Errors when the compiler is trying to build a custom JSP tag based on an Java Bean - jsp-tags

I am trying to use a custom tag in a jsp page but I get compilation errors so far.
Here is the custom jsp tag code along with the jsp page that is trying to use it.
Document : address
Created on : Feb 21, 2012, 1:47:19 PM
Author : skiabox
<%#tag description="Address Input Field" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
<jsp:useBean id="addressBean" scope="session" class="com.ensode.netbeansbook.AddressBean" />
<%# taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>
<%-- The list of normal or fragment attributes can be specified here: --%>
<%#attribute name="addressType" required="true"%>
<%-- any content can be specified here e.g.: --%>
<table border="0">
<td>Line 1: </td>
<input type="text" size="20" name="${addressType}_line1" id="${addressType}_line1" value="${addressBean.line1}" />
<td>Line 2: </td>
<input type="text" size="20" name="${addressType}_line2" id="${addressType}_line2" value="${addressBean.line2}" />
<td>City: </td>
<input type="text" size="20" name="${addressType}_city" id="${addressType}_city" value="${}" />
<td>State: </td>
<select name="${addressType}_state" id="${addressType}_state">
<option value=""></option>
<option value="AL"
<c:if test="${addressBean.state == 'AL'}">selected</c:if> >
<option value="AK"
<c:if test="${addressBean.state == 'AK'}">selected</c:if> >
<option value="AZ"
<c:if test="${addressBean.state == 'AZ'}">selected</c:if> >
<option value="AR"
<c:if test="${addressBean.state == 'AR'}">selected</c:if> >
<option value="CA"
<c:if test="${addressBean.state == 'CA'}">selected</c:if> >
<td>Zip: </td>
<input type="text" name="${addressType}_zip" id="${addressType}_zip" value="${}" />
Document : index6
Created on : Feb 21, 2012, 3:25:43 PM
Author : skiabox
<%#page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<%#taglib prefix="ct" tagdir="/WEB-INF/tags/" %>
<%#page import="com.ensode.netbeansbook.AddressBean" %>
AddressBean addressBean = new AddressBean();
addressBean.setLine1("123 Tennis Ct");
session.setAttribute("addressBean", addressBean);
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>JSP Page</title>
<ct:address addressType="home"/>
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<td style="width: 65px;"></td>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
* To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor.
package com.ensode.netbeansbook;
* #author skiabox
public class AddressBean {
private String addressType;
private String line1;
private String line2;
private String city;
private String state;
private String zip;
public String getAddressType() {
return addressType;
public void setAddressType(String addressType) {
this.addressType = addressType;
public String getCity() {
return city;
public void setCity(String city) { = city;
public String getLine1() {
return line1;
public void setLine1(String line1) {
this.line1 = line1;
public String getLine2() {
return line2;
public void setLine2(String line2) {
this.line2 = line2;
public String getState() {
return state;
public void setState(String state) {
this.state = state;
public String getZip() {
return zip;
public void setZip(String zip) { = zip;
And here is the error log that Netbeans give me when it tries to compile the custom tag :
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: PWC6033: Error in Javac compilation
for JSP
PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 48 in the jsp file:
/WEB-INF/tags/address.tag PWC6199: Generated servlet error:
string:/// cannot access
javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.core.ConditionalTagSupport class file for
javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.core.ConditionalTagSupport not found
PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 48 in the jsp file:
/WEB-INF/tags/address.tag PWC6199: Generated servlet error:
string:/// cannot find symbol symbol : method
setPageContext(javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext) location: class
PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 48 in the jsp file:
/WEB-INF/tags/address.tag PWC6199: Generated servlet error:
string:/// cannot find symbol symbol : method
setParent() location: class
PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 48 in the jsp file:
/WEB-INF/tags/address.tag PWC6199: Generated servlet error:
string:/// cannot find symbol symbol : method
doStartTag() location: class
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: string:///
cannot find symbol symbol : method doAfterBody() location: class
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: string:///
cannot find symbol symbol : method doEndTag() location: class
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: string:///
reuse(javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag) in
org.apache.jasper.runtime.TagHandlerPool cannot be applied to
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: string:///
reuse(javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag) in
org.apache.jasper.runtime.TagHandlerPool cannot be applied to
PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 52 in the jsp file:
/WEB-INF/tags/address.tag PWC6199: Generated servlet error:
string:/// cannot find symbol symbol : method
setPageContext(javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext) location: class
PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 52 in the jsp file:
/WEB-INF/tags/address.tag PWC6199: Generated servlet error:
string:/// cannot find symbol symbol : method
setParent() location: class
PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 52 in the jsp file:
/WEB-INF/tags/address.tag PWC6199: Generated servlet error:
string:/// cannot find symbol symbol : method
doStartTag() location: class
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: string:///
cannot find symbol symbol : method doAfterBody() location: class
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: string:///
cannot find symbol symbol : method doEndTag() location: class
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: string:///
reuse(javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag) in
org.apache.jasper.runtime.TagHandlerPool cannot be applied to
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: string:///
reuse(javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag) in
org.apache.jasper.runtime.TagHandlerPool cannot be applied to
PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 56 in the jsp file:
/WEB-INF/tags/address.tag PWC6199: Generated servlet error:
string:/// cannot find symbol symbol : method
setPageContext(javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext) location: class
PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 56 in the jsp file:
/WEB-INF/tags/address.tag PWC6199: Generated servlet error:
string:/// cannot find symbol symbol : method
setParent() location: class
PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 56 in the jsp file:
/WEB-INF/tags/address.tag PWC6199: Generated servlet error:
string:/// cannot find symbol symbol : method
doStartTag() location: class
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: string:///
cannot find symbol symbol : method doAfterBody() location: class
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: string:///
cannot find symbol symbol : method doEndTag() location: class
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: string:///
reuse(javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag) in
org.apache.jasper.runtime.TagHandlerPool cannot be applied to
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: string:///
reuse(javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag) in
org.apache.jasper.runtime.TagHandlerPool cannot be applied to
PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 60 in the jsp file:
/WEB-INF/tags/address.tag PWC6199: Generated servlet error:
string:/// cannot find symbol symbol : method
setPageContext(javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext) location: class
PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 60 in the jsp file:
/WEB-INF/tags/address.tag PWC6199: Generated servlet error:
string:/// cannot find symbol symbol : method
setParent() location: class
PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 60 in the jsp file:
/WEB-INF/tags/address.tag PWC6199: Generated servlet error:
string:/// cannot find symbol symbol : method
doStartTag() location: class
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: string:///
cannot find symbol symbol : method doAfterBody() location: class
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: string:///
cannot find symbol symbol : method doEndTag() location: class
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: string:///
reuse(javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag) in
org.apache.jasper.runtime.TagHandlerPool cannot be applied to
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: string:///
reuse(javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag) in
org.apache.jasper.runtime.TagHandlerPool cannot be applied to
PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 64 in the jsp file:
/WEB-INF/tags/address.tag PWC6199: Generated servlet error:
string:/// cannot find symbol symbol : method
setPageContext(javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext) location: class
PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 64 in the jsp file:
/WEB-INF/tags/address.tag PWC6199: Generated servlet error:
string:/// cannot find symbol symbol : method
setParent() location: class
PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 64 in the jsp file:
/WEB-INF/tags/address.tag PWC6199: Generated servlet error:
string:/// cannot find symbol symbol : method
doStartTag() location: class
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: string:///
cannot find symbol symbol : method doAfterBody() location: class
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: string:///
cannot find symbol symbol : method doEndTag() location: class
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: string:///
reuse(javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag) in
org.apache.jasper.runtime.TagHandlerPool cannot be applied to
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: string:///
reuse(javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag) in
org.apache.jasper.runtime.TagHandlerPool cannot be applied to
Java returned: 1 BUILD FAILED (total time: 2 seconds)
As you can see the first error occurs when the code is trying to access addressBean.state
Any ideas on how to fix that or what am I doing wrong?
Thank you.

I know it is very late (over 3 years) to answer this question. I have also had this problem. Apparently the solution is "Clean and Build Project" or press SHIFT+F11 and run again the project.


Equivalent of JSP scriptlet method call in JSF

I need to convert a JSP file to an equivalent JSF file. The JSP is as follows:
Step 1: Class Import:
<%# page import="org.keycloak.constants.ServiceUrlConstants" %>
<%# page import="org.keycloak.common.util.KeycloakUriBuilder" %>
<%# page session="false" %>
Step 2: Define a variable:
String logoutUri = KeycloakUriBuilder.fromUri("/auth").path(ServiceUrlConstants.TOKEN_SERVICE_LOGOUT_PATH).queryParam("redirect_uri", "/customer-portal").build("demo").toString(); %>
Step 3: Then refers to this variable:
The imported library is an external library into the project. In JSF, I know how to do Step 3. But I don't know how to import the classes in Step 1 and how to define a variable as shown in Step 2 in JSF.
Is there an equivalent way of performing Step 1-3 in JSF? Thank you.
You can't call Methods directly in JSF or create variables, therefore you don't need imports.
The only way is to use EL-Expressions.
Since calling static Methods is not possible with EL, you'll have to create yourself a Bean, that makes the call of KeycloakUriBuilder.fromUri...
With a Named Bean you call its Methods:
import javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped;
import javax.inject.Named;
//This Bean is available by default under the Name 'myBean', you can change it in the #Named Annotation if desired
public class MyBean implements Serializable {
public String myMethod(String inupt){
return "Hello " + input;
<html xmlns="" xmlns:h="" xmlns:ui=""
xmlns:f="" >
<h:outputText value ="#{myBean.myMethod('world')}"/>
Will give you this HTML:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
<body>Hello world
The preferred way to show Something on the page is to use getters and setters, if you have a field with getter and Setter
private String name;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
You can just use
JSF will call the getter if it needs the value (for output) or call the Setter if there is a value to set (from input-fields)
The <%# page session="false" %> is also neither needed nor possible.
In JSF the Bean has a Scope, this example with RequestScoped should be a good match for <%# page session="false" %> - a Request Scoped Bean lives only for one Request, after that the Bean is disposed. There are many other scopes, e.g. #SessionScoped (from javax.enterprise.context) for a Bean that lives as long as the Session is active.
As mentioned by another User, those Scopes exists in the CDI-Variant (Package javax.enterprise.context) and a JSF-variant (package javax.faces.bean). You should use the CDI-Variant, since the JSF-Variant might be deprecated soon (see here).
Explanation of the Scopes see here.

Managed bean not found when upgrading to Mojarra 2.2.8-07 or newer

I use Spring Boot, JSF, PrimeFaces.
Right now, I can't update my application to new JSF 2.2.12.
Everything works properly for example with JSF 2.2.8-06 and PrimeFaces 5.2 but starting from JSF 2.2.8-07 and up to 2.2.12 version I can't reach my ManagedBean from XHTML page.
What was changed from JSF 2.2.8-07+ version and how to fix it ?
My bean:
public class HelloBean implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 8569928214435846079L;
public String getHello() {
return "Hello from PrimeFaces and Spring Boot!";
<f:view xmlns=""
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1" />
body {font-size:12px; }
<prime:panel header="What do you see here?" >
<div style="height:50px">
This is a simple PrimeFaces 5 project running on Spring Boot 1.1.4.
<prime:panel header="JSF 2.2 Bean Access">
public class WebInitializer extends SpringBootServletInitializer implements ServletContextAware {
protected SpringApplicationBuilder configure(SpringApplicationBuilder application) {
return application.sources(Application.class);
public DispatcherServlet dispatcherServlet() {
DispatcherServlet dispatcherServlet = new DispatcherServlet();
return dispatcherServlet;
public ServletRegistrationBean servletRegistrationBean() {
FacesServlet servlet = new FacesServlet();
ServletRegistrationBean servletRegistrationBean = new ServletRegistrationBean(servlet, "*.xhtml");
return servletRegistrationBean;
public ServletListenerRegistrationBean<ConfigureListener> jsfConfigureListener() {
return new ServletListenerRegistrationBean<ConfigureListener>(new ConfigureListener());
public void setServletContext(ServletContext servletContext) {
servletContext.setInitParameter("com.sun.faces.forceLoadConfiguration", Boolean.TRUE.toString());
With JSF 2.2.8-06 everything works properly except following errors in the console:
2015-09-02 12:32:34 [localhost-startStop-1] ERROR j.e.resource.webcontainer.jsf.config - Unknow type constant pool 18 at position 32
2015-09-02 12:32:34 [localhost-startStop-1] ERROR j.e.resource.webcontainer.jsf.config - Unknow type constant pool 0 at position 33
2015-09-02 12:32:34 [localhost-startStop-1] ERROR j.e.resource.webcontainer.jsf.config - Unknow type constant pool 0 at position 34
2015-09-02 12:32:34 [localhost-startStop-1] ERROR j.e.resource.webcontainer.jsf.config - Unknow type constant pool 0 at position 35
2015-09-02 12:32:34 [localhost-startStop-1] ERROR j.e.resource.webcontainer.jsf.config - Unknow type constant pool 30 at position 36
2015-09-02 12:32:34 [localhost-startStop-1] ERROR j.e.resource.webcontainer.jsf.config - Unknow type constant pool 15 at position 98
2015-09-02 12:32:34 [localhost-startStop-1] ERROR j.e.resource.webcontainer.jsf.config - Unknow type constant pool 0 at position 101
2015-09-02 12:32:34 [localhost-startStop-1] ERROR j.e.resource.webcontainer.jsf.config - Unknow type constant pool 97 at position 102
2015-09-02 12:32:34 [localhost-startStop-1] ERROR j.e.resource.webcontainer.jsf.config - Unknow type constant pool 15 at position 104
I got it working:
I have added resources/META-INF/faces-config.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<faces-config xmlns=""
and also changed annotations in my HelloBean, not it looks like:
public class HelloBean implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 8569928214435846079L;
public String getHello() {
return "Hello from PrimeFaces and Spring Boot!";
Is it a proper way to go ? Is it a good idea to use #Named instead of #ManagedBean ?

new to Liferay , i am unable to navigate through Pages using renderURL

I am new to Liferay , i am unable to navigate through Pages using renderURL , please tell me where i am doing a mistake
I am struck here , i am not able to navigate to the Second Page during on click of an hyper link as shown below
This is my First Page , where i am showing the First Page ( view.jsp ) , But from view.jsp , i am unable to show view2.jsp
public class TestPortlet extends GenericPortlet {
public void doView(RenderRequest renderRequest,
RenderResponse renderResponse) throws IOException, PortletException {
PortletRequestDispatcher rd = getPortletConfig().getPortletContext()
if (rd != null) {
rd.include(renderRequest, renderResponse);
This is my view.jsp
<%# taglib uri="" prefix="portlet" %>
<portlet:defineObjects />
This is the <b>Sai Test Portlet</b> portlet in View mode.
<portlet:renderURL var="clickRenderURL">
<portlet:param name="jspPage" value="/html/test/view2.jsp" />
Click here
This is my view2.jsp
<%# taglib uri="" prefix="portlet" %>
<portlet:defineObjects />
This is the <b>View 2 </b> portlet in View mode.
There are no errros in console mode , and i am uisng Liferay 6.1 version .
Can you check the same using
"liferay-portlet:renderURL" tag.
Instead of using "portlet:renderURL" tag.
Rest all looks fine to me.

How to pass a value (selected from selectOneMenu)from page JSF to another

I want to fill an selectOneMenu with fields from my DataBase
and then use the chosen value in another request SQL.
For know I have my selectOneMenu filled from my data but I dont Know how to retrieve the chosen value and show it into another page. The error is:
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: An exception occurred processing JSP page /Result.jsp
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.handleJspException(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.service(
Also I want to write a clean code , I want to create class connection and use it to connect one time in the first page and deconnect at the last page(when I finish).
public class BeanTools {
private List<SelectItem> mesElements;
private String maValeur;
public PreparedStatement st;
Connectionx con = new Connectionx(); **//IF I do that on N page I will have N connection!!**
Connection cx = (Connection) con.Connx();
public BeanTools() {
public String getMaValeur() {
return maValeur;
public void setMaValeur(String maValeur) {
this.maValeur = maValeur;
public void setMesElements(List<SelectItem> mesElements) {
this.mesElements = mesElements;
public Iterable<String> remplireItem() throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException
String sql;
sql ="select issuestatus.pname from issuestatus;";
st=(PreparedStatement) cx.prepareStatement(sql);
ResultSet rs1 = st.executeQuery();System.out.println("execute");
String nbb;
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
nbb = rs1.getString("pname");
return list;
public List<SelectItem> getMesElements() throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {
if (mesElements == null) {
mesElements = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
for (String val : remplireItem()) {
mesElements.add(new SelectItem(val));
return mesElements;
First JSF page:
<h:form id="form">
Issue status 2 :<h:selectOneMenu style="width:200px" value="#{BeanTools.maValeur}" >
<f:selectItems value="#{BeanTools.mesElements}"/>
<h:commandButton action="submit" value="submit"/>
Second JSF page:
<h:outputText value="#{BeanTools.maValeur}" />
The Faces config:
Class Connection:
public class Connectionx {
public Connection cx=null;
public Statement st;
public Connectionx() {}
public Connection Connx()
System.out.println("enregister le driver");
try {
catch( Exception ex )
System.err.println("Erreur lors du chargement du driver"+ex.getMessage() );
try {
/** Connection */
cx = (Connection) DriverManager.getConnection ( "jdbc:mysql://localhost/jiradb","","" );
catch( SQLException ex )
System. err. println( "Error ") }
return cx;
The whole stacktrace:
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: An exception occurred processing JSP page /Result.jsp at line 19
16: <body>
17: <h1>Hello World!</h1>
19: <h:outputText value="#{BeanTools.maValeur}" />
21: </body>
22: </html>
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.handleJspException(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.service(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
at org.netbeans.modules.web.monitor.server.MonitorFilter.doFilter(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher.processRequest(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher.doForward(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher.forward(
at com.sun.faces.context.ExternalContextImpl.dispatch(
at com.sun.faces.application.view.JspViewHandlingStrategy.executePageToBuildView(
at com.sun.faces.application.view.JspViewHandlingStrategy.buildView(
at com.sun.faces.lifecycle.RenderResponsePhase.execute(
at com.sun.faces.lifecycle.Phase.doPhase(
at com.sun.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.render(
at javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.service(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
at org.netbeans.modules.web.monitor.server.MonitorFilter.doFilter(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.authenticator.AuthenticatorBase.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service(
at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.process(
at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol$Http11ConnectionHandler.process(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
Caused by: javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Component javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot#144c984 not expected type. Expected: javax.faces.component.UIOutput. Perhaps you're missing a tag?
at org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.doHandlePageException(
at org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.handlePageException(
at org.apache.jsp.Result_jsp._jspService(
at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.service(
... 38 more
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Component javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot#144c984 not expected type. Expected: javax.faces.component.UIOutput. Perhaps you're missing a tag?
at com.sun.faces.taglib.html_basic.OutputTextTag.setProperties(
at javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentClassicTagBase.findComponent(
at javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentClassicTagBase.doStartTag(
at com.sun.faces.taglib.html_basic.OutputTextTag.doStartTag(
at org.apache.jsp.Result_jsp._jspx_meth_h_005foutputText_005f0(
at org.apache.jsp.Result_jsp._jspService(
... 41 more
Finally, there's the root cause of the exception:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Component javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot#144c984 not expected type. Expected: javax.faces.component.UIOutput. Perhaps you're missing a tag?
You forgot the <f:view> in Result.jsp. All JSF components has to go inside a <f:view>. Edit your Result.jsp so that it look like the following basic template:
<%#page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
<%#taglib prefix="f" uri=""%>
<%#taglib prefix="h" uri=""%>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>JSP page</title>
<h:outputText value="JSF components here." />

JSPTag: Exception - This attribute does not support request time values

I am getting the "This attribute does not support request time values." while compiling my custom jsp tag implementation.
My TLD file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<!DOCTYPE taglib PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.1//EN" "">
<shortname>My Extension</shortname>
<info>Customization Extensions</info>
<info> My Tags Exercise
My JSP Tag Implementation has the following method
* doStartTag is called by the JSP container when the tag is encountered
public int doStartTag() throws JspException {
try {
JspWriter out = pageContext.getOut();
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new ElmsUncheckedException(ex);
// Must return SKIP_PAGE because we are done with the content.
return SKIP_BODY;
* getContent is called by the startTag to print the Request View button
* contents.
private String getContent() {
String linkURL = ViewConstants.BASE_URL;
StringBuffer sbuffer = new StringBuffer();
sbuffer.append("<form name=\"postView\" action=\"" + linkURL + "\" target=\"_blank\" method=\"POST\">\n");
sbuffer.append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ID\" value=\"" + viewID + "\" />\n");
sbuffer.append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"Type\" value=\"" + viewType + "\" />\n");
sbuffer.append("<td class=\"BodyBG\">\n");
.append("<button type=\"submit\" class=\"GridButton\" name=\"dispatch\" value=\"postView\">postView</button> \n");
sbuffer.append("</td><td width=\"1\"></td>\n");
return sbuffer.toString();
public int doEndTag() throws JspException {
return EVAL_PAGE;
my jsp has the following
<%# taglib uri="/WEB-INF/view.tld" prefix="cmd" %>
<cmd:requireDisplay viewID="<%=vox.getViewID()%>" viewType="<%=vox.getViewType()%>"/>
But i am getting the following exception
[jspc] Error encountered while compiling 'jspURI'
view_details.jsp:136:22: The required attribute "viewID" is missing.
<cmd:requireDisplay viewID="<%=vox.getViewID()%>" viewType="<%=vox.getViewType()%>"/>
view_details.jsp:136:22: The required attribute "viewType" is missing.
<cmd:requireDisplay viewID="<%=vox.getViewID()%>" viewType="<%=vox.getViewType()%>"/>
view_details.jsp:136:42: This attribute does not support request time values.
<cmd:requireDisplay viewID="<%=vox.getViewID()%>" viewType="<%=vox.getViewType()%>"/>
view_details.jsp:136:57: This attribute does not support request time values.
<cmd:requireDisplay viewID="<%=vox.getViewID()%>" viewType="<%=vox.getViewType()%>"/>
Am i missing anything? As in the tld, even i tried to give TagExtraInfo too. But no luck.
Any help is much appreciated.
I figured out the issue.
It is a typo :(
entry suppose to be
