would be useful... But is there a way that I can add links on the MasterPage in a way that SharePoint parses them first, making them subject to Alternate Access Mapping translation? I tried placing a link inside a SPLinkButton control, but it didn't achieve the desired behavior.
<ul id="navmenu">
<li><SharePoint:SPLinkButton runat="server" NavigateUrl="http://sharepoint2010">sharepoint link</SharePoint:SPLinkButton></li>
When I access the page via the links above are still http://sharepoint2010 rather than
Any thoughts?
EDIT (clarify):
I was planning on using relative links as a fallback. But for the purpose of what we are doing it would be more maintainable if we could keep the full links and use AAM.
I'm aware that standard relative links are a possibility. I was hoping to identify if there is a way to use AAM on Master Page content (or even on Content Retrieved from External Services down the road) by providing a specific link syntax, or control framework.
There is no need to re-insert the host name if your links are on the same domain and you're not using managed paths. Keeping your links relative will ensure that any bindings in IIS and AAM setup in SharePoint will work without any additional work.
Otherwise, I would heavily suggest to use the available ~sitecollection and ~site SPUrl token to retrieve the current site collection url or current web url. You need to wrap it in anything running server side as the expression will be handled ... server side.
<asp:Literal runat="server" Text="<% $SPUrl:~site/press-releases/ %>"/>
Hope it helped
When you use the NavigateUrl= attribute of the SPLinkButton, SharePoint renders a simple anchor with href= instead of regular PostBack JavaScript code. Alternate access mapping do not play a role here.
If its simply relative links you want, then leave out the dns entry altogether (ie the bit of the url you are switching with your AAM) and begin the url with a forward slash to make it relative. If this doesn't meet your needs, the way Sharepoint does it is with a relative url token. Have a look in v4.master for the tilda character followed by 'site' or 'sitecollection' which refers to the current web and site collection respectively. Copy this method. For more details, look at this link:
