Linux Shell Script to extract data of email sent and mail back to admin - linux

Here's the extract of the log file:
Jan 18 02:30:11 qaapp2 sendmail[3126]: q0I7UBoS00312: to=, ctladdr= (10021/10000), delay=00:00:00, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=esmtp, pri=120448, [], dsn=2.0.0, stat=Sent ( <> Queued mail for delivery)
Jan 18 02:31:11 qaapp2 sendmail[3510]: q0I7VBOx00350: to=, ctladdr= (10021/10000), delay=00:00:00, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=esmtp, pri=120453, [], dsn=2.0.0, stat=Sent ( <> Queued mail for delivery)
Jan 18 06:43:44 qaapp2 sendmail[442]: q0IBhisf00044: to=, ctladdr= (0/0), delay=00:00:00, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=esmtp, pri=120450, [], dsn=2.0.0, stat=Sent ( <> Queued mail for delivery)
I want to know how many mails are sent to user date wise from the log file located at the path /var/log/maillog file.
Any help is appreciated.

Whenever something needs counting, wc is your friend:
grep 'to=<>' /var/log/maillog | wc -l

You can check it via command mentioned below:
grep -i "to=<" /var/log/maillog|wc -l; grep -i "to=<" /var/log/maillog| awk '{print $1,$2,$3,$7,$13}'
In the above command, the first line will printed as number of mails that has been sent to the ID = and beneath to it, you will have 'month', 'date', 'time', 'ID' followed by its 'status' of delivery.


How to monitor newly created file in a directory with bash?

I have a log directory that consists of bunch of log files, one log file is created once an system event has happened. I want to write an oneline bash script that always monitors the file list and display the content of the newly created file on the terminal. Here is what it looks like:
Currently, all I have is to display the content of the whole directory:
for f in *; do cat $f; done
It lacks the monitoring feature that I wanted. One limitation of my system is that I do not have watch command. I also don't have any package manager to install fancy tools. Raw BSD is all I have. I do have tail, I was thinking of something like tail -F $(ls) but this tails each file instead of the file list.
In summary, I want to modify my script such that I can monitor the content of all newly created files.
First approach - use a hidden file in you dir (in my example it has a name .watch). Then you one-liner might look like:
for f in $(find . -type f -newer .watch); do cat $f; done; touch .watch
Second approach - use inotify-tools:
You can cram it into a one-liner if you want, but I'd recommend just running the script in the background:
[ ! -d "$1" ] && {
printf "error: argument is not a valid directory to monitory.\n"
exit 1
while :; fname="$1/$(inotifywait -q -e modify -e create --format '%f' "$1")"; do
cat "$fname"
Which will watch the directory given as the first argument, and cat any new or changed file in that directory. Example:
$ bash my_logdir &
Which will then cat new or changed files in my_logdir.
Using inotifywait in monitor mode
First this little demo:
Open one terminal and run this:
ext=(php css other)
while :;do
((RANDOM%10))||printf -v subname -- "-%04x" $RANDOM
date >/tmp/test$subname.${ext[RANDOM%3]}
sleep 1
This will create randomly files named /tmp/test.php, /tmp/test.css and /tmp/test.other, but randomly (approx 1 time / 10), the name will be /tmp/test-XXXX.[css|php|other] where XXXX is an hexadecimal random number.
Open another terminal and run this:
while read file ;do
if [ "$file" ] &&
( [ -z "${file##*.php}" ] || [ -z "${file##*.css}" ] ) ;then
(($(stat -c %Y-%X $file)))||echo -n new
echo file: $file, content:
cat $file
done < <(
inotifywait -qme close_write --format %w%f ${waitPaths[*]}
This may produce something like:
file: /tmp/test.css, content:
Tue Apr 26 18:53:19 CEST 2016
file: /tmp/test.php, content:
Tue Apr 26 18:53:21 CEST 2016
file: /tmp/test.php, content:
Tue Apr 26 18:53:23 CEST 2016
file: /tmp/test.css, content:
Tue Apr 26 18:53:25 CEST 2016
file: /tmp/test.php, content:
Tue Apr 26 18:53:27 CEST 2016
newfile: /tmp/test-420b.php, content:
Tue Apr 26 18:53:28 CEST 2016
file: /tmp/test.php, content:
Tue Apr 26 18:53:29 CEST 2016
file: /tmp/test.php, content:
Tue Apr 26 18:53:30 CEST 2016
file: /tmp/test.php, content:
Tue Apr 26 18:53:31 CEST 2016
Some explanation:
waitPaths=(/{home,tmp}) could be written waitPaths=(/home /tmp) or for only one directory: waitPaths=/var/log
if condition search for filenames matching *.php or *.css
(($(stat -c %Y-%X $file)))||echo -n new will compare creation and modification time.
-q to stay quiet (don't print more then required)
-m for monitor mode: Command don't termine, but print each matching event.
-e close_write react only to specified kind of event.
-f %w%f Output format: path/file
Another way:
There is a more sophisticated sample:
Listenning for two kind of events (CLOSE_WRITE | CREATE)
Using a list of new files flags for knowing which files are new when CLOSE_WRITE event occur.
In second console, hit Ctrl+C, or in new terminal, tris this:
declare -A newFiles
while read path event file; do
if [ "$file" ] && ( [ -z "${file##*.php}" ] || [ -z "${file##*.css}" ] ); then
if [ "$event" ] && [ -z "${event//*CREATE*}" ]; then
if [ "${newFiles[$file]}" ]; then
unset newFiles[$file]
echo NewFile: $file, content:
sed 's/^/>+ /' $file
echo file: $file, content:
sed 's/^/> /' $path/$file
done < <(inotifywait -qme close_write -e create ${waitPaths[*]})
May produce something like:
file: test.css, content:
> Tue Apr 26 22:16:02 CEST 2016
file: test.php, content:
> Tue Apr 26 22:16:03 CEST 2016
NewFile: test-349b.css, content:
>+ Tue Apr 26 22:16:05 CEST 2016
file: test.css, content:
> Tue Apr 26 22:16:08 CEST 2016
file: test.css, content:
> Tue Apr 26 22:16:10 CEST 2016
file: test.css, content:
> Tue Apr 26 22:16:13 CEST 2016
Watching for new files AND new lines in old files, using bash
There is another solution by using some bashisms like associative arrays:
while : ;do
while read -a crtfile ;do
if [ "${crtfile:0:1}" = "-" ] &&
[ "${crtfile[8]##*.}" != "gz" ] &&
[ "${files[${crtfile[8]}]:-0}" -lt ${crtfile[4]} ] ;then
printf "\e[47m## %-14s :- %(%a %d %b %y %T)T ##\e[0m\n" ${crtfile[8]} -1
tail -c +$[1+${files[${crtfile[8]}]:-0}] $wpath/${crtfile[8]}
done < <( /bin/ls -l $wpath )
sleep 1
This will dump each files (with filename not ending by .gz) in /var/log, and watch for modification or new files, then dump new lines.
In a first terminal console, hit:
ext=(php css other)
( while :; do
((RANDOM%10)) || printf -v subname -- "-%04x" $RANDOM
printf "%-16s" $name
date +"%a %d %b %y %T" | tee /dev/fd/5
fortune /usr/share/games/fortunes/bofh-excuses
} >> /tmp/$name
sleep 1
done ) 5>&1
You need to have fortune installed with BOFH excuses librarie.
If you really not have fortune, you could use this instead:
LANG=C ext=(php css other)
( while :; do
((RANDOM%10)) || printf -v subname -- "-%04x" $RANDOM
printf "%-16s" $name
date +"%a %d %b %y %T" | tee /dev/fd/5
for ((1; RANDOM%5; 1))
printf -v str %$[RANDOM&12]s
str=${str// /blah, }
echo ${str%, }.
} >> /tmp/$name
sleep 1
done ) 5>&1
This may output something like:
test.css Thu 28 Apr 16 12:00:02
test.php Thu 28 Apr 16 12:00:03
test.other Thu 28 Apr 16 12:00:04
test.css Thu 28 Apr 16 12:00:05
test.css Thu 28 Apr 16 12:00:06
test.other Thu 28 Apr 16 12:00:07
test.php Thu 28 Apr 16 12:00:08
test.css Thu 28 Apr 16 12:00:09
test.other Thu 28 Apr 16 12:00:10
test.other Thu 28 Apr 16 12:00:11
test.php Thu 28 Apr 16 12:00:12
test.other Thu 28 Apr 16 12:00:13
In a second terminal console, hit:
declare -A files
while :; do
while read -a crtfile; do
if [ "${crtfile:0:1}" = "-" ] && [ "${crtfile[8]:0:4}" = "test" ] &&
( [ "${crtfile[8]##*.}" = "css" ] || [ "${crtfile[8]##*.}" = "php" ] ) &&
[ "${files[${crtfile[8]}]:-0}" -lt ${crtfile[4]} ]; then
printf "\e[47m## %-14s :- %(%a %d %b %y %T)T ##\e[0m\n" ${crtfile[8]} -1
tail -c +$[1+${files[${crtfile[8]}]:-0}] $wpath/${crtfile[8]}
done < <(/bin/ls -l $wpath)
sleep 1
This will each seconds
for all entries in watched directory
search for files (first caracter is -),
search for filenames begining by test,
search for filenames ending by css or php,
compare already printed sizes with new file size,
if new size greater,
print out new bytes by using tail -c and
store new already printed size
sleep 1 seconds
this may output something like:
## test.css :- Thu 28 Apr 16 12:00:09 ##
Thu 28 Apr 16 12:00:02
BOFH excuse #216:
What office are you in? Oh, that one. Did you know that your building was built over the universities first nuclear research site? And wow, aren't you the lucky one, your office is right over where the core is buried!
Thu 28 Apr 16 12:00:05
BOFH excuse #145:
Flat tire on station wagon with tapes. ("Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes hurling down the highway" Andrew S. Tannenbaum)
Thu 28 Apr 16 12:00:06
BOFH excuse #301:
appears to be a Slow/Narrow SCSI-0 Interface problem
## test.php :- Thu 28 Apr 16 12:00:09 ##
Thu 28 Apr 16 12:00:03
BOFH excuse #36:
dynamic software linking table corrupted
Thu 28 Apr 16 12:00:08
BOFH excuse #367:
Webmasters kidnapped by evil cult.
## test.css :- Thu 28 Apr 16 12:00:10 ##
Thu 28 Apr 16 12:00:09
BOFH excuse #25:
Decreasing electron flux
## test.php :- Thu 28 Apr 16 12:00:13 ##
Thu 28 Apr 16 12:00:12
BOFH excuse #3:
electromagnetic radiation from satellite debris
Nota: If some file are modified more than one time between two checks, all modification will be printed on next check.
Although not really nice, the following gives (and repeats) the last 50 lines of the newest file in the current directory:
while true; do tail -n 50 $(ls -Art | tail -n 1); sleep 5; done
You can refresh every minute using a cronjob:
$crontabe -e
* * * * * /home/
if you need to refresh in less than a minute you can use the command "sleep" inside your script.

how to select today date in a file with cat and grep?

How can I select todays log from:
Oct 9 21:47:06 server dovecot[1513]: imap( Disconnected: Logged out in=235 out=760
Oct 9 21:47:06 server dovecot[1513]: auth-worker(28110): shadow(, unknown user
Oct 9 21:47:06 server dovecot[1513]: auth-worker(28110): shadow(, unknown user
Oct 9 21:47:06 server dovecot[1513]: imap-login: Login: user=<>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=1850, secured, session=<ImGl4XUEHAB/AAAB>
Oct 8 21:47:06 server dovecot[1513]: imap( Disconnected: Logged out in=162 out=7805
Oct 8 21:47:08 server dovecot[1513]: auth-worker(28110): shadow(, unknown user
Oct 8 21:47:08 server dovecot[1513]: auth-worker(28110): shadow(, unknown user
Oct 7 21:47:08 server dovecot[1513]: imap-login: Login: user=<>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=1853, secured, session=<gkTD4XUE0QCQTCtX>
Oct 6 21:47:08 server dovecot[1513]: imap( Disconnected: Logged out in=235 out=765
Oct 4 21:47:09 server dovecot[1513]: auth-worker(28110): shadow(, unknown user
Oct 4 21:47:09 server dovecot[1513]: auth-worker(28110): shadow(, unknown user
Oct 4 21:47:09 server dovecot[1513]: imap-login: Login: user=<>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=1856, secured, session=<sb/G4XUEIAB/AAAB>
My command is:
cat /var/log/maillog | grep imap-login:\ Login | sed -e 's/.*Login: user=<\(.*\)>, method=.*/\1/g' | sort | uniq
There's no need to use grep twice in a pipeline with sed since it can do the selection, too:
sed -n "/^$(date '+%b %_d').*imap-login: Login/s/.*Login: user=<\(.*\)>, method=.*/\1/p" /var/log/maillog | sort -u
I also eliminated the separate call to uniq since sort -u takes care of that.
I used guido's date command to select the current date, but I replaced the deprecated backticks with $(), as Mark did, which is specified by POSIX and supported by all modern Bourne-derived shells.
Here is a version of Mark Setchell's AWK answer which sorts and uniques the result.
awk -F"[ <>=,]*" -v d="^$(date '+%b %_d')" '$0 ~ d && /imap-login/ {a[$9] = $9} END {n = asort(a); for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {print a[i]}}' /var/log/maillog
It requires GAWK.
You can maybe do something along these lines with awk, and treating spaces, angle brackets, commas and equals signs all as alternate field separators:
awk -F"[ <>=,]*" -v d="$(date '+%b %_d')" '$0 ~ d && /imap-login/{print $1,$2,$9,$11}' maillog

how to check if a string is a valid mailq mailid using bash?

I am stuck.
I am wondering how to check if a Q-ID is a valid mailq ID.
/var/spool/mqueue (3 requests)
-----Q-ID----- --Size-- -----Q-Time----- ------------Sender/Recipient-----------
m9TMLQHG012749 1103 Thu Oct 30 11:21 <apache#localhost.localdomain>
(host map: lookup ( deferred)
m9TMLRB9012751 37113 Thu Oct 30 11:21 <apache#localhost.localdomain>
(host map: lookup ( deferred)
m9TMLPcg012747 240451 Thu Oct 30 11:21 <apache#localhost.localdomain>
(host map: lookup ( deferred)
Total requests: 3
thanks for any hint.
Based on your last comment, I guess this is what would suffice.
randomMailQId=XXXXXXXX # get this populated
if mailq | grep "^$randomMailQId\s"; then
echo Valid
echo Invalid

How to get file creation date/time in Bash/Debian?

I'm using Bash on Debian GNU/Linux 6.0. Is it possible to get the file creation date/time? Not the modification date/time.
ls -lh a.txt and stat -c %y a.txt both only give the modification time.
Unfortunately your quest won't be possible in general, as there are only 3 distinct time values stored for each of your files as defined by the POSIX standard (see Base Definitions section 4.8 File Times Update)
Each file has three distinct associated timestamps: the time of last
data access, the time of last data modification, and the time the file
status last changed. These values are returned in the file
characteristics structure struct stat, as described in <sys/stat.h>.
EDIT: As mentioned in the comments below, depending on the filesystem used metadata may contain file creation date. Note however storage of information like that is non standard. Depending on it may lead to portability problems moving to another filesystem, in case the one actually used somehow stores it anyways.
ls -i file #output is for me 68551981
debugfs -R 'stat <68551981>' /dev/sda3 # /dev/sda3 is the disk on which the file exists
#results - crtime value
[root#loft9156 ~]# debugfs -R 'stat <68551981>' /dev/sda3
debugfs 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)
Inode: 68551981 Type: regular Mode: 0644 Flags: 0x80000
Generation: 769802755 Version: 0x00000000:00000001
User: 0 Group: 0 Size: 38973440
File ACL: 0 Directory ACL: 0
Links: 1 Blockcount: 76128
Fragment: Address: 0 Number: 0 Size: 0
ctime: 0x526931d7:1697cce0 -- Thu Oct 24 16:42:31 2013
atime: 0x52691f4d:7694eda4 -- Thu Oct 24 15:23:25 2013
mtime: 0x526931d7:1697cce0 -- Thu Oct 24 16:42:31 2013
**crtime: 0x52691f4d:7694eda4 -- Thu Oct 24 15:23:25 2013**
Size of extra inode fields: 28
(0-511): 352633728-352634239, (512-1023): 352634368-352634879, (1024-2047): 288392192-288393215, (2048-4095): 355803136-355805183, (4096-6143): 357941248-357943295, (6144
-9514): 357961728-357965098
mikyra's answer is good. The fact just like what he said.
[jason#rh5 test]$ stat test.txt
File: `test.txt'
Size: 0 Blocks: 8 IO Block: 4096 regular empty file
Device: 802h/2050d Inode: 588720 Links: 1
Access: (0664/-rw-rw-r--) Uid: ( 500/ jason) Gid: ( 500/ jason)
Access: 2013-03-14 01:58:12.000000000 -0700
Modify: 2013-03-14 01:58:12.000000000 -0700
Change: 2013-03-14 01:58:12.000000000 -0700
if you want to verify, which file was created first, you can structure your file name by appending system date when you create a series of files.
Note that if you've got your filesystem mounted with noatime for performance reasons, then the atime will likely show the creation time. Given that noatime results in a massive performance boost (by removing a disk write for every time a file is read), it may be a sensible configuration option that also gives you the results you want.
Creation date/time is normally not stored. So no, you can't.
You can find creation time - aka birth time - using stat and also match using find.
We have these files showing last modified time:
$ ls -l --time-style=long-iso | sort -k6
total 692
-rwxrwx---+ 1 XXXX XXXX 249159 2013-05-31 14:47 Getting Started.pdf
-rwxrwx---+ 1 XXXX XXXX 275799 2013-12-30 21:12 TheScienceofGettingRich.pdf
-rwxrwx---+ 1 XXXX XXXX 25600 2015-05-07 18:52 Thumbs.db
-rwxrwx---+ 1 XXXX XXXX 148051 2015-05-07 18:55 AsAManThinketh.pdf
To find files created within a certain time frame using find as below.
Clearly, the filesystem knows about the birth time of a file:
$ find -newerBt '2014-06-13' ! -newerBt '2014-06-13 12:16:10' -ls
20547673299906851 148 -rwxrwx--- 1 XXXX XXXX 148051 May 7 18:55 ./AsAManThinketh.pdf
1407374883582246 244 -rwxrwx--- 1 XXXX XXXX 249159 May 31 2013 ./Getting\ Started.pdf
We can confirm this using stat:
$ stat -c "%w %n" * | sort
2014-06-13 12:16:03.873778400 +0100 AsAManThinketh.pdf
2014-06-13 12:16:04.006872500 +0100 Getting Started.pdf
2014-06-13 12:16:29.607075500 +0100 TheScienceofGettingRich.pdf
2015-05-07 18:32:26.938446200 +0100 Thumbs.db
stat man pages explains %w:
%w time of file birth, human-readable; - if unknown
ls -i menus.xml
94490 menus.xml
Here the number 94490 represents inode
Then do a:
df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/vg-root 4.0G 3.4G 408M 90% /
tmpfs 1.9G 0 1.9G 0% /dev/shm
/dev/sda1 124M 27M 92M 23% /boot
/dev/mapper/vg-var 7.9G 1.1G 6.5G 15% /var
To find the mounting point of the root "/" filesystem, because the file menus.xml is on '/' that is '/dev/mapper/vg-root'
debugfs -R 'stat <94490>' /dev/mapper/vg-root
The output may be like the one below:
debugfs -R 'stat <94490>' /dev/mapper/vg-root
debugfs 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)
Inode: 94490 Type: regular Mode: 0644 Flags: 0x0
Generation: 2826123170 Version: 0x00000000
User: 0 Group: 0 Size: 4441
File ACL: 0 Directory ACL: 0
Links: 1 Blockcount: 16
Fragment: Address: 0 Number: 0 Size: 0
ctime: 0x5266e438 -- Wed Oct 23 09:46:48 2013
atime: 0x5266e47b -- Wed Oct 23 09:47:55 2013
mtime: 0x5266e438 -- Wed Oct 23 09:46:48 2013
Size of extra inode fields: 4
Extended attributes stored in inode body:
selinux = "unconfined_u:object_r:usr_t:s0\000" (31)
Where you can see the creation time:
ctime: 0x5266e438 -- Wed Oct 23 09:46:48 2013
stat -c %w a.txt
%w returns the file creation(birth) date if it is available, which is rare.
Here's the link
As #mikyra explained, creation date time is not stored anywhere.
All the methods above are nice, but if you want to quickly get only last modify date, you can type:
ls -lit /path
with -t option you list all file in /path odered by last modify date.
If you really want to achieve that you can use a file watcher like inotifywait.
You watch a directory and you save information about file creations in separate file outside that directory.
while true; do
change=$(inotifywait -e close_write,moved_to,create .)
change=${change#./ * }
if [ "$change" = ".*" ]; then ./scriptToStoreInfoAboutFile; fi
As no creation time is stored, you can build your own system based on inotify.
Cited from , the following shellscript would work to get creation time:
get_crtime() {
for target in "${#}"; do
inode=$(stat -c %i "${target}")
fs=$(df "${target}" | tail -1 | awk '{print $1}')
crtime=$(sudo debugfs -R 'stat <'"${inode}"'>' "${fs}" 2>/dev/null | grep -oP 'crtime.*--\s*\K.*')
printf "%s\t%s\n" "${target}" "${crtime}"
even better:
lsct ()
debugfs -R 'stat <'`ls -i "$1" | (read a b;echo -n $a)`'>' `df "$1" | (read a; read a b; echo "$a")` 2> /dev/null | grep --color=auto crtime | ( read a b c d;
echo $d )
lsct /etc
Wed Jul 20 19:25:48 2016
Another trick to add to your arsenal is the following:
$ grep -r "Copyright" /<path-to-source-files>/src
Generally speaking, if one changes a file they should claim credit in the “Copyright”. Examine the results for dates, file names, contributors and contact email.
example grep result:
/<path>/src/someobject.h: * Copyright 2007-2012 <creator's name> <creator's email>(at)<some URL>>

procmail disregards /etc/group?

sample procmailrc:
* ^Subject: envdump please$
/etc/group file contains (note the other usernames are vain attempts to make this work):
If I run as "someuser" the command id:
[someuser#lixyz-pqr ~]$ id
uid=504(someuser) gid=504(someuser) groups=504(someuser),505(s3)
However when I run procmail by sending an email with the subject "envdump please", the 505/s3 group disappears (this is in procmail.log):
procmail: [17618] Mon Dec 19 17:39:50 2011
procmail: Match on "^Subject: envdump please$"
procmail: Executing "id"
procmail: Assigning "LOG=uid=504(someuser) gid=504(someuser) groups=504(someuser)"
uid=504(someuser) gid=504(someuser) groups=504(someuser)procmail: Assigning "LASTFOLDER=/dev/null"
this server is running Fedora 14 with Postfix 2.7.5
Procmail wasn't installed setuid.
for background, it should look like:
[root#li321-238 postfix]# ls -l /usr/bin/procmail
-rwsr-sr-x. 1 root mail 92816 Jul 28 2009 /usr/bin/procmail
which you can set up via:
chmod ug+s /usr/bin/procmail
