Flot pie charts - externally selecting slices - flot

I found this solution.
If type of chart is pie, how specify parameters (x,y) of highlight(x, y)?
Sorry for my bad English.

Unfortunately, flot doesn't expose the pie highlighting code to the user. So we are pretty much out of luck, but what may work for you is synthesizing a click event at the appropriate place on the page:
$("#highligher").click(function () {
var e = jQuery.Event('click');
e.pageX = 250; //add a made up x/y coordinate to the click event
e.pageY = 250;
$('#plot canvas:first').trigger(e); //trigger the click event on the canvas
Here it is in action: http://jsfiddle.net/ryleyb/mHJm5/
The problem is you have to know where the slice you want to highlight is already. This would be easy enough to set if the graph is static. If it's a dynamic graph, you'd have to dig into the source of the pie code to figure out how to calculate where the pie slice is. It might be easier in that case to just have a copy of all the pie functions and manually draw on the pie overlay.

Just got this working by altering a few things...
I changed highlight and unhighlight in jquery.flot.pie.js to pieHighlight and pieUnhighlight.
Then, after these two lines in jquery.flot.pie.js...
plot.hooks.processOptions.push(function(plot, options) {
if (options.series.pie.show) {
I added...
plot.highlight = pieHighlight;
plot.unhighlight = pieUnhighlight;

We're maintaining selection state outside of the chart (as a backbone model). When a selection event (click) occurs, we set the selected slice in the model. When selection changes, we refresh the chart using a selection color for the pie slices that are selected.
var data = [];
var color = slice.index == selected ? '#FF0000' : '#0000FF';
The snippet above uses blue for all non-selected slices, red for the selected slice. Your color logic will be more sophisticated.
NOTE: You can also use rgba CSS for the colors, which gives a really nice effect. For example:
var color = slice.index == selected ? 'rgba(0,0,255,1)' : 'rgba(0,0,255,0.5)';


noUISlider - Any way to place labels within the connect segments

I have a noUiSlider with several handles to allow specifying several contiguous date periods (example = Feb to Apr, May to July, and Aug to Sept). Ideally I would like to have labels that appear centered on the connect divisions to describe what each period relates to (ex. "Current Period", "Next Period"). I was thinking I could do this by setting a centered background image on the noUi-connect divisions.
However, the noUi-connect divisions use transform (translate/scale) styling which results in my background images being scaled which I do not want.
I also thought maybe I could revise the javascript to generate an outer division around each nonUi-connect division, and I would apply the background onto the outer division instead - but I was unable to get the background from the outer division to appear.
Any other ways I could accomplish this? The only other thing I can think of it to have floating divisions defined outside of the noUiSlider object which I would need to reposition whenever I detect changes in the handle positions.
You can add an element outside of the connects and absolutely position it.
A quick version for a slider with two handles (showing the value for the first handle):
var origin = slider.querySelector('.noUi-connects');
var node = document.createElement('div');
node.style.textAlign = 'center';
node.style.position = 'absolute';
node.style.zIndex = '10';
node.style.fontSize = '10px';
slider.noUiSlider.on('update', function(values, handle, unencoded, tap, positions) {
node.style.left = positions[0] + '%';
node.style.right = (100 - positions[1]) + '%';
node.innerText = values[0];
Just realized another approach is to set the innerHtml of the specific noUi-connect divisions to my label values. Simpler than playing with background images.
But the transform styling still affects the labels, so the end result is not better. Maybe I can load the innerHtml with an inner division that somehow ignores the transform settings but I haven't figure out how to do that yet. transform: none does not make any difference.

How To change Color in pie chart with the using of pykcharts library?

I Need 10 different Colors in Pie chart Using the Library of pykcharts.
Is it possible Because As per the Documentation they Provide only one shade_color.
Go through this link http://pykcharts.com/tour/pie
#Tkingovr chart_color is for all charts but One dimensional. You can use shade_color for One dimensional charts https://github.com/pykih/PykCharts.js/wiki/Colors#shade-color
var selector = "pieContainer", // selector of your chart
colors = ["red","blue","green","yellow","orange"];
setTimeout(function() {
d3.selectAll("#" + selector + "_svg path.pie")
.attr("fill",function(d, i) {
return colors[i];
setTimeout is required since the chart may take time to render and there is no provision in the current version to run a piece of code on chart render complete.
According to the documentation you should be able to pass in values like this:
"chart_color": ["blue","green","Yellow"]
The chart also accepts any of the following:
Color Names (Eg: "red")
Hex values (Eg: "#B0171F")
RGB values (Eg: "rgb(176,23,31)" )

Interval Selection Event in Primefaces Chart

I have a dynamic LineChart. I am setting the zoom to false but I want to be able to trigger an Ajax Event when selecting an area in the Chart (like the zoom functionnality when selecting the area you want to zoom), I want to call a server method and getting the max and min x axis values of the selected area.
Can anyone help with this?
Else if I set the zoom to true, is there any way to get the values from the zoomed area ?
PrimeFaces and JSF is in this context nothing more than an html/javascript/css generator. If you look at the source of the generated page in your browser developer tool, you'll see a lot of javascript, including all datapoints.
<script id="j_idt87_s" type="text/javascript">
yaxis: {
series:[{label:'Series 1',renderer: $.jqplot.LineRenderer,showLine:true,markerOptions:{show:true, style:'filledCircle'}},{label:'Series 2',renderer: $.jqplot.LineRenderer,showLine:true,markerOptions:{show:true, style:'filledCircle'}}],zoom:true,datatip:true},'charts');});
So the answer to this question is valid for the PrimeFaces charts as well.
Running the following code (from the link above) in your browser developer tool on the zoom examples will show you the data points that fall in your zoom region
chart = PF('chart').plot;
PF('chart').plot.target.bind('jqplotZoom', function(ev, gridpos, datapos, plot, cursor){
var plotData = plot.series[0].data;
for (var i=0; i< plotData.length; i++) {
if(plotData[i][0] >= chart.axes.xaxis.min && plotData[i][0] <= chart.axes.xaxis.max ) {
//this dataset from the original is within the zoomed region
//You can save these datapoints in a new array
//This new array will contain your zoom dataset
//for ex: zoomDataset.push(plotData[i]);
Replacing PF(çhart') with PF('myLineChartWV') will make it work for your example to
Once you have gathered the data, you can use this in e.g. a PrimeFaces remoteCommand to pass it to the server.
Notice that this only takes the x-axis value of the zoom into account. If you want the y-axis taken into account to (so the real zoom area), add
plotData[i][1] >= chart.axes.yaxis.min && plotData[i][1] <= chart.axes.yaxis.max
to the if-statement in the loop.
Also notice it just takes the first series. If you have multiple, you have some simple homework to do.

Any way to get a HaxeFlixel group to clear out?

There is a too long, didn't read version down below.
So I've been making a little game in which the player has to click on a grid of bricks that matches the color of the needed brick in the upper right hand corner of the screen. After they click on the needed color, the bricks explode and the bricks of the same color next to them explode as well creating combos. That leaves holes in the grid so I have to somehow reset the grid itself without resetting the gamestate itself. I've got something working right now which is this:
private function ResetNow():Void
if (Restter == 1) Restter = 0;
//if this block is up here, same results
wantedBrik._changeColor = FlxMath.rand(0, 2);
bricks.autoReviveMembers = true;
Restter = 0;
//Removes stray detectors so the neverending combo bug won't occur
for (stray in dets.members) stray.kill();
if (Restter == 0)
wantedBrik._changeColor = FlxMath.rand(0, 2);
bricks.autoReviveMembers = true;
wantedBricks.autoReviveMembers = true;
for (zgem in bricks.members) zgem.EQUITYCHECK = FlxMath.rand(0, 2);
Restter = 1;
So, again, I have a grid of blocks set up at create, that is group bricks. And I have a sprite in the upper right corner which is wantedBrik. What happens during gameplay, is the player clicks on the bricks that matches the wanted bricks to clear them out of the grid. When there are no more wantedBricks(a group), it is supposed to reset the grid, and change the color of the wantedBrik. I also have it somewhere else in the code that if a member of the big grid's EQUITYCHECK(basic object hacked in value) is equal to the wantedBrik, add it to the wantedBricks(which, is why I'm checking for no more of them). So, what happens?
Well, if the color of the wantedBrik doesn't change, everything's fine and resets like normal. the wantedBricks group acurately counts the bricks that actually match the wantedBrik's color. And when it does change, for some reason, gameplay is normal. BUT, wantedBricks not only thinks that the old color is still needed, but it also thinks the new color is still needed too. So when the player clicks the new needed color bricks, they do explode, but because wantedBrik thinks the old color is still wanted, it doesn't hit null and the grid won't reset.
What can I do to make sure that wantedBricks behaves correctly after a color change?
TL;DR version: I need to get a Haxe array to forget or lose old numbers. How can I do this?
The "Pirate Pig" sample may be useful to you. Since it is a puzzle game, there may be some similar problems that were solved there. You can find it using openfl create or nme create depending on which you are currently using.
You can create a simple array like this:
var myArray = [];
You can also type arrays, like this:
var numbers = new Array<Float>();
Then you can use push(), concat() and other array methods.

Display custom tool tip in Jqplot Line chart?

For example I have plotted a line chart based on the date and number of students registered on a particular day on x and y axis respectively. When i mouse over to a particular point in the line chart i can view the tool tip displaying the x and y axis values. Instead I want to display the names of the students registered on that day when I mouse over to a particular point. Is there any solution for this problem? If there is no work around with Jqplot, please suggest me any other charts.. Please help me out. Thanks in advance.
Here's a little example I put together for you.
It uses the largely undocumented tooltipContentEditor property of the highlighter plugin:
highlighter: {
show: true,
sizeAdjust: 7.5,
Where your data is predefined like:
var students = [
var data = [students[0].length,students[1].length];
function tooltipContentEditor(str, seriesIndex, pointIndex, plot) {
// display series_label, x-axis_tick, y-axis value
return students[pointIndex].join(", ");
