CRM 2011 Navigation Items in Form - dynamics-crm-2011

How to collapse/expand navigation items in form? There is a function setDisplayState but that is for Tabs and not for navigation items.
How can navigation items be collapsed/expand using javascript for crm 2011??

The Xrm object allows for interacting with navigation items, but not with the navigation tabs themselves, so you'll have to use unsupported methods (which may/may not be entirely broken or otherwise made irrelevant in the next version of Dynamics CRM).
Below is an example that checks the collapsed state of each navigation tab and collapses them appropriately.
function SetCollapsedState(navigationName, makeCollapsed) {
var navItems = document.getElementById("crmFormNavSubareas");
for (i = 0; i < navItems.childNodes.length; i++) {
var navItem = navItems.childNodes.item(i);
var navChild = navItem.firstChild.firstChild;
var navName = navChild.attributes.getNamedItem("alt").nodeValue;
if (navName.indexOf(navigationName) === 0) {
// The "alt" property changes to read "Collapsed" or "Expanded" when
// the navigation tab is clicked; this is how I imagine the internal
// CRM js checks the collapsed state of each tab.
if ((makeCollapsed === true && navName.indexOf("Expanded") > 0)
|| (makeCollapsed === false && navName.indexOf("Collapsed") > 0)) {;
P.S. Your answer included as a comment to your question (which, by the way, should probably be made into an actual answer) addresses your question similarly, but I decided to post anyway to include a more comprehensive function as well as mentioning what exactly the Xrm object handles/doesn't handle.


How to set different page size for first page in Orchard CMS

We got the need to display a blog posts page that display X posts - first post is displayed as a header and the rest are in 2 columns. The page has a show more button at the bottom that fetches the next page posts using ajax and adding them at the bottom.
Is it possible to get X+1 items for the subsequent pages?
Any hint, even in code are welcome since we use a sourced version of orchard installation.
So before cluttering the comments above this is my proposed solution.
I think there was a slight misunderstanding about changing the controller action which I'd like to clarify (I hope I understood everything correctly now):
Orchard.Blogs | BlogController | Item Action
public ActionResult Item(int blogId, PagerParameters pagerParameters) {
// This is all original code
Pager pager = new Pager(_siteService.GetSiteSettings(), pagerParameters);
var blogPart = _blogService.Get(blogId, VersionOptions.Published).As<BlogPart>();
if (blogPart == null)
return HttpNotFound();
if (!_services.Authorizer.Authorize(Orchard.Core.Contents.Permissions.ViewContent, blogPart, T("Cannot view content"))) {
return new HttpUnauthorizedResult();
// This is the actual change:
// Use the pagerParameters provided, otherwise fall back to the blog settings
pager.PageSize = pagerParameters.PageSize.HasValue ? pager.PageSize : blogPart.PostsPerPage;
// This is all original code again
_feedManager.Register(blogPart, _services.ContentManager.GetItemMetadata(blogPart).DisplayText);
var blogPosts = _blogPostService.Get(blogPart, pager.GetStartIndex(), pager.PageSize) // Your new page size will be used
.Select(b => _services.ContentManager.BuildDisplay(b, "Summary"));
dynamic blog = _services.ContentManager.BuildDisplay(blogPart);
var list = Shape.List();
blog.Content.Add(Shape.Parts_Blogs_BlogPost_List(ContentItems: list), "5");
var totalItemCount = _blogPostService.PostCount(blogPart);
blog.Content.Add(Shape.Pager(pager).TotalItemCount(totalItemCount), "Content:after");
return new ShapeResult(this, blog);
So the change is very subtle, but this way I would configure the blogs default pageSize to 7 items and for every subsequent Ajax-Request I'd provide a "pageSize"-Parameter with the desired size.

Always open the default form in CRM on the case entity

We have two forms for the case entity. The default case form is heavily customized and has become rather slow to work with. The second form, called 'fastcase', is a lightweight version of the default case form. Both forms are being used by the same users. The fastcase form is opened from a link in SharePoint. We want that the default case form is always opened when working from within CRM.
I was wondering if, and how, it is possible to force CRM to always open the default case form when working from within CRM.
The only thing I could find was this link, but I have a feeling that the solution with navigate will also force the SharePoint fastcase form to open in the default case form. Working with different user roles and groups is also not an option as suggested there.
First of all: You are not using forms they are supposed to be used. Forms are role based and you are trying to use them for something else. Anyway, I totally understand your idea and I have been in the same situation :)
You need to do a little magic trick in CRM to make a form sticky. CRM stores the Most Recently Used (MRU) forms in a special entity called UserEntityUISettings. This entity stores UI settings per entity per user in xml.
What you need to do is to prevent CRM from changing this entity whenever the user changes the form for a given entity. Basically you want to control the attribute called lastviewedformxml. You can get some inspiration from this blog post:
Happy coding...
You can open CRM forms in this way:
function OpenForm()
var parameters = {};
var id = GetFormId("account", "FormName");
parameters["formid"] = id;
Xrm.Utility.openEntityForm("account", null, parameters);
function GetFormId(formEntity, formName) {
var serverUrl = Xrm.Page.context.getServerUrl();
var oDataEndpointUrl = serverUrl + "/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc/";
oDataEndpointUrl += "SystemFormSet?$top=1&$filter=ObjectTypeCode eq '" + formEntity + "' and Name eq '" + formName + "'";
var service = new window.XMLHttpRequest;
var id;
if (service != null) {"GET", oDataEndpointUrl, false);
service.setRequestHeader("X-Requested-Width", "XMLHttpRequest");
service.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json, text/javascript, */*");
var requestResults = eval('(' + service.responseText + ')').d;
if (requestResults != null && requestResults.results.length == 1) {
var rec = requestResults.results[0];
id = rec.FormId;
return id;
Depends the way you are calling the form from sharepoint you call the form you need and from CRM you let it handles in the native way.

MS Dynamics CRM 2011, Get subgrid elements from other form

I am new to jscript and have problems to get all elements in a subgrid.
I tried the code from this sites,
Retrieve rows in crm2011 subgrid with JScript
but get every time the error message:
Error in the user defined event of the field
Event: onload
Error: The preference "control" of a undefined or null reference can not be called.
The last code I tried:
var grid = document.getElementById("accountContactsGrid").control;
for (var rowNo = 0; rowNo<grid.getRecordsFromInnerGrid().length; rowNo++)
for (var cellNo = 0; cellNo<grid.getRecordsFromInnerGrid()[rowNo][3].cells.length; cellNo++)
I tried it in the entity Account(Company) with the subgrid "accountContactsGrid".
My main goal would be to catch all the assigned elements in the account form and list it under the contacts form. But only if the checkbox "Eko" is activated.
This is my working code so far:
var chkEko = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("testcrm_ekonomi").getValue();
if (chkEko === true)
alert("Eko active: " + chkEko);
alert("Eko not active: " + chkEko);
After a time and the help of some threads I was able to get information of this grid. But now I have the problem to catch the elements.
I looked up the variable "grid" and found out that variable is an Object.
Since I don't really know the properties of the objects I tried to get it all.
But it seems, that my code doesn't work and I can not understand why.
Here is the code so far:
function subgridItemCount() {
// Get the Subgrid Control
var grid = Xrm.Page.ui.controls.get('accountContactsGrid')._control;
var keys = Object.keys(grid);
var getKeys = function(obj){
var keys = [];
for(var key in obj){
return keys;
for(var i = 0; i<keys.length; i++) {
First I wanted to get the property of the object and then the propertyValue.
Or is there an other way to get all values of an object?
It seems like I am on the wrong way. This is what I try to do:
In the account/company form is an existing grid which is called Contacts. In this field are some Contacts assigned (with the button "add existing contact").
Now when I open some Contact there should be a box/grid/iframe with a list of all companies this contact is assigned too.
This list should be linked to the Companies (When i click on them CRM should open the form).
Maybe someone can give me a tip?
My plan was first to look for all companies and then to compare the assigned contacts to the opened one with some Jscript. Then the script should list all matching contacts in the contact form.
This way is not really performant since the script needs to read all companies first. But I don't know an other way...

How to disable validators for a specific field from a button

I have a xpage that loads a Bootstrap modal window (see picture). I need to validate the data only the user pushes the 'Add New' button. I do not want the validators to run when 'Save and Continue' or 'Previous' buttons are pressed.
The modal dialog is a custom control used many times throughout the application. I cannot change the buttons to disable validators because most of the time I want to validate. The center content is stored in its own custom control.
My question is can I add code to the button to get a handle to each control, and set the disableValidators to true. I haven't been able to figure out how to do this. I have already tried computing the disableValidators but was totally unsuccessful. The fields are all bound to scoped variables.
I know that I can use clientside validation here, but the rest of the application uses server-side and I want to be consistent + this is a responsive app, and clientside on mobile is annoying.
Rather than adding code to button to and setting disableValidators for each control I would suggest the other way round. For each control set the required property only if user pushes 'Add New' button.
This blog post by Tommy Valand describes it in detail. The below function lets you test if a specific component triggered an update.
// Used to check which if a component triggered an update
function submittedBy( componentId ){
try {
var eventHandlerClientId = param.get( '$$xspsubmitid' );
var eventHandlerId = #RightBack( eventHandlerClientId, ':' );
var eventHandler = getComponent( eventHandlerId );
if( !eventHandler ){ return false; }
var parentComponent = eventHandler.getParent();
if( !parentComponent ){ return false; }
return ( parentComponent.getId() === componentId );
} catch( e ){ /*Debug.logException( e );*/ }
So if you want the validation to run only when the user clicks a specific 'Add New' button then write this in all the required-attributes:
return submittedBy('id-of-add-new-button')

On Orchard CMS, how can I display a message when the query returns no records for a projection

Using the admin panel on Orchard CMS I've created the following:
A content type called CalendarEvent, it contains several fields including the EventDate;
A query that has 2 filters, one by the content type (= CalendarEvent) and another one based on the date of the event. The Display Mode on the Layout is set to Properties;
A projection to display the query when a menu item is clicked.
The problem is that based on the EventDate we only display upcoming events, not the ones in the past. If for some reason there are no events to be displayed, all the user gets is an empty page with no information whatsoever.
My question is, how can I modify my query or projection in order to display something like: "There are no current events scheduled"?
I know the Properties on the Query's Layout allow me to specify a "No Result", but this implies that a record is present and that the actual property is empty. However, in my example, no record is present.
Thank you all in advance.
By the way, I am using the latest Orchard version 1.6.
What I have done is to create a shape and use it as a view in my query. The shape will then have an if statement to check if the query return gives any results.
#using Orchard.ContentManagement
#using Orchard.Utility.Extensions
var dealsTerms = ((IEnumerable<ContentItem>)Model.ContentItems).ToList();
#if (dealsTerms.Any() )
#foreach (var dealTerm in dealsTerms)
var contentManager = dealTerm.ContentManager;
#Display(contentManager.BuildDisplay(dealTerm, "Summary"))
<p>No deals found</p>
I used this article as reference:
Good luck
If your projections are Layouts elements, you can create a Projection.cshtml file in your theme's Views/Elements folder with the following:
var list = Model.List;
var pager = Model.Pager;
if (list != null)
if (list.Items.Count == 0)
<div>There are currently no items.</div>
if (pager != null)
This is a copy of the default template with the if (list.Items.Count == 0) section added. Edit as needed.
