HaxeNME with smartfox server integration - haxe

I'm working on a multiplayer game that required the use of Smartfox server, surely I want to start creating the client side in HaxeNME to enable exportation to iphone / android / web at the same time. From my awareness, smartfox only support Flash (and others but not Haxe) client library. So, anyone already working on this can point me to the correct library or direction ? I really don't want to rewrite the client library for Haxe as it's time consuming ?
Or should I use other technology to develop this game ? I tended to fall back to Unity if there are no other way to get haxeNME works with smartfox ... Any idea, everyone ?
thanks for your answers !

I've ported AS3 smartfox to haxe/cpp.
All works quite fine except the BlueBox module because of nme.net.URLRequest that doesn't support POST method yet :/
But in the futur I'll use the SWC on flash target, Java and objectiveC for android and iOS with nme.JNI and nmex support...

If your target is CPP/NME, I'm afraid your only option is to port the SmartFox AS3 client code to Haxe.
There are some tools that can be helpful for the task. Look for as3hx.

If you mean using SWC files from smartfox, haXe does not currently support SWC linking, however you can use them. You'll first have to unzip the SWC to extract the library.swf and add it with --swf-lib library.swf to your compiler parameters.
More information on http://haxe.org/manual/swc


Is there a good React Native module for playing/streaming audios?

I'm new to react native and building an audio streaming app. I found quite a few react native wrappers for native modules for playing audio files https://js.coach/react-native/react-native-ios-audio?search=audio
But none of them seem sufficient. I'm looking for a module that would
allow playing in the background and handle interruptions
have play-speed control
allow both streaming and local file playing
Does such a module exist? Any tips would be much appreciated. Thanks!
If your intention is to use the features you mentioned in a cross-platform (android/ios) app, then you do have some options, but there isn't a single module that will cover each of those bases.
Right now, I'm using a few different modules to accomplish similar functionality to what you're looking for:
react-native-audio-streaming to stream audio from a remote URL.
react-native-sound to play local audio files.
react-native-audio-streamer to stream audio from a remote URL on Android, since it uses ExoPlayer, instead of the AACDecoder used by react-native-audio-streaming.
Support for loading sound over the network was recently added to react-native-sound for iOS, and someone has mentioned the possibility of implementing it on Android as well. If this happens, then it may be the best choice for your use case.
I've included the current react-native-sound feature set below. Hope this helps!
Try Following Modules.

Run Monogame exe without Visual Studios

This is probably a stupid question but I am no the best with technology so I figured I might as well ask. I am working on creating a website for myself and I would like to put Monogame work on there. Is there a way I could I guess compress it all into one file for a person to download and then play it? or possibly make it playable via my website and how have them download anything?
This is my first post on her so sorry if this is not worded properly (it being 2:30 a.m. is not helping either). Thank you very much!
You cannot implement MonoGame as a game on your website. The closest you're gonna get is having it working over Local Network. And this has only been tested with XNA.
However yes, if you compile a complete version of your game and Zip it, that should work. As far as I've experienced, if you simply make sure to include MonoGame.Framework.Dll, it should work without any further requirements (apart of course from the standard ones, such as DirectX and .Net Framework in general).
You might want to test this on a clean computer (Virtual machine would also work I think). If this doesn't work, make an installer instead, using the Visual Studio Publish feature. I've never had that fail before

Error preverifying class NetBeans 6.8 using lwuit api

I'm trying to develop a portable J2ME appli, but Netbeans do a class preverification of LWUIT library that uses optional APIs that some configurations don't have, so I get this error when I try to compile on a configuration without JSR-184 (M3G Optional API):
Error preverifying class com.sun.lwuit.animations.Transition3D
VERIFIER ERROR com/sun/lwuit/animations/Transition3D.initTransition()V:
Cannot find class javax/microedition/m3g/Node
I don't want to remove the classes from the LWUIT API because that classes works on other configurations compatibles with JSR-184
What I want is that NetBeans do not preverify the library, It is posible?
Here are some code:
//#ifdef JSR184
//# import com.sun.lwuit.animations.Transition3D;
import com.sun.lwuit.animations.CommonTransitions;
Transition out;
//#ifdef JSR184
//# out = Transition3D.createRotation(500, true);
out = CommonTransitions.createSlide(CommonTransitions.SLIDE_HORIZONTAL, true, 500);
We had the similar problems, as I remember BlackBerry handsets are problematic (?) for this JSR-184. What I did to solve this problem, I created different configurations for different targets and removed this problematic classes from LWUIT library, rebuild library for that target, and also modified project settings of related configuration accordingly. Hope it helps.
There is a native blackberry port of LWUIT as well as quite a few tutorials and instructions on how to use it. The native port uses native RIM API's which work far better on the blackberry devices than MIDP API's.
LWUIT's use of 184/226 doesn't bother devices that don't support these profiles other than blackberry which has a broken classloader implementation.
It may be possible, though I havent tried it. Netbeans has two xml files, build.xml and build-impl.xml. Look at these files and look for preverify task, then you can do a bit of testing and ensure that it doesnt preverify the library.
Netbeans ant plugin is a pretty simple setup and you can change it which ever way you want to.

Writing a Web Application in Haxe without Apache and PHP?

Haxe has Apache httpd modules and can compile to PHP code. These are 2 options I know to make a web application that runs on the server. You can start a http server with nekotools, but this is supposed to be used for development only.
Are there any more options?
I can always use the NekoVM from within a C or C++ program, running a web server or interfacing to FastCGI. Or compile to C++, using a FastCGI or web server library. But I want to hear about solutions that are actually used.
I have a VPS with nginx, so no mod_neko or mod_tora. PHP isn't a problem, but I'd rather wouldn't use it (for irrational reasons).
More correctly there is an Apache module for the nekoVM. (You do need necessarily haxe to produce neko binaries)
To your question:
As far as I know there is currently no possibility to use the C++ target for webserver application, but some people are playing arround with some stuff.
As you said, you could use PHP
mod_tora or mod_neko on a Apache setup. (Why not use Apache?)
OR: the probably most interessting thing for you be: Link 1 and Link 2 (neko as cgi / fastcgi)
hxNode uses node.js. Don't know if anybody uses hxNode, but node.js got some good press lately.
I'm continuing to keep hxNode up to date and expanding it with the node.js spec.
I'm using it for my own projects and debugging it as I come across stuff.
Currently, hxNode, has the node.js api defined in Haxe, this is the standard node.js asynchronous API. Also, I've started to recreate the Haxe standard API using this API, so for example, js.FileSystem has been implemented, this makes use of the fact that latest versions of node can call fs module syncronously.
Other things which I'm working on with this API, servlet's sitting on top, and mongo bindings based on chriskv's mongo native drivers.

Haxe in the field

I had a fresh look at Haxe again recently and realized that I had overlooked some of its elegance before. But I guess it lacks some visibility among the developers still.
So my question is, does anybody here use it for production? If so, how do you use it? What are the gotchas or difficulties you encounter? Do you recommend it for future projects?
I use Haxe to develop all my Flash applications, and I love it. I develop on Linux and with Emacs,
and I really like how I can make Haxe fit within my preferred development environment. I just use
simple Makefiles that look something like:
project.swf: Project.hx
haxe project.hxml
It's really easy to get started in Haxe, and it's very elegant. I've
had no problems at all using Haxe as compared to using the Adobe Flash
builders, and have developed a bunch of big projects including PanningPedagogy, The Orchive,Cantillion and Audioscapes.
I've released the source code to all of these as GPL on SourceForge, check them out at:
You might find some useful information in the lists of Projects Using Haxe and People Using Haxe.
My company uses Haxe for production use. For programming swf content is absolutly no problem on the technical side. Using it on the server side is a little bit harder. If you Haxe for PHP you sometimes have some problems with typing (this is more or less a PHP problem). The neko vm is very stable and very very fast but it takes some time to get it running with all you other server software (mysql, apache - mod_rewrite), but once you got it you it is very stable.
We used it for generation swf applications, tried the possibilies of Haxe JS. Also we created socket server for a multiplayer game and start to generate all our webpages with Haxe PHP or neko.
The community is very helpful, the documentation is sometimes a little bit to short.
This is only my opinion and the experiences I made.
For those of us who don't know what Haxe is, it's a programming language for developing web apps. It has multiple compiler targets (Flash, php, JavaScript, and the Neko language's VM)
Welcome to haxe [haxe.org]
Haxe entry on Wikipedia
Haxe are currently gaining more popularity as a cross-platform development (mainly for game development) tools thanks to NME/OpenFL: http://www.openfl.org/
Write once in Haxe and deploy it to Flash, Android, iOS, and more..
HaxeJS is very good for web production, it allows to use all the underlying js modules while giving extra abilities like pre-processor, typed fields, conditional-compilation, classes, haxe libraries, refactoring and auto-completion from IDE etc.. plus its very quick to compile and output ready-to-use js files.
I haven't tried microsoft typescript, but so far I've been using HaxeJS for both client and server (nodejs) on a few production projects and it feels a great choice. The only issue is if i want to share js libraries or npm modules with others, I'll probably need to rewrite the js by hand then.
We used it at a previous internship, for an internal web system. We only compiled to js and I just once compiled some minor code to both js and C#. I can say it worked quite well and many custom widgets were made at the time. Debugging the produced js wasn't that bad either, but it sometimes didn't produce the code you wanted it to (I remember one string comparison issue in js, where the reference was being compared instead of the value). The code was deployed in production and had worked fine for years. I'm pretty sure they still use it today.
That was in 2013, I haven't used it since. One problem I did have was trying to compile code made in version 2.08 using version 2.10. It needed some minor, but non-obvious adjustments. I can't quite comment on more recent releases, but I'd be a bit careful on not breaking large pieces of code by upgrading to new versions of the compiler.
You compile, haxelib run flow run "target" in target you type for example web, and thats all, in your bin, folder you get your files, remember to configure your project.flow file acording to your target and project.
