So the short version of my question is, how are we supposed to encode loops in Haskell, in general? There is no tail optimization guarantee in Haskell, bang patterns aren't even a part of the standard (right?), and fold/unfold paradigm is not guaranteed to work in all situation. Here's case in point were only bang-patterns did the trick for me of making it run in constant space (not even using $! helped ... although the testing was done at which uses ghc-6.8.2).
It is basically about a nested loop, which in list-paradigm can be stated as
prod (sum,concat) . unzip $
[ (c, [r | t]) | k<-[0..kmax], j<-[0..jmax], let (c,r,t)=...]
prod (f,g) x = (f.fst $ x, g.snd $ x)
Or in pseudocode:
let list_store = [] in
for k from 0 to kmax
for j from 0 to jmax
if test(k,j)
list_store += [entry(k,j)]
count += local_count(k,j)
result = (count, list_store)
Until I added the bang-pattern to it, I got either a memory blow-out or even a stack overflow. But bang patterns are not part of the standard, right? So the question is, how is one to code the above, in standard Haskell, to run in constant space?
Here is the test code. The calculation is fake, but the problems are the same. EDIT: The foldr-formulated code is:
testR m n = foldr f (0,[])
[ (c, [(i,j) | (i+j) == d ])
| i<- [0..m], j<-[0..n],
let c = if (rem j 3) == 0 then 2 else 1 ]
where d = m + n - 3
f (!c1, []) (!c, h) = (c1+c,h)
f (!c1, (x:_)) (!c, h) = (c1+c,x:h)
Trying to run print $ testR 1000 1000 produces stack overflow. Changing to foldl only succeeds if using bang-patterns in f, but it builds the list in reversed order. I'd like to build it lazily, and in the right order. Can it be done with any kind of fold, for the idiomatic solution?
EDIT: to sum up the answer I got from #ehird: there's nothing to fear using bang pattern. Though not in standard Haskell itself it is easily encoded in it as f ... c ... = case (seq c False) of {True -> undefined; _ -> ...}. The lesson is, only pattern match forces a value, and seq does NOT force anything by itself, but rather arranges that when seq x y is forced - by a pattern match - x will be forced too, and y will be the answer. Contrary to what I could understand from the Online Report, $! does NOT force anything by itself, though it is called a "strict application operator".
And the point from #stephentetley - strictness is very important in controlling the space behaviour. So it is perfectly OK to encode loops in Haskell with proper usage of strictness annotations with bang patterns, where needed, to write any kind of special folding (i.e. structure-consuming) function that is needed - like I ended up doing in the first place - and rely on GHC to optimize the code.
Thank you very much to all for your help.
Bang patterns are simply sugar for seq — whenever you see let !x = y in z, that can be translated into let x = y in x `seq` z. seq is standard, so there's no issue with translating programs that use bang patterns into a portable form.
It is true that Haskell makes no guarantees about performance — the report does not even define an evaluation order (only that it must be non-strict), let alone the existence or behaviour of a runtime stack. However, while the report doesn't specify a specific method of implementation, you can certainly optimise for one.
For example, call-by-need (and thus sharing) is used by all Haskell implementations in practice, and is vital for optimising Haskell code for memory usage and speed. Indeed, the pure memoisation trick1 (as relies on sharing (without it, it'll just slow things down).
This basic structure lets us see, for example, that stack overflows are caused by building up too-large thunks. Since you haven't posted your entire code, I can't tell you how to rewrite it without bang patterns, but I suspect [ (c, [r | t]) | ... ] should become [ c `seq` r `seq` t `seq` (c, [r | t]) | ... ]. Of course, bang patterns are more convenient; that's why they're such a common extension! (On the other hand, you probably don't need to force all of those; knowing what to force is entirely dependent on the specific structure of the code, and wildly adding bang patterns to everything usually just slows things down.)
Indeed, "tail recursion" per se does not mean all that much in Haskell: if your accumulator parameters aren't strict, you'll overflow the stack when you later try to force them, and indeed, thanks to laziness, many non-tail-recursive programs don't overflow the stack; printing repeat 1 won't ever overflow the stack, even though the definition — repeat x = x : repeat x — clearly has recursion in a non-tail position. This is because (:) is lazy in its second argument; if you traverse the list, you'll have constant space usage, as the repeat x thunks are forced, and the previous cons cells are thrown away by the garbage collector.
On a more philosophical note, tail-recursive loops are generally considered suboptimal in Haskell. In general, rather than iteratively computing a result in steps, we prefer to generate a structure with all the step-equivalents at the leaves, and do a transformation (like a fold) on it to produce the final result. This is a much higher-level view of things, made efficient by laziness (the structure is built up and garbage-collected as it's processed, rather than all at once).2
This can take some getting used to at first, and it certainly doesn't work in all cases — extremely complicated loop structures might be a pain to translate efficiently3 — but directly translating tail-recursive loops into Haskell can be painful precisely because it isn't really all that idiomatic.
As far as the paste you linked to goes, id $! x doesn't work to force anything because it's the same as x `seq` id x, which is the same as x `seq` x, which is the same as x. Basically, whenever x `seq` y is forced, x is forced, and the result is y. You can't use seq to just force things at arbitrary points; you use it to cause the forcing of thunks to depend on other thunks.
In this case, the problem is that you're building up a large thunk in c, so you probably want to make auxk and auxj force it; a simple method would be to add a clause like auxj _ _ c _ | seq c False = undefined to the top of the definition. (The guard is always checked, forcing c to be evaluated, but always results in False, so the right-hand side is never evaluated.)
Personally, I would suggest keeping the bang pattern you have in the final version, as it's more readable, but f c _ | seq c False = undefined would work just as well too.
1 See Elegant memoization with functional memo tries and the data-memocombinators library.
2 Indeed, GHC can often even eliminate the intermediate structure entirely using fusion and deforestation, producing machine code similar to how the computation would be written in a low-level imperative language.
3 Although if you have such loops, it's quite possible that this style of programming will help you simplify them — laziness means that you can easily separate independent parts of a computation out into separate structures, then filter and combine them, without worrying that you'll be duplicating work by making intermediate computations that will later be thrown away.
OK let's work from the ground up here.
You have a list of entries
entries = [(k,j) | j <- [0..jmax], k <- [0..kmax]]
And based on those indexes, you have tests and counts
tests m n = map (\(k,j) -> j + k == m + n - 3) entries
counts = map (\(_,j) -> if (rem j 3) == 0 then 2 else 1) entries
Now you want to build up two things: a "total" count, and the list of entries that "pass" the test. The problem, of course, is that you want to generate the latter lazily, while the former (to avoid exploding the stack) should be evaluated strictly.
If you evaluate these two things separately, then you must either 1) prevent sharing entries (generate it twice, once for each calculation), or 2) keep the entire entries list in memory. If you evaluate them together, then you must either 1) evaluate strictly, or 2) have a lot of stack space for the huge thunk created for the count. Option #2 for both cases is rather bad. Your imperative solution deals with this problem simply by evaluating simultaneously and strictly. For a solution in Haskell, you could take Option #1 for either the separate or the simultaneous evaluation. Or you could show us your "real" code and maybe we could help you find a way to rearrange your data dependencies; it may turn out you don't need the total count, or something like that.
Haskell is functional and pure, so basically it has all the properties needed for a compiler to be able to tackle implicit parallelism.
Consider this trivial example:
f = do
a <- Just 1
b <- Just $ Just 2
-- ^ The above line does not utilize an `a` variable, so it can be safely
-- executed in parallel with the preceding line
c <- b
-- ^ The above line references a `b` variable, so it can only be executed
-- sequentially after it
return (a, c)
-- On the exit from a monad scope we wait for all computations to finish and
-- gather the results
Schematically the execution plan can be described as:
| |
a <- Just 1 b <- Just $ Just 2
| |
| c <- b
| |
return (a, c)
Why is there no such functionality implemented in the compiler with a flag or a pragma yet? What are the practical reasons?
This is a long studied topic. While you can implicitly derive parallelism in Haskell code, the problem is that there is too much parallelism, at too fine a grain, for current hardware.
So you end up spending effort on book keeping, not running things faster.
Since we don't have infinite parallel hardware, it is all about picking the right granularity -- too
coarse and there will be idle processors, too fine and the overheads
will be unacceptable.
What we have is more coarse grained parallelism (sparks) suitable for generating thousands or millions of parallel tasks (so not at the instruction level), which map down onto the mere handful of cores we typically have available today.
Note that for some subsets (e.g. array processing) there are fully automatic parallelization libraries with tight cost models.
For background on this see Feedback Directed Implicit Parallelism, where they introduce an automated approach to the insertion of par in arbitrary Haskell programs.
While your code block may not be the best example due to implicit data
dependence between the a and b, it is worth noting that these two
bindings commute in that
f = do
a <- Just 1
b <- Just $ Just 2
will give the same results
f = do
b <- Just $ Just 2
a <- Just 1
so this could still be parallelized in a speculative fashion. It is worth noting that
this does not need to have anything to do with monads. We could, for instance, evaluate
all independent expressions in a let-block in parallel or we could introduce a
version of let that would do so. The lparallel library for Common Lisp does this.
Now, I am by no means an expert on the subject, but this is my understanding
of the problem.
A major stumbling block is determining when it is advantageous to parallelize the
evaluation of multiple expressions. There is overhead associated with starting
the separate threads for evaluation, and, as your example shows, it may result
in wasted work. Some expressions may be too small to make parallel evaluation
worth the overhead. As I understand it, coming up will a fully accurate metric
of the cost of an expression would amount to solving the halting problem, so
you are relegated to using an heuristic approach to determining what to
evaluate in parallel.
Then it is not always faster to throw more cores at a problem. Even when
explicitly parallelizing a problem with the many Haskell libraries available,
you will often not see much speedup just by evaluating expressions in parallel
due to heavy memory allocation and usage and the strain this puts on the garbage
collector and CPU cache. You end up needing a nice compact memory layout and
to traverse your data intelligently. Having 16 threads traverse linked lists will
just bottleneck you at your memory bus and could actually make things slower.
At the very least, what expressions can be effectively parallelized is something that is
not obvious to many programmers (at least it isn't to this one), so getting a compiler to
do it effectively is non-trivial.
Short answer: Sometimes running stuff in parallel turns out to be slower, not faster. And figuring out when it is and when it isn't a good idea is an unsolved research problem.
However, you still can be "suddenly utilizing all those cores without ever bothering with threads, deadlocks and race conditions". It's not automatic; you just need to give the compiler some hints about where to do it! :-D
One of the reason is because Haskell is non-strict and it does not evaluate anything by default. In general the compiler does not know that computation of a and b terminates hence trying to compute it would be waste of resources:
x :: Maybe ([Int], [Int])
x = Just undefined
y :: Maybe ([Int], [Int])
y = Just (undefined, undefined)
z :: Maybe ([Int], [Int])
z = Just ([0], [1..])
a :: Maybe ([Int], [Int])
a = undefined
b :: Maybe ([Int], [Int])
b = Just ([0], map fib [0..])
where fib 0 = 1
fib 1 = 1
fib n = fib (n - 1) + fib (n - 2)
Consider it for the following functions
main1 x = case x of
Just _ -> putStrLn "Just"
Nothing -> putStrLn "Nothing"
(a, b) part does not need to be evaluated. As soon as you get that x = Just _ you can proceed to branch - hence it will work for all values but a
main2 x = case x of
Just (_, _) -> putStrLn "Just"
Nothing -> putStrLn "Nothing"
This function enforces evaluation of tuple. Hence x will terminate with error while rest will work.
main3 x = case x of
Just (a, b) -> print a >> print b
Nothing -> putStrLn "Nothing"
This function will first print first list and then second. It will work for z (resulting in printing infinite stream of numbers but Haskell can deal with it). b will eventually run out of memory.
Now in general you don't know if computation terminates or not and how many resources it will consume. Infinite lists are perfectly fine in Haskell:
main = maybe (return ()) (print . take 5 . snd) b -- Prints first 5 Fibbonacci numbers
Hence spawning threads to evaluate expression in Haskell might try to evaluate something which is not meant to be evaluated fully - say list of all primes - yet programmers use as part of structure. The above examples are very simple and you may argue that compiler could notice them - however it is not possible in general due to Halting problem (you cannot write program which takes arbitrary program and its input and check if it terminates) - therefore it is not safe optimization.
In addition - which was mentioned by other answers - it is hard to predict whether the overhead of additional thread are worth engaging. Even though GHC doesn't spawn new threads for sparks using green threading (with fixed number of kernel threads - setting aside a few exceptions) you still need to move data from one core to another and synchronize between them which can be quite costly.
However Haskell do have guided parallelization without breaking the purity of language by par and similar functions.
Actually there was such attempt but not on common hardware due to the low available quantity of cores. The project is called Reduceron. It runs Haskell code with a high level of parallelism. In case it was ever released as a proper 2 GHz ASIC core, we'd have a serious breakthrough in Haskell execution speed.
Consider this function:
f as = if length as > 100 then length as else 100
Since the function is pure it's obvious that the length will be the same in both calls. My question is does Haskell optimizer turn the code above into equivalent of the following?
f as =
let l = length as
in if l > 100 then l else 100
If it does, then which level setting enables it? If it doesn't, then why? In this scenario a memory waste can't be the reason as explained in this answer, because the introduced variable gets released as soon as the function execution is finished.
Please note that this is not a duplicate of this question because of the local scope, and thus it may get a radically different answer.
GHC now does some CSE by default, as the -fcse flag is on.
On by default.. Enables the common-sub-expression elimination
optimisation. Switching this off can be useful if you have some
unsafePerformIO expressions that you don't want commoned-up.
However, it is conservative, due to the problems with introducing sharing (and thus space leaks).
The CSE pass is getting a bit better though (and this).
Finally, note there is a plugin for full CSE.
If you have code that could benefit from that.
Even in such a local setting, it is still the case that it is not obvious that the introduction of sharing is always an optimization. Consider this example definition
f = if length [1 .. 1000000] > 0 then head [1 .. 1000000] else 0
vs. this one
f = let xs = [1 .. 1000000] in if length xs > 0 then head xs else 0
and you'll find that in this case, the first behaves much better, as each of the computations performed on the list is cheap, whereas the second version will cause the list to be unfolded completely in memory by length, and it can only be discarded after head has been reduced.
The case you are describing has more to do with common subexpression elimination than memoization, however it seems that GHC currently doesn't do that either because unintended sharing might lead to space leaks.
I've seen many examples in functional languages about processing a list and constructing a function to do something with its elements after receiving some additional value (usually not present at the time the function was generated), such as:
Calculating the difference between each element and the average
(the last 2 examples under "Lazy Evaluation")
Staging a list append in strict functional languages such as ML/OCaml, to avoid traversing the first list more than once
(the section titled "Staging")
Comparing a list to another with foldr (i.e. generating a function to compare another list to the first)
listEq a b = foldr comb null a b
where comb x frec [] = False
comb x frec (e:es) = x == e && frec es
cmp1To10 = listEq [1..10]
In all these examples, the authors generally remark the benefit of traversing the original list only once. But I can't keep myself from thinking "sure, instead of traversing a list of N elements, you are traversing a chain of N evaluations, so what?". I know there must be some benefit to it, could someone explain it please?
Edit: Thanks to both for the answers. Unfortunately, that's not what I wanted to know. I'll try to clarify my question, so it's not confused with the (more common) one about creating intermediate lists (which I already read about in various places). Also thanks for correcting my post formatting.
I'm interested in the cases where you construct a function to be applied to a list, where you don't yet have the necessary value to evaluate the result (be it a list or not). Then you can't avoid generating references to each list element (even if the list structure is not referenced anymore). And you have the same memory accesses as before, but you don't have to deconstruct the list (pattern matching).
For example, see the "staging" chapter in the mentioned ML book. I've tried it in ML and Racket, more specifically the staged version of "append" which traverses the first list and returns a function to insert the second list at the tail, without traversing the first list many times. Surprisingly for me, it was much faster even considering it still had to copy the list structure as the last pointer was different on each case.
The following is a variant of map which after applied to a list, it should be faster when changing the function. As Haskell is not strict, I would have to force the evaluation of listMap [1..100000] in cachedList (or maybe not, as after the first application it should still be in memory).
listMap = foldr comb (const [])
where comb x rest = \f -> f x : rest f
cachedList = listMap [1..100000]
doubles = cachedList (2*)
squares = cachedList (\x -> x*x)
-- print doubles and squares
-- ...
I know in Haskell it doesn't make a difference (please correct me if I'm wrong) using comb x rest f = ... vs comb x rest = \f -> ..., but I chose this version to emphasize the idea.
Update: after some simple tests, I couldn't find any difference in execution times in Haskell. The question then is only about strict languages such as Scheme (at least the Racket implementation, where I tested it) and ML.
Executing a few extra arithmetic instructions in your loop body is cheaper than executing a few extra memory fetches, basically.
Traversals mean doing lots of memory access, so the less you do, the better. Fusion of traversals reduces memory traffic, and increases the straight line compute load, so you get better performance.
Concretely, consider this program to compute some math on a list:
go :: [Int] -> [Int]
go = map (+2) . map (^3)
Clearly, we design it with two traversals of the list. Between the first and the second traversal, a result is stored in an intermediate data structure. However, it is a lazy structure, so only costs O(1) memory.
Now, the Haskell compiler immediately fuses the two loops into:
go = map ((+2) . (^3))
Why is that? After all, both are O(n) complexity, right?
The difference is in the constant factors.
Considering this abstraction: for each step of the first pipeline we do:
i <- read memory -- cost M
j = i ^ 3 -- cost A
write memory j -- cost M
k <- read memory -- cost M
l = k + 2 -- cost A
write memory l -- cost M
so we pay 4 memory accesses, and 2 arithmetic operations.
For the fused result we have:
i <- read memory -- cost M
j = (i ^ 3) + 2 -- cost 2A
write memory j -- cost M
where A and M are the constant factors for doing math on the ALU and memory access.
There are other constant factors as well (two loop branches) instead of one.
So unless memory access is free (it is not, by a long shot) then the second version is always faster.
Note that compilers that operate on immutable sequences can implement array fusion, the transformation that does this for you. GHC is such a compiler.
There is another very important reason. If you traverse a list only once, and you have no other reference to it, the GC can release the memory claimed by the list elements as you traverse them. Moreover, if the list is generated lazily, you always have only a constant memory consumption. For example
import Data.List
main = do
let xs = [1..10000000]
sum = foldl' (+) 0 xs
len = foldl' (\_ -> (+ 1)) 0 xs
print (sum / len)
computes sum, but needs to keep the reference to xs and the memory it occupies cannot be released, because it is needed to compute len later. (Or vice versa.) So the program consumes a considerable amount of memory, the larger xs the more memory it needs.
However, if we traverse the list only once, it is created lazily and the elements can be GC immediately, so no matter how big the list is, the program takes only O(1) memory.
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
import Data.List
main = do
let xs = [1..10000000]
(sum, len) = foldl' (\(!s,!l) x -> (s + x, l + 1)) (0, 0) xs
print (sum / len)
Sorry in advance for a chatty-style answer.
That's probably obvious, but if we're talking about the performance, you should always verify hypotheses by measuring.
A couple of years ago I was thinking about the operational semantics of GHC, the STG machine. And I asked myself the same question — surely the famous "one-traversal" algorithms are not that great? It only looks like one traversal on the surface, but under the hood you also have this chain-of-thunks structure which is usually quite similar to the original list.
I wrote a few versions (varying in strictness) of the famous RepMin problem — given a tree filled with numbers, generate the tree of the same shape, but replace every number with the minimum of all the numbers. If my memory is right (remember — always verify stuff yourself!), the naive two-traversal algorithm performed much faster than various clever one-traversal algorithms.
I also shared my observations with Simon Marlow (we were both at an FP summer school during that time), and he said that they use this approach in GHC. But not to improve performance, as you might have thought. Instead, he said, for a big AST (such as Haskell's one) writing down all the constructors takes much space (in terms of lines of code), and so they just reduce the amount of code by writing down just one (syntactic) traversal.
Personally I avoid this trick because if you make a mistake, you get a loop which is a very unpleasant thing to debug.
So the answer to your question is, partial compilation. Done ahead of time, it makes it so that there's no need to traverse the list to get to the individual elements - all the references are found in advance and stored inside the pre-compiled function.
As to your concern about the need for that function to be traversed too, it would be true in interpreted languages. But compilation eliminates this problem.
In the presence of laziness this coding trick may lead to the opposite results. Having full equations, e.g. Haskell GHC compiler is able to perform all kinds of optimizations, which essentially eliminate the lists completely and turn the code into an equivalent of loops. This happens when we compile the code with e.g. -O2 switch.
Writing out the partial equations may prevent this compiler optimization and force the actual creation of functions - with drastic slowdown of the resulting code. I tried your cachedList code and saw a 0.01s execution time turn into 0.20s (don't remember right now the exact test I did).
I'm currently digesting the nice presentation Why learn Haskell? by Keegan McAllister. There he uses the snippet
minimum = head . sort
as an illustration of Haskell's lazy evaluation by stating that minimum has time-complexity O(n) in Haskell. However, I think the example is kind of academic in nature. I'm therefore asking for a more practical example where it's not trivially apparent that most of the intermediate calculations are thrown away.
Have you ever written an AI? Isn't it annoying that you have to thread pruning information (e.g. maximum depth, the minimum cost of an adjacent branch, or other such information) through the tree traversal function? This means you have to write a new tree traversal every time you want to improve your AI. That's dumb. With lazy evaluation, this is no longer a problem: write your tree traversal function once, to produce a huge (maybe even infinite!) game tree, and let your consumer decide how much of it to consume.
Writing a GUI that shows lots of information? Want it to run fast anyway? In other languages, you might have to write code that renders only the visible scenes. In Haskell, you can write code that renders the whole scene, and then later choose which pixels to observe. Similarly, rendering a complicated scene? Why not compute an infinite sequence of scenes at various detail levels, and pick the most appropriate one as the program runs?
You write an expensive function, and decide to memoize it for speed. In other languages, this requires building a data structure that tracks which inputs for the function you know the answer to, and updating the structure as you see new inputs. Remember to make it thread safe -- if we really need speed, we need parallelism, too! In Haskell, you build an infinite data structure, with an entry for each possible input, and evaluate the parts of the data structure that correspond to the inputs you care about. Thread safety comes for free with purity.
Here's one that's perhaps a bit more prosaic than the previous ones. Have you ever found a time when && and || weren't the only things you wanted to be short-circuiting? I sure have! For example, I love the <|> function for combining Maybe values: it takes the first one of its arguments that actually has a value. So Just 3 <|> Nothing = Just 3; Nothing <|> Just 7 = Just 7; and Nothing <|> Nothing = Nothing. Moreover, it's short-circuiting: if it turns out that its first argument is a Just, it won't bother doing the computation required to figure out what its second argument is.
And <|> isn't built in to the language; it's tacked on by a library. That is: laziness allows you to write brand new short-circuiting forms. (Indeed, in Haskell, even the short-circuiting behavior of (&&) and (||) aren't built-in compiler magic: they arise naturally from the semantics of the language plus their definitions in the standard libraries.)
In general, the common theme here is that you can separate the production of values from the determination of which values are interesting to look at. This makes things more composable, because the choice of what is interesting to look at need not be known by the producer.
Here's a well-known example I posted to another thread yesterday. Hamming numbers are numbers that don't have any prime factors larger than 5. I.e. they have the form 2^i*3^j*5^k. The first 20 of them are:
The 500000th one is:
The program that printed the 500000th one (after a brief moment of computation) is:
merge xxs#(x:xs) yys#(y:ys) =
case (x`compare`y) of
LT -> x:merge xs yys
EQ -> x:merge xs ys
GT -> y:merge xxs ys
hamming = 1 : m 2 `merge` m 3 `merge` m 5
m k = map (k *) hamming
main = print (hamming !! 499999)
Computing that number with reasonable speed in a non-lazy language takes quite a bit more code and head-scratching. There are a lot of examples here
Consider generating and consuming the first n elements of an infinite sequence. Without lazy evaluation, the naive encoding would run forever in the generation step, and never consume anything. With lazy evaluation, only as many elements are generated as the code tries to consume.
I have a question about implementing caching (memoization) using arrays in Haskell. The following pattern works:
f = (fA !)
where fA = listArray...
But this does not (the speed of the program suggests that the array is getting recreated each call or something):
f n = (fA ! n)
where fA = listArray...
Defining fA outside of a where clause (in "global scope") also works with either pattern.
I was hoping that someone could point me towards a technical explanation of what the difference between the above two patterns is.
Note that I am using the latest GHC, and I'm not sure if this is just a compiler peculiarity or part of the language itself.
EDIT: ! is used for array access, so fA ! 5 means fA[5] in C++ syntax. My understanding of Haskell is that (fA !) n would be the same as (fA ! n)...also it would have been more conventional for me to have written "f n = fA ! n" (without the parentheses). Anyway, I get the same behaviour no matter how I parenthesize.
The difference in behavior is not specified by the Haskell standard. All it has to say is that the functions are the same (will result in the same output given the same input).
However in this case there is a simple way to predict time and memory performance that most compilers adhere to. Again I stress that this is not essential, only that most compilers do it.
First rewrite your two examples as pure lambda expressions, expanding the section:
f = let fA = listArray ... in \n -> fA ! n
f' = \n -> let fA = listArray ... in fA ! n
Compilers use let binding to indicate sharing. The guarantee is that in a given environment (set of local variables, lambda body, something like that), the right side of a let binding with no parameters will be evaluated at most once. The environment of fA in the former is the whole program since it is not under any lambda, but the environment of the latter is smaller since it is under a lambda.
What this means is that in the latter, fA may be evaluated once for each different n, whereas in the former this is forbidden.
We can see this pattern in effect even with multi argument functions:
g x y = (a ! y) where a = [ x ^ y' | y' <- [0..] ]
g' x = (\y -> a ! y) where a = [ x ^ y' | y' <- [0..] ]
Then in:
let k = g 2 in k 100 + k 100
We might compute 2^100 more than once, but in:
let k = g' 2 in k 100 + k 100
We will only compute it once.
If you are doing work with memoization, I recommend data-memocombinators on Hackage, which is a library of memo tables of different shapes, so you don't have to roll your own.
The best way to find what is going on is to tell the compiler to output its intermediate representation with -v4. The output is voluminous and a bit hard to read, but should allow you to find out exactly what the difference in the generated code is, and how the compiler arrived there.
You will probably notice that fA is being moved outside the function (to the "global scope") on your first example. On your second example, it probably is not (meaning it will be recreated on each call).
One possible reason for it not being moved outside the function would be because the compiler is thinking it depends on the value of n. On your working example, there is no n for fA to depend on.
But the reason I think the compiler is avoiding moving fA outside on your second example is because it is trying to avoid a space leak. Consider what would happen if fA, instead of your array, were an infinite list (on which you used the !! operator). Imagine you called it once with a large number (for instance f 10000), and later only called it with small numbers (f 2, f 3, f 12...). The 10000 elements from the earlier call are still on memory, wasting space. So, to avoid this, the compiler creates fA again every time you call your function.
The space leak avoidance probably does not happen on your first example because in that case f is in fact only called once, returning a closure (we are now at the frontier of the pure functional and the imperative worlds, so things get a bit more subtle). This closure replaces the original function, which will never be called again, so fA is only called once (and thus the optimizer feels free to move it outside the function). On your second example, f does not get replaced by a closure (since its value depends on the argument), and thus will get called again.
If you want to try to understand more of this (which will help reading the -v4 output), you could take a look at the Spineless Tagless G-Machine paper (citeseer link).
As to your final question, I think it is a compiler peculiarity (but I could be wrong). However, it would not surprise me if all compilers did the same thing, even if it were not part of the language.
Cool, thank you for your answers which helped a lot, and I will definitely check out data-memocombinators on Hackage. Coming from a C++-heavy background, I've been struggling with understanding exactly what Haskell will do (mainly in terms of complexity) with a given program, which tutorials don't seem to get in to.