Disable word breakings in SharePoint 2010 search - search

Short question:
Is it possible in SharePoint 2010 to disable word breaking in the search engine?
Long question:
SharePoint search engine breaks up words in the index. For example: motorcycle will be indexed as motor and cycle. So a search for motor will result in a hit on motorcycle.
A customer would like to disable this functionality. Is that possible? So that a search for motor will result in only motor and not motorcycle?

I am not 100% sure but if you use Quotes around your key term i.e. "MotorCycle" , then you should get results with exact match and not for motor or for cycle.
Also most of search engine including bing, google and sp2010 search uses same behaviour


M365 Lists Partial Word Search without Wildcard

Currently in M365 Lists, you can only do a partial word search using a wildcard. This also applies to SharePoint searches, but does not apply to most other M365 programs. I contacted Microsoft because, in earlier versions, it was a setting to enable or disable needing the wildcard. Microsoft says it cannot be done - need to use wildcard. I do know that when you start typing in the Search, it will bring up all records with whatever you type directly under the Search. If you pick one, it brings you up to another screen - again users not used to and not feasible. If you enter on the Search with a partial word, it brings up a blank list.
Issue - this is for a phone database that over 1500 people use. Current database does not require wildcard. So you can type kal and get all names starting with kal. To try to tell 1500 people how to do it (include wildcard), is just not feasible. I have asked Microsoft if we could add a field to top of list that we could code to search (without wildcard). Have not heard back yet, but it seems like it is first level support that is answering any support questions I have even when I ask to give it to someone higher up.
So, does anyone know how you can do a partial word search in Lists without the wildcard - either by changing the config of Search or creating a new field that will allow users to search? Welcome to all ideas. Thanks!

Azure Search highlights each search term included as part of phrase search

I have noticed that when performing a phrase search with double quotes, azure Search return appropriate search results but it highlights each individual word in the phrase.
For example when we do phrase search on “data scientist” it highlights “Data” and "Scientist" as well ideally it should have highlighted just “data scientist”.
Is this the default behavior of Azure Search and is there any way to alter it.
Is this the default behavior of Azure Search and is there any way to alter it.
Unfortunately there is no way to customize this behavior at the moment.
In Azure Search we use Lucene's Postings Highlighter. This highlighter ignores positions of terms that matched, that's why you see all phrase terms highlighted independently.
You could refer to the similar SO thread.
If you want to promote this feature to achieve you could go to feedback page and vote for it.

How can I add Wolfram Alpha to search bar in Chrome?

I want to send queries to Wolfram Alpha real fast. I've been using wiki query from search bar for ages, how can I search on WA?
Ultimately I found the solution myself, but it took me some time and I had to devise the solution myself, since all Google searches returned the extension which I wanted to avoid. Here it is.
Right click the address bar and click Edit search engines...
(or open Settings -> Search -> Manage search engines...)
Usually, you can find all recognized search engines you used already listed there, but if not, add this: (*use any keyword of your choice)
The query url: http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=%s
Now it is possible to use wa query from search bar to search on Wolfram Alpha. Note, this method allows you to use any search engine.
This is really handy! I wonder if adding it in Chrome as a search engine is better than using the Wolfram Alpha chrome extension though. That is much easier to search using just combination of "=" followed by space and you can directly type in your search query to the Math engine :)
Wolfram|Alpha (Official)
Instantly query Wolfram|Alpha from any page or tab.
There is more to it, you can type formula and equations directly in your navigation bar using this on any page or tab. Pretty neat!
[Source]: From Wolfram Alpha Official Chrome Extension page
✓ Wolfram|Alpha Button – Access the Wolfram|Alpha query box with just one click. You can also right-click the Wolfram|Alpha icon to change extension options.
✓ Omnibox Shortcut – Transform Chrome's omnibox into a Wolfram|Alpha query field by typing an = sign followed by a space.
✓ Context Menu Shortcut – Highlight text to create queries through a context menu (right-click) entry.
Shouting out to StackOverflow community:
I am still learning and appreciating the power of this engine. If you guys have some resources or content apart from Wolfram's official site, please do share!
This will really help me as a beginner in the field and I can use to improve.
What better way to search than the famous Euler's Identity. In Chrome Nav bar
"=" ==> (space) ==> e^(i*pie) ==> (enter)
Or something like:
"=" ==> (space) ==> sqrt(1779)*cube(pi) ==> (enter)
And see the result instantly in Wolfram. Awesome isn't it?

Google Sitelinks Search Box

For some reason, a search for our company name (“hometalk”) does not produce the search box in the results (even though we do have sitelinks).
We are adding schema markup as outlined here, but we're not sure about:
Will adding the code make the search bar appear (or at least increase the chances), or is it only going to change the functionality of the search box (to on-site search) for results that are already showing a search bar?
It is only going to change the functionality of the search box (to on-site search) for results that are already showing a search bar.
As stated here: https://developers.google.com/webmasters/richsnippets/sitelinkssearch
Search box not displaying? The sitelinks search box appears only for navigational queries and when relevant for users. Google
algorithms use a variety of factors to determine when the box appears,
including the information on the site and different types of
navigational queries from Search users.

Exactly matching search result pages for synonymous query terms in sharepoint

i work with sharepoint 2010 search optimization and I was wondering if there's a way to make query terms exactly synonymous with each other.
The option I found in the search center settings is a little off target with mandatory creation of a best bet. I want, for example, the search results pages for 'IE' and 'Internet Explorer' to be exactly the same.
Any idea how to go about it? thanks in advance!
You need to define a thesaurus file. It's laborious, but can be done.
There's a good post about it here:
The thesaurus is probably the way to go. Remember though that the thing with any version of Sharepoint Search except FAST is that synonyms are one way only, meaning when someone enters IE, it is a synonym for Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer is not a synonym for IE. (depending on which way you defined it of course). This means that any query for IE will include all content related to both and a query for Internet Explorer will render results for Internet Explorer content only.
