Resize thickbox - thickbox

I try to create a WordPress TinyMCE plugin, that will use the Thickbox in order to display the popup dialog.
Now, I like to know if there is a way to resize the Thickbox, based on screen size, and not based on static values for width and height I can give on plugin development.
Any idea please ?

OK, I found out the solution, and I place it here for the future use of another member.
I plug the following code into the TinyMCE plugin code:
var w = window.innerWidth; // Get the inner window width
var h = window.innerHeight; // Get the inner window height
w = (w * 90) / 100; // Calculate the dialog width
h = (h * 85) / 100; // Calculate the dialog height
file : url + '/plugin_dialog.html',
width : w, // The calculated window width
height : h, // The calculated window height
inline : 1,
title: 'Plugin dialog title'
plugin_url : url


Pixi.js How should HP write?

How should HP write?
Because HP will decrease, but I found that he will deform.
Each time container.hpStatus.width- = 1; HP's icon will be distorted, especially HP = 0 is most obvious.
enter image description here
You Can Look My Codepen.
app.ticker.add((delta) => {
if (container.hpStatus.width > 0) {
container.hpStatus.width -= 1;
} else {
container.hpStatus.width = 450;
How can i make sure he doesn't deform?
The hp bar is getting distorted because you are decreasing width of "container.hpStatus" which is Geometry object which is itself a Container:
And as you see in docs of the "width" property:
width number
The width of the Container, setting this will actually modify the scale to achieve the value set
It means that changing "width" scales whole container ("container.hpStatus").
To draw such hp bar without "distortion" you can do it by drawing hp bar on each "tick" (each frame).
Plaese check following code - is your example but modified. Most important parts are "createHpBar" function and modified "main loop" (ticker).
(i also added some comments so you can understand better)
and here is updated codepen:
const app = new PIXI.Application({
view: document.getElementById('main'),
width: 900,
height: 900,
antialias: true,
transparent: false,
backgroundColor: 0x00CC99,
// See:
let ticker = PIXI.Ticker.shared;
ticker.autoStart = false;
const container = new PIXI.Container();
function createHpBar(currentHp, maxHp, color) {
let hpBar = new PIXI.Graphics();
let hpPortion = currentHp / maxHp;
50, 80,
50 + (400 * hpPortion), 80,
32 + (400 * hpPortion), 150,
32, 150,
return hpBar;
// Create black hp bar (the one behind the red one) and add it to our container:
let blackHpBar = createHpBar(450, 450, 0x000000);
container.x = 100;
container.y = 200;
let renderer = app.renderer;
// Starting amount of hp:
var currentHp = 450;
ticker.add((delta) => {
// create red hp bar which is a polygon with vertices calculated using "currentHp" amount:
let redHpBar = createHpBar(currentHp, 450, 0xFF0000);
// add red hp bar to container:
// render our stage (render all objects from containers added to stage)
// see
// Remove red hp bar from our container:
// We do this because on next tick (aka: next frame) we will create new redHpBar with "createHpBar" (as you see above)
// Update current hp amount:
if (currentHp > 0) {
currentHp -= 1;
} else {
currentHp = 450;
// start rendering loop:

KonvaJS, positioning editable text inputs

I need to position text inputs at various places on a KonvaJS layer. I found the following code at and I'm trying to understand the textPosition, stageBox, and areaPosition vars in this code. I want my stage centered in the browser window, but when I do that, the textarea (activated on dblclick) pops up way off to the left. I can't get a console readout of the x/y coordinates, so I can't visualize how the positioning works &, thus, how to change it. Can anyone explain, or point me in the right direction?
var text_overlay = new Konva.Layer();
var textNode = new Konva.Text({
text: 'Some text here',
x: 20,
y: 50,
fontSize: 20
textNode.on('dblclick', () => {
// create textarea over canvas with absolute position
// first we need to find its position
var textPosition = textNode.getAbsolutePosition();
var stageBox = stage.getContainer().getBoundingClientRect();
var areaPosition = {
x: textPosition.x + stageBox.left,
y: textPosition.y +
// create textarea and style it
var textarea = document.createElement('textarea');
textarea.value = textNode.text(); = 'absolute'; = areaPosition.y + 'px'; = areaPosition.x + 'px'; = textNode.width();
textarea.addEventListener('keydown', function (e) {
// hide on enter
if (e.keyCode === 13) {
// add the layer to the stage
UPDATE: I solved part of the problem--the textarea showing up way out of position. You need to use 2 divs in the HTML file instead of one, like so:
<div id="containerWrapper" align="center"><div id="container"></div></div>
Thanks to Frens' answer on Draw border edges of the Konvajs container Stage in html for that one!

FabricJS text issue in mobile

Has anyone encountered issues while working with text on fabric js for different devices?
I tested it on iPad and it works just fine but on other devices it's:
Android -> The keyboard stays up for a brief moment when you click on the screen and then disappears
iPhone -> When you click on the screen, everything zooms in and stays like that.
// A rectangle is drawn on mouse click so i get the coordinates on mouse click with getPointer
getTopLeftRectangleCoords() {
const coords = {};
coords.x = (this.textRectangle.x0 <= this.textRectangle.x1) ? this.textRectangle.x0
: this.textRectangle.x1;
coords.y = (this.textRectangle.y0 <= this.textRectangle.y1) ? this.textRectangle.y0
: this.textRectangle.y1;
return coords;
drawText() {
const txt = 'Text here';
const coords = this.getTopLeftRectangleCoords();
const widthToFont = 155 / 37;
let fontSize = this.getTextRectangleWidth() / widthToFont;
if (fontSize < 70 / widthToFont) {
fontSize = 70 / widthToFont;
this.fText = new fabric.IText(txt,
{ fontFamily, left: coords.x, top: coords.y, fontSize },

Phaser 3. Change dimensions of the game during runtime

Hi please help me to find out how trully responsive game can be created with Phaser3.
Respnsiveness is critical because game (representation layer of Blockly workspace) should be able to be exapanded to larger portion on screen and shrinked back many times during the session.
The question is How I can change dimentions of the game in runtime?
--- edited ---
It turns out there is pure css solution, canvas can be ajusted with css zoom property. In browser works well (no noticeable effect on performance), in cordova app (android) works too.
Here is Richard Davey's answer if css zoom can break things:
I've never actually tried it to be honest. Give it a go and see what
happens! It might break input, or it may carry on working. That (and
possibly the Scale Manager) are the only things it would break,
though, nothing else is likely to care much.
// is size of html element size that needed to fit
let props = { w: 1195, h: 612, elementId: 'myGame' };
// need to know game fixed size
let gameW = 1000, gameH = 750;
// detect zoom ratio from width or height
let isScaleWidth = gameW / gameH > props.w / props.h ? true : false;
// find zoom ratio
let zoom = isScaleWidth ? props.w / gameW : props.h / gameH;
// get DOM element, props.elementId is parent prop from Phaser game config
let el = document.getElementById(props.elementId);
// set css zoom of canvas element = zoom;
Resize the renderer as you're doing, but you also need to update the world bounds, as well as possibly the camera's bounds.
// the x,y, width and height of the games world
// the true, true, true, true, is setting which side of the world bounding box
// to check for collisions, y, width, height, true, true, true, true);
// setting the camera bound will set where the camera can scroll to
// I use the 'main' camera here fro simplicity, use whichever camera you use
this.cameras.main.setBounds(0, 0, width, height);
and that's how you can set the world boundary dynamically.
window.addEventListener('resize', () => {
game.resize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
There is some builtin support for resizing that can be configured in the Game Config. Check out the ScaleManager options. You have a number of options you can specify in the scale property, based on your needs.
I ended up using the following:
var config = {
type: Phaser.AUTO,
parent: 'game',
width: 1280, // initial width that determines the scaled size
height: 690,
scale: {
mode: Phaser.Scale.WIDTH_CONTROLS_HEIGHT ,
autoCenter: Phaser.Scale.CENTER_BOTH
physics: {
default: 'arcade',
arcade: {
gravity: {y: 0, x: 0},
debug: true
scene: {
key: 'main',
preload: preload,
create: this.create,
update: this.update
banner: false,
Just in case anybody else still has this problem, I found that just resizing the game didn't work for me and physics didn't do anything in my case.
To get it to work I needed to resize the game and also the scene's viewport (you can get the scene via the scenemanager which is a property of the game):
For Phaser 3 the resize of the game now live inside the scale like this:
window.addEventListener('resize', () => {
game.scale.resize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
But if you need the entire game scale up and down only need this config:
const gameConfig: Phaser.Types.Core.GameConfig = {
scale: {
export const game = new Phaser.Game(gameConfig);
Take a look at this article.
It explains how to dynamically resize the canvas while maintaining game ratio.
Note: All the code below is from the link above. I did not right any of this, it is sourced from the article linked above, but I am posting it here in case the link breaks in the future.
It uses CSS to center the canvas:
margin: 0;
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
It listens to the window 'resize' event and calls a function to resize the game.
Listening to the event:
window.onload = function(){
var gameConfig = {
//config here
var game = new Phaser.Game(gameConfig);
window.addEventListener("resize", resize, false);
Resizing the game:
function resize() {
var canvas = document.querySelector("canvas");
var windowWidth = window.innerWidth;
var windowHeight = window.innerHeight;
var windowRatio = windowWidth / windowHeight;
var gameRatio = game.config.width / game.config.height;
if(windowRatio < gameRatio){ = windowWidth + "px"; = (windowWidth / gameRatio) + "px";
else{ = (windowHeight * gameRatio) + "px"; = windowHeight + "px";
I have used and modified this code in my phaser 3 project and it works great.
If you want to see other ways to resize dynamically check here
Put this in your create function:
const resize = ()=>{
game.scale.resize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight)
window.addEventListener("resize", resize, false);
Important! Make sure you have phaser 3.16+
Or else this won't work!!!
Use the game.resize function:
// when the page is loaded, create our game instance
window.onload = () => {
var game = new Game(config);
Note this only changes the canvas size, nothing else.

Hover Text effect next to mouse cursor

Dear community is there any way to do a text next to the cursor hover effect (in css?) like on this site here?
I tried it with abbr and span style, but it doesn't seem to work. Text should be changeable with every picture.
Thanks in advance!
From the website you linked, they appear to be using Javascript. I don't think there is a way to do this purely with CSS.
When you hover your mouse over an image on the website, a new HTML tag is created at the end of the body:
<p class="tooltip" style="display: block; top: ...; left: ...;">TEXT</p>
Where top and left correspond to the pixel values that your cursor is at, and the text would be whatever text you want to float next to the cursor.
In the Javascript, you would create a hover observer for the associated images, and inside the trigger function create the new p tooltip element. You would set the text for your p element to be the respective image's alt title. Looking at the website's Javascript, this is what they did for their tooltip:
$(document).ready(function() {
// Tooltip only Text
// Hover over code
var title = $(this).attr('title');
$(this).data('tipText', title).removeAttr('title');
$('<p class="tooltip"></p>')
}, function() {
// Hover out code
$(this).attr('title', $(this).data('tipText'));
}).mousemove(function(e) {
var mousex = e.pageX + 20; //Get X coordinates
var mousey = e.pageY + 10; //Get Y coordinates
.css({ top: mousey, left: mousex })
