Why doesn't my vim mapping work? - vim

I followed the guide here to create vim mapppings. Put the following in my .vimrc file
let mapleader=','
if exists(":Tabularize")
nmap <Leader>a= :Tabularize /=<CR>
vmap <Leader>a= :Tabularize /=<CR>
nmap <Leader>a: :Tabularize /:\zs<CR>
vmap <Leader>a: :Tabularize /:\zs<CR>
The page says when I type ,a= it should tell Tabularize to align my lines. But instead it inserts the character = where the cursor is.
I have Tabularize installed and the :Tabularize command does work when I call it without mapping.
What am I doing wrong?

Your .vimrc file is read and executed before plugins are loaded, so :Tabularize isn't defined.
To find out the exact order in which the various scripts are called at startup you can run the command:
and you can learn the details about the initialization process with:
:help startup

Make sure that you set your mapleader to ,. Originally it is mapped to \.
To accomplish this add this to your vimrc or type in the command window:
let mapleader=","
Although from your code it looks like you are doing this, you have to make sure that it didn't get reset somewhere. In order to see what it is set to currently type let mapleader in the command window.


Why disabling mapping doesn't work in my vim editor?

In my vim editor, I can find two mappings of through following commands:
:imap <CR>
and it outputs:
i <CR> &#<SNR>60_AutoPairsOldCRWrapper73<SNR>60_AutoPairsReturn
i <CR> <CR><Plug>DiscretionaryEnd
I want to disable the first one, so I add it into my .vimrc file:
iunmap <buffer> <CR>
but vim shows error no such mapping error when I open my editor, but actually I can disable the mapping by typing command in editor:
:iunmap <buffer> <CR>
I want to know why I cann't make it work in my .vimrc configuration file.
Plugins are sourced after your vimrc so the mapping you want to disable is not defined when that comand is executed.
That said, the plugin's README tells you how to replace the default mappings. So… read it and experiment.

Using NERDCommenter

The tutorial gives this example:
<leader>c$ |NERDComEOLComment|
Comments the current line from the cursor to the end of line.
But pressing \c$ or ,c$ in vim copies the current line and switched to insert mode.
I've installed the plugin via pathogen and :help nerdcommenter does work, but there's no mention of nerdcommenter in the output of :scripts, don't know if that means the plugin hasn't been successfully installed.
This looks fine. Here are some troubleshooting tips:
Check the :scriptnames output for .../plugin/NERD_commenter.vim; it needs to be there.
Check :echo loaded_nerd_comments
Check :echo g:NERDCreateDefaultMappings
Check :nmap <Leader>c
Do other mappings work? Define :nmap <Leader>x :echomsg "Works"<CR> and press \x.
If mappings don't work, you may have accidentally :set paste. Undo with :set nopaste.

vim conditional keymap when a tex file is open

I am trying to make a keymap that will call latexmk when .tex is available (it would be better if .tex is the currently open and active buffer)
I tried :
:nnoremap <Leader>lw :if filereadable('*.tex')<cr>up!<cr>:!latexmk -pdf<cr>endif<cr>
when trying to make latexmk -pdf run, but unfortunately, its just prompting those line in the window, and doing nothing like:
:if filereadable('*.tex')
: up!
: :call Tex_RunLaTeX()
: endif
Press ENTER or type command to continue
kindly help.
(it will be great, as told, if this can be done when .tex is the currently open and active buffer.)
NB: this question and its variant has been asked here several time here eg this and this, hence sorry for the repetation. I have failed to solve my problem with those.
You need to do 3 things:
fix your mapping to run the command properly
create a mapping local to a specific buffer by using the <buffer> option for nnoremap.
load the mappings for just a specific filetype.
First fix the mapping by using executing the command as single ex command by using <bar> and removing :'s & <cr>'s. We also remove the filereadable portion because we just wrote the file.
nnoremap <buffer> :up!<bar>!latexmk -pdf<cr>
or you can use an expressing mapping like FDinoff suggested.
Note the <buffer> option on the mapping. This makes the mapping only available to the current buffer not every buffer.
Now we need to make sure this mapping only works for tex filetypes. This can be done via an autocommand in your .vimrc like so:
autocmd FileType tex nnoremap <buffer> :up!<bar>!latexmk -pdf<cr>
The other way option is by creating a filetype plugin. (see :h ftplugin for more details)
A simple example is do create a file named, ~/.vim/ftplugin/text.vim and place your mappings inside like so:
nnoremap <buffer> :up!<bar>!latexmk -pdf<cr>
I personally lean more towards the ftplugin approach but having a everything in your .vimrc file can be nice.
I feel like this could be done with an autocmd.
The autocmd only loads the mapping when the file is a tex file.
autocmd FileType tex nnoremap <leader>lw :up! \| !latexmk -pdf<CR>
If you want to do this filereadable('*.tex') which just checks to see if a file in the directory is a tex file. You could use the expr mapping from the first link. In the else part of the expression we just put an empty string so the mapping will do nothing.
nnoremap <expr> <leader>lw filereadable('*.txt') ? ':up! \| !latexmk -pdf<CR>' : ''

I want to update the file (if necessary) and run the system command on current file

I realize that I can :nmap <leader>rc :!cat %<CR> to provide an easy set of triggers, but I would like to do this instead.
nmap <leader>rc :up :!cat %<CR> but it complains about needing only one filename. How do I get vim to recognize both commands, in series?
You are missing a <CR> after :up. <CR> tells vim you want a carriage return here.
nmap <leader>rc :up<CR> :!cat %<CR>
The reason up is complaining about multiple file names is that it sees :!cat and %<CR> as two arguments to up.
So the new macro executes
:!cat %
instead of
:up :!cat %
(Side Note: you should probably use nnoremap instead of nmap)
ZyX recommends using the following mapping instead.
nnoremap ,rc :up\|execute "!cat" shellescape(#%, 1)<CR>
This uses | to separate commands and escapes the %. Escaping the % leads to a more robust mapping just incase the filename contains special characters.
Help for :h execute and :h shellescape

Extend a vim command

How can I extend a command in vim?
I want to do it in two situations,
After a :diffget or :diffput I always want to run a :diffupdate
After a :NERDTreeToggle I want to run a <C-w>=
I am unaware of any autocmd events that would be triggered for your scenarios. However a few custom mappings might be helpful.
You can change the default dp and do mappings to also do a :diffupdate
nnoremap dp dp:diffupdate<cr>
nnoremap do do:diffupdate<cr>
Note there are times where you cannot use dp and/or do and must use :diffput/:diffget. In these cases I would suggest you create a commands like so:
command! -nargs=? -range=1 -bar Diffput <line1>,<line2>diffput <args>|diffupdate
command! -nargs=? -range=1 -bar Diffget <line1>,<line2>diffget <args>|diffupdate
Or you can just map :diffupdate
nnoremap <f8> :diffupdate<cr>
nnoremap <leader>N :NERDTreeToggle<cr><c-w>=
Maybe you can have a look to the vim macro. It is probably suitable for what you want to do :).
Create your own custom function in VimScript in your .vimrc that wraps several commands.
Here's one I use to launch a Clojure Repl in a buffer using several plugins:
fun! LeinCMD()
execute 'ConqueTerm lein repl'
execute 'set syntax=clojure'
execute 'normal! i'
command! Repl call LeinCMD()
I then call this command with :Repl (note that your custom commands must always start with an uppercase letter).
Source: Automate running several vim commands and keystrokes
