Command line software for testing accessibility - linux

I've done some searching around and I can't seem to find any command line utilities out there that will allow me to evaluate accessibility on web pages.
Essentially I want to automate the process of wget'ing a large number of websites and evaluating their accessibility.
So I would have a cron job that would get all of the necessary pages and then run the evaluation software on them. The output would then be parsed into a website ranking accessibility.
Does anyone know of anything that may work for this purpose?

If only accessibility evaluation were that simple... Unfortunately, what you're looking for isn't reasonably possible.
The main issue is that it's not possible to evaluate for accessibility by programatic/automated means alone. There's certainly some things you can check for and flag, but it's rare that you can say that they are either in error or correct with 100% accuracy.
As an example, take the issue of determining whether an IMG has suitable ALT text. It's impossible for a tool to determine whether the ALT text is actually meaningful in the overall context of the page: you need someone to look at the page to make that determination. But a tool can help somewhat: it can flag IMGs that don't have ALT attributes; or perhaps even flag those that have ALT attributes that look like filenames instead of descriptive text (a common error). But if there is already ALT text, it can't say for sure whether the ALT is correct and meaningful or not.
Similar with determining whether a page is using semantic markup correctly. If a tool sees that a page is not using any H1 or similar headers and only using styles for formatting, that's a potential red flag. But if there are H1's and other present, it can't determine whether they are in the right meaningful order.
And those are just two of the many issues that pertain to web page accessibility!
The issue gets even more complicated with pages that use AJAX and Javascript: it may be impossible to determine via code whether a keyboard user can accesses everything they need to on a page, or whether a screenreader user will understand the controls that are used. At the end of the day, while automated tools can help somewhat, the only way to really verify accessibility in these cases is by actual testing: by attempting to use the site with a keyboard and also with a screenreader.
You could perhaps use some of the existing accessibility tools to generate a list of potential issues on a page, but this would make for a very poor rating system: these lists of potential issues can be full of false positives and false negatives, and are really only useful as a starting point for manual investigation - using them as a rating system would likely be a bad idea.
For what it's worth, there are some tools out there that may be useful starting points. There is an Accessibility Evaluation Toolbar Add-On for Firefox, but it doesn't actually do any evaluation itself; rather it pulls information from the web page to make it easier for a human to evaluate it.
There's also the Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool (WAVE); again, it focuses on making accessibility-relevant information in the page more visible so that the tool user can more easily perform the evaluation.
Also worth checking out is Cynthia Says, which does more of what could be called 'evaluation' in that it generates a report from a web page - but again its only useful as a starting point for manual investigation. For example, if an IMG tag has empty ALT text - which is recommended practice if the image is purely cosmetic or is a spacer - then the generated report states "contains the 'alt' attribute with an empty value. Please verify that this image is only used for spacing or design and has no meaning." - so it's flagging potential errors, but could flag things that are not errors, or possibly miss some things that are errors.
For other information on Web Accessibility in general, I can recommend the WebAIM (Accessibility In Mind) site as a good starting point for everything Web Accessibility related.

+1 to #BrendanMcK answer ... and for the part that can (and should (*)) be automated, I know of Tanaguru and Opquast.
Tanaguru is both a SaaS and free software. Based on checklist Accessiweb 2.1 (that follows closely WCAG 2.0), it can audit pages or thousands of them. You can try it for free here: > Pages audit
I never installed it on a server, there's a mailing list if you've difficulties installing this huge Java thing
Opquast is a service that you can try for free for a one page audit but otherwise isn't free.
It'll let you audit your site with quality checklist (the Opquast one), a brand new "Accessibility first step" (aimed to problems so obvious that they should be corrected before contacting an accessibility expert) and also accessibility checklist Accessiweb and RGAA (both are based on WCAG 2.0 but I don't think that RGAA has been translated from french to english).
EDIT 2014: is a fairly new API by K. Groves that is very promising
(*) because it's tedious work like checking if images, area and input[type="image"] lack alt attribute ... That is work better done by computers than by people. What computers can't do is evaluating if alt, when present, are poorly written or are OK.


auto fill web form with dynamic data

I am trying to create shipping labels for a lot of different customers by filling forms on ups website. Is there a programmatic way of doing this?
It is different from the usual auto-fill web form. Because the name, address, etc. fields aren't filled with "constants". 100 customers needs 100 different forms.
Before I dig into python-mechanize, or autoit IE.au3, is there an easier way doing this?
UPDATE 2019-09-09: Generally, would no longer recommend FF.au3 unless you're very much into AutoIt or have tons of legacy code. I'd rather suggest using Selenium with a "proper" programming language.
You could check out FF.au3 for AutoIt. Together with FireFox and MozRepl it allows for web automation, including dynamic websites/forms.
The feature-set should be sufficient for your task (eg. XPath for content extraction and for filling out forms, but just have a look at the link and you'll get an idea of what it can do). It's also fairly easy to use.
The downside is that it's not the most performant approach and I've encountered a bug, but that doesn't say much. Overall it did work well for me for small or medium-ish projects.
Install AutoIt:
Get the FF.au3 lib:
Get an old Firefox version <v57 or ESR (see remarks on ff.au3 page above)
Install MozRepl:

Convert MFC Doc/View to?

My question will be hard to form, but to start:
I have an MFC SDI app that I have worked on for an embarrassingly long time, that never seemed to fit the Doc/View architecture. I.e. there isn't anything useful in the Doc. It is multi-threaded and I need to do more with threading, etc.
I dream about also porting it to Linux X Windows, but I know nothing about that programming environment as yet. Maybe Mac also.
My question is where to go from here?
I think I would like to convert from MFC Doc/View to straight Win API stuff with message loops and window procedures, etc. But the task seems to be huge.
Does the Linux X Windows environment use a similar kind of message loop, window procedure architecture?
Can I go part way? Like convert a little at a time without rendering my program unusable for long periods of work?
Added later:
My program is a file compare program (sounds simple enough.) So, stating my confusion in a simple way, normally a document can have multiple views, but in this app, I have one view with multiple (two) documents (files). I have a "compare engine" that I first wrote back in the DOS days, that is the heart of the program and the view is just looking at the output of that routine. Sometimes I think that some of my "view" code could make sense in a "document" class but I hardly know where to begin to separate it into more classes. I have recently started reading "Programming Windows" 5th Ed. by Charles Petzold, (I know that is quite out of date (C) 1998) hoping to get a better understanding of direct Windows programming.
I get overwhelmed with the proliferation of options like C#, NET, MFC, MVC, Qt, wxWidgets, etc.
I find I am often stuck trying to understand something going on in the MFC framework because something in my code doesn't work as it seems it should, but the problem is that I don't really understand how MFC is handling things in the background. That is why I am trying to learn "straight Windows programming" where my program has all the message passing code that I write. I hope this helps give enough insight into my question so someone can guide me on my way.
X works enough differently that a raw Windows program and a raw X program probably wouldn't be able to share much UI code at all.
If you want portability between the two, chances are pretty good that you want to use something like Qt or wxWidgets. Of the two, wxWidgets is more similar to MFC, so it would probably require less rewriting, but would maintain (more or less) the same "disconnect" you're seeing between what you want and what it provides.
Without knowing more about your application, and why it doesn't fit well with MFC, it's impossible to guess whether Qt would be a better fit or not. An immediate guess would be "probably not".
MFC uses a "document/view" architecture, where Qt uses the original Model-View-Controller architecture. For the most part, MFC's Document class is equivalent basically a Model and a Controller rolled into one -- so if your Document contains nothing useful, in Qt you'd apparently have both a Model and a Controller, neither of which did much that was useful.
That said, I have to raise a question about why your Document currently doesn't do much. The MVC pattern has proven applicable to a wide variety of problems, so while it's possible it can't work well for your problem, it's also possible that it could work well, and you're simply not using it. Without knowing more about what you're doing, it's impossible to even guess at that though.
Edit: Okay, the clarification helps quite a bit. The first thing to realize is that a Document does not necessarily equate to a file. Quite the contrary, a document can perfectly reasonably relate to an arbitrary number of files.
Just for example, consider a web browser. All the data needed to compose the page its currently displaying would reasonably be part of the same document. Depending on your viewpoint, that's either zero files, or a whole bunch of them (it will start as an arbitrary number of files coming from the server(s), but won't necessarily be stored as files locally at all). Storing any of it as a file locally will be a (more or less) accidental by-product of caching, and mostly unrelated to browsing per se.
In your case, you're presumably reading the two (or three?) files into memory and storing them along with some sort of data structure to hold the result of the comparison. After the comparison is complete, you might or might not discard the contents of the files themselves. I think it's safe to say that the "normal" separation of responsibilities would be for that data and the code that produces that data to be in the Document.
The View should contain only the code to take that result from that data structure, and display it on screen. Nearly the only data you normally want to store in the View would be things related to how the data is presented (e.g., things like a zoom level or current scroll position). Likewise, the code in the view should relate only to displaying the result and reacting to user input, NOT to "creating" the data in the first place.
As such, I think your program could be rewritten to use the Document/View pattern more effectively, or could be rewritten to use MVC. That, in turn, means a port to Qt could/would probably work just fine -- provided you're willing to put some time and effort into understanding how it's intended to work and then make what may be fairly substantial changes to your code to work the way it's designed to.
As I commented previously, wxWidgets is more like MFC in this respect -- it uses a Document and View, not a Model, View, and Controller. It's also going to work best if you do some rewriting to separate responsibilities the way it's designed for. The good point is that it's probably a bit easier to do that one step at a time: rewrite the code in MFC, which which you're already familiar, and then port it to wxWidgets -- but given the similarity between the two, that "Port" will probably be little more than minor editing -- often just changing some names from C* to wx* is just about enough. To my recollection, the only place I've run into much work was in creating menus -- with MFC they're normally handled via resources, but (at least a few years ago when I used it) wxWidgets normally directly exposed the code that created the menu entries.
Porting to Qt would probably be more work -- you pretty much have to learn a new framework, and substantially reorganize your code at the same time. The good point is that when you're done, the result will probably be somewhat cleaner, though given what you're doing, the difference may be pretty minor. In a Document/View, the View displays data, and reacts to user input. In a Model/View/Controller, the View only displays data, but user input (that modifies the underlying data) goes through the Controller. Since you (presumably) don't expect to modify the underlying data, the only user input involved probably belongs in the view in any case (e.g., things like scrolling). It's barely possible you might have a few things you could put in the Document/Model that would be open to change (e.g., things like the current font or colors the user has selected).

Why are wizard dialogs called "wizards"?

I was talking with my non-techie wife tonight. She was talking about how she was training staff to use some new software. The software made heavy use of wizards to accomplish tasks. Her question to me was "Why are wizards called 'wizards?' Are they made by some nerd with an interest in Dungeons & Dragons?"
I realized that, while the "nerd" and "Dungeons & Dragons" were true in my case, I didn't know the origin of of the term "wizard" as it relates to a part of an application that guides a user through some difficult process.
I'm curious to see what thoughts others here have on this great and weighty question.
My impression is that it's related to the meaning of wizard that's similar to "expert". A UI wizard is like a (very simple) expert system. The wizard/"expert" asks you a series of questions to figure out what you want, and then they use their "expertise" to generate a result.
One of the original Wizard interfaces, was with Microsoft Publisher 2.0.
The wizard part came after the last dialog page, where it would 'magically' perform the actions required to achieve the task requested in the wizard, and actually show you how to do it. For example, running the Greeting Card Wizard, would show you how to set the aspect ratio, paper size, etc.
I guess user interface testing showed that not enough people were following the wizard tutorial, and just skipped through it to get the desired result, because this functionality was dropped in later versions of Publisher.
Because they magically guide the user through the process to achieve the users goal.
I believe Microsoft invented and introduced the term, no doubt for marketing related reasons.
I guess because user interfaces that configured things that were previously done manually must have seemed like magic to users. It's a pretty good analogy if you think about it - this little config app is doing many many things with a single "wave of the wand" as it were.

Tracking changes to a (functional) design document

I am looking for a good way to keep a design document up to date with the latest decisions.
We are a small team (two developers, game designer, graphic designer, project manager, sales guy). Most of our projects last a couple of months. At the start of the project a design is made but we generally find ourselves making changes or new decisions throughout the project. Most of these changes are improvements, so we want to keep our process like that. (If the changed design results in more time needed this is generally taken care of, so that part is OK)
However, at the moment we have no nice way of capturing the changes to the initial design document and this results in the initial design quickly being abandoned as a source while coding. This is of course a waste of effort.
Currently our documents are OpenOffice/Word, and the best way to track changes in those documents will probably be adding a changelist to the top of the document and making the changes in the text in parallel — not really an option I'd think as ideal.
I've looked at requirements management software, but that looks way to specialized. The documents could be stored in subversion but I think that is a bit too low level to give insight in the changes.
Does anyone know a good way to track changes like these and keep the design document a valuable resource throughout the project?
EDIT: At the moment we mostly rely on changes to the original design being put in the bugtracker, that way they are at least somewhere.
EDIT: Related question
Is version control (ie. Subversion) applicable in document tracking?
I've found a wiki with revision logging works well as a step-up from Word documents, provided the number of users is relatively small. Finding one that makes it easy to make quick edits is helpful in ensuring it's kept up to date.
Both openoffice and word include capaiblities for showing/hiding edits to your document. Assuming there's resistance to changing, then that's your best option - either that or export to text and put it into any source control software.\
Alternatively, maintain a separate (diffable using the appropriate tool) document for change-description text, and save archive versions at appropriate points in time.
This problem has been a long standing issue in our programming shop too. The funny thing is that programmers tend to look at this from the wrong optimization angle: "keep everything in one place". In my opinion, you have two main issues:
The changes' descriptions must be easy to read ("So what's new?")
The process should be optimized for writing of the specification to agree upon, and then get to work already!
Imagine how this problem is solved in another environment: government law making. The lawbook is not rewritten with "track changes" turned on every time the government adds another law, or changes one...
The best way is to never touch a released document. Don't stuff everything into the same file, you'll get the:
dreaded version history table
eternal status "draft",
scattered inconsistencies,
horribly rushed sentences, and
foul smelling blend of authors' styles
Instead, release an addendum, describing only the changes in detail, and possibly replacing full paragraphs/pages of the original.
With the size of our project, this can never work, can it?
In my biggest project so far, I released one base spec, and 5 consecutive addenda. Each of around 5 pages. Worked like a charm!
I don't know any good, free configuration management tools, but why not place your design under source control? Just add it to SVN, CVS, or whatever you are using. This is good because:
1) It is always up to date (if you check it in, of course)
2) It is centralized
3) You can keep track of changes by using the built-in compare feature, available in almost any source control system
It may not be the 'enterprisish' solution you'd want, but you are a small team of developers anyway, so for that situation, it is more than perfect.
EDIT: I see now that you already mentioned a source control system, my mistake. Still, I think it should work well.
Use Google Docs. Its free, web based, muti-user in real time, you can choose who has access to your documents, and keeps versioning. You can also upload all your word documents and it will transform them for you.
For more information:

Functional Spec & Agile Processes [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 5 years ago.
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In traditional Waterfall, requirements were gathered - typically in a MS-Word document - following an esoteric template. In a "strict" waterfall model, this document is frozen after the requirement phase and a Change Control / Change Management process is responsible for introducing controlled changes. (**) [Typically, the document is turned into a "living document" and eventually a "living nightmare"]
Currently, I've to lead a project that is a rewrite of an existing desktop application to web (from VB 6.0 to ASP.Net). The client has a baselined version of the application that he wants rewritten. [So requirments are frozen... No scope creep]. The data model to be reused as is. Only the front end/Business rules to be migrated. Looking at the application, I feel it's a at most 3/4 major screens and that's it.
Some of the team members want to document (old school of thought, in my opinion) the entire thing before they start on the new development. I & and some others feel, it shoud be relatively easy translate the UI to Web, to look up old code, write the business logic, do automated unit tests, proceed to integration tests and deliver screen by screen (or business function by function)
My question is:
In an Agile development how I do I remain "agile" if I were not to optimize this. My opinion is writing detailed documentation is anti-agile. What do you think? How would an agile guru approach the above problem (of rewriting an existing VB 6.0 app to ASP.Net)?
Creation of a 1000 page Functional Spec could possibly be to meet contractual obligations, a political necessity, the system could be genuinely complex (now, definition of "complexity" is a journey unto murky-land).
First, you can produce documentation and remain agile, if the customer or the Product Owner requests to have (read is ready to pay for) documentation.
Grow your documentation incrementally and iteratively, as you'll do with code. Test a little , code a little and ... document a little.
I see three ways of doing this : either include the time to write the documentation in the tasks estimation, create documentation specific tasks, or have documentation backlog items/stories.
The risk with the documentation stories is that they may be planned very late, a long time after that have been implemented, so I won't recommend this.
Documentation tasks have the advantage of being visible in the iteration planning, so they should not been forgotten or overlooked.
Agile does not mean "no specs." It mean test and release early and often (but not necessarily to production).
The backlog in Scrum is the "spec." If you don't actually write down and manage the list of features, you WILL lose features, and you will NEVER be able to figure out when the product will be released (won't be able to estimate amount of work left because you have no idea where you are or how much there is left to do). The list of features MUST be managed by someone. The easiest way to do that is to write down everything the product should do (you can get as intricate in the wording and definition as you want) and keep track of what has been completed and what is left to do. How else will you assign work to developers and report status to "management?
I've put a lot of thought on the subject - we work in a Scrum environment, and we've ended up having difficulties to organize the documentation.
What I'm heading to at the moment, though it's quite early so I don't know if it'll pass the long term test, is to use a wiki for the documentation.
Basically, the workflow is the following :
Stories come up in the backlog
Story gets picked up by a programmer
Programmer does the code, and in the DoD (Definition of Done), also has to write some tests against the new functionnality, and has to edit the wiki to add a page for the new functionnality.
The wiki is organized with mediawiki templates, pretty much inspired from mediawiki extensions doc pages, with the name of the functionnality, the version it has been introduced into, anything that can be usefull. The template adds pictos to distinguish between different kinds of features (and of their status).
At the end of the day, the wiki has the great advantage of letting you add the documentation page without being bothered about where or how to put it, but obviously regularly you need someone to come behind and organize the mess.
The important thing to keep in mind, whatever tool you use, is that the developper should write some doc just after the development has taken place (including technical aspects) - and not before, and not months after...
In my view the functional specification is necessary depending on how involved is the tech team with the product and how senior is the team. If the tech team is involved in the product definition you'll definitely need less documentation because there will be less room for assumptions. If you have a team of engineers that are juniors you need a stronger documentation or else things will not be done the way they were defined in the end of the sprints.
Also be aware that remote teams need more documentation in the form of functional specs due to the natural barrier of not being close to the stakeholders and product visionaries.
Having upfront functional specs is a feature of agile. I saw a lot of tech teams where the tasks where solely described by a user story and quite often I saw those teams failing to achieve the releases and meeting the stakeholder's expectations.
This subject is very broad and there are a lot of opinions but in my view this can be reduced to the fact that the developers should not have to guess the requirements.
In fact I believe that the success and quality of the deliverables is inversely proportional to the number of guesses/assumptions that the developers need to make. I think agility increases with how well specified is something because you will have less mistakes and will spend less time correcting those mistakes.
If creating a Function Spec is a contractual necessity you should think really carefully what goes in it. You could be refused payment if you fail to deliver what you promise in your functional spec.
Unfortunately you're not going to remain very agile if you adopt this process. Does the client really want the same functions for the re-written application? If yes, then why is it being re-written? I'm sure that there a features that are never used.
I would not bother to document the old version. You have a reference already, the application itself. There is no ambiguity in the software.
Document writing is not anti-agile. Designing something without prioritising and getting feedback from your customer is. An important aspect of agile is getting buy in from the customer. If they don't believe it, then the project will have a harder time than it should.
As already pointed out, Agile does not mean little to no documentation - "working software over comprehensive documentation".
The way I approach documentation is almost to flip things on its head and to consider just about everything part of documentation (including code and unit tests as technical specs). So, a story (or whatever other mechanism you use to divvy up work) describing a business/user requirement should be detailed enough to be estimated by the team doing the work; otherwise, it is incomplete and vague. Further, something I do in my own practice, if the story (or whatever) is estimated to take longer than one working day to fit the team's definition of "done" it should most likely be broken down (this atomizing then compiling eventually leads to pretty extensive documentation, but does not assume as many unknowns as not doing it will - and can lead pretty interesting reuse and pattern revelations).
Example using BDD style requirements:
Given I am working on a document
When I select "Save As..."
Then a menu should appear allowing me to choose a name,
and a file type,
and a location in the file system,
and a file should be created in the file system
We may need/want to add UI elements to accomplish this, menu items, storyboards, keyboard shortcuts, etc. to this description (we may have multiple variations on the same theme of "saving a file"). And so on.
All of these related artifacts can be attached onto the base story/requirement; resulting in more complete documentation. But, only add those stories you actually implement to your documentation of the web version of the software.
Here's where things get kind of flipped on their head and become more "Agile". During development, and after development, revisiting the documented requirement and adding changes/modifications/improvements made by the team edits are made (without having to go through a documentation-only CCB). The ability to edit/update the documentation and related assets without going through all the review boards and whatnot - or throwing the document "back over the wall" when we find out during development that the document is incomplete in some way makes us able to adapt to the unknowns - therefore, Agile.
This documentation should have some form of version control or history, which allows us to describe the system we desired, but also describe the system that was actually implemented - noting another answer/suggestions regarding documentation being part of the Definition of Done (something I also do). (Wikis are good for this; however, a fully integrated concept is a little more desirable - e.g., being able to relate a ticket to a file in trunk in the version control system would be nice.)
To kind of conclude. Creating exhaustive documentation up front, which cannot be altered during and/or shortly after the development effort, will keep you from being agile - able to quickly adapt to unknowns. However, to reference Leading Lean Software Development, wherein they mention that if policies do not allow for certain practices/processes to be used properly, then it doesn't matter if you say you are lean (or scrum, or agile).
One way to make sure you are not being overly exhaustive - probably could've used this mindset on this answer - is to only write what you need to when you need to (similar concepts exist in development in general). Another would be to get everyone to understand that you don't need to try and figure everything out up front (the biggest transition from Waterfall to Agile) - we will document every idea and it may or may not end up in a release. And, finally, deprecate (and remove) anything that no longer applies...I remember seeing documentation for a system once and, when I reviewed the system, half the document didn't actually apply to the system anymore.
Since you have a document describing what the product should do, I would use it as the initial backlog and start splitting the work in bite size pieces ordered from highest to lowest priority. Each set of pieces would then be handled during an iteration. In brief, use Scrum with your initial document as the backlog.
I would not go straight to the implementation without doing this prioritization work. It does not require a lot of writing but more referencing the pieces you want to tackle.
I would not document the whole thing upfront.
In addition, you will have some tasks directly related to the platform your tackling and those tasks need to be captured and added to the sprint backlog.
Also, you may realize that you don't want to implement all the requirements after a few iterations.
Agile has a Functional Specification document in the form of the agile Features list, Product Backlog and even as far into the sprint as tasks in the sprint Backlogs too. The fact they are not called documents doesn't make them any less. And the difference from the Functional Spec in waterfall?...Agile Functional Spec only contains what is required (lol) therefore is less voluminous, remember your "Working software over comprehensive documentation"?
