Converting cs5 flash files to cs4 - flash-cs5

I have a .fla file in cs5 and on my laptop i have cs4. So i need to know if there is a way to turn my cs5 file into a cs4 file.

You can use the "save as type" option to save the file from Flash CS5 and have it be Flash CS4 compatible.
File > Save As > [Choose Flash CS4 Document from the Format Dropdown]


Illustrator freezes on opening SVG file

I'm trying to open this SVG file in Adobe Illustrator CC 2017 on a Mac:
The file is not that heavy (15M uncompressed) and opens quickly on most editors. However, Illustrator takes more than 10 minutes to open it and crashes often.
How can I debug/clean the file to make sure it does not contain problems?

Saving CSV in UTF-8 on Mac

I am having problems to save a CSV file for Core Data using my Mac, works if I save in Windows computer but not in the MAC. I am using Excel. Every time I run the CSV file saved in MAC there are different errors in the Xcode.
In my experience when you save CSV files in a Mac computer it is always a mess. I had several problems dug in the forums and realize only could save CSV in PC with windows. If you are using UTF-8 in your coreData you can workaround with this, I am doing this for some time and never had problem again in my Mac.The way I do:
Save the .CSV file (comma delimited) in Excel.
Open the .CSV file with (
File > Save with Encoding > choose the one you want.
If you have to edit or open the file in Excel, you have to save in Sublime Text 2 again before you drag to your Xcode project.
Forget Windows computers :)
Hope this solve your problem.

why am I losing content when I convert a file from .ps to .svg

I need icons for a site I'm having developed, and therefore I need .svg files. I have a .psd file that I save as a .ps file. I then attempt to use to convert the .ps file to .svg. The problem is that it fails to capture the whole image -- only leaving about 40% of the original. What can I do??
Assuming you have the Adobe suite, you can use Photoshop to File - > Export-> Paths to Illustrator,
save as a .ai file and then save it as an svg from illustrator without losing quality.
Hope this helps
EDIT: you can download a trial version of illustrator for free for 30 days form the adobe website

How to convert wmf files to svg files

How to convert WMF file to svg file? I have around 550 WMF files to be converted to SVG format.
For one file, I opened the WMF file in VISIO and saved it as SVG format, but to convert around 550 files is a tedious process.
Please help me
Actually, these WMF files are the converted files from the PDF document. So, any better way to convert the PDF image to an svg image ? Currently I converted the PDF schematic diagram into wmf and opened it with visio, so that I can select each circuit or connector by ungrouping and later saved it to SVG format. This svg format, I will import into another tool, where i can select each circuit and connector for further work.
I'll just add a link to the Free EMF/WMF to SVG File Convert Tool 2.0 for future reference.
and the WMF2SVG project over at Github:
For batch processing WMF to SVG you can use Inkscape. You must use the command line. Start it with inkscape --shell.
Then to convert automagically use:
inkscape yourfile.wmf --export-plain-svg=yourfile.svg.
To make your life easier, here is a BATCH skript. Create a text file, name it wmftosvg.bat and place it into the folder with all wmf files. The content of the file:
echo. Enter graphic format (like wmf):
set /p Input1= Graphic file type:
FOR %%I IN (*."%Input1%") DO (
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
C:\Portables\InkscapePortable\App\Inkscape\inkscape "%%~nI.!Input1!" --export-plain-svg="%%~nI".svg
With the script above you can convert arbitrary graphics to SVG. Just enter the graphic format (file extension).
If you are familiar with C#/.NET you can use WMF library from CodePlex to create a converter to SVG. Since WMF supports only basic shapes (line, rectangle, polygon, arc) and no layers nor element nesting it should be quite easy to convert as SVG supports all those features and more.
Also check out this question: WMF / EMF File Format conversion C#
I used the wmf2svg Java project to convert a load of old wmf files.
Wrote a little bash script to convert all the files in my folder to .svg
shopt -s nullglob
for file in *; do
java -jar wmf2svg-0.9.11.jar $file $fname
The WMF2SVG project was moved over to GitHub
It works fabulously on my MacBook OS X 10.10.2

To Convert MicrosoftOffice Docs+PDF+Images++Audio/Video into Swf file

I want to convert MicrosoftOffice Docs(.doc,.docx,ppt,xlsx,xls) +PDF+Images++Audio/Video into an swf file. The idea behind this project is to open the documents on any machine which have a flash plugin. I want to do this in VC++.
Use (Open Source)
Makes SWF from PDF, images, video, sound.
To convert from office formats, you will probably need to first convert office files to PDF, and then PDF to SWF. There are many tools to do this, one of the best is OpenOffice in server mode (no user interface).
An example implementation is Alfresco Share (also Open Source), which uses swftools and OpenOffice to convert all sorts of files to SWF. Alfresco Share calls those external programs from Java, so you can call them from VC++ the same way.
