Use STL string with unicode - string

I am coding a plugin for autodesk 3dsmax and they recommend to use the _T(x) macro for every string literal to make it work with unicode as well. I am using the stl string class a lot in this code. So do I have to rewrite the code: string("foo") to: string(_T("foo")) ? Actually the stl string class doesnt have a constructor for wchars, so it doesnt make sense, does it?

Look at the definition of "T" macro - it expands to "L" in "Unicode" builds or nothing in "non-Unicode" builds. If you want to keep using the string calss and follow the recommendation for your plugin, your best bet is to use something like tstring which would follow the same rules.
But the truth is - all this "T" business made a lot of sense 10 years ago - all modern Windows versions are Unicode-only and you can just use wstring.

You could create an own string class say xstring and use the _T for constants and then internally, depending on unicode or not switch to string or wstring. either that or instantiate xstring<yourchartype>


What problems exist with using CAtlString in a Visual Studio project?

I'm working with a large codebase that is using a mix of ANSI characters and Unicode characters. Currently, there are like 13 home-rolled string classes in the project along with many home-rolled string manipulation functions (not sure why someone needed to write convert_to_upper that uses toupper).
I would like to standardize our string handling and from my past work with MFC, I really think using CAtlString is the best solution.
Ignoring the "I hate Microsoft" reasons, why would you suggest not using it and what alternative would you suggest?
One of the reasons I like CAtlSting is the easy handling of string conversion.
CAtlString myString;
myString = "Hello from ANSI";
myString = L"Hello from Unicode";
CAtlStringA ansiString("ANSI");
CAtlStringW unicodeString(ansiString); //Automatic translation to wide string
This kind of flexibility means we don't have to worry about what the string is. You just use the object.

Converting an ASTNode into code

How does one convert an ASTNode (or at least a CompilationUnit) into a valid piece of source code?
The documentation says that one shouldn't use toString, but doesn't mention any alternatives:
Returns a string representation of this node suitable for debugging purposes only.
CompilationUnits have rewrite, but that one does not work for ASTs created by hand.
Formatting options would be nice to have, but I'd basically be satisfied with anything that turns arbitrary ASTNodes into semantically equivalent source code.
In JDT the normal way for AST manipulation is to start with a basic CompilationUnit and then use a rewriter to add content. Then ASTRewriteAnalyzer / ASTRewriteFormatter should take care of creating formatted source code. Creating a CU just containing a stub type declaration shouldn't be hard, so that's one option.
If that doesn't suite your needs, you may want to experiement with directly calling the internal org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.dom.rewrite.ASTRewriteFlattener.asString(ASTNode, RewriteEventStore). If not editing existing files, you may probably ignore the events collected in the RewriteEventStore, just use the returned String.

Converting Unicode in Swift

I currently have a string as follows which I received through an API call:
\n\nIt\U2019s a great place to discover Berlin and a comfortable place
to come home to.
And I want to convert it into something like this which is more readable:
It's a great place to discover Berlin and a comfortable place to come
home to.
I've taken a look at this post, but that's manually writing down every conversion, and there may be more of these unicode scalar characters introduced.
What I understand is \u{2019} is unicode scalar, but the format for this is \U2019 and I'm quite confused. Are there any built in methods to do this conversion?
This answer suggests using the NSString method stringByFoldingWithOptions.
The Swift String class has a concept called a "view" which lets you operate on the string under different encodings. It's pretty neat, and there are some views that might help you.
If you're dealing with strings in Swift, read this excellent post by Mike Ash. He discusses the idea of what a string really is with great detail and has some helpful hints for Swift 2.
Assuming you are already splitting the string and can get the offending format separately:
func convertFormat(stringOrig: String) -> Character {
let subString = String(stringOrig.characters.split("U").map({$0})[1])
let scalarValue = Int(subString)
let scalar = UnicodeScalar(scalarValue!)
return Character(scalar)
This will convert the String "\U2019" to the Character represented by "\u{2019}".

How to add custom IntelliJ Language Injection to scala string-interpolation?

using Scala in IntelliJ, you can already do
var c = s"some ${compound * expression}"
and have proper syntax highlighting for the ${compound * expression}. Scala allows you to define custom string interpolaters, to do other things
var c = javascript"var x = [1, 2, 3]"
Does anyone know how to fiddle with the custom-language-injection functionality to nicely highlight these custom string interpolators? I've messed around with the stuff under the File->Settings->Language Injections but it seems really confusing, and I can't find any existing injections that do the magic string interpolation syntax. Presumably that one is hard coded (since it also has the nice code navigation features) but i'm hopeful there'll be some way of getting it to recognize the nice something"..." syntax and highlighting it nicely for me.
You could do it by hand for each string using the "light bulb", but if you want to do it automatically for each string interpolator, I think you will have to write your own plugin (which may take some time if it is your first plugin).
You may have better answers/help in JetBrains forums directly.

Delphi: Upgrade from 6 to XE2 - TStringList

We have to upgrade to XE2 (from Delphi6).
I collected many informations about this, but one of them isn't clear for me.
We are using String - what is AnsiString in XE.
As I know we must replace all (P)Ansi[String/Char] in our libraries to avoid the side effects of Unicode converts, and to we can compile our projects.
It is ok, but we are also using TStringList, and I don't found any TAnsiStringList class to change it simply... ;-)
What do you know about this? Can this cause problems too? Or this class have an option to preserve the strings?
(Ok, it seems to be 3 questions, but it is one only)
The program / OS language is hungarian, the charset is WIN-1250, what have some strange characters, like Ő, and Ű...
Thanks for your every information, link, etc.
1) 1st of all - WHY should u use AnsiStringList, rather than converting all your project to unicode-aware TStringList ? That should have certain detailed reasons, to suggest viable alternatives.
Unicode is a superset of windows-1250, windows-1251 and such.
Normally all you locale-specific string would be just losslessly converted to Unicode. IT is the opposite, Unicode to AnsiString, convertion that may loose data.
Explicit or implicit (like AnsiChar reduction in "if char-var in char-set")
You may have type-unsafe API like in DLLs, where compiler cannot check if you pass PChar or PAnsiChar, but you anyway should not pass objects liek TStrings into DLLs, there are BPLs for that.
So you probably just do not need TAnsiStringList
2) you can take TJclAnsiStringList from Jedi Code Library
3) You can use XE2 stock TList<AnsiString> type
