htaccess 301 mod rewrite matching url pattern - .htaccess

This one's beyond my ability I'm afraid and after much research and breaking things I've come for help. I have a site with a URL in the format of:
My client has now decided he'd like to add an 's' onto photos so the URL has become:
All great and that alone wouldn't have been a problem only for the fact that the number '7865' changes for each URL just like the 'my-amazing-photo' does. The basic structure of the new URL needs to be:'number variable'/travel-photos/'article name variable'
So my question how does write a beautiful htaccess mod rewrite rule for that?

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^([0-9]+)/travel-photos/(.*) $1/travel-photo/$2


.htaccess rewrite url that has already been changed

I am upgrading my site which involves new scripts and a different URL
structure. There are currently a few thousand pages so I want to
basically move them in to a subdirectory so that they are not lost.
I am not very confident with htaccess so can someone please confirm that
the first part I have done is correct:
Old URL:
RewriteRule ^article/?$ [R=301,NC,L]
To achieve this:
Search engines will see the above as a permanent move and in the address bar
it will show the new url. Is this right?
The second part is on the new script - the url's could be improved but I am
unable to change all the script so thought about using htaccess again but am
not sure if it can be achieved like this.
At the moment the url looks like this:
In the htaccess the current rewrite rule for this type of url looks like this:
RewriteRule ^category/(.*)/(.*)$ category.php?id=$1&slug=$2
Is it possible to change this so that in the url address bar I end up
with this:
Basically I don't want to see either the number or category/ in the resulting
url as it will be easier for visitors to use - is that possible??
Thanks in advance for any help.
The second question related to passing in URI components for querystring redirect and then hiding those components in the URL I don't think would be easy, if even possible, using RewriteRules.
For the first question though. Given the sample URLs you mentioned, the RewriteRule would need to include capture and backreference if you want to preserve the full URL in the redirection. For example:
RewriteRule ^article/?(.*)$$1 [R=301,NC,L]

RewriteRule from download.php?token=something into /download/something

I am working on url, I try htaccess, php, javascript and many other things but unable to figure it out.
My url is :
and I want to change the url something like this :
please help me
The following should allow you to generate your urls in the format that you wish.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^example/cheap-flight-to/([a-zA-Z]+)$ /example/cheap-flight-to.php?country=$1 [NC,L]
What you want could be done using regular expressions in .htaccess, but it makes no sence, since it wouldn't be pointing to anything, unless you have a directory cheap-flight-to/lago in which you have an index.php that will show-up in the browser or return data. This means you have to setup a directory for each destination you want to go to. Is that really what you want? Usually it's been used the otherway around. The user (or a script for that matter) enters a url like "example/cheap-flight-to/lagos". Then through regular expressions in .htaccess you rewrite the url to "example/cheap-flight-to.php?country=lagos".
Have a look at and for more on rewriting rules in .htaccess.

301 Redirect to change structure

I have been researching redirects for a few days now and am still struggling, so I decided to post my first question here. For some reason, it is just not clicking for me.
I have redesigned and developed a client's WordPress site and need to update it's structure.
The site's current structure is:
The new structure should be:
I really thought this was going to be easy since all I am looking to do is drop the date, but have not been able to grasp the whole wildcard aspect and how to end what I am trying to match. Any help would be greatly appreciated. A simple answer is great, but an explanation would be even better.
I am assuming you already know how to change your WordPress permalink structure to drop the date.
To 301 redirect all of the old URLs to the new ones, add the following rules to your .htaccess file in the root of your websites domain, ahead of any existing rules that are there.
#if these 2 lines already exist, skip them and add the rest
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
# if there is a request of the form /blog/post-name/yyyy/mm/dd/
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^(/blog/[^/]+/)[0-9]{4}/[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}/$ [NC]
#redirect the request to the URL without the date
RewriteRule . %1 [L,R=301]
If you want to learn more about .htaccess/rewriting you can take a look at the following urls: Indepth htaccess, Brief Introduction to Rewriting, Apache Mod_rewrite.
Let me know if this works for you and/or you have any issues.

.htaccess url masking

I have a couple of wordpress urls that I want to simplify for SEO purposes. I have
I would like to change that to (remove -fr) but without changing the URL internally. So the user would access but the server would serve the content of
I want to do this to get around a URL problem with Wordpress and WPML.
Appreciate the help
Assuming the two letter lang code is always going to be constant throughout the URL:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^([A-Za-z]{2})/product/review$ /$1/product-$1/review-$1 [L,QSA]
should work a treat :)
P.S. the regexp takes any two-letter code (upper or lower case) so will work with other langs should you require.
Have you tried mod_rewrite and Rewrite rules?
^/([a-zA-Z]{2})/([^\/]+)/([^\/]+)/$ /$1/$2-$1/$3-$1
Haven't tested this though..

using mod_rewrite to create SEO friendly URLS

I've been searching google for this but can't find the solution to my exact needs. Basically I've already got my URL's named how I like them i.e. ""
What I'm trying to achieve (if it's possible!) is to use rewrite to alter the existing URLS to: ""
The problem I've come across is I've found examples that will do this if the user enters "" into the broweser which is great, however I need it to work for the existing links in google as not to loose traffic, so incoming URLS "" are directed to "".
The 1st example (Canonical URLs) at the following is pretty much what you want:
This should do the trick, rewriting requests without .php to have it, invisible to the user.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^/blog/([^.]+)$ /blog/$1.php
You will need to write a rewrite rule for mapping your old url's to your new url as a permanent redirect. This will let the search engine know that the new, seo friendly url's are the ones to be used.
RewriteRule blog/page1.php blog/page1 [R=301,L]
