malloc/realloc/free capacity optimization - linux

When you have a dynamically allocated buffer that varies its size at runtime in unpredictable ways (for example a vector or a string) one way to optimize its allocation is to only resize its backing store on powers of 2 (or some other set of boundaries/thresholds), and leave the extra space unused. This helps to amortize the cost of searching for new free memory and copying the data across, at the expense of a little extra memory use. For example the interface specification (reserve vs resize vs trim) of many C++ stl containers have such a scheme in mind.
My question is does the default implementation of the malloc/realloc/free memory manager on Linux 3.0 x86_64, GLIBC 2.13, GCC 4.6 (Ubuntu 11.10) have such an optimization?
void* p = malloc(N);
... // time passes, stuff happens
void* q = realloc(p,M);
Put another way, for what values of N and M (or in what other circumstances) will p == q?

From the realloc implementation in glibc trunk at;a=blob;f=malloc/malloc.c;h=12d2211b0d6603ac27840d6f629071d1c78586fe;hb=HEAD
First, if the memory has been obtained via mmap() instead of sbrk(), which glibc malloc does for large requests, >= 128 kB by default IIRC:
if (chunk_is_mmapped(oldp))
void* newmem;
newp = mremap_chunk(oldp, nb);
if(newp) return chunk2mem(newp);
/* Note the extra SIZE_SZ overhead. */
if(oldsize - SIZE_SZ >= nb) return oldmem; /* do nothing */
/* Must alloc, copy, free. */
newmem = public_mALLOc(bytes);
if (newmem == 0) return 0; /* propagate failure */
MALLOC_COPY(newmem, oldmem, oldsize - 2*SIZE_SZ);
return newmem;
(Linux has mremap(), so in practice this is what is done).
For smaller requests, a few lines below we have
newp = _int_realloc(ar_ptr, oldp, oldsize, nb);
where _int_realloc is a bit big to copy-paste here, but you'll find it starting at line 4221 in the link above. AFAICS, it does NOT do the constant factor optimization increase that e.g. the C++ std::vector does, but rather allocates exactly the amount requested by the user (rounded up to the next chunk boundaries + alignment stuff and so on).
I suppose the idea is that if the user wants this factor of 2 size increase (or any other constant factor increase in order to guarantee logarithmic efficiency when resizing multiple times), then the user can implement it himself on top of the facility provided by the C library.

Perhaps you can use malloc_usable_size (google for it) to find the answer experimentally. This function, however, seems undocumented, so you will need to check out if it is still available at your platform.
See also How to find how much space is allocated by a call to malloc()?


Is it safe to attempt (and fail) to write to a const on an STM32?

So, we are experimenting with an approach to perform some matrix math. This is embedded, so memory is limited, and we will have large matrices so it helps us to keep some of them stored in flash rather than RAM.
I've written a matrix structure, two arrays (one const/flash and the other RAM), and a "modify" and "get" function. One matrix, I initialize to the RAM data, and the other matrix I initialize to the flash data, using a cast from const *f32 to *f32.
What I find is that when I run this code on my STM32 embedded processor, the RAM matrix is modifiable, and the matrix pointing to the flash data simply doesn't change (the set to 12.0 doesn't "take", the value remains 2.0).
(before change) a=2, b=2, (after change) c=2, d=12
This is acceptable behavior, by design we will not attempt to modify matrices of flash data, but if we make a mistake we don't want it to crash.
If I run the same code on my windows machine with Visual C++, however, I get an "access violation" when I attempt to run the code below, when I try to modify the const array to 12.0.
This is not surprising that Windows would object, but I'd like to understand the difference in behavior better. This seems related to CPU architecture. Is it safe, on our STM32, to let the code attempt to write to a const array and let it have no effect? Or are there side effects, or reasons to avoid this?
static const f32 constarray[9] = {1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3};
static f32 ramarray[9] = {1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3};
typedef struct {
u16 rows;
u16 cols;
f32 * mat;
} matrix_versatile;
void modify_versatile_matrix(matrix_versatile * m, uint16_t r, uint16_t c, double new_value)
m->mat[r * m->cols + c] = new_value;
double get_versatile_matrix_value(matrix_versatile * m, uint16_t r, uint16_t c)
return m->mat[r * m->cols + c];
double a;
double b;
double c;
double d;
int main(void)
matrix_versatile matrix_with_const_data;
matrix_versatile matrix_with_ram_data;
matrix_with_const_data.cols = 3;
matrix_with_const_data.rows = 3;
matrix_with_const_data.mat = (f32 *) constarray;
matrix_with_ram_data.cols = 3;
matrix_with_ram_data.rows = 3;
matrix_with_ram_data.mat = ramarray;
a = get_versatile_matrix_value(&matrix_with_const_data, 1, 1);
b = get_versatile_matrix_value(&matrix_with_ram_data, 1, 1);
modify_versatile_matrix(&matrix_with_const_data, 1, 1, 12.0);
modify_versatile_matrix(&matrix_with_ram_data, 1, 1, 12.0);
c = get_versatile_matrix_value(&matrix_with_const_data, 1, 1);
d = get_versatile_matrix_value(&matrix_with_ram_data, 1, 1);
but if we make a mistake we don't want it to crash.
Attempting to write to ROM will not in itself cause a crash, but the code attempting to write it is by definition buggy and may crash in any case, and will certainly not behave as intended.
It is almost entirely wrong thinking; if you have a bug, you really want it to crash during development, and not after deployment. If it silently does the wrong thing, you may never notice the bug, or the crash might occur somewhere other than in proximity of the bug, so be very hard to find.
Architectures an MMU or MPU may issue an exception if you attempt to write to memory marked as read-only. That is what is happening in Windows. In that case it can be a useful debug aid given an exception handler that reports such errors by some means. In this case the error is reported exactly when it occurs, rather than crashing some time later when some invalid data is accessed or incorrect result acted upon.
Some, but mot all STM32 parts include the MPU (application note)
The answer may depend on the series (STM32F1, STM32F4, STM32L1 etc), as they have somewhat different flash controllers.
I've once made the same mistake on an STM32F429, and investigated a bit, so I can tell what would happen on an STM32F4.
Probably nothing.
The flash is by default protected, in order to be somewhat resilient to those kind of programming errors. In order to modify the flash, one has to write certain values to the FLASH->KEYR register. If the wrong value is written, then the flash will be locked until reset, so nothing really bad can happen unless the program writes 64 bits of correct values. No unexpected interrupts can happen, because the interrupt enable bit is protected by this key too. The attempt will set some error bits in FLASH->SR, so a program can check it and warn the user (preferably the tester).
However if there is some code there (e.g. a bootloader, or logging something into flash) that is supposed to write something in the flash, i.e. it unlocks the flash with the correct keys, then bad things can happen.
If the flash is left unlocked after a preceding write operation, then writing to a previously programmed area will change bits from 1 to 0, but not from 0 to 1. It means that the flash will contain the bitwise AND of the old and the newly written value.
If the failed write attempt occurs first, and unlocked afterwards, then no legitimate write or erase operation would succeed unless the status bits are properly cleared first.
If the intended and unintended accesses occur interleaved, e.g. in interrupt handlers, then all bets are off.
Even if the values are in immutable flash memory, there can still be unexpected result. Consider this code
int foo(int *array) {
array[0] = 1;
array[1] = 3;
array[2] = 5;
return array[0];
An optimizing compiler might recognize that the return value should always be 1, and emit code to that effect. Or it might not, and reload array[0] from wherever it is stored, possibly a different value from flash. It may behave differently in debug and release builds, or when the function is called from different places, as it might be inlined differently.
If the pointer points to an unmapped area, neither RAM nor FLASH nor some memory mapped register, then a a fault will occur, and as the default fault handlers contain just an infinite loop, the program will hang unless it has a fault handler installed that can deal with the situation. Needless to say, overwriting random RAM areas or registers can result in barely predictable behaviour.
I've tried your code on actual hardware. When I ran it verbatim, the compiler (gcc-arm-none-eabi-7-2018-q2-update -O3 -lto) optimized away everything, since the variables were not used afterwards. Marking a, b, c, d as volatile resulted in c=2 and d=12, it was still considering the first array const, and no accesses to the arrays were generated. constarray did not show up in the map file at all, the linker had eliminated it completely.
So I've tried a few things one at a time to force the optimizer to generate code that would actually access the arrays.
Disablig optimization (-O0)
Making all variables volatile
Inserting a couple of compile-time memory barriers (asm volatile("":::"memory");
Doing some complex calculations in the middle
Any of these has produced varying effects on different MCUs, but they were always consistent on a single platform.
STM32F103: Hard Fault. Only halfword (16 bit) write accesses are allowed to the flash, 8 or 32 bits always result in a fault. When I've changed the data types to short, the code ran, of course without any effect on the flash.
STM32F417: Code runs, with no effects on the flash contents, but bits 6 and 7, PGPERR and PGSERR in FLASH->SR were set a few cycles after the first write attempt to constarray.
STM32L151: Code runs, with no effects on the flash controller status.

What does the IS_ALIGNED macro in the linux kernel do?

I've been trying to read the implementation of a kernel module, and I'm stumbling on this piece of code.
unsigned long addr = (unsigned long) buf;
if (!IS_ALIGNED(addr, 1 << 9)) {
DMCRIT("#%s in %s is not sector-aligned. I/O buffer must be sector-aligned.", name, caller);
The IS_ALIGNED macro is defined in the kernel source as follows:
#define IS_ALIGNED(x, a) (((x) & ((typeof(x))(a) - 1)) == 0)
I understand that data has to be aligned along the size of a datatype to work, but I still don't understand what the code does.
It left-shifts 1 by 9, then subtracts by 1, which gives 111111111. Then 111111111 does bitwise-and with x.
Why does this code work? How is this checking for byte alignment?
In systems programming it is common to need a memory address to be aligned to a certain number of bytes -- that is, several lowest-order bits are zero.
Basically, !IS_ALIGNED(addr, 1 << 9) checks whether addr is on a 512-byte (2^9) boundary (the last 9 bits are zero). This is a common requirement when erasing flash locations because flash memory is split into large blocks which must be erased or written as a single unit.
Another application of this I ran into. I was working with a certain DMA controller which has a modulo feature. Basically, that means you can allow it to change only the last several bits of an address (destination address in this case). This is useful for protecting memory from mistakes in the way you use a DMA controller. Problem it, I initially forgot to tell the compiler to align the DMA destination buffer to the modulo value. This caused some incredibly interesting bugs (random variables that have nothing to do with the thing using the DMA controller being overwritten... sometimes).
As far as "how does the macro code work?", if you subtract 1 from a number that ends with all zeroes, you will get a number that ends with all ones. For example, 0b00010000 - 0b1 = 0b00001111. This is a way of creating a binary mask from the integer number of required-alignment bytes. This mask has ones only in the bits we are interested in checking for zero-value. After we AND the address with the mask containing ones in the lowest-order bits we get a 0 if any only if the lowest 9 (in this case) bits are zero.
"Why does it need to be aligned?": This comes down to the internal makeup of flash memory. Erasing and writing flash is a much less straightforward process then reading it, and typically it requires higher-than-logic-level voltages to be supplied to the memory cells. The circuitry required to make write and erase operations possible with a one-byte granularity would waste a great deal of silicon real estate only to be used rarely. Basically, designing a flash chip is a statistics and tradeoff game (like anything else in engineering) and the statistics work out such that writing and erasing in groups gives the best bang for the buck.
At no extra charge, I will tell you that you will be seeing a lot of this type of this type of thing if you are reading driver and kernel code. It may be helpful to familiarize yourself with the contents of this article (or at least keep it around as a reference):

DMA memcpy operation in Linux

I want to dma using dma_async_memcpy_buf_to_buf function which is in dmaengine.c file (linux/drivers/dma). For this, I add a function in dmatest.c file (linux/drivers/dma) as following:
void foo ()
int index = 0;
dma_cookie_t cookie;
size_t len = 0x20000;
ktime_t start, end, end1, end2, end3;
s64 actual_time;
u16* dest;
u16* src;
dest = kmalloc(len, GFP_KERNEL);
src = kmalloc(len, GFP_KERNEL);
for (index = 0; index < len/2; index++)
dest[index] = 0xAA55;
src[index] = 0xDEAD;
start = ktime_get();
cookie = dma_async_memcpy_buf_to_buf(chan, dest, src, len);
while (dma_async_is_tx_complete(chan, cookie, NULL, NULL) == DMA_IN_PROGRESS)
dma_sync_wait(chan, cookie);
end = ktime_get();
actual_time = ktime_to_ns(ktime_sub(end, start));
printk("Time taken for function() execution dma: %lld\n",(long long)actual_time);
memset(dest, 0 , len);
start = ktime_get();
memcpy(dest, src, len);
end = ktime_get();
actual_time = ktime_to_ns(ktime_sub(end, start));
printk("Time taken for function() execution non-dma: %lld\n",(long long)actual_time);
There are some issues with DMA:
Interestingly, memcpy function execution time is less than dma_async_memcpy_buf_to_buf function. Maybe, its related with ktime_get() function problem.
My method with foo function is correct or incorrect to perform DMA operation? I'm not sure about this.
How can I measure tick counts of memcpy and dma_async_memcpy_buf_to_buf functions in terms of cpu usage
Finally, Is DMA operation possible at application level? Up to now I used in kernel level as you can see above(dmatest.c is inserted kernel module)
There are multiple issues in your question, which make it kind of hard to answer exactly what you're questioning:
Yes, your general DMA operation invocation algorithm is correct.
The fundamental difference in using plain memcpy and DMA operations for copying memory is not getting direct performance gains, but (a) performance gains due to sustaining CPU cache / prefetcher state when using DMA operation (which is likely would be garbled when using plain old memcpy, executed on CPU itself), and (b) true background operation which leaves CPU available to do other stuff.
Given (a), it's kind of pointless to use DMA operations on anything less than CPU cache size, i.e. dozens of megabytes. Typically it's done for purposes of fast off-CPU stream processing, i.e. moving data that would be anyhow produced/consumed by external devices, such as fast networking cards, video streaming / capturing / encoding hardware, etc.
Comparing async and sync operations in terms of wall clock elapsed time is wrong. There might be hundreds of threads / processes running and no one guarantees you that you'd get scheduled next tick and not several thousands ticks later.
Using ktime_get for benchmarking purposes is wrong - it's fairly imprecise, especially for given such short jobs. Profiling kernel code in fact is a pretty hard and complex task which is well beyond the scope of this question. A quick recommendation here would be to refrain at all from such micro-benchmarks and profile a much bigger and more complete job - similar to what you're ultimately trying to achieve.
Measuring "ticks" for modern CPUs is also kind of pointless, although you can use CPU vendor-specific tools, such as Intel's VTune.
Using DMA copy operations on application level is fairly pointless - at least I can't come with a single viable scenario from top of my head when it would be worth the trouble. It's not innately faster, and, what's more important, I seriously doubt that your application performance's bottleneck is memory copying. For this to be the case, you generally should be doing everything else faster than regular memory copying, and I can't really think of anything on application level that would be faster than memcpy. And if we're talking about communication with some other, off-CPU processing device, then it's automatically not application level.
Generally, memory copy performance is usually limited by memory speed, i.e. clock freq and timings. You aren't going to get any miracle boosts over regular memcpy in direct performance, just because memcpy executed on CPU is fast enough, as CPU usually works with 3x-5x-10x faster clock frequencies than memory.

Is there a way to check whether the processor cache has been flushed recently?

On i386 linux. Preferably in c/(c/posix std libs)/proc if possible. If not is there any piece of assembly or third party library that can do this?
Edit: I'm trying to develop test whether a kernel module clear a cache line or the whole proccesor(with wbinvd()). Program runs as root but I'd prefer to stay in user space if possible.
Cache coherent systems do their utmost to hide such things from you. I think you will have to observe it indirectly, either by using performance counting registers to detect cache misses or by carefully measuring the time to read a memory location with a high resolution timer.
This program works on my x86_64 box to demonstrate the effects of clflush. It times how long it takes to read a global variable using rdtsc. Being a single instruction tied directly to the CPU clock makes direct use of rdtsc ideal for this.
Here is the output:
took 81 ticks
took 81 ticks
flush: took 387 ticks
took 72 ticks
You see 3 trials: The first ensures i is in the cache (which it is, because it was just zeroed as part of BSS), the second is a read of i that should be in the cache. Then clflush kicks i out of the cache (along with its neighbors) and shows that re-reading it takes significantly longer. A final read verifies it is back in the cache. The results are very reproducible and the difference is substantial enough to easily see the cache misses. If you cared to calibrate the overhead of rdtsc() you could make the difference even more pronounced.
If you can't read the memory address you want to test (although even mmap of /dev/mem should work for these purposes) you may be able to infer what you want if you know the cacheline size and associativity of the cache. Then you can use accessible memory locations to probe the activity in the set you're interested in.
Source code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
inline void
clflush(volatile void *p)
asm volatile ("clflush (%0)" :: "r"(p));
inline uint64_t
unsigned long a, d;
asm volatile ("rdtsc" : "=a" (a), "=d" (d));
return a | ((uint64_t)d << 32);
volatile int i;
inline void
uint64_t start, end;
volatile int j;
start = rdtsc();
j = i;
end = rdtsc();
printf("took %lu ticks\n", end - start);
main(int ac, char **av)
printf("flush: ");
return 0;
I dont know of any generic command to get the the cache state, but there are ways:
I guess this is the easiest: If you got your kernel module, just disassemble it and look for cache invalidation / flushing commands (atm. just 3 came to my mind: WBINDVD, CLFLUSH, INVD).
You just said it is for i386, but I guess you dont mean a 80386. The problem is that there are many different with different extension and features. E.g. the newest Intel series has some performance/profiling registers for the cache system included, which you can use to evalute cache misses/hits/number of transfers and similar.
Similar to 2, very depending on the system you got. But when you have a multiprocessor configuration you could watch the first cache coherence protocol (MESI) with the 2nd.
You mentioned WBINVD - afaik that will always flush complete, i.e. all, cache lines
It may not be an answer to your specific question, but have you tried using a cache profiler such as Cachegrind? It can only be used to profile userspace code, but you might be able to use it nonetheless, by e.g. moving the code of your function to userspace if it does not depend on any kernel-specific interfaces.
It might actually be more effective than trying to ask the processor for information that may or may not exist and that will be probably affected by your mere asking about it - yes, Heisenberg was way before his time :-)

x86 equivalent for LWARX and STWCX

I'm looking for an equivalent of LWARX and STWCX (as found on the PowerPC processors) or a way to implement similar functionality on the x86 platform. Also, where would be the best place to find out about such things (i.e. good articles/web sites/forums for lock/wait-free programing).
I think I might need to give more details as it is being assumed that I'm just looking for a CAS (compare and swap) operation. What I'm trying to do is implement a lock-free reference counting system with smart pointers that can be accessed and changed by multiple threads. I basically need a way to implement the following function on an x86 processor.
int* IncrementAndRetrieve(int **ptr)
int val;
int *pval;
// fetch the pointer to the value
pval = *ptr;
// if its NULL, then just return NULL, the smart pointer
// will then become NULL as well
if(pval == NULL)
return NULL;
// Grab the reference count
val = lwarx(pval);
// make sure the pointer we grabbed the value from
// is still the same one referred to by 'ptr'
if(pval != *ptr)
// Increment the reference count via 'stwcx' if any other threads
// have done anything that could potentially break then it should
// fail and try again
} while(!stwcx(pval, val + 1));
return pval;
I really need something that mimics LWARX and STWCX fairly accurately to pull this off (I can't figure out a way to do this with the CompareExchange, swap or add functions I've so far found for the x86).
As Michael mentioned, what you're probably looking for is the cmpxchg instruction.
It's important to point out though that the PPC method of accomplishing this is known as Load Link / Store Conditional (LL/SC), while the x86 architecture uses Compare And Swap (CAS). LL/SC has stronger semantics than CAS in that any change to the value at the conditioned address will cause the store to fail, even if the other change replaces the value with the same value that the load was conditioned on. CAS, on the other hand, would succeed in this case. This is known as the ABA problem (see the CAS link for more info).
If you need the stronger semantics on the x86 architecture, you can approximate it by using the x86s double-width compare-and-swap (DWCAS) instruction cmpxchg8b, or cmpxchg16b under x86_64. This allows you to atomically swap two consecutive 'natural sized' words at once, instead of just the usual one. The basic idea is one of the two words contains the value of interest, and the other one contains an always incrementing 'mutation count'. Although this does not technically eliminate the problem, the likelihood of the mutation counter to wrap between attempts is so low that it's a reasonable substitute for most purposes.
x86 does not directly support "optimistic concurrency" like PPC does -- rather, x86's support for concurrency is based on a "lock prefix", see here. (Some so-called "atomic" instructions such as XCHG actually get their atomicity by intrinsically asserting the LOCK prefix, whether the assembly code programmer has actually coded it or not). It's not exactly "bomb-proof", to put it diplomatically (indeed, it's rather accident-prone, I would say;-).
You're probably looking for the cmpxchg family of instructions.
You'll need to precede these with a lock instruction to get equivalent behaviour.
Have a look here for a quick overview of what's available.
You'll likely end up with something similar to this:
mov ecx,dword ptr [esp+4]
mov edx,dword ptr [esp+8]
mov eax,dword ptr [esp+12]
lock cmpxchg dword ptr [ecx],edx
ret 12
You should read this paper...
In response to the updated question, are you looking to do something like the Boost shared_ptr? If so, have a look at that code and the files in that directory - they'll definitely get you started.
if you are on 64 bits and limit yourself to say 1tb of heap, you can pack the counter into the 24 unused top bits. if you have word aligned pointers the bottom 5 bits are also available.
int* IncrementAndRetrieve(int **ptr)
int val;
int *unpacked;
val = *ptr;
unpacked = unpack(val);
if(unpacked == NULL)
return NULL;
// pointer is on the bottom
} while(!cas(unpacked, val, val + 1));
return unpacked;
Don't know if LWARX and STWCX invalidate the whole cache line, CAS and DCAS do. Meaning that unless you are willing to throw away a lot of memory (64 bytes for each independent "lockable" pointer) you won't see much improvement if you are really pushing your software into stress. The best results I've seen so far were when people consciously casrificed 64b, planed their structures around it (packing stuff that won't be subject of contention), kept everything alligned on 64b boundaries, and used explicit read and write data barriers. Cache line invalidation can cost approx 20 to 100 cycles, making it a bigger real perf issue then just lock avoidance.
Also, you'd have to plan different memory allocation strategy to manage either controlled leaking (if you can partition code into logical "request processing" - one request "leaks" and then releases all it's memory bulk at the end) or datailed allocation management so that one structure under contention never receives memory realesed by elements of the same structure/collection (to prevent ABA). Some of that can be very counter-intuitive but it's either that or paying the price for GC.
What you are trying to do will not work the way you expect. What you implemented above can be done with the InterlockedIncrement function (Win32 function; assembly: XADD).
The reason that your code does not do what you think it does is that another thread can still change the value between the second read of *ptr and stwcx without invalidating the stwcx.
