Linux script to transfer (ID3) tags from FLAC to MP3 - linux

For my media server, I am looking for ways to transfer tags from my FLAC files to MP3.
In a bash script, I can extract tags using metaflac to local vars, but when tagging mp3 with id3v2, I seem to lose national characters (guess it must be unicode?)
Also I need to be able to set replay gain tags, and album art (all present in the FLAC's).
I am looking for a scripted solution to run unattended.

If you are interested in a Python solution, the mutagen library looks really good.
It could be as easy as:
from mutagen.flac import FLAC
from mutagen.easyid3 import EasyID3
flacfile = FLAC("flacfile.flac")
mp3file = EasyID3("mp3file.mp3")
for tag in flacfile:
if tag in EasyID3.valid_keys.keys():
mp3file[tag] = flacfile[tag]
I found this solution for copying mp3 id3 tags into FLAC files.

Try this tool eyed3. It supports album art embedding, text encoding in latin1, utf8, utf16-BE and utf16-LE. However the replay gain is not supported. As far as I understand it is not widely supported.

Victor's solution showed me the way. It may fail, however, if copying tags to a file you've just converted, for example, from flac to mp3. That is, it will fail if the file you are copying tags to doesn't already have any tags.
So you may need to prime the destination file first, giving it the means to have tags.
from mutagen import File
from mutagen.flac import FLAC
from mutagen.easyid3 import EasyID3
from mutagen.id3 import ID3, ID3NoHeaderError
def convert_tags(f1,f2):
# f1: full path to file copying tags from
# f2: full path to file copying tags to
meta = EasyID3(f2)
except ID3NoHeaderError:
meta = File(f2, easy=True)
from_f = FLAC(f1)
to_f = EasyID3(f2)
for tag in from_f:
if tag in EasyID3.valid_keys.keys(): to_f[tag] = from_f[tag]

Here is another solution using ffmpeg.
Eg. just define a bash function in $HOME/.bashrc:
ffmpeg -i "$1" -ab 320k -map_metadata 0 -id3v2_version 3 "$(basename "$1" flac)mp3"


Can moviepy handle aiff audio?

I have a python script that pulls random audio clips from a hard drive. It finds wav and mp3 files and moviepy deals with them fine. When I added the aiff extensions to the search query I get this from moviepy...
codec = extensions_dict[ext[1:]]['codec'][0] KeyError: "'aiff'"
Does anyone know if moviepy specifically does not handle aiff audio?
Could there be a simple way to add aiff handling to moviepy?
Thanks for the head's up Tom. In case this can help someone else, here's what is working for me now.
for clip, title in audioClips.items(): #Iterate by key & value through the dictionary
#print(f"The title is {title}.")
if title.endswith('.aif') or title.endswith('aiff'):

batch FFMPEG-Normalize AND convert via Python?

I am currently working on a script to help me batch convert and
normalize audio files (wma to mp3)
In the search of useful tools I was lucky to stumble on FFMPEG-Normalize!
My script is running from Python and I am calling FFMPEG via subprocess.
I could not get the FFMPEG-Normalize to output Mp3 files - thus I am
doing another FFMPEG call to convert the resulted wav files.
Do you know how to make FFMPEG normalize also convert to mp3 ?
The second issue is that only part of the files in my folder are being
processed, I cant understand why. Out of 8 files I have in the path,
sometimes all of them are processed and sometimes only 3, or 5... very
Here is my code :
for file in sorted(os.listdir(pathdes)):
file = 'normalized-' + file
file = file[:-3] + "wav"
file2 = file[:-3] + "mp3"
os.chdir(pathdes)['ffmpeg', '-i', file,'-b:a','320k', file2])
I understand FFMPEG normalize was written in Python, maybe there is
another way to call it other than subprocess ?
Am I missing something ? (i know i am !)
Thank you so much !
The ffmpeg-normalize tool allows you to set an audio encoder as well, using the -a, --acodec <acodec> option.
For example, to EBU R128-normalize a bunch of WAV files and encode them to MP3 with libmp3lame:
ffmpeg-normalize --ebu --acodec libmp3lame --extra-options "-b:a 192k" *.wav
Note that for MP3 specifically, you could use MP3Gain to change the volume without having to re-encode the files.

HandbrakeCLI command lines

I'm trying to convert DVD iso files to mp4 using HandbrakeCLI. I use the following line in a batch file:
D:\HandBrakeCLI.exe -i "D:\input.iso" -o "D:\output.mp4" --no-markers --width "720" --height "480" --preset "HQ 480p30 Surround" --encoder "mpeg2" --audio-lang-list "eng"
When I do this, I must then extract the audio from the file, using the following line:
D:\eac3to\eac3to.exe "D:\output.mp4" "D:\output.wavs" -down16
However, when I attempt to extract the audio, I get the error message
The format of the source file could not be detected.
Is there anything wrong with my former line of code that's causing the mp4 to get screwed up?
Minor side question: I'm also trying to get handbrake to remove subtitles and also only keep English audio, do you know what code could be used for that? I started a bit there with the --audio-lang-list "eng" but I'm now sure what to do from there.
Thanks a lot in advance!
You need to use a valid audio format. .wavs is not valid. You have to use an available audio codec to output to the below for --aencoder. The default output audio for MP4 is .aac
Defaults for audio
av_mp4 = av_aac
av_mkv = mp3
You need to pass none for no subtitles
-s none
And define only eng track like you were doing
--audio-lang-list eng
Check out the Handbrake CLI Documentation for the command line code:
You can also try using a different program once you extract the audio. A program like XMediaRecode. It can also remux audio and video and convert other audio formats to wav

namelist() from ZipFile returns strings with an invalid encoding

The problem is that for some archives or files up-loaded to the python application, ZipFile's namelist() returns badly decoded strings.
from zip import ZipFile
for name in ZipFile('').namelist():
print('Listing zip files: %s' % name)
How to fix that code so i always decode file names in unicode (so Chineeze, Russian and other languages supported)?
I've seen some samples for Python 2, but since string's nature is changed in python3, i have no clue how to re-encode it, or apply chardet on it.
How to fix that code so i always decode file names in unicode (so Chineeze, Russian and other languages supported)?
Automatically? You can't. Filenames in a basic ZIP file are strings of bytes with no attached encoding information, so unless you know what the encoding was on the machine that created the ZIP you can't reliably get a human-readable filename back out.
There is an extension to the flags on modern ZIP files to tell you that the filename is UTF-8. Unfortunately files you receive from Windows users typically don't have it, so you'll left guessing with inherently unreliable methods like chardet.
I've seen some samples for Python 2, but since string's nature is changed in python3, i have no clue how to re-encode it, or apply chardet on it.
Python 2 would just give you raw bytes back. In Python 3 the new behaviour is:
if the UTF-8 flag is set, it decodes the filenames using UTF-8 and you get the correct string value back
otherwise, it decodes the filenames using DOS code page 437, which is pretty unlikely to be what was intended. However you can re-encode the string back to the original bytes, and then try to decode again using the code page you actually want, eg name.encode('cp437').decode('cp1252').
Unfortunately (again, because the unfortunatelies never end where ZIP is concerned), ZipFile does this decoding silently without telling you what it did. So if you want to switch and only do the transcode step when the filename is suspect, you have to duplicate the logic for sniffing whether the UTF-8 flag was set:
for info in ZipFile('').filelist():
filename = info.filename
if info.flag_bits & ZIP_FILENAME_UTF8_FLAG == 0:
filename_bytes = filename.encode('437')
guessed_encoding = chardet.detect(filename_bytes)['encoding'] or 'cp1252'
filename = filename_bytes.decode(guessed_encoding, 'replace')
Here's the code that decodes filenames in according to the zip spec that supports only cp437 and utf-8 character encodings:
if flags & 0x800:
# UTF-8 file names extension
filename = filename.decode('utf-8')
# Historical ZIP filename encoding
filename = filename.decode('cp437')
As you can see, if 0x800 flag is not set i.e., if utf-8 is not used in your input then cp437 is used and therefore the result for "Chineeze, Russian and other languages" is likely to be incorrect.
In practice, ANSI or OEM Windows codepages may be used instead of cp437.
If you know the actual character encoding e.g., cp866 (OEM (console) codepage) may be used on Russian Windows then you could reencode filenames to get the original filenames:
filename = corrupted_filename.encode('cp437').decode('cp866')
The best option is to create the zip archive using utf-8 so that you can support multiple languages in the same archive:
c:\> 7z.exe a -tzip -mcu <files>..
$ python -mzipfile -c <files>..`
Got the same problem, but with defined language (Russian).
Most simple solution is just to convert it with this utility:
For me it works on 98% of archives (failed to run on 317 files from corpus of 11388)
More complex solution: use python module chardet with zipfile. But it depends on python version (2 or 3) you use - it has some differences on zipfile. For python 3 I wrote a code:
import chardet
original_name = name
name = name.encode('cp437')
except UnicodeEncodeError:
name = name.encode('utf8')
encoding = chardet.detect(name)['encoding']
name = name.decode(encoding)
This code try to work with old style zips (having encoding CP437 and just has it broken), and if fails, it seems that zip archive is new style (UTF-8). After determining proper encoding, you can extract files by code like:
from shutil import copyfileobj
fp =
fp_out = open(name, 'wb')
copyfileobj(fp, fp_out)
In my case, this resolved last 2% of failed files.

Combining multiple audio files in Python (with delay)

I'm looking to combine a range of different audio files (mp3) in Python. One of the requirements is that I need to be able to specify a delay at the end of each file. To illustrate, something like:
[file1.mp3--------3 seconds----------][delay---------2 seconds--------][file2.mp3]-------------4 seconds][delay---------2 seconds][file3.mp3----------3 seconds---------]
Does anyone here know of any mp3 libraries that can accomplish this? Python isn't really a necessity here. If it'll be easier in another language, that'll be fine.
I think FFmpeg can do this, given the right arguments. No real need to use a library.
To combine wav or aiff files, you can do something like this: (inspiration from here)
import aifc
def concatenate(*items):
data = []
for item in items:
f =, 'rb')
data.append([f.getparams(), f.readframes(f.getnframes())])
output ='output.aif', 'wb')
for item in data:
See the link for the wav format (it's pretty much the same, but with the wave library)
To add silence, I would just make a one second silent file using your favorite audio editor and then concatenate in the proper amount of silence.
