How to detect if it is Windows 8 using Installshield? - installshield

I am creating a new installer for Windows using InstallShield. I am new to InstallShield. In the installer I am to install one component only on windows 8.
So what should I put in the install condition for that component? Can I use VersionNT or MsiNTProductType.
However I could not find the value of these variables for Windows 8. Is there any other way of doing this?
Thanks in Advance.

Have you tried this condition: VersionNT > 601 ?

FWIW, I usually avoid using OS Version Properties like this in conditions. What I usually try to do is ask myself what is it about that platform that is really important to me. Do I need a certain version of IIS? Do I need a certain service that's new in that version? Do I need a higher version of the .NET framework and so on.
Then I write a search and condition based on that relationship.


Installshield: Upgrade Windows Installer do not update anything?

I have created an MSI installscript project in Installshield. I went to Project Assistant>Application Files, then added the application files(package) and built Setup.exe to install.
After installed these files, I went back to Project Assistant and added some application files, then i changed the product version for updating. Finally, i built the Setup.exe again. When i run the Setup.exe, the automatic update (Upgrade Window Installer Setup) asked me to update a new version. After finishing, I checked Program Files(x86) and the updating didn't do anything, the old package was still here.
How can i update my new package? Is there any way to disable the Upgrade Window Installer Setup?
Thanks for the help.
In my humble opinion, most likely, you added new files to existing Component with keypath, which didn't change. Also you should check "Add\Remove Programs" snap-in in Control Panel to see if upgrade was applied - there should change version of your product.
So, I recommend you check Components, and re-allocate files to new Components if I had right. Also please read more about Components and Files. Could start from here.
Two words about InstallScript MSI project. From InstallShield documentation: Because this project type uses two different engines, it is more complex than pure InstallScript or Basic MSI installation projects. It is recommended only for advanced users.
So, if possible, use Basic MSI project - it's a bit simpler than InstallScript MSI for begginers.

installshield service pack system requirement

my question is pretty simple so here it is:
Using InstallShield, whatever version, is there anyway to specify a Service Pack as a System Hardware Requirements?
I can specify Windows 7, so that my installation will not even be launched if the OS is prior to Win7 but I also want to specify a minimal service pack, which seems to be simply impossible to do.
Another... hum inconsistency, is that I can set a certain OS AND service pack requirements for a specific prerequisite but all it does is remove the prerequisite from the installation if its requirements are not met but it won't cancel the installation itself, even if the prerequisite is mandatory... sigh /rant :P
Anyways, if anyone has an idea how to do that with InstallShield, that would be great.
Thanks in advance!
pls go through this below mentioned link.... for different Install condition

Identifying the product language for already installed application

I have multilingual installation setup program, where user can select 5 different language. Consider I have installed application in German language. whenever I am uninstall the application or update the previous setup it is launching in German. I would like to know how setup will detect the older installation product language.
In my case I have created a upgrade only installation where it will detect the previous version of the installation and do the major upgrade. In the major upgrade I don't want to display the language dialog. The update should happen in the earlier installed lanugage.
Does installscript has any API to detect the earlier installed applications product language.?
I belive there should be some way to do like that as uninstallation does, Can any body give me some suggestion.
Thanks in advance.
For a pure InstallScript installation, this is tracked in the uninstall key's command line. Look for the /L parameter.
For Windows Installer-based installations, this is remembered automatically by Windows Installer tracking which transforms are applied at initial installation. This includes the language transform.

How to know the total memory (RAM) of system using install script of Install Shield

I am using Install Shield 5.5. I would like to know whether is it possible to know the total memory (RAM) of the system using API of install shield? If yes, please let me know how can we do that?
Thanks for help,
Michael is right. You should use a newer tool as that's got to be about 15 years old now.
InstallScript has/had a SysInfo function but I doubt it works today. You could possibly declare external DLL functions using prototype and UseDLL() calls to work directly with the Win32 API and/or WMI classes to get the information but why bother?
Just upgrade to something that uses Windows Installer ( InstallShield or WiX ) and use the PhysicalMemory property to get the amount of RAM on the machine.

Install driver using InstallShield

I need to create an InstallShield 12 project that installs a driver on WinXP or higher. How can I do it using InstallShield 12?
What we usually do is write a DLL (in C or C++) which uses SetupAPI calls (SetupDiXXX and UpdateDriverForPlugAndPlayDevices) to do all the installation work.
And then, have the installer script(IS, Inno, Wise) make calls into this DLL.
In 2012 Spring Pro (I can't speak to earlier versions), you can simply create a new feature with the desired components (note: use one component for the 64-bit side, and another component for the 32-bit side, both under the same feature). For each of the driver components, go into the Advanced Settings section in the tree view control under the component, then into the Device Driver settings, and on the Common tab, check the "This component includes a device driver" box. Under Runtime Options using DIFx 2.10, set any desired configuration bits, like "Always overwrite any existing device driver", and then at the bottom of the Common tab, be sure to set the appropriate architecture/bittage. Then just let it install -- InstallShield plus DIFx 2.10 take care of everything automagically.
At least, this worked just fine with our custom, signed, WinUSB-based driver. It was a lot harder figuring this out then actually doing it.
I simple way is to wrap dpinst
Use the command line flags to suppress a gui and read the return code to figure out if the install worked correctly
