I'm using vim 7.3 in Lion OSX.
Whatever theme I have tried to apply retains the terminal's background color, which in my case I've set as Silver Aerogel theme.
Curiously, using the theme Zenburn works but breaks after awhile resulting in something that looks like the attached image. In my vimrc, I have this set set t_Co=256. My vimrc file: http://dpaste.com/699961/
Help guys?
I used to have this problem... Then I learned that color schemes designed for gvim or macvim are not necessarily compatible in a 256 terminal. If it wasn't designed for a 256 color terminal, try the csapprox plugin. (csappox description)
I installed powerline and downloded all the fonts. Configured _vimrc to the font FiraMono and it worked but I can't change the font into nothing else
I installed RobotoMono in my windows But I cant set my gVim into RobotoMono font.
When I edit _vimrc into RobotoMono then airline status bar goes weird and font become Fixedsys My _vimrc screenshot
I am using gVim on windows searched for solution but nothing worked.
When GUI font becomes fixedsys on gvim, it means gvim cant find the font you specified (in this case, RobotoMono); so it fallbacks to its default font thats fixedsys and of course unpatched fixedsys is not contain fancy powerline symbols and as the result, airline statusbar becomes weird.
As you noted your patched FiraMono font works, the problem seems to be with font name that you are entered in your vimrc so first from gvim menu go to: Edit > Font > show more fonts and from there select the RobotoMono font that you Installed, after selecting that font a name will appear underneath dropdown list; thats the right name you should enter in your vimrc file. By the way i have got these patched fonts installed and the names are:
Roboto Mono for Powerline
Roboto Mono Light for Powerline
Roboto Mono Medium for Powerline
Roboto Mono Thin for Powerline
AND do not forget to scape spaces in them with \
P.S. You dont need let g:Powerline_symbols="fancy" in your vimrc.
I have the solarized theme working in a terminal vim session. It looks great at first until you move off page and black space appears. If you then scroll back up the black space is also in the originally colored areas... The colors do not change if you use page up page down, only j,k
What the error looks like:
You do not have the the solarized dark theme working in your terminal Vim session. I can tell because your background is black/dark gray. The solarized dark background is dark blueish.
To get the solarized colorscheme to work properly within your terminal emulator you have to change the color settings of your terminal emulator to solarized.
How to do so depends on which kind of terminal emulator you use. With gnome-terminal, you can set the colors to solarized this way: Edit - Profile Preferences - Colors - Palette - Builtin schemes: solarized. For other terminal emulator use Google to figure out how to change the terminal emulator color.
Note that this of course also changes the colors displayed in your normal shell - but this is necessary and advised.
The problem was caused by the Background Color Erase of the terminal
fixed by adding the line
set t_ut=
see for further details
further details
I just downloaded the solarized theme for vim and for the mate terminal and am now desperately trying to set them up.
I've kinda got the light theme on MATE Terminal running (as stated in the description of solarized theme the dark theme is work in progress) but don't see any other colors then the normal text color and am now wondering if this is as intended (and how to properly test this)...
In vim I'd like to run the dark theme, but if I do as described on the page (https://github.com/altercation/vim-colors-solarized) it doesn't work. I just get results like this:
Im kinda new to linux so I'd appreciate any help :)
As ryuichiro suggested: Ubuntu, vim, and the solarized color palette
I just upgraded my Ubuntu laptop from 12.04 to 12.10.
In 12.04, running emacs -nw opened emacs in terminal mode using the terminal color scheme (background, foreground, ..., especially it keeped my transparent terminal background).
Now in 12.10, running the same command results in emacs opened in the terminal with an other color scheme (with a gray background). How can I tell emacs to keep my terminal color scheme ?
Thanks to https://stackoverflow.com/users/774691/john-k-doe's comment, I finally get the reason why my emacs -nw appeared like that.
I edited the font size (for the default face) in an emacs window (launched without the -nw option) and then saved this new setting using the menu entry Options -> Save Options. This action modified my ~/.xemacs/custom.el file loaded by default in my ~/.emacs file. The modification included background and foreground properties for the default face with the value used in "Window" mode.
To solve the issue, I just removed this custom entry from the custom.el file.
I'm not sure that there is a sensible answer to this. After all, a gnome terminal colour theme lists three "colours": (1) Text, (2) Background (3) Bold.
The way Emacs works is that every bit of text is given a "face". A colour theme is a mapping of faces to colours. There are more than three faces...
I've been trying to get colourschemes to work properly in VIM when using it over ssh with PuTTy as a client but unfortunately I haven't had much success. I can only get 8bit colours working with PuTTY even though I've enabled 256 colors in putty and set t_Co=256 in VIM. They don't turn out as they should. I've been trying to replicate this setup http://www.interworksinc.com/blogs/ckaukis/2009/06/03/vim-color-schemes-putty but as I say it's been in vain so far.
Has anyone here had success with colourschemes working with VIM in PuTTy? I'd appreciate any advice
[EDIT] Turns out I've found the source of the problem. I was using vim in a screen which was breaking the colours. Updated question I guess is, is it possible to have working colors in a screen session? [/EDIT]
As well as compiled support, it may be necessary to add some config to screenrc (I needed to).
http://www.frexx.de/xterm-256-notes/ has a good guide. The relevant part to screen:
By default, screen is not aware that it is running in a 256 color capable xterm. To make programs in screen recognize this feature, you need to set three things in your ~/.screenrc:
# terminfo and termcap for nice 256 color terminal
# allow bold colors - necessary for some reason
attrcolor b ".I"
# tell screen how to set colors. AB = background, AF=foreground
termcapinfo xterm 'Co#256:AB=\E[48;5;%dm:AF=\E[38;5;%dm'
# erase background with current bg color
defbce "on"
Yes, you can do 256 colours with screen, however, this option usually isn't compiled in. Simply compile screen yourself with:
Alternatively, you could get a tabbed PuTTy. It has the advantage of ctrl-a going to the beginning of the line, and saves you from many termcap headaches. However, if you like to reconnect to your screen sessions from multiple terminals, there really isn't anything better than screen for the job.
NB. This question probably belongs on Superuser.
I had same problem on Mac Os, tried some solutions but all tests show that 256 colors not displayed. After that I'm installed screen from brew and all works great. Maybe it's because Mac Os default screen from /usr/bin/ compiled without --enable-colors256 flag.
Solution for mac os: brew install screen
I had trouble with black background in Putty: blue characters on a black background with default colours are hard to read:
My solution for a better contrast was to enable "system colors" checkbox unter
"Settings / Window / Colours / Use system colors"
This displays the Putty screen with black characters on a white background. Not hip but readable :-)