Using LogManager.GetLogger with Unity - log4net

Given this class:
class Foo
readonly ILog log;
public Foo(ILog log)
this.log = log;
I'd like to configure Unity to inject ILog. That's easy:
But I'd like to make Unity call LogManager.GetLogger with the type of the parent type being resolved.
This is close:
container.RegisterType<ILog>(new InjectionFactory((c, t, s) => LogManager.GetLogger(t)));
But t in this case is the type being resolved (ILog), not the type that the object is being resolved for (Foo).
I know I can do this:
container.RegisterType<Foo>(new InjectionFactory(c => new Foo(LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(Foo)));
But I don't want to have to add that crazy declaration every time I register an object.
I know this can be done in Autofac, and I know the Real Answer is not to use Unity in the first place, but can this be done? :)

Unity might not give you all the goodies some of the other containers offer but I have yet to find a feature you can't easily add.
var container = new UnityContainer();
new InjectionFactory((ctr, type, name) =>
var tracker = ctr.Resolve<ITracker>();
var parentType = tracker.CurrentBuildNode.Parent.BuildKey.Type;
return LogManager.GetLogger(parentType);
var sut = container.Resolve<UsesLog>();
Assert.AreEqual(typeof(UsesLog), sut.Log.Type);
You can find the source code for the TrackingExtension here. Its located in the TecX.Unity project folder.

If you want a DI container to return you a logger based on the class’ type information, then put the type information into the public interface so the DI container can see it. It removes the need for any container specific override features and then it won’t matter if you are using Unity or AutoFac.
Someone that knows the log4net object model well might be able to give you a more efficient implementation, but try something like this:
using System;
using Microsoft.Practices.Unity;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
namespace UnityLoging
public interface ILog<T> : log4net.ILog
{ }
public class MyLogger<T> : log4net.Core.LogImpl, ILog<T>
public MyLogger() : base(log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(T).Name).Logger)
{ }
public class ClassToLog
private readonly log4net.ILog log;
public ClassToLog(ILog<ClassToLog> log)
this.log = log;
public void LogMe()
log.Debug("Got here");
public class TestClass
public void GenericLogRegistrationTest()
IUnityContainer container = new UnityContainer();
container.RegisterType(typeof(ILog<>), typeof(MyLogger<>));
ClassToLog c = container.Resolve<ClassToLog>();

This seems like a very clean approach:


Load catalogs from external DB and link them to ContentParts as ContentRecords

Example: I have a countries catalog stored in another DB and I need to use it as a property in some ContentParts. I'm trying to make the connection without interfering much with Orchard wiring.
public class MoviePart : ContentPart<MoviePartRecord>
public IEnumerable<CountryRecord> Countries
return Record.Countries.Select(r => r.CountryRecord);
The relation between CountryRecords and MovieParts will be on the Orchard DB, but the CountryRecord data is in another DB. I only need Read access, but I don't get which and how to override the Handler to use the other source.
Do I need to create a ContentHandler and override all methods, and create another StorageFilter that uses the new repository with the external source? And how would I inject the new repo into the handler?
public class CountryPartHandler : ContentHandler
public CountryPartHandler(IRepository<CountryPartRecord> repository)
protected override void Loading(LoadContentContext context)
In this Using External Data with Orchard (around 25th min) video, he seems to be doing what I need with this code:
public ProductPartHandler(IRepository<ProductPartRecord> repository, Work<IProductService> productServiceWork)
OnActivated<ProductPart>((context, part) => {
part.ProductField.Loader(() => productServiceWork.Value.GetProduct(part.Id));
But in my code it can't find the "Loader" function, even though I have all the references from the video too, so maybe ProductField is a custom type?
So that is a lazy field on the part, something like this:
public class MyPart : ContentPart {
internal readonly LazyField<CustomData> CustomDataField = new LazyField<CustomData>();
public CustomData CustomData {
get { return CustomDataField.Value; }
public class CustomData {
public class MyPartHandler : ContentPartHandler {
private ICustomService _customService;
public MyPartHandler(ICustomService customService){
_customService = customService;
private void Initialize(ActivatedContentContext context, MyPart part){
part.CustomDataField.Loader(() => {
return _customService.Get(part.ContentItem.Id);
I don't know how you are loading your external data, whether via rest, wcf etc., but the logic can just be thrown into the custom service

C# Unity InjectionFactory not working

I am using Unity as IOC and trying to inject an interface with a factory method which takes a interface as a parameter.
For some reason the configReader parameter in the factory method GetTitleParser(), is null and not getting the injected ConfigurationReader() instance.
When i place a debug point at the line in RegisterTypes method where the new InjectionFactory exists, ITitleParser is not showing as mapped to a proper mapped type.
can anyone help what am i doing wrong here?
Here is my code:
public class UnityContainerBuilder
public static IUnityContainer Build()
var container = new UnityContainer();
return container;
public static void RegisterTypes(IUnityContainer container)
// NOTE: To load from web.config uncomment the line below. Make sure to add a Microsoft.Practices.Unity.Configuration to the using statements.
container.RegisterType<IConfigurationReader, ConfigurationReader>();
container.RegisterType<ITitleParser>(new InjectionFactory(c => ParserFactory.GetTitleParser()));
public class ParserFactory
public static ITitleParser GetTitleParser(IConfigurationReader configReader=null)
if(configReader==null) configReader = new ConfigurationReader();
/* rest of code here...*/
return parser;
It works when i use the following code. Is this the right way to do this?
container.RegisterType<IConfigurationReader, ConfigurationReader>();
container.RegisterType<ITitleParser>(new InjectionFactory(c =>
var configReader = c.Resolve<IConfigurationReader>();
var parser = ParserFactory.GetTitleParser(configReader);
return parser;
When you use default parameters it's equal to:
new InjectionFactory(c => ParserFactory.GetTitleParser(null)));
Because, compiler inserts all default values in method calls (null in your case).
So, your code is valid:
container.RegisterType<ITitleParser>(new InjectionFactory(c =>
var configReader = c.Resolve<IConfigurationReader>();
var parser = ParserFactory.GetTitleParser(configReader);
return parser;
But i advice you to remove default value to make code more expressive.
Your code is valid but maybe you can avoid messing up with InjectionFactory parameters and ParserFactory.
public class UnityContainerBuilder
public static IUnityContainer Build()
var container = new UnityContainer();
return container;
public static void RegisterTypes(IUnityContainer container)
// NOTE: To load from web.config uncomment the line below. Make sure to add a Microsoft.Practices.Unity.Configuration to the using statements.
container.RegisterType<IConfigurationReader, ConfigurationReader>();
container.RegisterType<ITitleParser, TitleParser>();
public class AppConfig: IAppConfig
public AppConfig(){}
//value1 property
//value2 property
public class ConfigurationReader: IConfigurationReader
public ConfigurationReader(){}
public IAppConfig ReadConfiguration(){
var currentConfig = new AppConfig();
//read config from file, DB, etc and init currentCongif
return currentConfig;
public class TitleParser : ITitleParser
public TitleParser(IAppConfif)
//config already readed, just do the work

Invalid signature for SetUp or TearDown method - What am I doing wrong?

I am trying to do some dependency injection for my tests using nUnit. I'm new to TDD and nUnit so it's possible I am missing something simple. So basically I've created a SetUp method for my interfaces. I originally was using a constructor but I read it's bad to do this when doing TDD so I now using a method.
When I run my test I construct an object and assign it to the interface and then I call a method using that interface. I want to test if it can parse a string decimal.
When I run my test it says test failed and the message is:Invalid signature for SetUp or TearDown method
See below for the actual code:
public class DonorTests
private IDonor _Donor;
private IValidateInput _ValidInput;
//DonorTests(IDonor donor, IValidateInput validInput)
// _Donor = donor;
// _ValidInput = validInput;
void Setup(IDonor donor, IValidateInput validInput)
_Donor = donor;
_ValidInput = validInput;
public void HandleStringNotDecimal()
_ValidInput = new ValidateInput();
My class that uses this interface
public class ValidateInput : IValidateInput
public decimal RoundTwoDecimalPlaces(decimal amount)
return Math.Round(amount);
public bool IsDecimal(string amount)
decimal ParsedDecimal;
return Decimal.TryParse(amount, out ParsedDecimal);
public decimal ConvertToString(string value)
decimal ParsedDecimal;
Decimal.TryParse(value, out ParsedDecimal);
return ParsedDecimal;
You're injecting dependencies using constructor injection previously, right? I think you will not be able to perform dependency injection using method decorated with SetUpAttribute because such method has to be parameterless. Also Setup method has to be public, see this SO thread.
How are we typically dealing with similar situations in our company is:
public class DonorTests
private IDonor _Donor;
private IValidateInput _ValidInput;
public void Setup()
_Donor = new Donor();
_ValidInput = new ValidateInput();
public void HandleStringNotDecimal()
Or if construction of ValidInput and Donor is cheap then we simply create new instance for each test, having special method for that purpose so when we decide to test another implementation of IValidateInput then it is enough to change it in one place only:
public class DonorTests
public void HandleStringNotDecimal()
var validInput = CreateValidateInput();
Assert.IsTrue(validInput .IsDecimal("3445.3450"));
private static IValidateInput CreateValidateInput()
return new ValidateInput();
Besides the cause mentioned in the accepted answer, I have met the same error when leaving method as non-public (private or protected).
NUnit most probably relies on reflection and does not deal with non-public methods, so special methods (i.e. decorated with NUnit specific attributes) must be public.

How does one extend MEF to create objects based on a factory type provided as an attribute?

Consider the following existing classes which uses MEF to compose Consumer.
public interface IProducer
void Produce();
public class Producer : IProducer
public Producer()
// perform some initialization
public void Produce()
// produce something
public class Consumer
public IProducer Producer
public Consumer(IProducer producer)
Producer = producer;
public void DoSomething()
// do something
However, the creation of Producer has become complex enough that it can no longer be done within the constructor and the default behavior no longer suffices.
I'd like to introduce a factory and register it using a custom FactoryAttribute on the producer itself. This is what I have in mind:
public class Producer : IProducer
public Producer()
// perform some initialization
public void Produce()
// produce something
public class ProducerFactory
public Producer Create()
// Perform complex initialization
return new Producer();
public class FactoryAttribute : Attribute
public Type ObjectType
private set;
public FactoryAttribute(Type objectType)
ObjectType = objectType;
If I had to write the "new" code myself, it may very well look as follows. It would use the factory attribute, if it exists, to create a part, or default to the MEF to create it.
public object Create(Type partType, CompositionContainer container)
var attribute = (FactoryAttribute)partType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof (FactoryAttribute), true).FirstOrDefault();
if (attribute == null)
var result = container.GetExports(partType, null, null).First();
return result.Value;
var factoryExport = container.GetExports(attribute.ObjectType, null, null).First();
var factory = factoryExport.Value;
var method = factory.GetType().GetMethod("Create");
var result = method.Invoke(factory, new object[0]);
return result;
There are a number of articles how to implement a ExportProvider, including:
MEF + Object Factories using Export Provider
Dynamic Instantiation
However, the examples are not ideal when
The application has no dependencies or knowledge of Producer, only IProducer. It would not be able to register the factory when the CompositionContainer is created.
Producer is reused by several applications and a developer may mistakenly forget to register the factory when the CompositionContainer is created.
There are a large number of types that require custom factories and it may pose a maintenance nightmare to remember to register factories when the CompositionContainer is created.
I started to create a ExportProvider (assuming this would provide the means to implement construction using factory).
public class FactoryExportProvider : ExportProvider
protected override IEnumerable<Export> GetExportsCore(ImportDefinition definition,
AtomicComposition atomicComposition)
// What to do here?
However, I'm having trouble understanding how to tell MEF to use the factory objects defined in the FactoryAttribute, and use the default creation mechanism if no such attribute exists.
What is the correct manner to implement this? I'm using MEF 2 Preview 5 and .NET 4.
You can make use of a property export:
public class ProducerExporter
public IProducer MyProducer
var producer = new Producer();
// complex initialization here
return producer;
Note that the term factory isn't really appropriate for your example, I would reserve that term for the case where the importer wants to create instances at will, possibly by providing one or more parameters. That could be done with a method export:
public class ProducerFactory
public IProducer CreateProducer(Type1 arg1, Type2 arg2)
return new Producer(arg1, arg2);
On the import side, you would then import a Func<Type1,Type2,IProducer> that you can invoke at will to create new instances.

Register component based on parameter name on requestor in windsor

I have this interface for using AutoMapper:
public interface IMapper
object Map(object source, Type sourceType, Type destinationType);
Then for each type of data, I have a different mapper class , for example:
public class UserMapper : IMapper
static UserMapper()
Mapper.CreateMap<User, UserViewModel>();
Mapper.CreateMap<UserViewModel, User>();
public object Map(object source, Type sourceType, Type destinationType)
return Mapper.Map(source, sourceType, destinationType);
Then I have IMapper as one of the parametter in my controller class like this:
public UsersController(IUsersRepository repo, IMapper userMapper)
I am using Windsor as the IOC for my application and the problem is that I want to register the components, so that when running in UsersController , it use the UserMapper class and if running on ProductsController it will use my ProductMapper class.
My registration code looks something along the line of this:
I have done my homework on google and stackoverflow, and i know that I need to use ServicesOverride but I am still stuck on this, could anyone give me a hand please?
While svick's solution looks correct to me (I haven't attempted to compile it, though), this scenario is an excellent case for convention-based configuration.
Let's introduce this convention: Each consumer of IMapper will signal the intended role of the mapper by its name. By default, that name will be matched with a type of the same name - only with different casing.
So, constructor parameters could be mapped like this:
userMapper -> UserMapper
productMapper -> ProductMapper
In Castle Windsor, such a configuration might look like this:
new MapperConvention(container.Kernel));
And the Sub Resolver (where the magic really happens) looks like this:
public class MapperConvention : ISubDependencyResolver
private readonly IKernel kernel;
public MapperConvention(IKernel kernel)
this.kernel = kernel;
public bool CanResolve(CreationContext context,
ISubDependencyResolver contextHandlerResolver,
ComponentModel model,
DependencyModel dependency)
return typeof(IMapper).IsAssignableFrom(dependency.TargetType);
public object Resolve(CreationContext context,
ISubDependencyResolver contextHandlerResolver,
ComponentModel model,
DependencyModel dependency)
var representativeMapperType = typeof(UserMapper);
var concreteMapperType = representativeMapperType.Assembly
.Where(t =>
return this.kernel.Resolve(concreteMapperType);
This registration works for me:
