Why FFTW on Windows is faster than on Linux? - linux

I wrote two identical programs in Linux and Windows using the fftw libraries (fftw3.a, fftw3.lib), and compute the duration of the fftwf_execute(m_wfpFFTplan) statement (16-fft).
For 10000 runs:
On Linux: average time is 0.9
On Windows: average time is 0.12
I am confused as to why this is nine times faster on Windows than on Linux.
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 870 # 2.93GHz
Each OS (Windows XP 32 bit and Linux OpenSUSE 11.4 32 bit) are installed on same machines.
I downloaded the fftw.lib (for Windows) from internet and don't know that configurations. Once I build FFTW with this config:
/configure --enable-float --enable-threads --with-combined-threads --disable-fortran --with-slow-timer --enable-sse --enable-sse2 --enable-avx
in Linux and it results in a lib that is four times faster than the default configs (0.4 ms).

16 FFT is very small. What you will find is FFTs smaller than say 64 will be hard coded assembler with no loops to get the highest possible performance. This means they can be highly susceptible to variations in instruction sets, compiler optimisations, even 64 or 32bit words.
What happens when you run a test of FFT sizes from 16 -> 1048576 in powers of 2? I say this as a particular hard-coded asm routine on Linux might not be the best optimized for your machine, whereas you might have been lucky on the Windows implementation for that particular size. A comparison of all sizes in this range will give you a better indication of the Linux vs. Windows performance.
Have you calibrated FFTW? When first run FFTW guesses the fastest implementation per machine, however if you have special instruction sets, or a particular sized cache or other processor features then these can have a dramatic effect on execution speed. As a result performing a calibration will test the speed of various FFT routines and choose the fastest per size for your specific hardware. Calibration involves repeatedly computing the plans and saving the FFTW "Wisdom" file generated. The saved calibration data (this is a lengthy process) can then be re-used. I suggest doing it once when your software starts up and re-using the file each time. I have noticed 4-10x performance improvements for certain sizes after calibrating!
Below is a snippet of code I have used to calibrate FFTW for certain sizes. Please note this code is pasted verbatim from a DSP library I worked on so some function calls are specific to my library. I hope the FFTW specific calls are helpful.
// Calibration FFTW
void DSP::forceCalibration(void)
// Try to import FFTw Wisdom for fast plan creation
FILE *fftw_wisdom = fopen("DSPDLL.ftw", "r");
// If wisdom does not exist, ask user to calibrate
if (fftw_wisdom == 0)
int iStatus2 = AfxMessageBox("FFTw not calibrated on this machine."\
"Would you like to perform a one-time calibration?\n\n"\
"Note:\tMay take 40 minutes (on P4 3GHz), but speeds all subsequent FFT-based filtering & convolution by up to 100%.\n"\
"\tResults are saved to disk (DSPDLL.ftw) and need only be performed once per machine.\n\n"\
if (iStatus2 == IDYES)
// Perform calibration for all powers of 2 from 8 to 4194304
// (most heavily used FFTs - for signal processing)
AfxMessageBox("About to perform calibration.\n"\
"Close all programs, turn off your screensaver and do not move the mouse in this time!\n"\
"Note:\tThis program will appear to be unresponsive until the calibration ends.\n\n"
// Create a whole load of FFTw Plans (wisdom accumulates automatically)
for (int i = 8; i <= 4194304; i *= 2)
// Create new buffers and fill
DSP::cFFTin = new fftw_complex[i];
DSP::cFFTout = new fftw_complex[i];
DSP::fconv_FULL_Real_FFT_rdat = new double[i];
DSP::fconv_FULL_Real_FFT_cdat = new fftw_complex[(i/2)+1];
for(int j = 0; j < i; j++)
DSP::fconv_FULL_Real_FFT_rdat[j] = j;
DSP::cFFTin[j][0] = j;
DSP::cFFTin[j][1] = j;
DSP::cFFTout[j][0] = 0.0;
DSP::cFFTout[j][1] = 0.0;
// Create a plan for complex FFT.
// Use the measure flag to get the best possible FFT for this size
// FFTw "remembers" which FFTs were the fastest during this test.
// at the end of the test, the results are saved to disk and re-used
// upon every initialisation of the DSP Library
DSP::pCF = fftw_plan_dft_1d
// Destroy the plan
// Create a plan for real forward FFT
DSP::pCF = fftw_plan_dft_r2c_1d
(i, fconv_FULL_Real_FFT_rdat, fconv_FULL_Real_FFT_cdat, FFTW_MEASURE);
// Destroy the plan
// Create a plan for real inverse FFT
DSP::pCF = fftw_plan_dft_c2r_1d
(i, fconv_FULL_Real_FFT_cdat, fconv_FULL_Real_FFT_rdat, FFTW_MEASURE);
// Destroy the plan
// Destroy the buffers. Repeat for each size
delete [] DSP::cFFTin;
delete [] DSP::cFFTout;
delete [] DSP::fconv_FULL_Real_FFT_rdat;
delete [] DSP::fconv_FULL_Real_FFT_cdat;
double time = stopTimer();
char * strOutput;
strOutput = (char*) malloc (100);
sprintf(strOutput, "DSP.DLL Calibration complete in %d minutes, %d seconds\n"\
"Please keep a copy of the DSPDLL.ftw file in the root directory of your application\n"\
"to avoid re-calibration in the future\n", (int)time/(int)60, (int)time%(int)60);
isCalibrated = 1;
// Save accumulated wisdom
char * strWisdom = fftw_export_wisdom_to_string();
FILE *fftw_wisdomsave = fopen("DSPDLL.ftw", "w");
fprintf(fftw_wisdomsave, "%s", strWisdom);
DSP::cFFTout = NULL;
fconv_FULL_Real_FFT_cdat = NULL;
fconv_FULL_Real_FFT_rdat = NULL;
// obtain file size.
fseek (fftw_wisdom , 0 , SEEK_END);
long lSize = ftell (fftw_wisdom);
rewind (fftw_wisdom);
// allocate memory to contain the whole file.
char * strWisdom = (char*) malloc (lSize);
// copy the file into the buffer.
fread (strWisdom,1,lSize,fftw_wisdom);
// import the buffer to fftw wisdom
isCalibrated = 1;
The secret sauce is to create the plan using the FFTW_MEASURE flag, which specifically measures hundreds of routines to find the fastest for your particular type of FFT (real, complex, 1D, 2D) and size:
DSP::pCF = fftw_plan_dft_1d (i, DSP::cFFTin, DSP::cFFTout,
Finally, all benchmark tests should also be performed with a single FFT Plan stage outside of execute, called from code that is compiled in release mode with optimizations on and detached from the debugger. Benchmarks should be performed in a loop with many thousands (or even millions) of iterations and then take the average run time to compute the result. As you probably know the planning stage takes a significant amount of time and the execute is designed to be performed multiple times with a single plan.


why it's slowly when I parse a message of Google protocol buffer in multi-thread?

I try to parse many Google protocol buffer messages from a binary file generated by calling SerializeToString. I first load all Bytes into a heap memory by calling new function. I also have two arrays to store the Bytes begin address of a message in the heap memory and the Bytes count of the message.
Then I begin to parse message by calling ParseFromString.I want to quicken the procedure by using multi-thread.
In each thread, I pass the start index and end index of address array and Byte count array.
In parent process. the main code is:
struct ParsePara
char* str_buffer;
size_t* buffer_offset;
size_t* binary_string_length_array;
size_t start_idx;
size_t end_idx;
Flight_Ticket_Info* ticket_info_buffer_array;
//Flight_Ticket_Info is class of message
//offset_size is the count of message
ticket_array = new Flight_Ticket_Info[offset_size];
const int max_thread_count = 6;
pthread_t pthread_id_vec[max_thread_count];
CTimer thread_cost;
vector<ParsePara*> para_vec;
const size_t each_count = ceil(float(offset_size) / max_thread_count);
for (size_t k = 0;k < max_thread_count;k++)
size_t start_idx = each_count * k;
size_t end_idx = each_count * (k+1);
if (start_idx >= offset_size)
if (end_idx >= offset_size)
end_idx = offset_size;
ParsePara* cand_para_ptr = new ParsePara();
if (!cand_para_ptr)
_ERROR_EXIT(0,"[Malloc memory fail.]");
cand_para_ptr->str_buffer = m_valdata;//heap memory for storing Bytes of message
cand_para_ptr->buffer_offset = offset_array;//begin address of each message
cand_para_ptr->start_idx = start_idx;
cand_para_ptr->end_idx = end_idx;
cand_para_ptr->ticket_info_buffer_array = ticket_array;//array to store message
cand_para_ptr->binary_string_length_array = binary_length_array;//Bytes count of each message
for(size_t k = 0 ;k < para_vec.size();k++)
int ret = pthread_create(&pthread_id_vec[k],NULL,parserFlightTicketForMultiThread,para_vec[k]);
if (0 != ret)
_ERROR_EXIT(0,"[Error] [create thread fail]");
for (size_t k = 0;k < para_vec.size();k++)
In each thread the thread function is:
void* parserFlightTicketForMultiThread(void* void_para_ptr)
ParsePara* para_ptr = (ParsePara*) void_para_ptr;
void parserFlightTicketForMany(const char* str_buffer,Flight_Ticket_Info* ticket_info_buffer_array,
size_t* buffer_offset,const size_t start_idx,const size_t end_idx,size_t* binary_string_length_array)
for (size_t k = start_idx;k < end_idx;k++)
if (k % 100000 == 0)
cout << k << endl;
size_t cand_offset = buffer_offset[k];
size_t binary_length = binary_string_length_array[k];
printf("done %ld %ld\n",start_idx,end_idx);
But multi-thread cost is more than one thread.
one thread cost is:40455623ms
My computer is 8 core and six thread cost is:131586865ms
Anyone can help me? thank you!
Some possible problems -- you'll have to experiment to determine which:
Protobuf parsing speed is often limited by memory bandwidth rather than CPU time, especially with a large input data set. In that case, more threads won't help, since all the cores are sharing bandwidth to main memory. Indeed, having multiple cores fighting over memory bandwidth could make the overall operation slower. Note that the biggest consumer of memory is not the input bytes but rather the parsed data objects -- that is, the output of parsing -- which are many times larger than the encoded data. To improve this problem, consider writing the parsing loop so that it fully-processes each message immediately after parsing, before moving on to the text message. That way, instead of allocating k protobuf objects, you only need to allocate one protobuf object per thread, and repeatedly reuse the same object for parsing. This way the object will (probably) stay in the core's private L1 cache and avoid consuming memory bandwidth; only the input bytes will be read over the main bus.
How are you loading data into RAM? Did you read() into a large array or did you mmap()? In the latter case the data is read from disk lazily -- it won't happen until you actually attempt to parse it. Even in the read() case, it could be that the data has been swapped out, creating similar effects. Either way, your threads are now not just fighting for memory bandwidth, but disk bandwidth, which is of course much slower. Having six threads reading separate parts of a big file will definitely be slower overall than having one thread read the whole file, because the operating system optimizes for sequential access.
Protobuf allocates memory during parsing. Many memory allocators take a lock while allocating new memory. Since all your threads are allocating tons and tons of objects in a tight loop, they will contend for this lock. Make sure you are using a thread-friendly memory allocator, such as Google's tcmalloc. Note that repeatedly reusing the same protobuf object in a parse-consume loop rather than allocating lots of different objects will also help immensely here, because the protobuf object will automatically reuse memory for sub-objects.
There may be a bug in your code and it might not be doing what you expect at all when multithreaded. For example, a bug might be causing all the threads to process the same data, rather than different data, and it could be that the data they're choosing happens to be bigger. Make sure you are testing that the results of your code are exactly the same when you run single-threaded vs. multi-threaded.
In short, if you want multiple cores to make your code faster, you have to think about not just what each core is doing, but what data is going in and out of each core, and how much the cores have to talk to each other. Ideally you want each core to operate all on its own without talking to anyone or anything; then you get maximum parallelism. That's not usually possible, of course, but the closer you can get to that, the better.
BTW, a random optimization for you:
Replace that with:
Creating at std::string makes a copy of the data, which wastes time (and memory bandwidth). (This doesn't explain why threading is slow, though.)

why does a a nodejs array shift/push loop run 1000x slower above array length 87369?

Why is the speed of nodejs array shift/push operations not linear in the size of the array? There is a dramatic knee at 87370 that completely crushes the system.
Try this, first with 87369 elements in q, then with 87370. (Or, on a 64-bit system, try 85983 and 85984.) For me, the former runs in .05 seconds; the latter, in 80 seconds -- 1600 times slower. (observed on 32-bit debian linux with node v0.10.29)
q = [];
// preload the queue with some data
for (i=0; i<87369; i++) q.push({});
// fetch oldest waiting item and push new item
for (i=0; i<100000; i++) {
if (i%10000 === 0) process.stdout.write(".");
64-bit debian linux v0.10.29 crawls starting at 85984 and runs in .06 / 56 seconds. Node v0.11.13 has similar breakpoints, but at different array sizes.
Shift is a very slow operation for arrays as you need to move all the elements but V8 is able to use a trick to perform it fast when the array contents fit in a page (1mb).
Empty arrays start with 4 slots and as you keep pushing, it will resize the array using formula 1.5 * (old length + 1) + 16.
var j = 4;
while (j < 87369) {
j = (j + 1) + Math.floor(j / 2) + 16
So your array size ends up actually being 124517 items which makes it too large.
You can actually preallocate your array just to the right size and it should be able to fast shift again:
var q = new Array(87369); // Fits in a page so fast shift is possible
// preload the queue with some data
for (i=0; i<87369; i++) q[i] = {};
If you need larger than that, use the right data structure
I started digging into the v8 sources, but I still don't understand it.
I instrumented deps/v8/src/builtins.cc:MoveElemens (called from Builtin_ArrayShift, which implements the shift with a memmove), and it clearly shows the slowdown: only 1000 shifts per second because each one takes 1ms:
AR: at 1417982255.050970: MoveElements sec = 0.000809
AR: at 1417982255.052314: MoveElements sec = 0.001341
AR: at 1417982255.053542: MoveElements sec = 0.001224
AR: at 1417982255.054360: MoveElements sec = 0.000815
AR: at 1417982255.055684: MoveElements sec = 0.001321
AR: at 1417982255.056501: MoveElements sec = 0.000814
of which the memmove is 0.000040 seconds, the bulk is the heap->RecordWrites (deps/v8/src/heap-inl.h):
void Heap::RecordWrites(Address address, int start, int len) {
if (!InNewSpace(address)) {
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
store_buffer_.Mark(address + start + i * kPointerSize);
which is (store-buffer-inl.h)
void StoreBuffer::Mark(Address addr) {
Address* top = reinterpret_cast<Address*>(heap_->store_buffer_top());
*top++ = addr;
if ((reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(top) & kStoreBufferOverflowBit) != 0) {
ASSERT(top == limit_);
} else {
ASSERT(top < limit_);
when the code is running slow, there are runs of shift/push ops followed by runs of 5-6 calls to Compact() for every MoveElements. When it's running fast, MoveElements isn't called until a handful of times at the end, and just a single compaction when it finishes.
I'm guessing memory compaction might be thrashing, but it's not falling in place for me yet.
Edit: forget that last edit about output buffering artifacts, I was filtering duplicates.
this bug had been reported to google, who closed it without studying the issue.
When shifting out and calling tasks (functions) from a queue (array)
the GC(?) is stalling for an inordinate length of time.
114467 shifts is OK
114468 shifts is problematic, symptoms occur
the response:
he GC has nothing to do with this, and nothing is stalling either.
Array.shift() is an expensive operation, as it requires all array
elements to be moved. For most areas of the heap, V8 has implemented a
special trick to hide this cost: it simply bumps the pointer to the
beginning of the object by one, effectively cutting off the first
element. However, when an array is so large that it must be placed in
"large object space", this trick cannot be applied as object starts
must be aligned, so on every .shift() operation all elements must
actually be moved in memory.
I'm not sure there's a whole lot we can do about this. If you want a
"Queue" object in JavaScript with guaranteed O(1) complexity for
.enqueue() and .dequeue() operations, you may want to implement your
Edit: I just caught the subtle "all elements must be moved" part -- is RecordWrites not GC but an actual element copy then? The memmove of the array contents is 0.04 milliseconds. The RecordWrites loop is 96% of the 1.1 ms runtime.
Edit: if "aligned" means the first object must be at first address, that's what memmove does. What is RecordWrites?

Accessing GPU memory in OpenCL/C++Amp

I need to find information about how the Unified Shader Array accessess the GPU memory to have an idea how to use it effectively. The image of the architecture of my graphics card doesn't show it clearly.
I need to load a big image into GPU memory using C++Amp and divide it into small pieces (like 4x4 pixels). Every piece should be computed with a different thread. I don't know how the threads share the access to the image.
Is there any way of doing it in such way that the threads aren't blocking each other while accessing the image? Maybe they have their own memory that can be accesses exclusively?
Or maybe the access to the unified memory is so fast that I shouldn't care about it (however I don't belive in it)? It is really important, because I need to compute about 10k subsets for every image.
For C++ AMP you want to load the data that each thread within a tile uses into tile_static memory before starting your convolution calculation. Because each thread accesses pixels which are also read by other threads this allows your to do a single read for each pixel from (slow) global memory and cache it in (fast) tile static memory so that all of the subsequent reads are faster.
You can see an example of tiling for convolution here. The DetectEdgeTiled method loads all the data that it requires and the calls idx.barrier.wait() to ensure all the threads have finished writing data into tile static memory. Then it executes the edge detection code taking advantage of tile_static memory. There are many other examples of this pattern in the samples. Note that the loading code in DetectEdgeTiled is complex only because it must account for the additional pixels around the edge of the pixels that are being written in the current tile and is essentially an unrolled loop, hence it's length.
I'm not sure you are thinking about the problem in quite the right way. There are two levels of partitioning here. To calculate the new value for each pixel the thread doing this work reads the block of surrounding pixels. In addition blocks (tiles) of threads loads larger blocks of pixel data into tile_static memory. Each thread on the tile then calculates the result for one pixel within the block.
void ApplyEdgeDetectionTiledHelper(const array<ArgbPackedPixel, 2>& srcFrame,
array<ArgbPackedPixel, 2>& destFrame)
tiled_extent<tileSize, tileSize> computeDomain = GetTiledExtent(srcFrame.extent);
parallel_for_each(computeDomain.tile<tileSize, tileSize>(), [=, &srcFrame, &destFrame, &orgFrame](tiled_index<tileSize, tileSize> idx) restrict(amp)
DetectEdgeTiled(idx, srcFrame, destFrame, orgFrame);
void DetectEdgeTiled(
tiled_index<tileSize, tileSize> idx,
const array<ArgbPackedPixel, 2>& srcFrame,
array<ArgbPackedPixel, 2>& destFrame) restrict(amp)
const UINT shift = imageBorderWidth / 2;
const UINT startHeight = 0;
const UINT startWidth = 0;
const UINT endHeight = srcFrame.extent[0];
const UINT endWidth = srcFrame.extent[1];
tile_static RgbPixel localSrc[tileSize + imageBorderWidth ]
[tileSize + imageBorderWidth];
const UINT global_idxY = idx.global[0];
const UINT global_idxX = idx.global[1];
const UINT local_idxY = idx.local[0];
const UINT local_idxX = idx.local[1];
const UINT local_idx_tsY = local_idxY + shift;
const UINT local_idx_tsX = local_idxX + shift;
// Copy image data to tile_static memory. The if clauses are required to deal with threads that own a
// pixel close to the edge of the tile and need to copy additional halo data.
// This pixel
index<2> gNew = index<2>(global_idxY, global_idxX);
localSrc[local_idx_tsY][local_idx_tsX] = UnpackPixel(srcFrame[gNew]);
// Left edge
if (local_idxX < shift)
index<2> gNew = index<2>(global_idxY, global_idxX - shift);
localSrc[local_idx_tsY][local_idx_tsX-shift] = UnpackPixel(srcFrame[gNew]);
// Right edge
// Top edge
// Bottom edge
// Top Left corner
// Bottom Left corner
// Bottom Right corner
// Top Right corner
// Synchronize all threads so that none of them start calculation before
// all data is copied onto the current tile.
// Make sure that the thread is not referring to a border pixel
// for which the filter cannot be applied.
if ((global_idxY >= startHeight + 1 && global_idxY <= endHeight - 1) &&
(global_idxX >= startWidth + 1 && global_idxX <= endWidth - 1))
RgbPixel result = Convolution(localSrc, index<2>(local_idx_tsY, local_idx_tsX));
destFrame[index<2>(global_idxY, global_idxX)] = result;
This code was taken from CodePlex and I stripped out a lot of the real implementation to make it clearer.
WRT #sharpneli's answer you can use texture<> in C++ AMP to achieve the same result as OpenCL images. There is also an example of this on CodePlex.
In this particular case you do not have to worry. Just use OpenCL images. GPU's are extremely good at simply reading images (due to texturing). However this method requires writing the result into a separate image because you cannot read and write from the same image in a single kernel. You should use this if you can perform the computation as a single pass (no need to iterate).
Another way is to access it as a normal memory buffer, load the parts within a wavefront (group of threads running in sync) into local memory (this memory is blazingly fast), perform computation and write complete end result back into unified memory after computation. You should use this approach if you need to read and write values to the same image while computing. If you are not memory bound you can still read the original values from a texture, then iterate in local memory and write the end results in separate image.
Reads from unified memory are slow only if it's not const * restrict and multiple threads read the same location. In general if subsequent thread id's read subsequent locations it's rather fast. However if your threads both write and read to unified memory then it's going to be slow.

Performance decrease with threaded implementation

I implemented a small program in C to calculate PI using a Monte Carlo method (mainly because of personal interest and training). After having implemented the basic code structure, I added a command-line option allowing to execute the calculations threaded.
I expected major speed ups, but I got disappointed. The command-line synopsis should be clear. The final number of iterations made to approximate PI is the product of the number of -iterations and -threads passed via the command-line. Leaving -threads blank defaults it to 1 thread resulting in execution in the main thread.
The tests below are tested with 80 Million iterations in total.
On Windows 7 64Bit (Intel Core2Duo Machine):
Compiled using Cygwin GCC 4.5.3: gcc-4 pi.c -o pi.exe -O3
On Ubuntu/Linaro 12.04 (8Core AMD):
Compiled using GCC 4.6.3: gcc pi.c -lm -lpthread -O3 -o pi
On Windows, the threaded version is a few milliseconds faster than the un-threaded. I expected a better performance, to be honest. On Linux, ew! What the heck? Why does it take even 2000% longer? Of course this is depending much on the implementation, so here it goes. An excerpt after the command-line argument parsing was done and the calculation is started:
// Begin computation.
clock_t t_start, t_delta;
double pi = 0;
if (args.threads == 1) {
t_start = clock();
pi = pi_mc(args.iterations);
t_delta = clock() - t_start;
else {
pthread_t* threads = malloc(sizeof(pthread_t) * args.threads);
if (!threads) {
return alloc_failed();
struct PIThreadData* values = malloc(sizeof(struct PIThreadData) * args.threads);
if (!values) {
return alloc_failed();
t_start = clock();
for (i=0; i < args.threads; i++) {
values[i].iterations = args.iterations;
values[i].out = 0.0;
pthread_create(threads + i, NULL, pi_mc_threaded, values + i);
for (i=0; i < args.threads; i++) {
pthread_join(threads[i], NULL);
pi += values[i].out;
t_delta = clock() - t_start;
threads = NULL;
values = NULL;
pi /= (double) args.threads;
While pi_mc_threaded() is implemented as:
struct PIThreadData {
int iterations;
double out;
void* pi_mc_threaded(void* ptr) {
struct PIThreadData* data = ptr;
data->out = pi_mc(data->iterations);
You can find the full source code at http://pastebin.com/jptBTgwr.
Why is this? Why this extreme difference on Linux? I expected the anmount of time taken to calculate to be at least 3/4 of the original time. It would of course be possible that I simply made wrong use of the pthread library. A clarifcation on how to do correct in this case would be very nice.
The problem is that in glibc's implementation, rand() calls __random(), and that
long int
__random ()
int32_t retval;
__libc_lock_lock (lock);
(void) __random_r (&unsafe_state, &retval);
__libc_lock_unlock (lock);
return retval;
locks around each call to the function __random_r that does the actual work.
Thus, as soon as you have more than one thread using rand(), you make each thread wait for the other(s) on almost every call to rand(). Directly using random_r() with your own buffers in each thread should be much faster.
Performance and threading is a black art. The answer depends on the specifics of the compiler and libraries used to do threading, how well the kernel handles it, etc. Basically, if your libraries for *nix are not efficient in switching, moving objects around etc, threading will in fact, be slower . THis is one of the reasons a lot us doing thread work now work with JVM or JVM-like languages. We can trust the runtime JVM's behavior -- it's overall speed may vary with platform, but it's consistent on that platform. In addition, you may have some hidden wait/race conditions that you uncovered just due to timing that may not show up on Windows.
If you are in a position to change your language, consider Scala or D. Scala is the actor driven model successor to Java, and D, the successor to C. Both languages show their roots -- if you can write in C, D should be no problem. Both languages however, implement the actor model. NO MORE THREAD POOLS, NO MORE RACE CONDITIONS ETC!!!!!!
For comparison, I just tried your app on Windows Vista, compiled with Borland C++, and the 2 thread version performed nearly twice as fast as the single thread.
pi.exe -iterations 20000000 -stats -threads 1
Number of iterations: 20000000
Method: Monte Carlo
Evaluation time: 12.511000 sec
Threads: Main
pi.exe -iterations 10000000 -stats -threads 2
Number of iterations: 20000000
Method: Monte Carlo
Evaluation time: 6.584000 sec
Threads: 2
That's compiled against the thread-safe run-time library. Using the single thread library, both versions run at twice their thread-safe speed.
pi.exe -iterations 20000000 -stats -threads 1
Number of iterations: 20000000
Method: Monte Carlo
Evaluation time: 6.458000 sec
Threads: Main
pi.exe -iterations 10000000 -stats -threads 2
Number of iterations: 20000000
Method: Monte Carlo
Evaluation time: 3.978000 sec
Threads: 2
So the 2 thread version is still twice as fast, but the 1 thread version with the single thread library is actually faster than the 2 thread version on the thread-safe library.
Looking at Borland's rand implementation, they use thread local storage for the seed in the thread-safe implementation, so it's not going to have the same negative impact on threaded code as glibc's lock, but the thread-safe implementation will obviously be slower than the single thread implementation.
The bottom line though, is that your compiler's rand implementation is probably the main performance issue in both cases.
I've just tried replacing your rand_01 calls with inline implementations of Borland's rand function using a local variable for the seed, and the results are consistently twice as fast in the 2 thread case.
The updated code looks like this:
#define MULTIPLIER 0x015a4e35L
#define INCREMENT 1
double pi_mc(int iterations) {
unsigned seed = 1;
long long inner = 0;
long long outer = 0;
int i;
for (i=0; i < iterations; i++) {
double x = ((int)(seed >> 16) & 0x7fff) / (double) RAND_MAX;
double y = ((int)(seed >> 16) & 0x7fff) / (double) RAND_MAX;
double d = sqrt(pow(x, 2.0) + pow(y, 2.0));
if (d <= 1.0) {
else {
return ((double) inner / (double) iterations) * 4;
I don't know how good that is as rand implementations go, but it's worth at least trying on Linux to see whether it makes a difference to the performance.

What is openCL equivalent for this cuda "cudaMallocPitch "code.?

My PC has an AMD processor with an ATI 3200 GPU which doesn't support OpenCL. The rest of the codes all running by "Falling back to CPU itself".
I am converting one of the code from CUDA to OpenCL but stuck in some particular part for which there is no exact conversion code in OpenCL. since i have less experience in OpenCL I can't make out this, please suggest me some solution if any of you think will work,
The CUDA code is,
size_t pitch = 0;
cudaError error = cudaMallocPitch((void**)&gpu_data, (size_t*)&pitch,
instances->cols * sizeof(float), instances->rows);
for( int i = 0; i < instances->rows; i++ ){
error = cudaMemcpy((void*)(gpu_data + (pitch/sizeof(float))*i),
(void*)(instances->data + (instances->cols*i)),
instances->cols * sizeof(float) ,cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
If I remove the pitch value from the above I end up with an problem which doesn't write to the device memory "gpu_data".
Somebody please convert this code to OpenCL and reply. I have converted it to OpenCL, but its not working and the data is not written to "gpu_data". My converted OpenCL code is
gpu_data = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, ((instances->cols)*(instances->rows))*sizeof(float), NULL, &ret);
for( int i = 0; i < instances->rows; i++ ){
ret = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(command_queue, gpu_data, CL_TRUE, 0, ((instances->cols)*(instances->rows))*sizeof(float),(void*)(instances->data + (instances->cols*i)) , 0, NULL, NULL);
Sometimes it runs well for this code and gets stuck in the reading part i.e.
ret = clEnqueueReadBuffer(command_queue, gpu_data, CL_TRUE, 0,sizeof( float ) * instances->cols* 1 , instances->data, 0, NULL, NULL);
overhere. And it gives error like
Unhandled exception at 0x10001098 in CL_kmeans.exe: 0xC000001D: Illegal Instruction.
when break is pressed , it gives:
No symbols are loaded for any call stack frame. The source code cannot be displayed.
while debugging. In the call stack it is displaying:
[Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for OCL8CA9.tmp.dll]
I really dont know what it means. someone please help me to rid of this problem.
First of all, in the CUDA code you're doing a horribly inefficient thing to copy the data. The CUDA runtime has the function cudaMemcpy2D that does exactly what you are trying to do by looping over different rows.
What cudaMallocPitch does is to compute an optimal pitch (= distance in byte between rows in a 2D array) such that each new row begins at an address that is optimal for coalescing, and then allocates a memory area as large as pitch times the number of rows you specify. You can emulate the same thing in OpenCL by first computing the optimal pitch and then doing the allocation of the correct size.
The optimal pitch is computed by (1) getting the base address alignment preference for your card (CL_DEVICE_MEM_BASE_ADDR_ALIGN property with clGetDeviceInfo: note that the returned value is in bits, so you have to divide by 8 to get it in bytes); let's call this base (2) find the largest multiple of base that is no less than your natural data pitch (sizeof(type) times number of columns); this will be your pitch.
You then allocate pitch times number of rows bytes, and pass the pitch information to kernels.
Also, when copying data from the host to the device and converesely, you want to use clEnqueue{Read,Write}BufferRect, that are specifically designed to copy 2D data (they are the counterparts to cudaMemcpy2D).
