Setting up CruiseControl.Net to always check for modifications -

So I imagine this is a pretty simple problem, but I can't find anything about it.
I've set up CruiseControl.Net to check my svn repository for any changes every 30 seconds, and if there are any changes, build them using NAnt.
Everything works great - but only if I have the CruiseControl.Net console running at all time on the server. If I close the console, it won't check for changes and build them. I've checked the wiki for a way to set up continuous monitoring, but I can't find anything
Does the console always need to be running in order to detect changes, or is there another way to do this?

There are two ways to run CCNET: As console application or as windows service. You're looking for windows service mode.
Here is a tutorial on "Installing CCService". Be aware that this documentation is outdated. But it should give you an impression.
Installing CCNET as a windows service is an option during CCNET installation so this is the easiest way to get it up and running.


Post-build actions in Python/Linux webapp do not run

I have a Django-based web app deployed from Github, running in Python 3.9. The app deploys and starts successfully.
I need to add post-build actions to complete the deployment; the exceeding common Django task of running "". Following the general and python-specific docs I have added the an app setting of
There is a shell script, in the root of my app, which runs fine if I SSH into the running container. The expected behaviour is that after deployment, this should run, and output to the deployment log. Neither of these things happen.
I have tested the app setting POST_BUILD_COMMAND with a very simple echo, and that does nothing either.
Can you tell me either what I need to do to make these app settings work, or suggest an alternative method of running the post-build script?
Please note that this is a Linux app using Oryx, so answers concerning Windows/Kudu like this one aren't related.
I noticed you asked your question over here as well. Your setting needs to be set to a relative path, /

Performance issue while publishing package

Publishing package in my local system is taking much longer time than expected. It is taking around 15-20 minutes to publish, and sometimes it is throwing an error, UNABLE TO READ DATA like this.
I also tried even after Restart Application from Apply Updates screen but still same issue. How I can solve this?
You might want to try to disable web site building.
In Visual Studio, go to web site property pages and deactivate the following 2 configurations:
Uncheck Build Web site as part of the solution
Before run startup page - no build.

What rights are required to automate DevEnv.exe to build a website

Environment: TeamCity 6.5.1 on Win2k3, BuildAgent(s) on Win2k3, Visual Studio 2k10, .NET v4, Nant 0.91
I'm completing the setup of TeamCity and am trying to lock down the BuildAgent account on the build machine(s) per our security guidelines. The build is crashing the first time "devenv.exe /build" is called via the Nant script:
Faulting application devenv.exe, version 10.0.30319.1, stamp 4ba1fab3,
faulting module msenv.dll, version 10.0.30319.1, stamp 4ba1fd94,
debug? 0, fault address 0x0000c36b.
I had no luck googling that message. However, if I change the BuildAgent Service from the Local Network Account to the Administrator account, things work. However, if I use another domain account, it fails. Also fails if I add that domain account to the local Administrators group.
Any ideas on what I'm missing? Is there a specific privilege you need to have in order for a "DevEnv /build" to work without crashing?
Yuck, I just went through this recently. First, use, not devenv.exe. The devenv with the com extension can build a solution and send all output to the console, without using the gui. As the TeamCity agent is a service, it may not be allowed to interact with the gui at all.
Second, and I realize that this might not be possible for you (especially if you are building an MSI), but consider doing whatever you need to do to use the built in Visual Studio build runner that comes with TeamCity. It does utilize MSBuild to do its work. If you go this route and you still need devenv, then go find MSBuild Extensions Pack, which has already solved a lot of these issues with their own devenv build task.
Honestly, I ended up replacing Microsoft's installation projects with alternatives (InstallShield or WiX), and never looked back.

Coded UI Tests automation

I want to automate the process of running coded UI tests.
Do i need to have user logged in to the system?
Or is it possible to run it using XYNT service?
We are able to run our coded ui tests in an automated fashion using windows scheduler and the command line MSTest.exe. Take a look at the following MSDN article on how to accomplish this:
I believe you can use Microsoft's Test Manager to accomplish this as well but we don't have TFS (yet) so I can't vouch for it.
As far as I know, CodedUI Tests require an active desktop session, so running them under a service account without an open desktop session may work, but not without a session.
I used the mstest to run the coded ui test and use Windows TaskScheduler to schedule the test.
You can find detail in MSTest.exe command-line documentation.
When you want to run it automatically, there are two things you should pay attention:
1. Set auto log on
2. Close the screen saver
You need to take the snapshot of your enviroment with user logged in and then you can run your test through MS Test Manager or TFS (nightly build process)
Write the test's in Visual Studio 2010/2012, this means you can manually edit the test's the code, then you should run them in Test Manager,
BTW you need TFS and Test Manager to be the same year otherwise it won't work.
I've being doing a lot of these recently if you have any questions post it online and send me a message, I'll be happy to help.

CruiseControl.Net "header.xsl" changes not showing in the dashboard

I've added a handful of new builds to a long standing CruiseControl.Net setup. Everything has been smooth up until this point. Now, any changes I make to the header.xsl file do not display on the build results dashboard page. This behavior only appeared after the weekend, and I'm not seeing any errors from CC.Net. Any clue as to what might be causing this? I've already attempted restarting both CC.Net and IIS.
Current CC.Net version info: 1.5.7256.1
When changing something related to dashboard configuration (or XSL files) you should
restart web server
restart ccnet
From my experience
using ccnet as service + apache + mod_asp, I need to restart only ccnet service.
using ccnet as service + IIS, I need to restart IIS and sometimes to restart the PC !
Did you change the correct header.xsl?
For the web dashboard you want to change webdashboard\xsl\header.xsl, and may need to reload the dashboard config before you see the change.
The server\xsl\header.xsl file is used when using the EmailPublisher.
