Rewrite a script so it takes option arguments to control its behaviour - linux

I created a script and it moves files with different extensions to their specified directories.
If the directory is not there, it creates another one (where the files will go), and it creates another directory where the remaining files with different extensions will go.
My first problem is that I want when I put -d and full path on the terminal it should move only media files, -l and full path to move all text files, then -x to change the extension to uppercase, then -u to lowercase.
Can somebody modify it for me and show me how to overcome this problem?
# this function checks if the directory exits and creates one if it does not then moves all doc files
function mama(){
if [[ ! -d "$WA" ]]; then
mkdir -p "$WA"
cd "$From"
for i in pdf txt doc; do
find . -type f -name "*.${i}" -exec mv "{}" "$WA" \;
# this function checks if the directory exits and creates one if it does not then moves all media files
function so(){
if [[ ! -d "$To" ]]; then
mkdir -p "$To"
cd "$From"
for i in mp3 mp4 swf; do
find . -type f -name "*.${i}" -exec mv "{}" "$To" \;
# this function checks if the directory exits and creates one if it does not then moves all image files
function soa(){
if [[ ! -d "$MA" ]]; then
mkdir -p "$MA"
cd "$From"
for i in jpg gif png; do
find . -type f -name "*.${i}" -exec mv "{}" "$MA" \;
# this function checks if the directory exits and creates one if it does not then moves all the remaining files
function soaq(){
if [[ ! -d "$WQ" ]]; then
mkdir -p "$WQ"
cd "$From"
for i in *; do
find . -type f -name "*.${i}" -exec mv "{}" "$WQ" \;

I don't know if the options suggested are mnemonic in your native language, but they are counter-mnemonic in English. I would suggest something more like:
-m path Move media files
-t path Move text files
-u Change extensions to upper-case
-l Change extensions to lower-case
The command to use for regular argument parsing like this is getopts (plural - many systems also have a command getopt, singular, which has different characteristics altogether).
The referenced page gives an example of how to use it:
The following example script parses and displays its arguments:
while getopts ab: name
case $name in
a) aflag=1;;
b) bflag=1
?) printf "Usage: %s: [-a] [-b value] args\n" $0
exit 2;;
if [ ! -z "$aflag" ]; then
printf "Option -a specified\n"
if [ ! -z "$bflag" ]; then
printf 'Option -b "%s" specified\n' "$bval"
shift $(($OPTIND - 1))
printf "Remaining arguments are: %s\n" "$*"
The option -a doesn't take an argument; the option -b requires an argument.


Use find to copy files to a new folder

I'm searching for a find command to copy all wallpaper files that look like this:
3245x2324.png (All Numbers are just a placeholder)
I'm in my /usr/share/wallpapers folder and there are many sub folders with the files I want to copy.
There are many like "screenshot.png" and these files I don't want to copy.
My find command is like this:
find . -type f -name "*????x????.???"
If I search with this I get the files I wanted to see, but if I combine this with -exec cp:
find . -type f -name "*????x????.???" -exec cp "{}" /home/mine/Pictures/WP \;
the find command only copies 10 files and there are 77 (I counted with wc).
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
You can look it up if you follow the link.
renaming with find
You can use -exec to do this. But i'm not sure you can do rename and copy in one take.Maybe with a script that got executed after every find result.
But that's only a suggestion.
One idea/approach is to copy absolute path of the file in question to the destination, but replace the / with an underscore _ since / is not allowed in file names, at least in a Unix like environment.
With find and bash, Something like.
find /usr/share/wallpapers -type f -name "????x????.???" -exec bash -c '
for f; do
echo cp -vi -- "$f" "$destination${path_name//\//_}$file_name"
done' _ {} +
See understanding-the-exec-option-of-find
With globstar nullglob shell option and Associative array from the bash shell to avoid the duplicate filenames.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
shopt -s globstar nullglob
shopt -u globstar nullglob
declare -A dups
for i in "${pics[#]}"; do
((!dups["${i##*/}"]++)) &&
echo cp -vi -- "$i" "$destination"
GNU cp(1) has the -u flag/option which might come in handy along the way.
Remove the echo if you're satisfied with the result.
Another option is to add a trailing ( ) with a number/int inside it and increment it , e.g. ????x????.???(N) where N is a number/int. Pretty much like how some gui file manager deals with duplicate file/directory names.
Something like:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
while IFS= read -rd '' file; do
if [[ ! -e "$destination$file_name" && ! -e "$destination$file_name($counter)" ]]; then
cp -v -- "$file" "$destination$file_name"
elif [[ -e "$destination$file_name" && ! -e "$destination$file_name($counter)" ]]; then
cp -v -- "$file" "$destination$file_name($counter)"
elif [[ -e "$destination$file_name" && -e "$destination$file_name($counter)" ]]; then
while [[ -e "$destination$file_name($counter)" ]]; do
cp -v -- "$file" "$destination$file_name($counter)"
done < <(find "$source" -type f -name '????x????.???' -print0)
Note that the -print0 primary is a GNU/BSD find(1) feature.

Bash Globbing Pattern Matching for Imagemagick recursive convert to pdf

I have the following 2 scripts, that recursively convert folders of images to pdf's for my wifes japanese manga kindle using find and Imagemagick convert:
echo "$_d"
find . -type d -exec echo "Will convert in the following order: {}" \;
find . -type d -exec echo "Converting: '{}'" \; -exec convert '{}/*.jpg' "$_d/{}.pdf" \;
and the same for PNG
echo "$_d"
find . -type d -exec echo "Will convert in the following order: {}" \;
find . -type d -exec echo "Converting: '{}'" \; -exec convert '{}/*.png' "$_d/{}.pdf" \;
Unfortunately I am not able make one universal script that works for all image formats.
How do I make one script that works for both ?
I would also need JPG,PNG as well as jpeg,JPEG
Thx in advance
I wouldn't use find at all, just a loop:
#!/use/bin/env bash
# enable recursive globs
shopt -s globstar
for dir in **/*/; do
printf "Converting jpgs in %s\n" "$dir"
convert "$dir"/*.jpg "$dir/out.pdf"
If you want to combine .jpg and .JPG in the same pdf, add nocaseglob to the shopt line. Add .jpeg to the mix? Add extglob and change "$dir"/*.jpg to "$dir"/*.#(jpg|jpeg)
You can do more complicated actions if you turn the find exec into a bash function (or even a standalone script).
shopt -s nullglob
for dir in "$#"; do
if [[ -z $files ]]; then
echo 1>&2 "no suitable files in $dir"
echo "Converting $dir"
convert "${files[#]}" "$dir.pdf"
export -f do_convert
echo "Will convert in the following order:"
find . -type d
# find . -type d -exec bash -c 'do_convert {}' \;
find . -type d -exec bash -c 'do_convert "$#"' -- {} \+
nullglob makes *.xyz return nothing if there is no match, instead of returning the original string unchanged
p/*.{a,b,c} expands into p/*.a p/*.b p/*.c before the * are expanded
x()(...) instead of the more normal x(){...} uses a subshell so we don't have to remember to unset nullglob again or clean up any variable definitions
export -f x makes function x available in subshells
we skip conversion if there are no suitable files
with the slightly more complicated find command, we can reduce the number of invocations of bash (probably doesn't save a great deal in this particular case)
how about a one-liner
find -name \*.jpg -or -name \*.png | xargs -I xxx echo "xxx =>" xxx.pdf
find -name \*.jpg -or -name \*.png | xargs -I xxx echo xxx xxx.pdf
-name match name
-or logical or => both jpg and png
xargs map input into a name to execute a command on
-I select a name, it is like {} in file
instead of $(pwd) which is a command substitution you can use variable $PWD
xxx maps into a name and xxx.pdf still has the matched extension found by find. which means filename.png becomes filename.png.pdf. If this is not desired, you can sed it
to run convert command in parallel you can use -P 0 with xargs -- see xargs --help
With sed to remove extensions
find -name \*.jpg -or -name \*.png | sed 's/.\(png\|jpg\)$//g' | xargs -I xxx echo "xxx =>" xxx.pdf
#shawn Your solution works, just as I stated in the comments, I am to stupid to name the resulting pdf properly (folder name) and save in the script caller directory. Nevertheless, it solves my case insensitive jpg, jpeg, png problems just fine.
Here is shawns solution:
# enable recursive globs
shopt -s globstar nocaseglob extglob
for dir in **/*/; do
printf "Converting (jpg|jpeg|png) in %s\n" "$dir"
convert "$dir"/*.#(jpg|jpeg|png) "$dir/out.pdf"
#jhnc Your solution works out of the box, it does exactly what I intended, and I really like calling functions, or even standalone scripts to increase complexity. One drawback is, that I can not Ctrl-c the process, because it is thereby threaded, or runs in a subshell ? I think you were missing an exit statement at the end of the function, it never stopped.
shopt -s nullglob
for dir in "$#"; do
if [[ -z $files ]]; then
echo 1>&2 "no suitable files in $dir"
echo "Converting $dir"
convert "${files[#]}" "$dir.pdf"
export -f do_convert
echo "Will convert in the following order:"
find . -type d
# find . -type d -exec bash -c 'do_convert {}' \;
find . -type d -exec bash -c 'do_convert "$#"' -- {} \+
# everyone else, it's already after midnight again, I guess this is a trivial question for you guys, and I am very grateful for your ALL your answers, I didn't have the time to try everything.
I find linux bash very challenging.
A lot of ways to skin this cat. My thought is:
for F in `find . -type f -print`
TYPE=`file -n --mime-type $F`
if [ "$TYPE" = image/png ]
## do png conversion here
elif [ "$TYPE" = image/jpg ]
## do jpg conversion here

How to find and delete resized Wordpress images if the original image was already deleted?

This question pertains to the situation where
An image was uploaded, say mypicture.jpg
Wordpress created multiple copies of it with different resolutions like mypicture-300x500.jpg and mypicture-600x1000.jpg
You delete the original image only
In this scenario, the remaining photos on the filesystem are mypicture-300x500.jpg and mypicture-600x1000.jpg.
How can you script this to find these "dangling" images with the missing original and delete the "dangling" images.
You could use find to find all lower resolution pictures with the -regex test:
find . -type f -regex '.*-[0-9]+x[0-9]+\.jpg'
And this would be much better than trying to parse the ls output which is for humans only, not for automation. A safer (and simpler) bash script could thus be:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
while IFS= read -r -d '' f; do
[[ "$f" =~ (.*)-[0-9]+x[0-9]+\.jpg ]] &&
! [ -f "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}".jpg ] &&
echo rm -f "$f"
done < <(find . -type f -regex '.*-[0-9]+x[0-9]+\.jpg' -print0)
(delete the echo once you will be convinced that it works as expected).
Note: we use the -print0 action and the empty read delimiter (-d '') to separate the file names with the NUL character instead of the newline character. This is preferable because it works as expected even if you have unusual file names (e.g., with spaces).
Note: as we test the file name inside the loop we could simply search for files (find . -type f -print0). But I suspect that if you have a large number of files the performance would be negatively impacted. So keeping the -regex test is probably better.
Bash loops are OK but they tend to become really slow when the number of iteration increases. So, let's incorporate our simple bash script in a single find command with the -exec action:
find . -type f -exec bash -c '[[ "$1" =~ (.*)-[0-9]+x[0-9]+\.jpg ]] &&
! [ -f "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}".jpg ]' _ {} \; -print
Note: bash -c takes a script to execute as first argument, then the positional parameters to pass to the script, starting with $0. This is why we pass _ (my favourite for don't care), followed by {} (the current file path).
Note: -print is normally the default find action but here it is needed because -exec is one of the find actions that inhibit the default behaviour.
This will print a list of files. Check that it is correct and, once you will be satisfied, add the -delete action:
find . -type f -exec bash -c '[[ "$1" =~ (.*)-[0-9]+x[0-9]+\.jpg ]] &&
! [ -f "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}".jpg ]' _ {} \; -delete -print
See man find and man bash for more explanations.
$ touch mypicture.jpg mypicture-300x500.jpg mypicture-600x1000.jpg
$ find . -type f -exec bash -c '[[ "$1" =~ (.*)-[0-9]+x[0-9]+\.jpg ]] &&
! [ -f "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}".jpg ]' _ {} \; -print
$ rm -f mypicture.jpg
$ find . -type f -exec bash -c '[[ "$1" =~ (.*)-[0-9]+x[0-9]+\.jpg ]] &&
! [ -f "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}".jpg ]' _ {} \; -print
$ find . -type f -exec bash -c '[[ "$1" =~ (.*)-[0-9]+x[0-9]+\.jpg ]] &&
! [ -f "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}".jpg ]' _ {} \; -delete -print
$ ls *.jpg
ls: cannot access '*.jpg': No such file or directory
One last note: if, by accident, one of your full resolution picture matches the regular expression for lower resolution pictures (e.g., if you have a balloon-1x1.jpg full resolution picture) it will be deleted. This is unfortunate but according your specifications there is no easy way to distinguish it from an orphan lower resolution picture. Be careful...
I've written a Bash script that will attempt to find the original filename (i.e. mypicture.jpg) based on scraping away the WordPress resolution (i.e. mypicture-300x500.jpg), and if it's not found, delete the "dangling image" (i.e. rm -f mypicture-300x500.jpg)
for directory in $(find . -type d)
for image in $(ls $directory)
echo "The current filename is $image"
resolution=$(echo $image | rev | cut -f 1 -d "-" | rev | xargs)
echo "The resolution is $resolution"
extension=$(echo $resolution | rev| cut -f 1 -d "." | rev | xargs)
echo "The extension is $extension"
resolutiononly=$(echo $resolution | sed "s#.$extension##g")
echo "The resolution only is $resolutiononly"
if [[ $resolutiononly =~ $pattern ]]; then
echo "The pattern matches"
originalfilename=$(echo $image | sed "s#-$resolution#.$extension#g")
echo "The current filename is $image"
echo "The original filename is $originalfilename"
if [[ -f "$originalfilename" ]]; then
echo "The file exists $originalfilename"
rm -f $directory/$image

moving files to different directories

I'm trying to move media and other files which are in a specified directory to another directory and create another one if it does not exits (where the files will go), and create a directory the remaining files with different extensions will go. My first problem is that my script is not making a new directory and it is not moving the files to other directories and what code can I use to move files with different extensions to one directory?
This is what i have had so far, correct me where I'm wrong and help modify my script:
To=/home/katy/mo #directory where the media files will go
WA=/home/katy/do # directory where the other files will go
if [ ! -d "$To" ]; then
mkdir -p "$To"
cd $From
find path -type f -name"*.mp4" -exec mv {} $To \;
I'd solve it somewhat like this:
To=/home/katy/mo # directory where the media files will go
WA=/home/katy/do # directory where the other files will go
cd "$From"
find . -type f \
| while read file; do
dir="$(dirname "$file")"
base="$(basename "$file")"
if [[ "$file" =~ \.mp4$ ]]; then
mkdir -p "$target/$dir"
mv -i "$file" "$target/$dir/$base"
mkdir -p will not complain if the directory already exists, so there's no need to check for that.
Put double quotes around all filenames in case they contain spaces.
By piping the output of find into a while loop, you also avoid getting bitten by spaces, because read will read until a newline.
You can modify the regex according to taste, e.g. \.(mp3|mp4|wma|ogg)$.
In case you didn't know, $(...) will run the given command and stick its output back in the place of the $(...) (called command substitution). It is almost the same as `...` but slightly better (details).
In order to test it, put echo in front of mv. (Note that quotes will disappear in the output.)
cd $From
find . -type f -name "*.mp4" -exec mv {} $To \;
find $From -type f -name "*.mp4" -exec mv {} $To \;
cd $From
mv *.mp4 $To;
mv * $WA;

Appending rather than overwriting files when moving

I have the following directory structure:
How do I do the equivalent of mv incoming/* archive/ but have the contents of the files in incoming appended to those in archive rather than overwrite them?
# move to incoming/ so that we don't
# need to strip a path prefix
cd incoming
# create directories that are missing in archive
for d in `find . -type d`; do
if [ ! -d "../archive/$d" ]; then
mkdir -p "../archive/$d"
# concatenate all files to already existing
# ones (or automatically create them)
for f in `find . -type f`; do
cat "$f" >> "../archive/$f"
This should find any file in incoming and concatenate it to an existing file in archive.
The important part is to be inside incoming, because else we'd had to strip the path prefix (which is possible, but in the above case unnecessary). In the above case, a value of $f typically looks like ./a/data.txt, and hence the redirection goes to ../archive/./a/data.txt.
run it on the current directory.
find ./incoming -type f | while read -r FILE
cat "$FILE" >> "$dest"
the one in incoming/c would not be appended though
Here's a version with proper quoting:
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
# acting as parent script
find incoming -type f -exec "$0" {} \;
# acting as child script
for in_file; do
if [ -f "$in_file" ]; then
test -d "$(dirname "$destfile")" || mkdir -p "$_"
cat "$in_file" >> "$destfile" &&
rm -f "$in_file"
