Load script from groovy script - groovy

def method() {
println "test"
I want to load/include the functions/methods from File1.groovy during runtime, equals to rubys/rake's load. They are in two different directories.

If you don't mind the code in file2 being in a with block, you can do:
new GroovyShell().parse( new File( 'file1.groovy' ) ).with {
Another possible method would be to change file1.groovy to:
class File1 {
def method() {
println "test"
And then in file2.groovy you can use mixin to add the methods from file1
def script = new GroovyScriptEngine( '.' ).with {
loadScriptByName( 'file1.groovy' )
this.metaClass.mixin script

You can evaluate any expression or script in Groovy using the GroovyShell.
GroovyShell shell = new GroovyShell()
def script = shell.parse(new File('/path/file1.groovy'))

It will be easiest if file1.groovy is an actual class class File1 {...}.
Given that, another way to do it is to load the file into the GroovyClassLoader:

I am late on this but. This is how we have been achieving what you were asking. So, i have a file1.gsh like so:
println("this is a test script")
def Sometask(param1, param2, param3)
///some code that uses the param
catch (error){
println("Exception throw, will retry...")
sleep 30
return this;
And in the other file, these functions can be accessed by instantiating first. So in file2.
def somename
somename = load 'path/to/file1.groovy'
//the you can call the function in file1 as
somename.Sometask(param1, param2, param3)

Here is what I'm using.
1: Write any_path_to_the_script.groovy as a class
2: In the calling script, use:
def myClass = this.class.classLoader.parseClass(new File("any_path_to_the_script.groovy"))
It's working in the Jenkins Groovy script console. I have not tried non-static methods.

The answer by #tim_yates that uses metaClass.mixin should have worked without needing any changes to file1.groovy (i.e., mixin with the script object), but unfortunately there is a bug in metaClass.mixin that causes a SO error in this scenario (see GROOVY-4214 on this specific issue). However, I worked around the bug using the below selective mixin:
def loadScript(def scriptFile) {
def script = new GroovyShell().parse(new File(scriptFile))
script.metaClass.methods.each {
if (it.declaringClass.getTheClass() == script.class && ! it.name.contains('$') && it.name != 'main' && it.name != 'run') {
this.metaClass."$it.name" = script.&"$it.name"
The above solution works with no changes being needed to File1.groovy or the callers in File2.groovy (except for the need to introduce a call to loadScript function).


Groovy closure return of value to variable

Very basic question but I cannot find an answer:
I have the below code in a file g.groovy, and it functions in printing output:
#! /usr/env/groovy
def matchFiles = { match ->
new File(".").eachFile() {
if (it.name =~ match) {
println it
matchFiles('.groovy') prints ./g.groovy to screen.
But I want to capture the output of the closure in a variable and use it elsewhere, e.g.
def fileMatches = matchFiles('.groovy')
but cannot figure this out.
Tried changing println it to return it and then running
def fileMatches = matchFiles('.groovy')
fileMatches.println { it }
but this prints something like g$_run_closure2#4b168fa9
Any help is much appreciated, sorry for any incorrect nomenclature, very new to Groovy
according to the name matchFiles I assume you want to return all matched files
so, you have to define an array result variable where you are going to store each matched file
and then return this result variable after eachFile{...} closure
def matchFiles = { match ->
def result=[]
new File(".").eachFile {
if (it.name =~ match) {
return result
println matchFiles(/.*/)

define global variables and functions in build.gradle

Is there a way to define global variables in build.gradle and make them accessible from everywhere.
I mean something like this
def variable = new Variable()
def method(Project proj) {
def value = variable.value
Because that way it tells me that it cannot find property.
Also I'd like to do the same for the methods.
I mean something like this
def methodA() {}
def methodB() { methodA() }
Use extra properties.
ext.propA = 'propAValue'
ext.propB = propA
println "$propA, $propB"
def PrintAllProps(){
def propC = propA
println "$propA, $propB, $propC"
task(runmethod) << { PrintAllProps() }
Running runmethod prints:
gradle runmethod
propAValue, propAValue
propAValue, propAValue, propAValue
Read more about Gradle Extra Properties here.
You should be able to call functions from functions without doing anything special:
def PrintMoreProps(){
print 'More Props: '
results in:
More Props: propAValue, propAValue, propAValue

How can I retrieve the build parameters from a queued job?

I would like to write a system groovy script which inspects the queued jobs in Jenkins, and extracts the build parameters (and build cause as a bonus) supplied as the job was scheduled. Ideas?
def q = Jenkins.instance.queue
q.items.each { println it.task.name }
retrieves the queued items. I can't for the life of me figure out where the build parameters live.
The closest I am getting is this:
def q = Jenkins.instance.queue
q.items.each {
it.task.properties.each { key, val ->
println(" ${key}=${val}")
This gets me this:
hudson.model.ParametersDefinitionProperty$DescriptorImpl#b744c43=hudson.mod el.ParametersDefinitionProperty#440a6d81
The params property of the queue element itself contains a string with the parameters in a property file format -- key=value with multiple parameters separated by newlines.
def q = Jenkins.instance.queue
q.items.each {
println("Parameters: ${it.params}")
dbacher params:
MyParameter=Hello world
I'm no Groovy expert, but when exploring the Jenkins scripting interface, I've found the following functions to be very helpful:
def showProps(inst, prefix="Properties:") {
println prefix
for (prop in inst.properties) {
def pc = ""
if (prop.value != null) {
pc = prop.value.class
println(" $prop.key : $prop.value ($pc)")
def showMethods(inst, prefix="Methods:") {
println prefix
inst.metaClass.methods.name.unique().each {
println " $it"
The showProps function reveals that the queue element has another property named causes that you'll need to do some more decoding on:
causes : [hudson.model.Cause$UserIdCause#56af8f1c] (class java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableRandomAccessList)

Groovy Spock unit tests with closures

How can I do this in Spock/groovy?
package org.jenkinsci.plugins
import hudson.matrix.*
import spock.lang.*
import org.junit.Rule
import org.jvnet.hudson.test.JenkinsRule
class xxxx extends Specification {
#Rule JenkinsRule rule = new JenkinsRule()
def 'matrix'() {
def matrixProject = rule.createMatrixProject()
AxisList axl = new AxisList();
def axis = new TextAxis('TEST', "1", "2", "3")
expect: matrixProject.scheduleBuild2(0).get().logFile.text.contains("Some String!")
expect: it.logFile.text.contains("Another String")
specifically, how can I run a closure with a nested test? The "Another String" test doesn't work
Does this work?
def 'matrix'() {
def matrixProject = rule.createMatrixProject()
def axis = new TextAxis('TEST', "1", "2", "3")
with( matrixProject.scheduleBuild2(0).get() ) {
logFile.text.contains("Some String!")
runs.every { it.logFile.text.contains("Another String") }
Either use every instead of each, or use a nested assert.
I'm not sure if I understand your question well. However if by nested test you mean evaluating statement inside of each closure, why not just use assert
matrixProject.scheduleBuild2(0).get().logFile.text.contains("Some String!")
matrixProject.scheduleBuild2(0).get().getRuns().each() {
assert it.logFile.text.contains("Another String")
#tim_yates's approach also seems fine and it's more like Spock's way. I haven't tested it though.
If you want be sure that all logFiles contain test string then use 'every' method as Peter suggested.
matrixProject.scheduleBuild2(0).get().getRuns().every {
it.text.contains('Another String')
Other approach, if you prefer to know how many logFiles don't contain test string on test fail count them and compare result size to zero:
matrixProject.scheduleBuild2(0).get().getRuns().count {
!it.text.contains('Another String')
} == 0
Yet another, if you like to know which files caused test to fail, get names of those which don't contain test string and compare that to an empty list:
matrixProject.scheduleBuild2(0).get().getRuns().findAll {
!it.text.contains('Another String')
}*.name == []

Need Groovy syntax help for generating a Closure from a String

I'm trying to generate a closure from a string. The code inside the closure references a DSL function build(). The errors I'm getting imply that Groovy is trying to execute the closure instead of just declaring it. What is the correct syntax for this? Here are some of the constructs I have already tried.
sh = new GroovyShell()
cl = sh.evaluate( '{ build("my job") }' }
=> Ambiguous expression could be either a parameterless closure expression or an isolated open code block;
sh = new GroovyShell()
cl = sh.evaluate( 'L: { build("my job") }' }
=> No signature of method: Script1.build() is applicable ...
cl = Eval.me( 'L: { build("my job") }' }
=> No signature of method: Script1.build() is applicable ...
cl = Eval.me( 'L: { com.flow.FlowDelegate.build("my job") }' }
=> No such property: com for class: Script1
The example I'm trying to follow comes from:
Load closure code from string in Groovy
What about returning the closure from the script?
Eval.me("return { build('my job') } ")
What do you intend using that L:? Returning a map? If is that so, you can use square brackets:
groovy:000> a = Eval.me("[L: { build('test for') }]")
===> {L=Script1$_run_closure1#958d49}
groovy:000> a.L
===> Script1$_run_closure1#958d49
Consider the example below. The key is to specify, explicitly, a closure without parameters.
def build = { def jobName ->
println "executing ${jobName}"
// we initialize the shell to complete the example
def sh = new GroovyShell()
sh.setVariable("build", build)
// note "->" to specify the closure
def cl = sh.evaluate(' { -> build("my job") }')
println cl.class
In addition to Michael Easter's answer, you could also pass the script's binding through to the GroovyShell
def build = { ->
"BUILD $it"
def shell = new GroovyShell( this.binding )
def c = shell.evaluate( "{ -> build( 'tim_yates' ) }" )
If you are evaluating the String from your DSL configuration script, you do not need to create a GroovyShell object.
Your script will be run as a subclass of Script which provides a convenience method for evaluating a string with the current binding.
public Object evaluate(String expression)
throws CompilationFailedException
A helper method to allow the dynamic evaluation of groovy expressions using this scripts binding as the variable scope
So in this case, you'd just need to call evaluate('{ -> build("my job") }').
