Using SQL "IN" Function in Excel - excel

Is there an "IN" type function like the one used in sql that can be used in excel? For example, if i am writing an If statement in excel and I want it to check the contents of a cell for 5 different words can i write something like:

You could use MATCH :
=MATCH(A1, {"word1","word2","word3","word4","word5"}, 0)
which will return the index of the matching item in the array list. The trailing 0 means it should be an exact match. It will return #N/A if it isn't there, so you can tag a IF(ISNA( onto the front to make it behave like your "IN":
=IF(ISNA(MATCH(A1, {"word1","word2","word3","word4","word5"}, 0)),"NO","YES")
Note the change in order of the "YES" and "NO"


I think an improvement on
would be to use
which is more like the SQL's IN clause.

Use the OR function. It operationes very similiar to what you are looking for.
Also doesn't require the ctrl+shift+enter when using.


How to extract unique values from an array EXCEPT specified values?

I am already abel to extract unique values, in excel, from an array using this function:
However, I want to specify certain values for excel not to return. Is there any way to specify values that I don't want to be found within the already specified "list"? The ideal outome would be something like this:
I am also using excel version 2101.
Any information is helpful, thanks!
From your example, I ASSUME you want to exclude the lines starting with Round.
I'm not sure if it is more efficient to filter a smaller list, as is done in the first formula; or to avoid using LET as is done in the second formula.
This can also be done using FILTERXML and TEXTJOIN which should be present in all Windows versions 2016+
=FILTERXML("<t><s>"&TEXTJOIN("</s><s>",,list)&"</s></t>","//s[not(starts-with(.,'Round')) and not(preceding-sibling::*=.)]")
the xPath
not(starts-with(.,'Round')) : should be obvious
Return only unique values:
and not(preceding-sibling::*=.) : do not return a node if any preceding-sibling matches the current node being tested

How to include Multiple IFs in Excel formula?

I have the formula below that has two IF Statements however it is given an error. Any help is appreciated.
What I am trying to Achieve is the following:
IF B11>65 and D15 >65 Then select value from D$47. IF B11<65 and D15<65 Then Select value from D$44. Else VLOOKUP(D15,Sheet!$A$2:$K$51,4,FALSE))
You can have multiple IF() calls embedded such as this:
=IF(AND(), Sheet!D$47, IF(AND(), Sheet!D$44, VLOOKUP())
The complete form in your case would be:
=IF(AND(B11>65,D15>65), Sheet!D$47, IF(AND(B11>61,D15>61), Sheet!D$44, VLOOKUP(D15,Sheet!$A$2:$K$51,4,FALSE)))
Basically, this uses the 'Else' clause as a means to add additional clauses. It is possible to do it the other way around but I personally find that harder to read.

Multiple "IF" statements in Excel but using the same phrase look up

I can not figure out how to put 2 of the same IF statement but with a different result in case is not there then to do the second combination.
The above formula is what I'm looking for. Incase xxxshrotform is not there I would like it to search for a xx5shortform. So I added the below to the second part of the formula:
Within the INDEX the xx5shortform exists but it is not finding it.
Use the IFERROR function to pass control over to a second MATCH function if the first is not found.
MATCH(Tracker!J2737&"xxshortform",TMParking_8_24!F:F,0))), "")
There was no indication as to what to return if C2737 does not equal XXX_SF nor what to do if the second match does not work.

Excel ISNUMBER Function with IF Statement

I have an Excel file I'm working with. There is a column that contains numbers and text, sometimes it's just one or the other. I'm trying to write a function that scans the left most part of the cell to see if it starts with a number. I thought I had it but apparently not. This is what I had:
=IF(ISNUMBER(LEFT(E8,1)), "True", "False")
This continues to throw me a "false" result even though that particular cell, E8, begins with a "3". What am I missing here?
Try this out:
Using the IF statement is redundant. The most simple and effective way to achieve your desired result is:
It will automatically return TRUE or FALSE
Note that you can achieve what you require with just the following:
If you do not LEFT(E8) evaluates to LEFT(E8,1) and multiplication by 1 throws an error on anything non-numeric
If you need your output as strings then update as per below:
Using ISNUMBER() is a good alternative to NOT(ISERROR())

Excel: search multiple strings then return value

I am using the following formula to search for a string and return a value
If I want to search for multiple strings whats the formula?, I've tried the following but it isn't returning anything
Try this:
Another way:
Use AND() if you require ALL substrings to match:
For starters, you're missing a ) on either formula. And for them to work anyway, you should, as Taosique pointed out, use =IF(OR(ISNUMBER(SEARCH( if you need just one substring, or =IF(AND(ISNUMBER(SEARCH( if you require both.
Good luck!
