Cakephp .htaccess : multiple domains pointing to one app - .htaccess

I am working on one cakePHP application.
Now i want to configure my main domain ( to be accesses via '' or ''.
For this i will add the CName record in the '' or '' as '' then & will point to the
But now on the & i can see the content of, but whenever i click on any link it gives me 'URL NOT FOUND' Error.
So i tried lots of .htaccess rules but it is not working.
It is similar to the bloggers custom domain pointing. I need the same thing to be applied for my application.
Can anybody tried this before?

This isn't entirely an .htaccess issue - you need to first edit the server name in your web servers configuration file to serve not only, but also requests coming in from and


Configure Subdomain with Heroku and Google domains?

I want to configure a subdomain on my main website. For example, and redirect to the same main website.
I want to add and for this, I used on my nodejs application vhost.
var vhost = require('vhost');
app.use(vhost('', require('./routes/hiIndex')));
//In (./routes/hiIndex) theres just an app.get telling it which page to render when it reaches this URL
When testing it locally, it works, but once I deploy my application to heroku and try to access it doesnt work, it redirect me to the main website, meaning
Do I need to add some extra configuration, perhaps on the DNS settings for google domains or on Heroku?
If so, do I just point it to ??
I have worked with redirect to other websites in form of subdomains but this is my first time trying to make it work from my own application.
You might have a subdomain catch-all redirect which prevents vhost in Node.js from picking up the subdomain. Try adding an A type record in your DNS settings that points to your Herokus server.

2 Different Servers - sub domain redirect url masking

I have gone through a lot of posts about .htaccess but its not working as my websites are on 2 different servers.
I have 2 websites, both are on different servers. One is on Linux Server and the other is on Windows Server.
My main website is hosted on the linux server. Lets call this
My other website is hosted on windows server - lets call this as
I have created a sub domain on,
I want to redirect to without changing the url which should remain as I have tried all sorts of combination in .htaccess but it does not work. Can you please help.
Use an IFrame instead of trying to do this with htaccess files/code.
Using htaccess to redirect the page but keep the URL structure and change the domain only
Edit|Update: Use iframes and not frameset. See this w3schools tutorial page. Adding an iframe is very simple so keep everything very simple -

Redirect www.subdomain domain mask to subdomain

I currently have as a domain mask for my website, using a CNAME record in my DNS settings. The website it is masking (lets call it recognizes on its server and gives us a specific page.
My issue is that was bringing up a 404 'page not found', and after adding a CNAME record making as a second domain mask for, would simply give us a general page (not tailored to our website).
I was wondering if there was anything we could add (DNS records, .htaccess, etc) that would redirect to BEFORE it tried to visit this external service, so that we could properly serve it to users who type
Thanks in advance!
If you have cpanel then there might be an option in your cpanel to redirect subdomains to domain with and without a prefix "www".

Need Domain Name assistance - Please

I have a small issue. I have tried for the last hour to find a solution for this on this and many other websites. I have found similar but none have provided an answer that works. Heres that problem:
I have a badge on my website that was given to me by Norton online protection. they provided me with a script file and I placed it where it should go. NOW, this script is registered to "" but if someone goes to their browsertypes in just "" without the WWW. the Norton badge never shows.
I spoke with Godaddy this morning and they have no solution so that's why I'm asking on here.
Is there a to send a domiain name to the same domain name? so that it always shows the WWW?
Configure your webserver such that is one site (your actual site with your content), and you have another site that is (no www subdomain) as a site that you can now configure to redirect to your actual site. How that step is done depends on which webserver you are using, but basically these is a way to do that on any webserver (Apache, IIS, etc).
You could try to read the URL and check if 'www' is present in the URL. If it is not present redirect the visitors to
In php you could use the below for redirection

Subdomain mapping to another external subdomain

I'm trying to map to I've seen this on UserVoice. They let you map to
On I've set up a CNAME to
It works fine but when I open I get the content of instead of
After some experimenting I've realized that this is an expected behavior.
So my question is what do I have to do on (or maybe on to have it show content of subdomain "" when I navigate
(I'm using Plesk and the OS is Windows Server 2003)
I was facing the same problem for the last couple of days, and just found the solution...
In /etc/apache2/site-available/default, I had two virtual hosts, first one was for my domain, and the second one was for my sub domain. All I had to do was reverse the order of the virtual host blocks, placing the sub domain in front of the domain, and it worked! :D
I found the solution. One way would be to use a mod_rewrite rule on and do a redirect if referrer is Or to assign a dedicated IP address.
HTTP/1.1 uses the Host: header to figure out which site is being requested, should there be more than one site hosted on the same IP address.
You need to ensure that the second (target) web-server is configured to expect incoming HTTP requests with the original URI in them.
I am not 100% sure how to do this in windows but in apache you just need to setup a virtual host to redirect it from the main domain to your subdomain.
you do not say if you are using IIS or apache or what the webserver is.
I imagine that what you need to do is setup a new website in IIS (not a virtual directory) and in the website tab click on advanced and edit the entry in there so that the "host header name" is the subdomain you want.
Jon Hawkins
