How to get Post with Comments Count in single query with CouchDB? - couchdb

How to get Post with Comments Count in single query with CouchDB?
I can use map-reduce to build standalone view [{key: post_id, value: comments_count}] but then I had to hit DB twice - one query to get the post, another to get comments_count.
There's also another way (Rails does this) - count comments manually, on the application server and save it in comment_count attribute of the post. But then we need to update the whole post document every time a new comment added or deleted.
It seems to me that CouchDB is not tuned for such a way, unlike RDBMS when we can update only the comment_count attribute in CouchDB we are forced to update the whole post document.
Maybe there's another way to do it?

The view's return json includes the document count as 'total_rows', so you don't need to compute anything yourself, just emit all the documents you want counted.


Cloudant - apply a view/mapReduce to a geospatial query

HI I'm new to cloudant (and couch and asking questions on stackoverflow so I hope I manage to be vaguely clear about what I'm asking ) and I'm trying to do probably the second most basic geo task but am hitting a dead end.
I've got a database of docs which are geojson objects, I've created an index so I can query for intersections etc but it seems the only options I have in the url is the format=legacy (gives me the ids) and the format=geojson and the include_docs parameter - what I'd like to do is give back a particular view of the result set - I'm not interested in the geometry of the object (which is a big lump of data and it's likely that a number of other properties may be in the document that I'd rather filter out)
is there a correct way to do this in a single api call or do I need to fetch the doc ids (legacy format) and then issue a second query to bring back my chosen 'view' for each document id given in the result of format=legacy response

Mongoose bulk insert or update documents

I am working on a node.js app, and I've been searching for a way around using the function because I will want to save many documents at the same time, so it would be a waste of network and processing doing it one by one.
I found a way to bulk insert. However, my model has two properties that makes them unique, an ID and a HASH (I am getting this info from an API, so I believe I need these two informations to make a document unique), so, I wanted that if I get an already existing object it would be updated instead of inserted into the schema.
Is there any way to do that? I was reading something about making concurrent calls to save the objects, using Q, however I still think this would generate an unwanted load on the Mongo server, wouldn't it? Does Mongo or Mongoose have a method to bulk insert or update like it does with insert?
Thanks in advance
I think you are looking for the Bulk.find(<query>).upsert().update(<update>) function.
You can use it this way:
bulk = db.yourCollection.initializeUnorderedBulkOp();
for (<your for statement>) {
bulk.find({ID: <your id>, HASH: <your hash>}).upsert().update({<your update fields>});
bulk.execute(<your callback>)
For each document, it will look for a document matching the {ID: <your id>, HASH: {your hash}} criteria. Then:
If it finds one, it will update that document using {<your update fields>}
Otherwise, it will create a new document
As you need, it will not make a connection to the mongo server on each iteration of the for loop. Instead a single call will be made on the bulk.execute() line.

what's the best way to bind a mongodb doc to a node.js html page

In past with my PHP / Rails - MYSQL apps I've used the unique ID of a table record to keep track of a record in an html file.
So I'd keep track of how to delete a record shown like this (15 being the ID of the record):
Delete this record
So now I'm using MongoDB. I've tried the same method but the objectID ._id attribute seems to be a loooong byte string that I can't use conveniently.
What's the most sensible way of binding a link in the view to a record (for deletion, or other purposes or whatever)?
If the answer is to create a new id that's unique for each document in the collection, then what's the best way to generate those unique id's?
Thank you.
You could use a counter instead of the ObjectID
But this could create a problem when inserting a new document after you deleted a previous one.
See this blog post for more detail info on Sequential unique identifiers with Node.js and MongoDB.
Or you could use the timestamp part of the ObjectID:
See the node objectid docs

How can I delete multiple documents in CouchDB?

I want to delete all documents where foo equals x. Seems like a pretty basic operation, but I just can't figure it out.
I know how to delete an individual document, but that's not good enough - I may have to delete a few thousand at a time.
How do I bulk delete documents in CouchDB?
I don't know if it's the right way but make a view that exposes the foo field, query the view for the doc._ids of all your documents that you want to delete, and make a bulk update against all your documents. So two (ideally) calls to couch.
Has a similar way to go about it.
Do a bulk update on all the documents you want to delete and update doc._deleted=true following the example in Bulk deletion of documents
It's quite easy with bulk delete:
Just POST to _all_docs a list of JSONs that look like:
{"_id": "0", "_rev": "1-62657917", "_deleted": true}
I also needed something to handle that and, since there was nothing at the time, I decided to make my own implementation.
You can find it here.
Since it was very helpful to me and in order to protect myself from mistakes, I added a backup/restore feature to this tool that can now be found on version 0.2
I tried a somewhat long method to delete documents. I first created a view called map_fun that called the documents i wanted to get deleted. I then iterated through the view and stored the keys of allt he documents and used del db['_id'] to delete them
map_fun = function(doc){
if (doc.doc_type == 'classic'){
emit(doc._id, doc)
deldoclist = []
for row in db.query(map_fun):
for item in deldoclist:
del db[item]

How to get last created document in couchdb?

How can I get last created document in couchdb? Maybe some how I can use _changes feature of couchdb? But documentation says, that I only can get list of document, ordered by first created document, ant there is no way to change order.
So how can I get last created document?
You can get the changes feed in descending order as it's also a view.
GET /dbname/_changes?descending=true
You can use limit= as well, so;
GET /dbname/_changes?descending=true&limit=1
will give the latest update.
Your only surefire way to get the last created document is to include a timestamp (created_at or something) with your document. From there, you just need a simple view to output all the docs by their creation date.
I was going to suggest using the last_seq information from the database, but the sequence number changes with every single write, and replication also complicates the matter further.
