Can the default location of an Orchard CMS module be changed? - orchardcms

I'm setting up an Orchard CMS project with the intention of creating a module to house my MVC 3 application. This application has already been started and has 5 projects already. One web project, some test projects and a workflow project.
Requiring that the web project (and therefore the other 4 projects for simplicity) lives within /Orchard.Web/Modules/ is a minor inconvenience - is it possible to change where Orchard looks (or add a new location) when dynamically loading the modules?
It's not a massive deal, but a nice to have for this project.
In an ideal world i'd be able to have:
I know i can arrange my sln in a nice usable way, would be nice if i could replicate this in the file system.

Wouldn't be easier to add an afterBuild task in your web project to copy the application to the Orchard's modules directory?
Something like that in the csproj file would do the trick (sort of, I am not entirely sure of my syntax. :'( )
<Target Name="AfterBuild">
<AppFiles Include="**\*.*"/>
<Copy SourceFiles="#(AppFiles)"
DestinationFiles="#(AppFiles->'..\OrchardStuff\Orchard.Web\Modules\MyModule\%(RecursiveDir)%(Filename)%(Extension)')" />
The MSDN documentation is here:

The solution I used is adding the following line to post-build operation:
if not exist "$(SolutionDir)..\Orchard\src\Orchard.Web\Modules\$(ProjectName)" mklink /D "$(SolutionDir)..\Orchard\src\Orchard.Web\Modules\$(ProjectName)" ""$(ProjectDir)"
This command creates a symlink of your dev folder inside Orchard's Modules folder (only if such symlink doesn't already exist).
It has the following advantages over #Eilistraee's answer:
If you change Javascript/CSS file in your dev machine, you don't need to build the project to get the changes into Orchard.
You don't get duplicate files on your drive
Post-build is a more explicit option and the macro variables make it easy to copy to any new module.

No that's not possible without some major efforts. Not worth it.


Publish Web App files to different locations

I'm start to develop modules for DotNetNuke. I followed different tutorials(most by Chris Hammond) but there is something i don't like, and I'm searching a different way to do so.
He recommends to put a DotNetNuke installation, with IIS and SQL Server, on the developer PC and put your Project into the DesktopModules folder. I don't like it because i want to separate my project from DotNetNuke.
Is there a way to split the build/publish to different location like dll into folder x and all other stuff into folder y?
You could, but I don't really see the point. I see where you're coming from because it seemed awkward to me at first as well, but it really is the most efficient way to develop on the DNN platform. I have mine set up so all of my modules are in the same solution and branched in source from the root DNN folder. We don't keep the DNN core in source so the developer is responsible for that, although that may change at some point to keep versioning consistent.
By keeping your project located where it's installed, you can develop your modules the same way you'd develop any other web app you're building. If you make a change in markup you just have to save the file and refresh your page. If you change something in code just build and refresh.
If you really must keep them separate, you can absolutely do so (really the only benefit of this that I can see is that if you uninstall a module and accidentally click the checkbox to delete files - it happens - you don't have to worry about it). Create your project where you want it, change the Output Path to your DNN bin folder, and create post-build events to copy all of your .js, .ascx, and .css files (plus any others you may need - images, HTML files, XML files, etc.) to appropriate folder(s) in the DesktopModules folder. Just remember that you have to build the project every time you make ANY changes to test them, and you have to write/change your post-build events every time you add a new type of resource, change/add a directory, etc.
Either that or you can build an install package and uninstall/reinstall the module every time you change some padding in your stylesheet ... but I'd stick with keeping the project in the DesktopModules folder.
Sure you can do that.
Set up your solution and module projects anywhere, build the projects and copy the appropriate parts (such as the *.ascx , *.ascx.resx, *.dnn files) back to your website folder -
website/ DesktopModules/Your_module_name
Copy the module dll to the website's bin and you good to go.

Defining shared library in Typescript and Visual Studio Express

I have ProjectA set up compiling and running in Visual Studio with Typescript. I now want to set up ProjectB, and use some of the code from ProjectA
So if my directory structure is:
is it possible to edit ProjectA and ProjectB .csproj files to point to the shared typescript code?
I have tested this by placing the shared files (the TypeScript file and associated files) in a shared folder and then using Add > Existing Item and selecting Add As Link when I add the files.
If you are using reference comments, you'll need to use the relative path - if you drag the shared file onto a local TypeScript file it will generate this for you:
/// <reference path="../../Shared/Logger.ts" />
You will need to consider your deployment strategy. One way to do it would be to set the JavaScript files to copy on build, so they would all appear in your bin folder.
You might also want to consider packaging your shared stuff - you could make NuGet packages for them for example.
There is a workaround by editing the csproj file. You need to put in a entry for each subfolder, but for my case where I have lots of shared files, this is worthwhile. Using this method, all the files in a subfolder are also listed in the Solution Explorer.
<Content Include="..\..\shared\*">
<Content Include="..\..\shared\subfolderA\*">
<Content Include="..\..\shared\subfolderB\*">
The Link element shows the path as it will appear in the Solution Explorer. Note the extra \f at the end of the Link path. This can be any string and, for whatever reason, makes the parser interpret it in the way we want.
I've marked Steve Fenton's answer as correct since it is probably the best approach for most cases.
I was recently dealing with this problem. Here's how I got things running for me without dependencies on the other project.
I made my application with the source .ts files to run on my local IIS machine.
I then added reference to the js files in my testrunner file to point to the localhost address.
To write the tests and have access to the .ts files I just make added a copy as link file to my Typescript folder in my test runner project.
this worked pretty well for me. Thought I'd share.
By using Fenton's solution I was able not just to reuse source from project A, but also to debug it from project B. Solution behaves almost like project A is a class library.
Project A is a web app written in TS (empty web project template). Project B is UWP wrapper around Project A with some additional functionality. Here is the solution structure:
- Project A (ASP.Net Web Application)
- Scripts
- TS
- (all ts files)
- tsconfig.json
- App
- ts.js,, ts.d.ts (these three are result of compilation)
- Project B (UWP JS)
- Scripts
- App
- ts.js,, ts.d.ts (these three are added as links from A)
- TS
- (additional functionality)
Now, you can use breakpoints in Project A ts files while debugging Project B.

AjaxMin not working on Azure site

I am using Microsoft's AjaxMin to minify javascript on my website, which is hosted by Azure. I am using a BuildTask to automatically minify javascript at run time. This build task is specified in the .csproj file.
The process is working on my local environment, however, it does not work when I deploy to my Azure site. The azure site throws 404: file not found errors, when i try to reference the minified version of .js files.
Is it possible to use build tasks on an Azure site? Is there anything I am missing? I have made sure not to include the .min.js files in source control as this ( tutorial suggests, but I am wondering if there is anything specific to Azure that I need to set up.
I've got this working properly in my projects. I'll tell you how I did it, though this may not be the simplest or most straightforward way.
Before we get started, it's helpful to be able to check if your minified files are included in the Azure deployment package without actually deploying. It's pretty easy to do. The .cspkg file is actually a zip-formatted file, so you can open it with any zip archiver. (I like to use 7Zip for this because the right-click -> Open Archive command doesn't require you to rename the file, but you could use Windows Explorer, WinRAR, etc.) Inside the .cspkg you'll see another large file with a .cssx extension. That's a zip file too. Inside of the .cssx you'll find a sitesroot folder with a subdirectory for each website you're deploying, which will contain all your actual website files. So you can poke around in there and see what files are being deployed to Azure.
First, try editing the project file for your web project (the one that contains all the Javascript/CSS files). You can use Notepad, or in Visual Studio right-click the project, select "Unload Project", then right-click again and select "Edit ". Inside the project file, insert a section like this:
<!-- Copy over all the minified CSS & JS to the output directory-->
<Content Include="**\*.min.css" />
<Content Include="**\*.min.js" />
Then reload the project, repackage it, and see if your files are included in the .cspkg file. If they are, then you're done.
If not, there are a couple other things to check. Your minification might not be running at the right build stage. My minification target looks like this:
<Target Name="PrepWebApp" Condition="$(Configuration)=='Release'" AfterTargets="AfterBuild">
If that's still not working and your Web Role has multiple Sites and/or Virtual Applications in it, it's possible that the packaging steps are not running for all of the sites. So when you go to package your project for deployment to Azure, it may still not be running the minification step (along with the web.config transformations, and some other things). If that's the case, see this blog post for a way to fix it.
Just in case that blog post goes away, I'll copy the most relevant bit here. You would put this in the .ccproj file for your web role (with appropriate bits changed to match your project structure):
<!-- Inject the publication of "secondary" sites into the Windows Azure build/project packaging process. -->
<!-- This is the directory within the web application project directory to which the project will be "published" for later packaging by the Azure project. -->
<!-- These SecondarySite items represent the collection of sites (other than the web application associated with the role) that need special packaging. -->
<SecondarySite Include="..\WebApplication1\WebApplication1.csproj" />
<SecondarySite Include="..\WebApplication2\WebApplication2.csproj" />
<Target Name="CleanSecondarySites">
<RemoveDir Directories="%(SecondarySite.RootDir)%(Directory)$(SecondarySitePublishDir)" />
<Target Name="PublishSecondarySites" Condition="'$(PackageForComputeEmulator)' == 'true'
Or '$(IsExecutingPublishTarget)' == 'true' ">
Execute the Build (and more importantly the _WPPCopyWebApplication) target to "publish" each secondary web application project.
Note the setting of the WebProjectOutputDir property; this is where the project will be published to be later picked up by CSPack.
<MSBuild Projects="%(SecondarySite.Identity)" Targets="Build;_WPPCopyWebApplication" Properties="Configuration=$(Configuration);Platform=$(Platform);WebProjectOutputDir=$(SecondarySitePublishDir)" />
The build task will run in Visual Studio when you build the project. You need to make sure that the minified files are also being deployed to Azure.
I'm guessing that perhaps because the item is being generated at build-time that it's not part of the project itself, and is this ignored by the deployment step.
Please check that the deployment system being used will include all the script files and not just the ones that are in the project itself.

WSPBuilder: How to create a deployment package to deploy .dll and .wsp?

I'm using WSPBuilder and it is being very helpful. However, it was being hard to understand the strength of WSPBuilder because of missing manual. I've to create a solution file to deploy "Return of SmartPart" (.wsp file), "Application Template Core" (.wsp file) and also "AJAX Extensions" (.dll files). So, I won't have to edit the web.config to mark them safe controls. Please, suggest HOW?
Quick answer:
C:\Program Files\WSPBuilder\WSPBuilder.exe.config
(or where ever you've installed it)
add key="BuildSafeControls" value=""
Long answer:
WSPBuilder is great for when you want to do a quick deployment via Visual Studio to your SharePoint installation. I have found that that it gets harder to configure when you need to deploy CAS policies but I'm sure they will do work in this area for future versions.
WSPBuilder in your scenario can automatically build and deploy the safecontrol entries that need to go into your site. Good thing about WSP's are that once you retract a solution, it will also go back and remove the safecontrol entries so you don't need a tidy up job.
Regarding different projects, if you need to install third party wsps, then WSPBuilder hasn't been designed for that purpose, I suggest a simple batch file with some stsadm commands. If some of these solutions are your own code, you should divide each into a different VS project and build their WSP's seperately. You may even need to divide them into different .sln (solution files) but I've not tried this way myself so couldn't say for sure.
Personally, I would only use use WspBuilder to build deployment packages that need to be deployed to live environments if I can be sure its not adding extra bits that may become a problem. Therefore you'll need to think about WSPBuilder wsp's are good enough for you.
Recently I came accross an issue with CAS policies and decided to make my WSP's manually. Under the hood, WSP files are CAB files, you can just create a CAB file and rename its extention to .WSP. I would advise, creating a WSP, rename it to Open it and up and extract the files, and have a look to see whether its doing what you want. Key file to look at: manifest.xml.
As far as I know, you can't nest WSP files in other WSP files. You'll have to install those separately.
If you want to install DLLs (other than the one that's built as part of your WSPBuilder project), create a folder in the project called GAC and put them there. All DLLs in that folder will be installed to the GAC when the WSP is installed.
To install a WSP package, you'll need to run:
stsadm -o addsolution -filename MyFeature.wsp
You can then deploy it from SP Central Administration.
You can also create a WSP file manually without WSPBuilder - it's a CAB archive and you can create a WSP file using the makecab.exe utility that comes with Windows and an additional description file that lists the files that should end up in the WSP file.

Packaging multiple features into a single WSP solution file

I am working on a sharepoint feature which includes a couple of list definitions, 2 webparts, a feature receiver assembly and an InfoPath form.
I have to use WSPBuilder to package these, and the requirement is to package all these features into a single WSP solution file.
Now, WSP builder requires the deployment files in a particular folder structure, same as the 12 Hive of sharepoint.
My problem is that all my features were developed separately, and consist of multiple project files, and these are not necessarily in the same folder structure..
How do I use WSP Builder to package multiple features into a single WSP solution?
Maybe this will help:
Ultimately, I think you gain a lot of flexibility by building your own wsp files by using a tool like NANT.
There's no particular action you need to undertake in wspbuilder to have multiple features in the same solution package.
All you need to do is create a new folder for each feature under the 12\TEMPLATE\FEATURES folder inside your solution in Visual Studio and place the appropriate feature.xml file in that folder. For example, you may have:
... and so on.
Upon building the solution, wspbuilder will read the entire tree structure of your 12 folder and append the corresponding nodes in the wsp's manifest.xml file. The same goes for any other possible subfolders inside the "TEMPLATE" folder, including IMAGES, LAYOUTS, etc: at deployment time they will all be copied in the correct folder inside the real 12 hive, because the 12 folder inside your solution is meant to be a replica of the original one.
For a better understanding, create some folders and files inside your 12 folder in the visual studio solution, compile your project and look inside the generated manifest.xml file.
The simple answer is that you are going to have to copy all the files form the individual projects into one master project for your solution. As long as all your individual feature files are in the correct location in your '12' folder then you'll be good to go.
Note: You'll need to check all your references to any assemblies as this solution will create 1 assembly for all your custom logic.
I had trouble adding dlls to the wsp so I wrote a short article about it: How to Add DLLs to a WSP Solution
I usually have one project in the solution designated as the "main" one. I set the dependencies so that this "main" project is built last. Then for the other projects that I want to be included in the wsp package, I edit the "Post Build Events" to xcopy the contents of the 12 folder and that dlls built by the projects into corresponding folders for the main project. Then after I build the whole solution, I can build the wsp package for the main project and know that it contains everything.
