open 100 files in vim - linux

I need to grep to tons (10k+) of files for specific words.
now that returns a list of files that i also need to grep for another word.
i found on that grep can do this so i use:
grep -rl word1 *
which returns the list of files i want to check.
now from these files (100+), i need to grep another word. so i have to do another grep
vim `grep word2 `grep -rl word1 *``
but that hangs, and it does not do anything,

Because you have a double `, you need to use the $()
vi `grep -l 'word2' $(grep -rl 'word1' *)`
Or you can use nested $(...) (like goblar mentioned)
vi $(grep -l 'word2' $(grep -rl 'word1' *))

grep -rl 'word1' | xargs grep -l 'word2' | xargs vi
is another option.


How to search for multiple patterns in multiple files using find or sed

grep -Zrl '$pattern1' /path/of/file | xargs -0 grep -rlZ '$pattern2' | xargs -0 grep -l '$pattern3' | xargs grep --color -C1 -E "$pattern1|$pattern2|$pattern3"
how to write the above command using sed or find.
The above command is basically searching 3 patterns at same time in multiple files.
sed is Stream EDitor, might not be the best utility to use for searching patterns.
I'm guessing you're trying to grep 3 patterns in one set of files, which you already did in your last pipe:
grep --color -C1 -E "$pattern1|$pattern2|$pattern3"
I'd use find and grep together when I know there are some patterns in the filenames, then grep based on the results like:
find -iname '*pattern_in_filename*' -exec grep -E "$pattern1|$pattern2|$pattern3" {} ;

Grep - How to concatenate filename to each returned line of file content?

I have a statement which
Finds a set of files
Cats their contents out
Then greps their contents
It is this pipeline:
find . | grep -i "Test_" | xargs cat | grep -i "start-node name="
produces an output such as:
<start-node name="Start" secure="false"/>
<start-node name="Run" secure="false"/>
What I was hoping to get is something like:
filename1-<start-node name="Start" secure="false"/>
filename2-<start-node name="Run" secure="false"/>
An easier may be to execute grep on the result of find, without xargs and cat:
grep -i "Test_" `find .` | grep -i "start-node name="
Because you cat all the files into a single stream, grep doesn't have any filename information. You want to give all the filenames to grep as arguments:
find ... | xargs grep "<start-node name=" /dev/null
Note two additional changes - I've dropped the -i flag, as it appears you're inspecting XML, and that's not case-insensitive; I've added /dev/null to the list of files, so that grep always has at least two files of input, even if find only gives one result. That's the portable way to get grep to print filenames.
Now, let's look at the find command. Instead of finding all files, then filtering through grep, we can use the -iregex predicate of GNU grep:
find . -iregex '.*Test_.*' \( -type 'f' -o -type 'l' \) | xargs grep ...
The mixed-case pattern suggests your filenames aren't really case-insensitive, and you might not want to grep symlinks (I'm sure you don't want directories and special files passed through), in which case you can simplify (and can use portable find again):
find . -name '*Test_*' -type 'f' | xargs grep ...
Now protect against the kind of filenames that trip up pipelines, and you have
find . -name '*Test_*' -type 'f' -print0 \
| xargs -0 grep -e "<start-node name=" -- /dev/null
Alternatively, if you have GNU grep, you don't need find at all:
grep --recursive --include '*[Tt]est_*' -e "<start-node name=" .
If you just need to count them:
find . | grep -i "Test_" | xargs cat | grep -i "start-node name=" | awk 'BEGIN{n=0}{n=n+1;print "filename" n "-" $0}'
From man grep:
-H Always print filename headers with output lines.

How to combine two search words with "grep" (AND)

With grep, I can find a word within 50 files in a local folder, i.e.:
grep -i "hello" *.html
But how can I find files that contain TWO words? Example: I would like to find all files, that contain Word "hello" AND word "peter". How can I combine two grep's?
To see the files containing both words (possibly on different lines), use -l and xargs:
grep -il "hello" *.html | xargs grep -il "peter"
If your files have spaces in their names, then we need to be a little more careful. For that we can use special options to grep and xargs:
grep -ilZ "hello" *.html | xargs -0 grep -il "peter"
egrep -irl "hello" * |egrep -irl "peter" \`cat -`
This will search recursively in all subfolders and will match regex within the quotes

How to find text files not containing text on Linux?

How do I find files not containing some text on Linux? Basically I'm looking for the inverse of the following
find . -print | xargs grep -iL "somestring"
The command you quote, ironically enough does exactly what you describe.
Test it!
echo "hello" > a
echo "bye" > b
grep -iL BYE a b
Says a only.
I think you may be confusing -L and -l
find . -print | xargs grep -iL "somestring"
is the inverse of
find . -print | xargs grep -il "somestring"
By the way, consider
find . -print0 | xargs -0 grep -iL "somestring"
Or even
grep -IRiL "somestring" .
You can do it with grep alone (without find).
grep -riL "somestring" .
This is the explanation of the parameters used on grep
-L, --files-without-match
each file processed.
-R, -r, --recursive
Recursively search subdirectories listed.
-i, --ignore-case
Perform case insensitive matching.
If you use l lowercase you will get the opposite (files with matches)
-l, --files-with-matches
Only the names of files containing selected lines are written
Find the markdown file through find and grep to find the mismatch
$ find. -name '* .md' -print0 | xargs -0 grep -iL "title"
Directly use grep's -L to search for files that only contain markdown files and no titles
$ grep -iL "title" -r ./* --include '* .md'
If you use "find" the script do "grep" also in folder:
[root#vps test]# find | xargs grep -Li 1234
grep: .: Is a directory
[root#vps test]#
Use the "grep" directly:
# grep -Li 1234 /root/test/*
[root#vps test]#
or specify in "find" the options "-type f"...even if you use the find you will put more time (first the list of files and then make the grep).

Regarding grep in solaris

I want grep for a particular work in multiple files. Multiple files are stored in variable testing.
TESTING=$(ls -tr *.txt)
test.txt ab.txt bc.txt
grep "word" "$TESTING"
grep: can't open test.txt
Giving me an error. Is there any other way to do it other than for loop
Take the double quotes out from around $TESTING.
grep "word" $TESTING
The double quotes are making your whole file list expand to a single argument to grep. The right way to do this is:
find . -name \*.txt -print0 | xargs -0 grep "word"
No quotes needed I guess.
grep "word" $TESTING
works for me (Ubuntu, bash).
