Haskell "dependent" fields of a record? - haskell

I've got the following record defined:
data Option = Option {
a :: Maybe String,
b :: Either String Int
} deriving (Show)
Is there anyway for me to enforce that when a is Nothing, b must be a Left and when a is Just, b must be a Right? Maybe with phantom types, or something else? Or must I wrap the whole thing inside of an Either and make it Either String (String, Int) ?

You should just use two constructors for the two possible shapes:
data Option = NoA String | WithA String Int
Of course, you should give them better names, based on what they represent. Phantom types are definitely overkill here, and I would suggest avoiding Either — Left and Right are not very self-documenting constructor names.
If it makes sense to interpret both Either branches of the b field as representing the same data, then you should define a function that reflects this interpretation:
b :: Option -> MeaningOfB
b (NoA s) = ...
b (WithA t n) = ...
If you have fields that stay the same no matter what the choice, you should make a new data type with all of them, and include it in both constructors. If you make each constructor a record, you can give the common field the same name in every constructor, so that you can extract it from any Option value without having to pattern-match on it.
Basically, think about what it means for the string not to be present: what does it change about the other fields, and what stays the same? Whatever changes should go in the respective constructors; whatever stays the same should be factored out into its own type. (This is a good design principle in general!)
If you come from an OOP background, you can think about this in terms of reasoning with composition instead of inheritance — but try not to take the analogy too far.


Sum types - Why in Haskell is `show (Int | Double)` different than `(show Int) | (show Double)`

Why are these not equivalent?
show $ if someCondition then someInt else some double
if someCondition then show someInt else show someDouble
I understand that if you isolate the if ... else part in the first example to an expression by itself then you can't represent its type with an anonymous sum type, the kind of Int | Double, like something you could do easily in TypeScript (mentioning TypeScript because it is the langauge I used often and that supports Sum types), and would have to resort to using the Either data then based on it would call show.
The example I gave here is trivial but to me it makes more sense to think "Okay we are going to show something, and that something depends on someCondition" rather than "Okay if someCondition is true then show someInt otherwise show someDouble", and also allows for less code duplication (here the show is repeated twice but it could also be a long function application and instead of an if ... else there could be >2 branches to consider)
In my mind it should be easy for the compiler to check if each of the types that make the sum type (here Int | Double) could be used as a parameter to show function and decides if the types are correct or not. Even better is that show function always returns a string no matter the types of the parameters, so the compiler doesn't have to carry with it all the possible "branches" (so all the possible types).
Is it by choice that such a feature doesn't exist? Or is implementing it harder that I think?
All parts of an expression must be well-typed. The type of if someCondition then someInt else someDouble would have to be something like exists a. Show a => a, but Haskell doesn't support that kind of existential quantification.
Update: As chi points out in a comment, this would also be possible if Haskell had support for union/intersection types (which are not the same as sum/product types), but it unfortunately doesn't.
There are product types with lightweight syntax, written (,), in Haskell. One would thing that a sum type with a lightweight syntax, something like (Int | String), would be a great idea. The reality is more complicated. Let's see why (I'm taking some liberties with Num, they are not important).
if someCondition then 42 else "helloWorld"
If this should return a value of type like (Int | String), then what should the following return?
if someCondition then 42 else 0
(Int | Int) obviously, but if this is distinct from plain Int then we're in deep trouble. So (Int | Int) should be identical to plain Int.
One can immediately see that this is not just lightweight syntax for sum types, but a wholly new language feature. A different kind of type system if you will. Should we have one?
Let's look at this function.
mysteryType x a b = if x then a else b
Now what type does mysteryType have? Obviously
mysteryType :: Bool -> a -> b -> (a|b)
right? Now what if a and b are the same type?
let x = mysteryType True 42 0
This should be plain Int as we have agreed previously. Now mysteryType sometimes return an anonymous sum type, and sometimes it does not, depending on what arguments you pass. How would you pattern match such an expression? What on Earth can you do with it? Except trivial things like "show" (or whatever methods of other type-classes it would be an instance of), not a whole lot. Unless you add run-time type information to the language, that is, so typeof is available — and that make Haskell an entirely different language.
So yeah. Why isn't Haskell a TypeScript? Because we don't need another TypeScript. If you want TypeScript, you know where to find it.

understanding data structure in Haskell

I have a problem with a homework (the topic is : "functional data structures").
Please understand that I don't want anyone to solve my homework.
I just have a problem with understanding the structure of this :
data Heap e t = Heap {
empty :: t e,
insert :: e -> t e -> t e,
findMin :: t e -> Maybe e,
deleteMin :: t e -> Maybe (t e),
merge :: t e -> t e -> t e,
contains :: e -> t e -> Maybe Int
In my understanding "empty" "insert" and so on are functions which can applied to "Heap"-type data.
Now I just want to understand how that "Heap"thing looks like.
So I was typing things like :
a = Heap 42 42
But I get errors I can't really work with.
Maybe it is a dumb question and I'm just stuck at this point for no reason, but it is killing me at the moment.
Thankful to any help
If you truly wish to understand that type, you need to understand a few requisites first.
types and values (and functions)
Firstly, you need to understand what types and values are. I'm going to assume you understand this. You understand, for example, the separation between "hello" as a value and its type, String and you understand clearly what it means when I say a = "hello" :: String and:
a :: String
a = "hello"
If you don't understand that, then you need to research values and types in Haskell. There are a myriad of books that can help here, such as this one, which I helped to author: http://happylearnhaskelltutorial.com
I'm also going to assume you understand what functions and currying are, and how to use both of them.
polymorphic types
Secondly, as your example contains type variables, you'll need to understand what they are. That is, you need to understand what polymoprhic types are. So, for example, Maybe a, or Either a b, and you'll need to understand how Maybe String is different to Maybe Int and what Num a => [a] and even things like what Num a => [Maybe a] is.
Again, there are many free or paid books that can help, the example above covers this, too.
algebraic data types
Next up is algebraic data types. This is a pretty amazingly cool feature that Haskell has. Haskell-like languages such as Elm and Idris have it as well as others like Rust, too. It lets you define your own data types. These aren't just things like Structs in other languages, and yeah, they can even contain functions.
Maybe is actually an example of an algebraic data types. If you understand these, you'll know that:
data Direction = North | South | East | West
defines a data type called Direction whose values can only be one of North, South, East or West, and you'll know that you can also use the polymorhpic type variables above to parameterise your types like so:
data Tree a = EmptyNode | Node (Tree a) (Tree a)
which uses both optionality (as in the sum type of Direction above) as well as parameterization.
In addition to this, you can also have multiple types in each value. These are called product types, and Haskell's algebraic datatypes can be expressed as a combination of Sum types that can contain Product types. For example:
type Location = (Float, Float)
data ShapeNode = StringNode Location String | CircleNode Location Float | SquareNode Location Float Float
That is, each value can be one of StringNode, CircleNode or SquareNode, and in each case there are a different set of fields given to each value. To create a StringNode, for example, you'd need to pass the values of it constructor like this: StringNode (10.0, 5.3) "A String".
Again, the freely available books will go into much more detail about these things, but we're moving in the direction of getting more than a basic understanding of Haskell now.
Finally, in order to fully understand your example, you'll need to know about...
record types
Record types are the same as product types above, except that the fields are labelled rather than being anonymous. So, you could define the shape node data type like this, instead:
type Location = (Float, Float)
data ShapeNode
= StringNode { stringLocation :: Location, stringData :: String }
| CircleNode { circleLocation :: Location, radius :: Float }
| SquareNode { squareLocation :: Location, length :: Float, height :: Float }
Each field is named, and you can't repeat the same name inside data values.
All that you need in addition to this to understand the above example is to realise your example contains all of these things together, along with the fact that you have functions as your record field values in the data type you have.
It's a good idea to thoroughly flesh out your understanding and not skip any steps, then you'll be able to follow these kinds of things much more easily in the future. :) I wish you luck!
Heap is a record with six elements. In order to create a value of that type, you must supply all six elements. Assuming that you have appropriate values and functions, you can create a value like this:
myHeap = Heap myEmpty myInsert myFindMin myDeleteMin myMerge myContains
The doesn't seem like idiomatic Haskell design, however. Why not define generic functions independent of the data, or, if they must be bundled together, a typeclass?

What is the name for the contrary of Tuple or Either with more than two options?

There is a Tuple as a Product of any number of types and there is an Either as a Sum of two types. What is the name for a Sum of any number of types, something like this
data Thing a b c d ... = Thing1 a | Thing2 b | Thing3 c | Thing4 d | ...
Is there any standard implementation?
Before I make the suggestion against using such types, let me explain some background.
Either is a sum type, and a pair or 2-tuple is a product type. Sums and products can exist over arbitrarily many underlying types (sets). However, in Haskell, only tuples come in a variety of sizes out of the box. Either on the other hand, can to be (arbitrarily) nested to achieve that: Either Foo (Either Bar Baz).
Of course it's easy to instead define e.g. the types Either3 and Either4 etc, in the spirit of 3-tuples, 4-tuples and so on.
data Either3 a b c = Left a | Middle b | Right c
data Either4 a b c d = LeftMost a | Left b | Right c | RightMost d
...if you really want. Or you can find a library the does this, but I doubt you could call it "standard" by any standards...
However, if you do define your own generic sum and product types, they will be completely isomorphic to any type that is structurally equivalent, regardless of where it is defined. This means that you can, with relative ease, nicely adapt your code to interface with any other code that uses an alternative definition.
Furthermore, it is even very likely to be beneficial because that way you can give more meaningful, descriptive names to your sum and product types, instead of going with the generic tuple and either. In fact, some people advise for using custom types because it essentially adds static type safety. This also applies to non-sum/product types, e.g.:
employment :: Bool -- so which one is unemplyed and which one is employed?
data Empl = Employed | Unemployed
employment' :: Empl -- no ambiguity
person :: (Name, Age) -- yeah but when you see ("Erik", 29), is it just some random pair of name and age, or does it represent a person?
data Person = Person { name :: Name, age :: Age }
person' :: Person -- no ambiguity
— above, Person really encodes a product type, but with more meaning attached to it. You can also do newtype Person = Person (Name, Age), and it's actually quite equivalent anyway. So I always just prefer a nice and intention-revealing custom type. The same goes about Either and custom sum types.
So basically, Haskell gives you all the tools necessary to quickly build your own custom types with very clean and readable syntax, so it's best if we use it not resort to primitive types like tuples and either. However, it's nice to know about this isomorphism, for example in the context of generic programming. If you want to know more about that, you can google up "scrap your boilerplate" and "template your boilerplate" and just "(datatype) generic programming".
P.S. The reason they are called sum and product types respectively is that they correspond to set-union (sum) and set-product. Therefore, the number of values (or unique instances if you will) in the set that is described by the product type (a, b) is the product of the number of values in a and the number of values in b. For example (Bool, Bool) has exactly 2*2 values: (True, True), (False, False), (True, False), (False, True).
However Either Bool Bool has 2+2 values, Left True, Left False, Right True, Right False. So it happens to be the same number but that's obviously not the case in general.
But of course this can also be said about our custom Person product type, so again, there is little reason to use Either and tuples.
There are some predefined versions in HaXml package with OneOfN, TwoOfN, .. constructors.
In a generic context, this is usually done inductively, using Either or
data (:+:) f g a = L1 (f a) | R1 (g a)
The latter is defined in GHC.Generics to match the funny way it handles things.
In fact, the generic approach is to break every algebraic datatype down into (:+:) and
data (:*:) f g a = f a :*: f a
along with some extra stuff. That is, it turns everything into binary sums and binary products.
In a more concrete context, you're almost always better off using a custom algebraic datatype for things bigger than pairs or with more options than Either, as others have discussed. Slightly larger tuples (triples and maybe 4-tuples) can be useful for local one-off constructs, but it's hard to see how you'd use larger general sum types as one-offs.
Such a type is usually called a sum, variant, union, or tagged union type. Because the capability is a built-in feature of data types in Haskell, there's no name for it widely used in Haskell code. The Report only calls them "algebraic datatypes" (usually abbreviated to ADT), so that's the name you'll see most often in comments, but this name includes types with only one data constructor, which are only sum types in the trivial sense.

Why do I have to use newtype when my data type declaration only has one constructor? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Difference between `data` and `newtype` in Haskell
(2 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
It seems that a newtype definition is just a data definition that obeys some restrictions (e.g., only one constructor), and that due to these restrictions the runtime system can handle newtypes more efficiently. And the handling of pattern matching for undefined values is slightly different.
But suppose Haskell would only knew data definitions, no newtypes: couldn't the compiler find out for itself whether a given data definition obeys these restrictions, and automatically treat it more efficiently?
I'm sure I'm missing out on something, there must be some deeper reason for this.
Both newtype and the single-constructor data introduce a single value constructor, but the value constructor introduced by newtype is strict and the value constructor introduced by data is lazy. So if you have
data D = D Int
newtype N = N Int
Then N undefined is equivalent to undefined and causes an error when evaluated. But D undefined is not equivalent to undefined, and it can be evaluated as long as you don't try to peek inside.
Couldn't the compiler handle this for itself.
No, not really—this is a case where as the programmer you get to decide whether the constructor is strict or lazy. To understand when and how to make constructors strict or lazy, you have to have a much better understanding of lazy evaluation than I do. I stick to the idea in the Report, namely that newtype is there for you to rename an existing type, like having several different incompatible kinds of measurements:
newtype Feet = Feet Double
newtype Cm = Cm Double
both behave exactly like Double at run time, but the compiler promises not to let you confuse them.
According to Learn You a Haskell:
Instead of the data keyword, the newtype keyword is used. Now why is
that? Well for one, newtype is faster. If you use the data keyword to
wrap a type, there's some overhead to all that wrapping and unwrapping
when your program is running. But if you use newtype, Haskell knows
that you're just using it to wrap an existing type into a new type
(hence the name), because you want it to be the same internally but
have a different type. With that in mind, Haskell can get rid of the
wrapping and unwrapping once it resolves which value is of what type.
So why not just use newtype all the time instead of data then? Well,
when you make a new type from an existing type by using the newtype
keyword, you can only have one value constructor and that value
constructor can only have one field. But with data, you can make data
types that have several value constructors and each constructor can
have zero or more fields:
data Profession = Fighter | Archer | Accountant
data Race = Human | Elf | Orc | Goblin
data PlayerCharacter = PlayerCharacter Race Profession
When using newtype, you're restricted to just one constructor with one
Now consider the following type:
data CoolBool = CoolBool { getCoolBool :: Bool }
It's your run-of-the-mill algebraic data type that was defined with
the data keyword. It has one value constructor, which has one field
whose type is Bool. Let's make a function that pattern matches on a
CoolBool and returns the value "hello" regardless of whether the Bool
inside the CoolBool was True or False:
helloMe :: CoolBool -> String
helloMe (CoolBool _) = "hello"
Instead of applying this function to a normal CoolBool, let's throw it a curveball and apply it to undefined!
ghci> helloMe undefined
"*** Exception: Prelude.undefined
Yikes! An exception! Now why did this exception happen? Types defined
with the data keyword can have multiple value constructors (even
though CoolBool only has one). So in order to see if the value given
to our function conforms to the (CoolBool _) pattern, Haskell has to
evaluate the value just enough to see which value constructor was used
when we made the value. And when we try to evaluate an undefined
value, even a little, an exception is thrown.
Instead of using the data keyword for CoolBool, let's try using
newtype CoolBool = CoolBool { getCoolBool :: Bool }
We don't have to
change our helloMe function, because the pattern matching syntax is
the same if you use newtype or data to define your type. Let's do the
same thing here and apply helloMe to an undefined value:
ghci> helloMe undefined
It worked! Hmmm, why is that? Well, like we've said, when we use
newtype, Haskell can internally represent the values of the new type
in the same way as the original values. It doesn't have to add another
box around them, it just has to be aware of the values being of
different types. And because Haskell knows that types made with the
newtype keyword can only have one constructor, it doesn't have to
evaluate the value passed to the function to make sure that it
conforms to the (CoolBool _) pattern because newtype types can only
have one possible value constructor and one field!
This difference in behavior may seem trivial, but it's actually pretty
important because it helps us realize that even though types defined
with data and newtype behave similarly from the programmer's point of
view because they both have value constructors and fields, they are
actually two different mechanisms. Whereas data can be used to make
your own types from scratch, newtype is for making a completely new
type out of an existing type. Pattern matching on newtype values isn't
like taking something out of a box (like it is with data), it's more
about making a direct conversion from one type to another.
Here's another source. According to this Newtype article:
A newtype declaration creates a new type in much the same way as data.
The syntax and usage of newtypes is virtually identical to that of
data declarations - in fact, you can replace the newtype keyword with
data and it'll still compile, indeed there's even a good chance your
program will still work. The converse is not true, however - data can
only be replaced with newtype if the type has exactly one constructor
with exactly one field inside it.
Some Examples:
newtype Fd = Fd CInt
-- data Fd = Fd CInt would also be valid
-- newtypes can have deriving clauses just like normal types
newtype Identity a = Identity a
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
-- record syntax is still allowed, but only for one field
newtype State s a = State { runState :: s -> (s, a) }
-- this is *not* allowed:
-- newtype Pair a b = Pair { pairFst :: a, pairSnd :: b }
-- but this is:
data Pair a b = Pair { pairFst :: a, pairSnd :: b }
-- and so is this:
newtype Pair' a b = Pair' (a, b)
Sounds pretty limited! So why does anyone use newtype?
The short version The restriction to one constructor with one field
means that the new type and the type of the field are in direct
State :: (s -> (a, s)) -> State s a
runState :: State s a -> (s -> (a, s))
or in mathematical terms they are isomorphic. This means that after
the type is checked at compile time, at run time the two types can be
treated essentially the same, without the overhead or indirection
normally associated with a data constructor. So if you want to declare
different type class instances for a particular type, or want to make
a type abstract, you can wrap it in a newtype and it'll be considered
distinct to the type-checker, but identical at runtime. You can then
use all sorts of deep trickery like phantom or recursive types without
worrying about GHC shuffling buckets of bytes for no reason.
See the article for the messy bits...
Simple version for folks obsessed with bullet lists (failed to find one, so have to write it by myself):
data - creates new algebraic type with value constructors
Can have several value constructors
Value constructors are lazy
Values can have several fields
Affects both compilation and runtime, have runtime overhead
Created type is a distinct new type
Can have its own type class instances
When pattern matching against value constructors, WILL be evaluated at least to weak head normal form (WHNF) *
Used to create new data type (example: Address { zip :: String, street :: String } )
newtype - creates new “decorating” type with value constructor
Can have only one value constructor
Value constructor is strict
Value can have only one field
Affects only compilation, no runtime overhead
Created type is a distinct new type
Can have its own type class instances
When pattern matching against value constructor, CAN be not evaluated at all *
Used to create higher level concept based on existing type with distinct set of supported operations or that is not interchangeable with original type (example: Meter, Cm, Feet is Double)
type - creates an alternative name (synonym) for a type (like typedef in C)
No value constructors
No fields
Affects only compilation, no runtime overhead
No new type is created (only a new name for existing type)
Can NOT have its own type class instances
When pattern matching against data constructor, behaves the same as original type
Used to create higher level concept based on existing type with the same set of supported operations (example: String is [Char])
[*] On pattern matching laziness:
data DataBox a = DataBox Int
newtype NewtypeBox a = NewtypeBox Int
dataMatcher :: DataBox -> String
dataMatcher (DataBox _) = "data"
newtypeMatcher :: NewtypeBox -> String
newtypeMatcher (NewtypeBox _) = "newtype"
ghci> dataMatcher undefined
"*** Exception: Prelude.undefined
ghci> newtypeMatcher undefined
Off the top of my head; data declarations use lazy evaluation in access and storage of their "members", whereas newtype does not. Newtype also strips away all previous type instances from its components, effectively hiding its implementation; whereas data leaves the implementation open.
I tend to use newtype's when avoiding boilerplate code in complex data types where I don't necessarily need access to the internals when using them. This speeds up both compilation and execution, and reduces code complexity where the new type is used.
When first reading about this I found this chapter of a Gentle Introduction to Haskell rather intuitive.

How to convert my thoughts in OOP to Haskell?

For example, I have a container type to hold elements with common character. And I also provide some types to be the element. And I also want this function to be easily extended (others could make their own element type and be hold by my container).
So I do:
class ElementClass
data E1 = E1 String
instance ElementClass E1
data E2 = E2 Int
instance ElementClass E2
data Element = forall e. (ElementClass e) => Element e
data Container = Container [Element]
This is fine until I need to deal with the element individually. Due to forall, function "f :: Element -> IO ()" has no way to know what element it is exactly.
What is the proper way to do this in Haskell style?
to know what element it is exactly
To know that, you should of course use a simple ADT
data Element' = E1Element E1
| E2Element E2
| ...
this way, you can pattern-match on which one it is in your container.
Now, that clashes with
others could make their own element type and be hold by my container
and it must clash! When other people are allowed to add new types to the list of elements, there's no way to safely match all possible cases. So if you want to match, the only correct thing is to have a closed set of possibilities, as an ADT gives you.
OTOH, with an existential like you originally had in mind, the class of allowed types is open. That's ok, but only because the exact type isn't in fact accessible but only the common interface defined by forall e. ElementClass e.
Existentials are indeed a bit frowned-upon in Haskell, because they are so OO-ish. But sometimes this is quite the right thing to do, your application might be a good case.
Ok I'll try to help a bit.
First: I assume you have these data types:
data E1 = E1 String
data E2 = E2 Int
And you have a sensible operation on both that I'll call say:
say1 :: E1 -> String -> String
say1 (E1 s) msg = msg ++ s
say2 :: E2 -> String -> String
say2 (E2 i) msg = msg ++ show i
So what you can do without any type-classes or stuff is this:
type Messanger = String -> String
and instead of having a container with lot's of E1 and E2, instead use a container with Messagners:
sayHello :: [Messanger] -> String
sayHello = map ($ "Hello, ")
sayHello [say1 (E1 "World"), say2 (E2 42)]
> ["Hello, World","Hello, 42"]
I hope this helps you a bit - the thing is just going away from the object and looking at the operations instead.
So instead of pushing the objects/data to a function that should work with the objects data and behaviour just use a common "interface" to do your stuff.
If you give me some better example of classes and methods (for example two types that might indeed share some traits or behaviour - String and Int are really lacking on this) I will update my answer.
First of all, make sure you read and understand "Haskell Antipattern: Existential Typeclass". Your example code is more complex than it needs to be.
Basically, you're asking how to perform the equivalent of a downcast in Haskell—cast a value from a supertype to a subtype. This sort of operation can intrinsically fail, so the type is something like Element -> Maybe E1.
The first question to ask here is: do you really need to? There are two complementary alternatives to this. First: you can formulate your "supertype" in such a way that it only ever has a finite, fixed number of "subtypes." Then you implement your type just as a union:
data Element = E1 String | E2 Int
And every time you want to use an Element you pattern match and presto, you have the case-specific data:
processElement :: Element -> whatever
processElement (E1 str) = ...
processElement (E2 i) = ...
The downsides to this approach are that:
Your union type can only have a fixed set of subcases.
Every time you add a subcase you will have to modify all the existing operations to add an extra matching case for it.
The upsides are:
By enumerating all the subcases in your type, you can use the compiler to tell you when you've missed one.
Adding a new operation is easy, and doesn't require you to modify any existing code.
The second way you can go is to reformulate the type as an "interface". By this I mean your type is now going to be modeled as a record type, each of whose fields constitutes a "method":
data Element = Element { say :: String }
-- A "constructor" for your first subcase
makeE1 :: String -> Element
makeE1 str = Element str
-- A "constructor" for your second subcase
makeE2 :: Int -> Element
makeE2 i = Element (show i)
This has the upside that you now can have as many subcases as you want, and you can easily add them without modifying existing operations. It has these two downsides:
If you need to add new operations, you will have to add a "method" (field) to the Element type, and modify every existing function that constructs an Element.
Consumers of the Element type can never tell which subcase they're dealing with, or get information specific to this subcase. E.g., a consumer can't tell a particular Element started was constructed with makeE2, much less extract the Int that such an Element encapsulates.
(Note that your example with existentials is equivalent to this "interface" approach, and shares the same advantages and limitations. It's just needlessly verbose.)
But if you really insist on having the equivalent of a downcast, there is a third alternative: use the Data.Dynamic module. A Dynamic value is an immutable container that holds a single value of any type that instantiates the Typeable class (which GHC can derive for you). Example:
data E1 = E1 String deriving Typeable
data E2 = E2 Int deriving Typeable
newtype Element = Element Dynamic
makeE1 :: String -> Element
makeE1 str = Element (toDyn (E1 str))
makeE2 :: Int -> Element
makeE2 i = Element (toDyn (E2 i))
-- Cast an Element to E1
toE1 :: Element -> Maybe E1
toE1 (Element dyn) = fromDynamic dyn
-- Cast an Element to E2
toE2 :: Element -> Maybe E2
toE2 (Element dyn) = fromDynamic dyn
-- Cast an Element to whichever type the context expects
fromElement :: Typeable a => Element -> Maybe a
fromElement (Element dyn) = fromDynamic dyn
This is the closest solution to the OOP downcasting operation. The downside to this is that downcasts are inherently not type safe. Let's go back to the case where, some months later, you need to add an E3 subcase to your code. Well, the problem now is you have a lot of functions sprinkled throughout the code that are testing whether an Element is an E1 or an E2, which were written before E3 ever existed. How many of these functions will break when you add this third subcase? Good luck, because the compiler has no way of helping you!
Note that this three-alternative scenario I've described also exists in OOP, with these three alternatives:
The OOP counterpart to union type is the Visitor pattern, which is meant to make it easy to add new operations to a type without having to modify its subclasses. (Well, relatively easy. The Visitor pattern is hella verbose.)
The OOP counterpart to the "interface" solution is to code 100% to an interface (or abstract class). This means not only that you use an interface—it also means that your client code never "peeks under the interface" to see what the actual implementation classes are; it relies entirely on the interface methods and their contracts.
The OOP counterpart to the Dynamic solution is to use downcasting. It has the same downsides as I explained above—somebody can come in and add a new subclass, and code that "peeks" at the runtime subtype may not be ready to handle this.
So to the broader question of how to change from OOP thinking to Haskell thinking, I think this comparison provides a good starting point. OOP and Haskell provide all three alternatives. OOP makes #3 very easy, but that basically gives you rope to hang yourself with; #2 is what many OOP gurus would recommend you do, and it can be achieved if you are disciplined; but #1 in OOP gets very verbose. Haskell makes #1 easiest; #2 is not much harder to implement, but requires more careful forethought ("am I providing the correct operations for all users of this type?"); #3 is the one that's a bit verbose and against the grain of the language.
