How to open a new screen from another in Android/Java - android-layout

I am new to Android/Java and am trying to learn in order to create an app. I have done a lot of programming in Microsoft Access Visual Basic, but this is the first that I am doing in Java.
My (very basic) question is how to open a new screen from another?
All of the examples that I have found online either did not work when I tried them or crashed when I tried to customize them to open my own screen.
Also, all of the examples have so much extraneous stuff in them that I cannot figure out which parts are essential to just opening the next screen and what parts are doing other things.
In VB, to open one screen from another (using a button), you create a screen (form) and then add the following code to the onclick event of the button docmd.openform("form1"). It is that simple.
What is the Android/Java version of this command?
What I am looking for is a barebones piece of code that opens another screen when a button is clicked on the first screen. The second screen would have nothing on it except a text field that says "this is the second screen." No buttons, returns, etc.
I know how to create the screens as layout.xml files. I just can't figure out how to display that second (or subsequent) screen.

You can launch a new activity from your current activity through an intent like this:
startActivity( new Intent(this, YourActivity.class) );


How to create a new destination in Android Studio using a screen reader

I am following the Android Fundamentals using Kotlin codelabs, and one of the tasks is to create a new destination in the navigation editor. It's written that I have to press the New Destination button, but I can't find it. I am blind, and I use the NVDA screen reader under Windows. A possible solution that came to my mind is to write the XML that the IDE would generate if I pressed the button, but I don't know what the exact syntax is.

VBA Excel - Stop user from being able to use the mouse but allow the user to stop or pause the script

Good afternoon everyone.
*Note- I have looked for a couple of days for the answer to this question.
I have a bit of code that controls a separate piece of software to enter data.
I can not access the scripting side of this software, so I will just leave that bit out.
I have the following working.
Mouse movement.
Mouse Click.
Data input.
The only problem here is that while the script is running, I can still move the mouse manually. Which in turn can cause it to click on something wrong.
I know that
"BlockInput = True" deactivates mouse and keyboard.
This stops me from using the keyboard or it would work great.
"Application.Interactive = False" makes the cursor do the thinking thing.
This stops the program from clicking on the items I need to be clicked and still lets me use the mouse.
I hope this makes sense. This script will only be temporary until I get scripting access to the software.
Thank you in advance.

How to batch-rename the labels of existing labview controls?

Let's say I have a front panel with 100 buttons named "Button 1"..."Button 100". How can I quickly rename all of them to "Push Button 1"..."Push Button 100"?
Same answer as Dave_St but as vi snippet.
Before running the VI:
And After running the VI:
It can be done programmatically but the vi whose control names are to be changed must not be running in any way (it can be loaded into memory but the run button must be flat white).
Get all the front panel references from the vi. Then change their names with another vi using the Label.Text property.
That is a really good question, if you can't just get rid of them and make a new button called "Push Button 1" that you use to create all the others. I'm assuming they're already implemented enough to make that difficult. I can't test it out on the machine I'm at, but I'd create a new VI and open a reference to the VI with your buttons in it. Then you can get the references to all the front panel controls, which you can then run through a loop that checks if it's a button and then changes the label.

How can I delete a layer/item in Google Web Designer?

I have been working for a few days now making a simple web page to be a basic cv/bio. I started by making my headers for the page and some simple animations when switching window sizes. After playing with adding some different colors in, I noticed that an asset I added, wasn't transparent(as I had intended it to be).
That said, I have tried to delete the item from the assets Library to no avail. I've tried removing all relevant keyframes, as well as trying to delete it from the Master Rules. The program will not allow me to delete the item, except from the Library, which does not affect the item on the page whatsoever.
I may well be missing something completely obvious and shall feel a fool when this is answered. Thank you for your help in advance!
To delete a layer, click on it in the timeline so that it's highlighted and then press the Delete key on your keyboard.
If the element is an asset imported by you, for example a picture, you must select it at the library collapsible menu and click the trash. If you can't find this menu, clic on Menu > Window > Library.
On Responsive window, click Edit base document. You can now delete it. How to prevent modeless form from being blocked by modal tool dialog in ArcMap?

I have a project running as a toolbar extension in ArcMap. Each one of my tools opens a modal dialog using the .ShowDialog() method. My client wants to be able to open a PDF document from the tools that will serve as the help documentation tool rather than a traditional method like HTMLHelp or Windows Help Viewer.
So, I've imported the Interop.AcroPDFLib.dll and set up a form with an AxAcroPDF (veiwer) object on it. Whenever the user clicks the help button on any of the tool dialogs, the help form opens using .Show() and goes to the associated page in the document using the .setCurrentPage method. Everything works great up to this point.
However, as you can imagine, because the tool dialog is modal, it blocks the user from being able to interact with the PDF form. So, what I need is a technique to prevent this block so that the user will be able to scroll pages, click links within the PDF, etc. while the tool dialog is open. I.e., I need a solution that will mimic using the traditional HTMLHelp veiwer.
I've tried opening the PDF form in a new thread, but that causes ArcMap to crash at Application.Run(New PDFForm). Maybe this is because I have very little experience with multithreading, or maybe because ArcMap does not support multithreading. Not sure.
Anyway, any suggestions to get me started would be greatly appreaciated.
