nsIGenericFactory.h is missing in the above version of xulrunner-2.0.en-US.win32.sdk - mozilla

Previously, I created XPCOM dll for the mozilla version 3.6 and XulRunner version of 1.9.2.
Now I try to update that xpcom dll for the mozilla recent versions namely 4 and above.
So I downloaded Xul Runner above version but I couldn't find nsIGenericFactory.h.
How to work my xpcom dll for the mozilla 4 and above versions.
Actually I used the following sample to develop XPCOM DLL.

Since Mozilla 4.0 is using Gecko 2.0 this applys to your situation:
Quoting the XPCOM changes in Gecko 2.0:
Note that nsIGenericFactory.h has been removed.
References to nsIGenericFactory.h should be replaced with mozilla/ModuleUtils.h
After doing so, you would have to recompile all XPCOM components following the instructions from https://developer.mozilla.org/en/XPCOM/XPCOM_changes_in_Gecko_2.0
There is a topic about this problem in the mozilla forum too.
The headerfile is provided on this site: nsIGenericFactory.h


XPages Extension Library cannot be found

I'm getting the error below when I run my application:
com.ibm.xsp.FacesExceptionEx: The application /test/Test.nsf requires com.ibm.xsp.extlib.relational.library
The extension library cannot be found, but the library was installed by replicating the updatesite.nsf from the main server to the current server throwing this error.
When I issue the command below:
tell http osgi ss com.ibm.xsp.extlib
The log show that the library is ACTIVE, but does not show that it has been INSTALLED.
Since the library is already on the server, how can I install it?
Your support will be appreciated.
com.ibm.xsp.extlib.relational.library is not part of the core 9.0.1 Extension Library. It was only incorporated into the core OpenNTF Extension Library in 9.0.1_v00_10. It was not incorporated into core IBM Extension Library until Feature Pack 8. You will see that nothing starting com.ibm.xsp.extlib is referenced in your screenshot of the server console, and version 9.0.1_v00_00 which shows you only have 9.0.1 base Extension Library installed. There are three options:
Install ExtLibX component from the OpenNTF Extension Library. You will still be using the base 9.0.1 version for all other controls.
Upgrade the version of the Extension Library to a more recent version, e.g. 9.0.1_v00_17. This will override the base 9.0.1 version of all Extension Library controls.
Upgrade to 9.0.1 Feature Pack 8.
Note that if you use ExtLibX, SSJS code or XPages components will continue to work when you subsequently upgrade ExtLib (or Domino to FP8+). However, to avoid name collisions, the Java class names will change. If you use custom Java code, you will need to edit and update the classes to the new Java package names when upgrading in the future.

Can't update hot tuna ios dialog support to version 3.5

When I try to update or to install dialog support package I get the error:
Could not install package 'MvvmCross.HotTuna.Touch.Dialog 3.5.0'. You are trying to install this package into a project that targets 'MonoTouch,Version=v1.0', but the package does not contain any assembly references or content files that are compatible with that framework. For more information, contact the package author.
The issue is you are still targeting the old 32 bit only iOS api (the MonoTouch.dll). All apps being written for the store must support 64 bit and 32 bit (Xamarin.ios.dll).
You can I believe get a build of mvvmcross 3.5 that will support the old apis, but I'd look at upgrading your project to support the new iOS apis. Xamarin produce some good docs here: http://developer.xamarin.com/guides/cross-platform/macios/32-and-64/.
This goes without saying but make sure you have everything in source control first before upgrading just in case. Once you have upgraded you should upgrade all mvvmcross components to 3.5

Telerik.Windows.Controls.DataVisualization, version- 2013.3.1316.45 is not supporting

I am using telerik RadTreeMap control. It is showing error when we use DLL Telerik.Windows.Controls.DataVisualization, version- 2013.3.1316.45 is not supporting. when I use version - 2013.3.1316.40 then it work fine. But all over in our application we already used the DLL of version 2013.3.1316.45 and we cant use the old version DLL 2013.3.1316.40. So how we can use the DLL version 2013.3.1316.45 In RadTreeMap application, please give the solution as early as possible.

Old version of TypeScript installation program (.MSI, or .VSIX) needed - - where to find?

Anybody know how to get the .MSI installer for an older version of Typescript - the download at the offical URL for version is no longer available.
It seems newer version 1.0 or is available, but that version is incompatible with my client's software which I am attempting to support.
Any idea how to get the specific version I need?
OK - found it. After some digging, there is a reference in the bowels of the Microsoft Download Center for many old versions of TypeScript.
Expand the 'Details' section and scroll down, click 'Download' link on desired version...

How to get MvvmCross vNext to compile on Mac using MonoDevelop

I am trying to compile the vNext branch of MvvmCross on a Mac to try & start doing some iOS development using PCL's & MvvMCross.
I have spent a couple of days on this now but appear to be going in circles... being somewhat new to both C# & the Mac.
I have installed MonoDevelop 3.1.1 as recently referred to on #slodge's blog.
I have updated the targets file as per this reference https://files.xamarin.com/~jeff/Microsoft.Portable.CSharp.targets
I have downloaded the vNext branch from GitHub.
I have loaded the mvvmcross_all.sln in MonoDevelop however building it using the Debug|iPhone Simulator profile gives me 3 errors.
I have not been able to work out how to fix the references errors as for example appear in CrossUI.Core, ie references to
Each of these lines has an error of Assembly not available for .NetPortable 4.0 Profile1 Profile (in Mono 2.10.9)
I realise its all a moving target but its obviously possible to get it to compile.
Any suggestions as to what I may have missed would be appreciated.
Thanks Andreas
In the version referenced in the blog at http://slodge.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/a-patched-monodevelop-for-pcls.html, it appears that MonoDevelop reports that CrossUI is missing its references - but it still compiles. See this screenshot from my Mac - solution explorer reports problems but 'rebuild all' on CrossUI succeeds.
If you get problems with building, please do report the build output and I'll try to help.
Note that the patched version of MonoDevelop also still has other problems - e.g. syntax highlighting and intellisense issues- MonoTouch: creating multiplatform apps using Portable Class Libraries
Alternatively, there are some iOS/Mac friendly binaries on SkyDrive - http://slodge.blogspot.co.uk/p/mvvmcross-binaries_7.html
The schedule for 'proper' support of Portable Class Libraries is aiming for a demonstrable version before Evolve (so less than 2 months away). Until then I'll personally continue to do most of my PCL work in VS, with the platform specific steps in MonoDevelop.
