Asterisk dynamic user agents on PSTN - voip

I'm creating small system as prove concept.
I need to configure few 5-10 call queues that will have mix of softphones (SIP) and normal gsm mobiles (PSTN) agents that can login and logout of queue.
I'm new to asterisk and whole voip. So after some research I think it is possible but not sure how to do it.

You can make login/logout for any user using asterisk applications AddQueueMember() and RemoveQueueMember(). For example PSTN user can be added in queue in such way:
exten => s,n,AddQueueMember(100,DAHDI/g0/1234567)
Also in queues for PSTN users most possibly you need to use custom device states, to make queue know if PSTN user already in queue call. It is done by function DEVICE_STATE() and stateinterface option of AddQueueMember().


JMeter: What logic would be best to apply if each threadgroup is dependent on previous ones response

We have 2 thread groups which is dependent on previous ones response.
SIGNUP will generate some PHONE NUMBER and PASSWORD in response which will be utilized by LOGIN thread group.
I don't want to use CSV and would like to capture response from SIGNUP and use same credentials (PHONE NUMBER and PASSWORD) to execute LOGIN.
Also, which timer would be better to use.
Any idea how to proceed?
If you have 2 Thread Groups and would like to start 2nd one only when some information from 1st one is available the best way to proceed is using Inter-Thread Communication Plugin
It provides a simple FIFO queue which is accessible by different threads (even if they reside in different thread groups) so you can simply put these PHONE NUMBER and PASSWORD into the queue and configure 2nd Thread Group to operate only when the credentials are available.
There is SynchronizationPluginsExample.jmx test plan which demonstrates sharing cookies between Thread Groups, you can use it as a basis for your implementation.
Inter-Thread Communications plugin can be installed using JMeter Plugins Manager

How to enforce the order of messages passed to an IoT device over MQTT via a cloud-based system (API design issue)

Suppose I have an IoT device which I'm about to control (lets say switch on/off) and monitor (e.g. collect temperature readings). It seems MQTT could be the right fit. I could publish messages to the device to control it and the device could publish messages to a broker to report temperature readings. So far so good.
The problems start to occur when I try to design the API to control the device.
Lets day the device subscribes to two topics:
Then I publish messages to these topics in some order. But given the fact that messaging is typically an asynchronous process there are no guarantees on the order of messages received by the device.
So in case two messages are published in the following order:
they could be received in the reversed order leaving the device turned on, which can have dramatic consequences, depending on the context.
Of course the API could be designed in some other way, for example there could be just one topic
and the payload of individual messages would carry the meaning of an individual message (on/off). So in case messages are published to this topic in a given order they are expected to be received in the exact same order on the device.
But what if the order of publishes to individual topics cannot be guaranteed? Suppose the following architecture of a system for IoT devices:
/ control service \
application -> broker -> control service -> broker -> IoT device
\ control service /
The components of the system are:
an application which effectively controls the device by publishing messages to a broker
a typical message broker
a control service with some business logic
The important part is that as in most modern distributed systems the control service is a distributed, multi instance entity capable of processing multiple control messages from the application at a time. Therefore the order of messages published by the application can end up totally mixed when delivered to the IoT device.
Now given the fact that most MQTT brokers only implement QoS0 and QoS1 but no QoS2 it gets even more interesting as such control messages could potentially be delivered multiple times (assuming QoS1 - see
My point is that separate topics for control messages is a bad idea. The same goes for a single topic. In both cases there are no message delivery order guarantees.
The only solution to this particular issue that comes to my mind is message versioning so that old (out-dated) messages could simply be skipped when delivered after another message with more recent version property.
Am I missing something?
Is message versioning the only solution to this problem?
Am I missing something?
Most definitely. The example you brought up is a generic control system, being attached to some message-oriented scheme. There are a number of patterns that can be used when referring to a message-based architecture. This article by Microsoft categorizes message patterns into two primary classes:
Commands and
The most generic pattern of command behavior is to issue a command, then measure the state of the system to verify the command was carried out. If you forget to verify, your system has an open loop. Such open loops are (unfortunately) common in IT systems (because it's easy to forget), and often result in bugs and other bad behaviors such as the one described above. So, the proper way to handle a command is:
Issue the command
Inquire as to the state of the system
Evaluate next action
Events, on the other hand, are simply fired off. As the publisher of an event, it is not my business to worry about who receives the event, in what order, etc. Now, it should also be pointed out that the use of any decent message broker (e.g. RabbitMQ) generally carries strong guarantees that messages will be delivered in the order which they were originally published. Note that this does not mean they will be processed in order.
So, if you treat a command as an event, your system is guaranteed to act up sooner or later.
Is message versioning the only solution to this problem?
Message versioning typically refers to a property of the message class itself, rather than a particular instance of the class. It is often used when multiple versions of a message-based API exist and must be backwards-compatible with one another.
What you are instead referring to is unique message identifiers. Guids are particularly handy for making sure that each message gets its own unique id. However, I would argue that de-duplication in message-based architectures is an anti-pattern. One of the consequences of using messaging is that duplicates are possible, so you should try to design your system behaviors to be stateless and idempotent. If this is not possible, it should be considered that messaging may not be the correct communication solution for the need.
Using the command-event dichotomy as an example, you could perform the following transaction:
The controller issues the command, assigning a unique identifier to the command.
The control system receives the command and turns on.
The control system publishes the "light on" event notification, containing the unique id of the command that was used to turn on the light.
The controller receives the notification and correlates it to the original command.
In the event that the controller doesn't receive notification after some timeout, the controller can retry the command. Note that "light on" is an idempotent command, in that multiple calls to it will have the same effect.
When state changes, send the new state immediately and after that periodically every x seconds. With this solution your systems gets into desired state, after some time, even when it temporarily disconnects from the network (low battery).
BTW: You did not miss anything.
Apart from the comment that most brokers don't support QOS2 (I suspect you mean that a number of broker as a service offerings don't support QOS2, such as Amazon's AWS IoT service) you have covered most of the major points.
If message order really is that important then you will have to include some form of ordering marker in the message payload, be this a counter or timestamp.

Number of channels and billing

I am looking at building an app that monitors the public transport buses for a major city:
I did a quick prototype using pubnub. The buses have a phone transmitting gps signals to a channel and bus users have phones subscribed to channels. I have questions:
I am planning for each bus route there is a channel. The city has 50 routes so there will be 50 routes. Does this adhere to the best practice?
Is there an api to list channels ?
I am sending a message to a channel every second. Assume, there are 50 routes with 5 buses each running 24 hours. There will be 216000000 daily messages. what will i be charged for a day?
Does your Android client open a network connection everytime a publish is call? I want to minimize the bandwith used by the phone that is transmitting the GPS signal.
Bus users may want to see location of multiples buses. I know best practice is to subscribe to one public and one private channel. What is the best way to do it?
I would appreciate if you could answer the above questions.
Full disclosure up front - I work for PubNub Customer Success so responses for pricing related questions are informational in nature only and not to be construed as a promotional. Asker specifically mentions PubNub and the information provided below is publicly available from the PubNub website.
Anant, also as an FYI StackOverflow would normally ask that each of these questions gets asked as a separate thread. Moving forward please do your best to adhere to community guidelines.
1 Every implementation will be different as far as the specific architecture and design pattern strategy though your proposed approach seems to be a sensible utilization of channel methodology. PubNub does not limit the total number of channels in use, however as a practical limitation for most mobile development frameworks subscribing to more than 50 channels simultaneously would be around the upper limit. Adding more than that and both iOS and Android will begin exhibiting performance limitations. If new bus lines are added the subscriptions can be managed to only subscribe to nearby routes, etc.
Question 1 the second with the indent. Yes that can be done with the here_now API
2 PubNub charges $1 per million messages (without SSL enabled) so based on your hypothetical your message charges would be $216 per day. That being said, there is significant room here for design pattern optimization so that busses only publish a new location whenever there is a change - repeated publishes while the bus is standing still are unnecessary. This optimization on it's own will bring the message usage figure down significantly, and there are other strategies which can be utilized to further optimize depending on your specific implementation approach. If you anticipate needing more than 1 billion messages per month, a deployment to Global Cloud would make sense so as to avail yourself of volume discount pricing not otherwise available on Go Cloud.
3 Rather than opening a new connection with every publish, PubNub keeps an active socket connection open until unsubscribed or disconnected via loss of network connection/app force close. The bandwidth utilization to keep this connection active over a period of several hours and absent any other publish/subscribe activity typically measures less than 1K depending on your configuration parameters. Android supports background threading so even when the app is not in focus the connection can remain open to facilitate data push alerts which can be used to prompt the user to bring the app back into the foreground to review any updated information.
4 This question is not clear, assuming that the bus locations are published to the public channel what would the purpose of the private channel serve? If you meant a private channel to receive alerts for the arrival of the user's selected bus, then yes that would be an appropriate implementation strategy. Please clarify if you meant something different.

Unable to join the queue

We have an asterisk system which has only 3XXX SIP phones. And we have some queues.
I am using AddQueueMember application to add the agents to queues dynamically as the following
and after queue show command
SIP/5XXX#10.10.X.X(dynamic) (Invalid) has taken no calls yet
SIP/6XXX#10.10.X.X (dynamic) (Invalid) has taken no calls yet
SIP/7XXX#10.10.X.X (dynamic) (Invalid)has taken no calls yet
But when i try to add incoming calls to this "queue_name" it says Unable to join the queue.
On the other hand when i add an registered asterisk member to this "queue_name" which has 3XXX phone number as i told you above. It is working and the queue can handle all the incoming calls with rr strategy. And it is valid for all the queues in my systems.
and again after queue show command
SIP/5XXX#10.10.X.X(dynamic) (Invalid) has taken no calls yet
SIP/6XXX#10.10.X.X (dynamic) (Invalid) has taken no calls yet
SIP/7XXX#10.10.X.X (dynamic) (Invalid) has taken no calls yet
SIP/3489 (dynamic) (Not in use) has taken no calls yet
So is there a way for queues to handle incoming calls without adding this 3XXX phones? Can you show me a better solution for that?
Thanks and Regards
You will have to add them as SIP peers in /etc/sip.conf, for example:
and then do AddQueueMember(queue_name,SIP/5001). It all depends on your configuration.
If 10.10.X.X is your dial out trunk registered in sip.conf where 5XXX extensions are registered, then AddQueueMember(queue_name,SIP/YourDialOutTrunk/5XXX) should work.

CQRS and DDD boundaries

I've have a couple of questions to which I am not finding any exact answer. I've used CQRS before, but probably I was not using it properly.
Say that there are 5 services in the domain: Gateway, Sales, Payments, Credit and Warehouse, and that during the process of a user registering with the application, the front-end submits a few commands, the same front-end will then, once the user is registered, send a few other commands to create an order and apply for a credit.
Now, what I usually do is create a gateway, which receives all pubic commands, which are then validated, and if valid, are transformed into domain commands. I only use events to store data and if one service needs some action to be performed in other service, a domain command is sent directly from one service to the other. But I've seen in other systems that event handlers are used for more than store data. So my question is, what are the limits to what event handlers can do? And is it correct to send commands between services when a specific service requires that some other service performs an action or is it more correct to have the initial event raise and event and let the handler in the other service perform that action in the event handler. I am asking this because I've seen events like: INeedCreditAproved, when I was hoping to see a domain command like: ApprovedCredit.
Any input is welcome.
You're missing an important concept here - Sagas (Process Managers). You have a long-running workflow and it's better expressed centrally.
Sagas listen to events and emit commands. So OrderAccepted event will start a Saga, which then emit ApproveCredit and ReserveStock commands, to be sent to Credit and Warehouse services respectively. Saga can then listen to command success/failure events and compensate approprietely, like say emiting SendEmail command or whatever else.
One year ago I was sending commands like "send commands between services by event handlers when a specific service requires that some other service performs an action" but a stupid decision made by me switched to using events like you said "to have the initial event raise and event and let the handler in the other service perform that action in the event handler" and it worked at first. The most stupid decision I could make. Now I am switching back to sending commands from event handlers.
You can see that other people like Rinat do similar things with event ports/receptors and it is working for them, I think:
Good luck
