Multiple log files using Log4j - log4j

I have a web application, that is build on spring webflow and jsf. Multiple users can log into my application at the same time. Now I want to use log4j to, of course, do the logging.
My question: is it possible to let log4j create different log files for every connected user?
thanks, Nikolaus

No, statically configured log4j cannot do it (unless your user set is constant and known upfront), you'd have to implement something on top of it that would set the configuration programatically.
If logback can do it, as fge says, use it, best not directly, but through slf4j.


Log4j NoSQL/Mongo appender in Tibco BusinessWorks 5

What Log4J version is Tibco BusinessWorks 5 using?
And can I use the NoSQL appenders in that version? Can it be done without installing the Log4J 1-2 bridge?
Later update: It seems that so far changing the Log4J configuration file does not have too much effect. See Changing Log4J configuration in Tibco BW/Designer does not have the desired effect.
You should be able to find it from below location of your TIBCO products installation.
Go to ../tibco/tpcl/<version>/lib and look for `log4j.jar
And you do not have to install log4j explicitly.
I believe, you should be able to add your required appender in the file ../tibco/bw/<version>/lib/ Also there is `lo4j.xml in case properties file does have worked. Try it out.
Just to complement Rao's response, you also need to add to restart your engines and make sure you added an appender to the right logger, namely bw.logger from either the or log4j.xmlfile.
This is not possible with internal Tibco logging. Only Java activities can use custom loggers.

Why log4J not working after adding apache CXF?

I have developed small web application using JSF, and i add log4j to handle logging. Everything works perfectly until i implement add web service in my web application. After implement webservice using apache CXF I'm not getting any logs in my log file, but can get logs in eclipse console. I don't know why, it behave like that? My log file simply show messages like
i'm using jdk1.5, log4j 1.2.15 and CXF 2.6.11. Also i was tried some solutions from apache to use log4j instead of cxf default logger. please refer
But recommended solutions are not worked for me. How can i solve this issue?
It is possible that CXF introduces another log mechanism which means adds a yet another logging mechanism, or the imported versions of slf4j/log4j are not compatible.
I would recommend you to check the CXF pom file, and exclude all the log4j/slf4j jar files.
As #Arash said, remove log4j from classpath (if present). Also add the file META-INF/cxf/org.apache.cxf.Logger to the classpath with the following content:
Reference: Using SLF4J Instead of java.util.logging
Problem was solved by removing slf4j-jdk14.jar from CXF. Actually Problem is "Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings". So i removed CXF log4j binding. Now it's working perfectly. Thanks for all.

how to define multiple log4j configs with Jetty server in web.xml

Here's what I want to do:
- being able to have separated for each different deployment "war"
- being able to define in ant build, or web.xml, using system parameter on which log properties to use.
My project setup is Jetty with Jersey as REST API, without Spring.
I've done some research and it turns there are other Spring solutions to set in webl.xml but I'm not using spring.
I also know Jetty is using slf4j but if switching to slf4j, would I be able to do this more easily?
What would be a best way to solve this, so that in web.xml or ant build, log4j config can be customized defined?
Thanks a lot!
I figured that I can start another servlet with some init-param defined. Then on a separated HttpServlet implementation to set the PropertyConfigurator.configure([name of the log4j config]);
Is this adding one more servlet an ideally way of handling this?
Lots of different ways to handle this.
Since your mission is not different logging per Servlet, or per Webapp...I wouldn't solve the problem in the servlet or webapp locations but at the server level. To me, you want to log all this information to the correct place, not just all the information once the servlet has been deployed. To this end, I would enable the slf4j-api support in jetty and then look into the best way to handle that from the slf4j side of things. With that you can use whatever logging framework you want, slf4j-simple, log4j or logback..whatever you like.
Alternatively, if you really want to avoid the server side of logging, I supposed you could just use a file in the resources directory and then on jetty startup on the command line serve out a different resources directory. Figure out what options you want and startup with:
java -jar start.jar OPTIONS=Server,jmx,jsp,resources-[dev,qa,prod]

jboss7 + same log4j configuration for different apps

I want to deploy some different applications using one jboss (jboss as 7). Can anyone make it clear for me if its possible to set one log4j configuration (log4j.xml) for multiple wars and ears or i'll have to put a copy of configuration into each archive?
Or maybe someone can suggest a differeng logging engine, more native to jboss7?
log4j configuration is always global to runtime. ie. A JBoss instance can't have multiple log4j configuration. log4j can be initialized or reinitialized with a single config file. it can be a simple properties file or a XML incompliance with log4j.dtd packaged with log4j*.jar. start the jboss instance with -Dlog4j.configuration=/anypath/log4jconfig.xml
I do not believe there is a way to configure log4j globally. JBoss AS7 uses JBoss Logging for it's log provider. You can configure the logging subsystem is in the standalone.xml or the domain.xml depending on if you're running in standalone or domain mode.
The documentation is not greatest unfortunately, but if you install the jboss-as-logging_1_1.xsd in your IDE you can get auto-complete. All the schemas are located in the docs/schema under the installed directory.

Can I have multiple log4net configuration files?

Can I have multiple log4net configurations for the same program? Functionality similar to Spring's <import> element would be optimal. The idea here would to have multiple programs that have their own log4net configuration, as well as sharing a central log4net configuration file containing a shared error log (so that definition isn't repeated). Alternatively is this functionality possible with .NET Common Logging?
Related: log4net - configure using multiple configuration files
you can achieve this by using named repositories i think
log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator.Configure(repositoryName, configFile)
then by using
you can get the corresponding logger.
Not out-of-the-box. You must implement yourself the merging of different config files into a single XmlNode and pass this to log4net XmlConfiguratot.
An example is to be found here:
