What's the difference between an application launcher and type in an application name and run it from teriminal? - linux

I have a QT application. When I use my created application launcher to start it, it doesn't work.
However, if I go to terminal and run the application from there, it works.
I'm wondering what their differences are.

Maybe your application launcher doesn't contain the right command and environment?

How is your launcher trying to start the program? Are any errors being reported?
It could be that the current directory is not set as expected. Or the command line parameters being sent aren't formatted correctly. Hard to say without seeing some code or an error message.


Getting detailed crash dumps from a hooked exe

I am trying find a problem with my program that is hooking into a game. This is
vc++. Basically I launch the program and then hook into it using SDL. When I run the code from VS2010, all works fine. But when I try to run from command prompt, my program can launch the game, but after that the game crashes immediately.
I was viewing windows event logs, and it appears that there is an access violation. 0xc000005
How can I log any further details about the program that crashes? I tried "procdump" but that is not useful as I cannot INDIRECTLY target the hooked game from console. Rather it can only target my application that hooks.
Anyway of getting detailed dumps is highly appreciated in this case.
You can perform postmortem debugging by using a combination of the WER registry keys/values to trap any dump that is produced. I’ve used this method to prevent the WER system from collecting the dump file (.dmp). I’ve also written about this in another similar post. To accomplish this, you will need to create a registry key under
Software\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting
if one does not already exist. The key should be
LocalDumps\your application.exe
Once that’s done, modify these keys/values to meet your needs:
DumpCount, DumpFolder, DumpType
You’ll need Administrator rights to create and modify the keys, and, you should reset everything you’ve modified when you’re done debugging.

Start Node Js Server Automatically on Pc Start Up

I have a Node Server.
And I want that my Node Server starts automatically when my Pc Starts.
Right Now I am doing this Manually.
Like this:
1) First I open Command Prompt.
2) Than I Type
cd node
3) Thank I type
node server.js
I want these 3 Step to perform automatically when my Pc starts.
Any solution please ?
The simple way would be to write a .bat script that you launch on startup.
Another option, that I personally would have used, is node-windows (or other modules like it) to create a Windows Service, running it in the background. You can specify if you want your Service to start automatically in the background or not when Windows starts.
Write a simple .bat script and add the script as described here.
Assuming you mean Windows (cmd), this should work for you. Also it might be a good idea to specify an absolute path for the node executable, and/or file.

How to find my JavaFX application in process manager?

I have a JavaFX application that should check if it has already been launched when you launch it (need only single instance running at the time). The problem is how to define it!
I have tried packing my JavaFX application into .exe file (or make an .exe launcher) that will be shown as the "MyProg.exe" process in the Windows task manager, not the "javaw.exe". But it is not the solution (I've tried netbeans' tools) because it adds jre to my application thus enlarging it from 1 mb. to 130+ mb. (can you help me with it?)
I've tried launch4j, but both launcher and .exe package starts javaw.exe to run my app. And when I check process manager and see 2 javaw.exe I don't know, is it 2 instances of my app or just another app running?
I hope I described it clearand will be very thankful if somebody can help me with it!
Judging by your approach it seems that you are already found a way to get a list of Windows' processes from Java. In this case you can use one of the next solutions:
Take other process info into account. E.g. command line or window title. Windows command line can be retrieved using wmic.exe PROCESS command and for Unix-bases systems by ps -Af.
When your program starts store it's process id in the registry or file in homedir. When another instance starts it should check that value and if process with that id alive then just exit.

How to execute a setup from an application to update it?

I'am currently writing an application that has to search on a web site if an update exists for this application. If it is the case the application download a setup file (created with inosetup) and then execute it.
My application is written in C++. And I do not arrive to do this process. I'am trying to call the setup using system(). If the command is system("mysetup") I cannot obtain what I want because the setup cannot replace the exe (currently running). So, I have tried to use system("cmd /C mysetup"), system("cmd/C start /min mysetup"), system ("cmd /C start /min /separate mysetup") without success. In these cases, the fact to stop the application also stop the setup. So I suppose that the setup is considered as a child process.
I have seen in some posts that it might be possible to use execcl(). But this function is in unistd.h. And this library is a little bit to specific for my needs (I need to be able to run on virtualized windows).
So do you have a way to do what I want?
Thanks for your help
A colleague to me gave me the solution. As we are using QT a QProcess::startDetached does exactly what I want.

Same program behaves differently in different consoles

I wrote a text mode batch C++ program that since today is giving me some troubles.
The executable worked correctly and it did not change.
The environment did not change; not even a reboot.
When I launch the program from a certain console, everything is fine.
When I launch the program from a new console, everything still works, but I get just the first two lines on the log file, even if the execution completes.
The parameters passed to the executable are the same.
The executable does not interact with the console in any way.
The two consoles' environment variables are the same.
When run from a remote computer as root, everything is fine, the log file is complete.
When logged in again with my user, from another session, everything is fine again.
When logging out and in again, everything is fine again.
So, could it be the from a certain instant on, the new consoles had some issues that caused this problem?
Could this be a problem of my Linux installation?
Or, more realistically, could the problem depend on my program?
Thank you!
- Linux OpenSuse 11.4
- gcc 4.5.1
Here is another tool to throw into your debugging toolbox.
Try the command 'reset' -- read the man page for details.
In short, it resets the console to a known state. It is ... possible that your log files may contain control characters that try to interact with tty causing hard-to-trace problems.
You might also want to look at the command 'script' which captures all console activity to at et file for examination.
