JBehave - all steps marked pending? - groovy

I'm trying to create and run a simple JUnitStory to run a .story file.
I have this:
class Scenario1 extends JUnitStory {
#Delegate MySteps steps = new MySteps()
public Configuration configuration() {
return new MostUsefulConfiguration()
.useStoryLoader(new LoadFromRelativeFile(new File('src/test/groovy').toURL()))
new StoryReporterBuilder()
.withFormats(Format.HTML, Format.CONSOLE, Format.TXT)
public List candidateSteps() {
final candidateSteps = new InstanceStepsFactory(configuration(), this).createCandidateSteps()
return candidateSteps;
With or without the delegate (copying and pasting in all the annotated methods of MySteps), whenever I run JBehave, I get the following output:
It's like the individual stories don't pick up the steps.
When I create a "Stories" class and pull all the story files in with storyPaths, the individual steps are defined. Using a debugger, I see that candidateSteps is being hit, but it's not pulling in the data it needs to.
What could possibly be going on here?

You don't need to delegate to the Steps. And also you should not override candidateSteps, but rather stepsFactory. In later versions of JBehave, candidateSteps is deprecated, to make that preference for the factory method more prominent ( http://jbehave.org/reference/stable/javadoc/core/org/jbehave/core/ConfigurableEmbedder.html#candidateSteps() )
See this blog, where I explained how the basic JBehave configuration works in more detail:

Here is your answer buddy:
The package of format has Changed.
This is the deprecated
import static org.jbehave.core.reporters.StoryReporterBuilder.Format.HTML;
This is the new one :)
import static org.jbehave.core.reporters.Format.HTML;
Took a while to find the answer, but was hidden on the jbehave documentation
Hope it helps!

You shouldn't need to use the #Delegate - your JUnitStory is not your Steps class. Can you try passing in steps where you have this?
When you pass in a class that has been bytecode manipulated for Steps classes, JBehave may not see the jbehave annotations anymore.

JBehave is old, underdeveloped technology. Don't use it.


How to retain some of the interface methods' default implementations in the implementing class in C# 8.0?

One would think that in C# 8.0 you should be able to do the following (according to this (1st snippet)):
public interface IRestApiClient : IRestClient
Task<T> PostPrivateAsync<T>(string action, OrderedDictionary<string, object> parameters = null, DeserializeCustom<T> deserializer = null)
return QueryPrivateAsync(Method.POST, action, parameters, deserializer);
public class SpecificClient : ExchangeClient, IRestApiClient, IRestHtmlClient, ISeleniumClient, IWebSocketClient
The example above won't compile because the interface members need to be explicitly and wholly implemented (including the methods supplying the default logic)
So one would think that the following should work:
public interface IRestApiClient : IRestClient
Task<T> PostPrivateAsync<T>(string action, OrderedDictionary<string, object> parameters = null, DeserializeCustom<T> deserializer = null)
return QueryPrivateAsync(Method.POST, action, parameters, deserializer);
public class SpecificClient : ExchangeClient, IRestApiClient, IRestHtmlClient, ISeleniumClient, IWebSocketClient
public async Task<T> PostPrivateAsync<T>(string action, OrderedDictionary<string, object> parameters = null, DeserializeCustom<T> deserializer = null)
=> await ((IRestApiClient) this).PostPrivateAsync(action, parameters, deserializer);
Nope, it looks like this method is recursive (despite the upcast) and will cause our favorite Stack Overflow exception.
So my question is (abstracting from the fact that I could change the design in my example), is there a way of keeping the implementation for a specific method default, preferably without the necessity of resorting to hacky or Static Helper Extension methods? I could call static extension method in both interface and the class but it kind of defeats the purpose of this feature.
I must admit it confuses me and it appears I am missing something critical that is obvious to other people. I didn't provide additional info because I didn't consider my issue to be code specific. Lets look at this simple example (taken from the website I linked on the beginning of my post):
According to #Panagiotis Kanavos comment: No, default members don't need to be implemented (...) what I screenshoted should not be true. Can sb please enlighten me?
// EDIT 2
As you can see I am properly targeting .NET CORE 3.0 with C# 8.0.
Interface method cannot declare a body
Interface member 'void CryptoBotCoreMVC.IDefaultInterfaceMethod.DefaultMethod()' is not implemented
To answer the question in the comments: I didn't specify LangVersion explicitly in the .csproj file.
// EDIT 3
The issue was ReSharper, see:
My comment have been deleted, presumably by the owner of the answer so I'll write it here: the clue was the fact that there was actually no error numbers, but the compilation was blocked. It turned out that there is an option to block compilation when these errors occur in ReSharper.
It seems that in the end this is a possible duplicate, but getting to this conclusion was quite a journey :).
The issue is caused by ReSharper, reference:
It appears that the problem will be resolved in version v2019.3 and we currently have v2019.2.3. You can setup ReSharper to block compilation depending on issue severity, the workaround is to disable this feature for the time being.

How to get 'Step' name by using Cucumber with Java to use in Extent report

I want to use Step name which is mentioned in Scenario/Scenario Outline feature file. So please help me how to get the step information in Cucumber java.
You can use Hooks to get the scenario object and then its name.
Should be something like this
package util;
import cucumber.api.java.Before;
public class Hooks {
public String scenario_name;
public void getScenario(Scenario){
scenario_name = Scenario.getName();
and then, don't forget to add util, in that case, to your glue
#CucumberOptions(...glue = {"yourStepPackage","util"}...)
Hope it helps!

Optaplanner multithreading attempt yielded "missing rebase" on custom move

I updated from 7.5 to 7.9 Optaplanner libraries for use with a variant of the nurserostering code, and used the release notes (for example, some method names changed) to successfully rebuild and re-run. Then, I added the "moveThreadCount" xml line (for multithreading) to my solver config xml.
Running then immediately threw an error:
Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: The custom move class (class westgranite.staffrostering.solver.move.EmployeeChangeMove) doesn't implement the rebase() method, so multithreaded solving is impossible.
I do have a number of custom moves. I did not see any reference to the need to add a rebase() method in the release notes, nor do I see a reference to rebase() in the current (newer) documentation section on building custom moves.
Would someone please point me the right way? Thanks!
I would suggest reading this excellent blog post: http://www.optaplanner.org/blog/2018/07/03/AGiantLeapForwardWithMultithreadedIncrementalSolving.html as it gives a more in depth explanation of how multithreaded solving works.
I also suggest to read the javadoc on the rebase method, it should point you in the right direction: https://docs.optaplanner.org/7.12.0.Final/optaplanner-javadoc/org/optaplanner/core/impl/heuristic/move/Move.html#rebase-org.optaplanner.core.impl.score.director.ScoreDirector-
Here's an example:
public class CloudComputerChangeMove extends AbstractMove<CloudBalance> {
private CloudProcess cloudProcess;
private CloudComputer toCloudComputer;
public CloudComputerChangeMove rebase(ScoreDirector<CloudBalance> destinationScoreDirector) {
return new CloudComputerChangeMove(

Can CDI #Producer method take custom parameters?

I think i understood how CDI works and in order to dive deep in it, i would like to try using it with something real world example. I am stuck with one thing where i need your help to make me understand. I would really appreciate your help in this regard.
I have my own workflow framework developed using Java reflection API and XML configurations where based on specific type of "source" and "eventName" i load appropriate Module class and invoke "process" method on that. Everything is working fine in our project.
I got excited with CDI feature and wanted to give it try with workflow framework where i am planning inject Module class instead of loading them using Reflection etc...
Just to give you an idea, I will try to keep things simple here.
"Message.java" is a kind of Transfer Object which carries "Source" and "eventName", so that we can load module appropriately.
public class Message{
private String source;
private String eventName;
Module configurations are as below
public class ModuleLoader {
public void loadAndProcess(Message message){
String source=message.getSource();
String eventName=message.getEventName();
//Load Module based on above values.
Now , if i want to implement same via CDI to inject me a Module (in ModuleLoader class), I can write Factory class with #Produce method , which can do that. BUT my question is,
a) how can pass Message Object to #Produce method to do lookup based on eventName and source ?
Can you please provide me suggestions ?
Thanks in advance.
This one is a little tricky because CDI doesn't work the same way as your custom solution (if I understand it correctly). CDI must have all the list of dependencies and resolutions for those dependencies at boot time, where your solution sounds like it finds everything at runtime where things may change. That being said there are a couple of things you could try.
You could try injecting an InjectionPoint as a parameter to a producer method and returning the correct object, or creating the correct type.
There's also creating your own extension of doing this and creating dependencies and wiring them all up in the extension (take a look at ProcessInjectionTarget, ProcessAnnotatedType, and 'AfterBeanDiscovery` events. These two quickstarts may also help get some ideas going.
I think you may be going down the wrong path regarding a producer. Instead it more than likely would be much better to use an observer especially based on what you've described.
I'm making the assumption that the "Message" transfer object is used abstractly like a system wide event where basically you fire the event and you would like some handler defined in your XML framework you've created to determine the correct manager for the event, instantiate it (if need be), and then call the class passing it the event.
public class MyMessageObserver {
public void handleMessageEvent(#Observes Message message) {
//Load Module based on above values and process the event
Now let's assume you want to utilize your original interface (I'll guess it looks like):
public interface IMessageHandler {
public void handleMessage(final Message message);
public class EventMessageHandler implements IMessageHandler {
private Event<Message> messageEvent;
public void handleMessage(Message message) {
Then in any legacy class you want to use it:
IMessageHandler handler;
This will allow you to do everything you've described.
May be you need somthing like that:
You need the qualifier. Annotation like #Module, which will take two paramters source and eventName; They should be non qualifier values. See docs.
Second you need a producer:
public Module makeAmodule(InjectionPoint ip) {
// load the module, take source and eventName from ip
Inject at proper place like that:
#Module(source="A", eventName="validate")
Module modulA;
There is only one issue with that solution, those modules must be dependent scope, otherwise system will inject same module regardles of source and eventName.
If you want to use scopes, then you need make source and eventName qualified parameters and:
make an extension for CDI, register programmatically producers
or make producer method for each and every possible combinations of source and eventName (I do not think it is nice)

Can somedy explain me the TAB SAMPLE (gwtp)?

I am using GWTP. I did the nested presenter tutorial. But there is no tutorial for the SAMPLE TAB application (the one with the admin tab appearing if you switch to the admin mode). Can somebody explain me the main concepts of this application ? Tkx.
Update: Update: Now you can download the workable sample Maven project from here: gwtp-sample-tab.zip
I used the tabbed presenter feature successfully in my project (I found the sample code didn't compile as well). I think the first thing is to make it work, and then learn it and feel the benefits gradually :)
Here is the steps I did:
1) Copy the following files
from the sample code to you project. For example, I copied to this package: com.widenhome.web.client.ui. Also please remember to configure UiModule in ClientGinjector class.
2) Create a normal presenter (MyPresenter) via GWTP eclipse plugin
3) Change EventBus import this in the presenter
import com.google.web.bindery.event.shared.EventBus;
4) Make sure the MyPresenterView.ui.xml has the following code or similar:
<npui:SimpleTabPanel ui:field="tabPanel" />
<g:SimplePanel ui:field="contentPanel" />
5) Change the presenter to extend TabContainerPresenter instead of Presenter
public class MyPresenter extends
TabContainerPresenter<MyPresenter.MyView, MyPresenter.MyProxy>
6) Define several variables in MyPresenter, or you can just copy/paste the following code:
* This will be the event sent to our "unknown" child presenters, in order
* for them to register their tabs.
public static final Type<RequestTabsHandler> TYPE_RequestTabs = new Type<RequestTabsHandler>();
* Fired by child proxie's when their tab content is changed.
public static final Type<ChangeTabHandler> TYPE_ChangeTab = new Type<ChangeTabHandler>();
* Use this in leaf presenters, inside their {#link #revealInParent} method.
public static final Type<RevealContentHandler<?>> TYPE_SetTabContent = new Type<RevealContentHandler<?>>();
7) Change the constructor of MyPresenter to use the variables:
public MyPresenter(final EventBus eventBus, final MyView view, final MyProxy proxy) {
super(eventBus, view, proxy, TYPE_SetTabContent, TYPE_RequestTabs, TYPE_ChangeTab);
8) Now we can start to create tab presenters, (e.g MyFirstTabPresenter). Just create a normal presenter again via GWTP eclipse plugin
9) In MyFirstTabPresenter, change MyProxy to let it 'extends' TabContentProxyPlace instead of ProxyPlace
10) Create #TabInfo method, please see javadoc of #TabInfo annotation, you can also use other ways here. For example, I did this:
#TabInfo(container = MyPresenter.class)
static TabData getTabLabel(ClientGinjector ginjector) {
return new TabDataBasic("My First Tab", 0);
11) In revealInParent() method of MyFirstTabPresenter class, please make sure it has the following code or similar:
protected void revealInParent() {
RevealContentEvent.fire(this, MyPresenter.TYPE_SetTabContent, this);
That's all related to Tabbed presenter configurations. Now you can add some logic to load some data to show in MyFirstPresenter's view.
I hope this can help you to start with GWTP Tabbed presenter, please let me know any issues you have, I will edit answer gradually and perfect it so that it can help more people to get started with it.
BTW, I also posted this to my blog to help more people on this.
It doesn't even compile. The only way to trigger multiple presenters in via Nested Presenters - which is tooooo complicated. I built a multiple presenter app with simple GWT History mechanism without any pain. This framework has made GWT History (s aimple mechanism) a very esoteric thing.
